Trapped Inside
Maxie's Perspective-
Two Days Later-
Maxie looked up as the door opened and Impulse walked in, looking furious.
"Dad? Are you okay?" Maxie asked and Bdubs walked over.
"Maxie, I need you to listen to me closely." Impulse said, kneeling down next to his daughter.
"Er- okay?"
Impulse took a deep breath and put his hand on her shoulder.
"I don't want you talking to Skizz or Tango anymore."
"What?! Why? They're my uncles!"
"I know, and they mean a lot to you, but they're not good people."
"But Skizz's job is to save lives. Like yours."
"Maxie, you need to listen to me. Promise me you won't go near them anymore. Especially not Tango."
Maxie looked worried and slowly nodded.
"Thank you." Impulse kissed her forehead and left to go talk to Bdubs.
Maxie sat there and turned to the drawing she was coloring. It was a drawing of her, her dads, and her uncles.
Maxie felt sad.
Why can't I see them anymore?
After dinner, Maxie walked upstairs and brushed her teeth, Bdubs standing behind her to make sure she did a thorough job.
Maxie spit out the toothpaste and smiled at Bdubs, who kissed her forehead.
"Nicely done. Now come on, I can read you a bedtime story."
Maxie giggled and skipped to her room, setting up her plushies before grabbing a book off her shelf that was titled 'Skippyjon Jones Class Action'. (cough cough, totally not my favorite Skippyjon Jones book I made my dad read to me a lot as a kid)
"This one again? You really like it, huh?" Bdubs asked, watching as Maxie cuddled up under the covers with her monkey and horse plushie.
"It's a fun one! I like it when you sing and do the clapping."
Bdubs chuckled, "Alright, I guess we should get started, hm?"
"Wait, papa...can I ask you a question?"
"What is it?"
"Why does dad not want me to talk to Uncle Skizz and Tango?"
"Oh umm...well Impulse says that they're...not good people."
Maxie tilted his head and Bdubs sighed.
"It's a lot, Maxie, and it's hard to explain."
Bdubs smiled softly.
"Why don't we just read the story?"
"No, I wanna know."
"Maxie, I don't want you to know." Impulse said, walking in.
He held Maxie's hand and looked into her eyes.
"I don't want you to go near them because they are dangerous people. We found something out about them, and it would not be safe for you to be with them. Do you understand?"
Maxie sighed and nodded.
"Good. Now enjoy your story and sleep well. I love you." Impulse said, kissing Maxie's forehead.
Maxie watched as her dad walked out of the room and she turned to Bdubs.
"Alright, now let's read." He said.
The Next Day (Impulse's Perspective)-
"Was I too hard on her?" Impulse asked as he made breakfast.
Bdubs was setting the table, putting out some plates.
"I don't think so. I mean, how can we explain arson to a seven-year-old?" He asked.
"I just want her to be safe. And Skizz lied to me about Tango being an arsonist. I mean, how could he?" Impulse asked bitterly.
Bdubs sighed, "I- I don't's weird."
They continued to work before Bdubs said he was going to wake up Maxie.
He walked upstairs and about a minute later, he walked downstairs.
"Maxie?" He called, walking around.
Impulse felt his fear spike.
"You can't find her?" He asked worriedly.
"She's not in her bed or the bathroom." Bdubs said, looking equally scared.
"No, no, no." Impulse paced around and saw that the dining room window was unlocked.
"You don't think she..." Bdubs trailed off and Impulse turned off the stove and grabbed his coat.
"Come on, let's go search for her."
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