Trapped in The Shadows
Skizz's Perspective-
Tap tap tap.
I groaned and tried to swat him away.
Tap tap tap.
I yawned and sat up, stretching.
I opened my eyes and saw that it was 7 am.
I turned and smiled at Gryffindor, who was wagging his tail against the bed, causing it to make a soft tapping noise.
"Time to feed you, huh?" I asked, patting his head and Gryffindor barked.
I chuckled, "Alright, come on."
I got out of bed and towards my bathroom, Gryffindor following.
He watched patiently as I brushed my teeth.
Afterwards, we walked to the kitchen where I kneeled down and picked up his bowel.
I whistled as I got out his food and Gryffindor barked, trying to hop on the counter.
"No paws on the counter, Gryff." I nudged his paws off and he stepped back down on the floor.
I poured him his food and put it down on the floor where a very happy Gryffindor barked in thanks and started eating.
I smiled softly and patted his head, watching as his tail wagged, before I stood back up to clean the counter and make myself some coffee.
I yawned again and stretched a bit, trying to feel more awake.
As the aroma of coffee filled the house, Gryffindor was barking, pawing at the leash on the wall.
"Alright, gimme a minute." I said, putting my coffee into a portable cup before getting my shoes on.
I entered the grocery store later, picking up stuff to make myself a lunch at home.
I grabbed a cart and started walking around, listening to the pop music playing overhead.
I passed by the display of Easter themed stuff and the little kids begging their parents to buy them a chocolate bunny.
I chuckled and walked through to the deli, left alone in the corner with my thoughts.
"Did you hear about that house that burned down? It was so sudden. They don't even know what caused it!"
I glanced at a couple who were talking to each other as they waited in line at the deli.
"I'm sure it was nothing, everything will be okay." The guy said, gently kissing his partner's cheek.
I smiled jealously and looked away, watching as my feet marched forward.
I remember having that feeling.
That feeling of warmth and safety with the person you love.
And now all I really feel is jealousy.
Jealousy is such a sickening word, and the feeling is so much worse.
It makes you feel like you can't be happy for your friends because you're jealous of what they have and what you lost.
It's impossible to see your friends have love and feel proud of them without having that jealousy building up inside of you.
"It's okay to have those feelings; everyone does. Just know that I'm here for you, and that you can always talk to me about it."
I sighed as his voice rang in my head.
I wish I could just forget about it, despite it being such a big part of my life.
I wish all of these emotions about the past would just stop.
"We can't go back in time and change things, so might as well try and make it a better future."
My grip tightened on the shopping cart, and I took a deep breath, trying to forget about it.
I know he never really loved me. Or maybe he did, but not enough to really want to stay with me.
It shouldn't've ended up that way.
It should've been fine,
It all should've been fine.
And yet it never is.
"Hey Skizz, need help? That's a lot of bags." Dallas said, watching as I walked up to my apartment door.
"Oh- I'm good, thanks Dal."
She raised an eyebrow and watched as I struggled to reach into my pocket to grab my keys.
"I- here, let me just." She grabbed one of the bags and I smiled at her.
"Thanks. Today's been rough."
"I can tell. It's only the afternoon, think you can last?"
I chuckle, "I should be fine."
"If you say so."
I unlocked the door and Gryffindor came running over.
I smiled and patted his head before setting the bags down on the kitchen counter.
"So, are you having a party or something?"
"Nah, I just invited Impulse and his family over for dinner."
"Why's that? I thought you said you were going to just be spending the weekend taking a break."
I shrugged.
The truth was, I wanted to stop that jealous feeling. I thought that by spending more time with Impulse and Bdubs, I would start to cope with the jealousy.
I had no idea whether or not it would work, though. I'm a firefighter, not a professional therapist.
"Well, have fun."
Dallas smiled and nodded, and she left.
I sighed as she walked out the door, and I turned to Gryffindor, who walked over and gently licked my hand, clearly worried about me.
I smiled softly and pet him.
"I'll be okay, Gryff."
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