The Long Road Home
Okay so before we get into this, I'd like to say that these chapters are a lot longer than my normal 500-700 words. I mean, they're like 800-1000. And this is past Seth talking here, as in Seth from November 11th and I just finished writing chapter 3 (which is 1,184 :,) so yeah! Updates will be slower! This story is definitely something. And I've been taking notes, making a playlist, doing all this stuff for about three months and I'm really really excited for this fic because it's going to be a lot better than my other works.
Also special thanks to KitKatWeirdo27 and AshaFunnyBunny for helping me plan this story and letting me bounce ideas off of them.
Anyway, let us get started :D
WARNING: Fire, death
Tango's Perspective-
Fire is such a scary thing for the heart.
The smell, the heat, and the element of inevitability.
There is no putting it out.
There is no fighting back.
Everything burns.
The house I have lived in for years burned to the ground.
That house, which held so many of my earliest memories, is no more.
Every room I had ever slept in is now ashes.
I have lost nearly everything.
How did it burn, you ask?
Well, it's a simple reason.
"Mom? Dad? I'm home." I said, opening the front door.
My parents were setting food down on the dining room table when they turned and smiled at me.
"Oh Tango, honey, you're home!" My mother smiled, hugging me tightly.
I smiled and hugged back.
"Hi, mom."
"How was your flight?" She asked.
"Eh, it was just a plane flight." I said, tugging my suitcase inside.
"Here, let me go put that up in your room for you." My mother said, taking my suitcase and carrying it upstairs.
I smiled and looked around.
"Been a while, hasn't it?" My father asked and I nodded.
" has." I said quietly as I walked around and looked at the photos on the walls.
"Well, how's your new place? Have you settled down nicely?"
"Yeah, yeah, it's a nice place. Small enough from me, alone so I don't cause any problems, it's nice."
My father's smile faded.
"Oh- dad, it's okay. I prefer to be alone anyway, besides, that way I can't hurt anyone."
"I just want you to be happy."
"And I am. Moving out's been fine. I got a stable job, things are good."
My father hummed and narrowed his eyes and I sighed, chuckling a bit.
"Trust me, dad. I'm okay. My anger has been in my control."
My father smiled again, and I smiled back.
I felt a bit guilty for lying to him, but what could I tell him?
'Oh yeah, actually I'm dying on the inside and I feel like everyone hates me.'
My eye twitched a bit at the thought and my father raised an eyebrow.
I cleared my throat and laughed nervously when my mother walked back downstairs.
"Come on, sweetie, let's have some dinner and catch up." She said, ushering me to the dining table.
I nodded and sat down.
"Yes. Let's."
About halfway through the meal, my parents started to ask me about something I wanted to avoid talking about.
Friends, enemies, lovers.
I wanted to avoid all of it.
"Soooo, made any new friends? Maybe know someone you could room with?" My mother asked.
"Mom, I already told you guys, I like being alone."
"Yes, but it's such a big house, don't you think it'd be nice to have someone else with you?"
"It's not that big."
My mother sighed, "Tango...I'm just worried your emotions might take control when you're alone and have no one to talk to."
"I have friends!" I shouted defensively, my anger building up a bit.
My parents looked worried, and I took a deep breath, trying to calm down a bit.
"Sorry, sorry. What I meant, is that I do have people to talk to, just not with me."
"That's...good. What are their names?"
"Er- well..."
My mother sighed, "See, this is what I'm talking about, you need someone to- "
"I'm thinking!!! You know I have trouble with names just- give me a second." I said angrily, feeling a burning fury start to build inside me.
"Tango, calm down." My father said seriously.
"I'm fine!! Why are you telling me to- "
"This is what we're worried about!! You don't have friends to talk to and are bottling up all your anger- "
"NO I'M NOT!!!" I shouted, the table bursting into flames.
My eyes widened and I started to panic.
My parents got up and backed against the wall and I stumbled back, trying to find the fire extinguisher.
When I saw it, the world turned white for a second.
There was so much smoke and ash and so much broken glass, I could barely see the people in front of me, standing so close to the flames.
The air was thick with smoke, and I tried to run to my parents, trying to help save them.
I kept coughing and coughing until the house started to collapse.
I realized there was no chance I could save them and ran towards the back door.
I slammed into it, feeling my arm get crushed in its frame.
The wood gave way, and I stumbled out to the backyard.
I fell into the grass and coughed.
There wasn't enough clean air for me, and I picked myself up and took a deep breath before running towards the forest behind the house.
I coughed again, and this time I thought the air was slightly clearer.
I continued running, trying to escape.
I could feel the burning anger in my heart start to calm down and I then heard someone shout.
I turned around fast and some of the fire from my hair flew down onto the nearby tree.
I panicked and quickly put out the tiny flame, not wanting to cause more damage than I already have.
I gasped and saw a firefighter start to jog towards me.
I shook my head, tears in my eyes, and I turned and ran.
I had to get out.
I had to get free.
I was cursed with this fiery power.
And I ended up killing my family.
I felt the world get sucked into a black hole as I ran.
Everything was white and I couldn't hear or see anything.
Then the light faded away and I fell into darkness.
I tried my best to keep running before I fell to my knees.
I faintly saw the figure of someone in front of me before blacking out.
Now before you go adding this story to all the Rancher reading lists, I want you to hold your horses. Go put that horse back in the stable next to where Oreo used to stay (DL reference ;)
This story is about a new ship which has taken over a huge place in my heart. I absolutely love them way more than I ever loved Ranchers (sorry but it's true :)
This ship is between Skizz and Tango. I haven't seen much fanart of them and I don't even think they have a ship name. I actually thought abt shipping them back in Last Life when Bdubs and Etho give Skizz and Tango the boots that are enchanted to run on soul sand and Bdubs and Etho just watch Skizz and Tango laugh and run around on the sand. I thought they were cute AND I STILL DO TODAY
They've taken over my heart ever since Secret Life started. I came up with this (as said before) about three months ago and I got started. Again, updates will be slow, but I hope you're just as excited for this as I am
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