Izuku POV:
"Now I deem you worthy of my power."
Hold up. "What?"
"I deem you worthy of my power. I have chosen you as my successor, to wield my quirk and use it to become the next symbol of peace."
This is...his POWER?!
"Hold on there are a lot of theories as to what your quirk can be. Many people suggested super strength or some kind of power enhancer. And whenever someone asks you about it you dodge the question with a joke. And besides giving someone else a quirk has been proven impossible. Even if it is possible, how do you-"
"STOP NERDIN' OUT! Listen. I've been looking for a worthy successor for a while now. And everyone I've come across didn't fit the bill. But you're the kind of person I've been looking for."
"A skinny middle schooler who throws backpacks at slime people?"
He just looks at me straight faced. "(cough) You were saying?"
"You're selflessness in that situation showed your character to me, even though I met you before hand at the tunnel, I didn't really know what kind of person you were. But now seeing you rush into danger like that, I know you're the right person to inherit my power. It's name...is One For All."
"One...For All?"
"Yes. This power was passed down to me like a sacred torch. Cultivated to combat evil and is passed down to a worthy successor. I am the eighth holder of this power. Now young...what's your name?"
"Izuku Midoriya."
"Now young Midoriya! Will you accept my power, and become my successor?"
"Yes! I'll do it." I say instantly.
"No hesitation. Just what I was looking for."
"Awesome! I can't wait to tell Ochako about this!"
"You can't tell anyone about this."
"Wait I can't tell Ochako?! But we tell each other everything!"
"Listen I get that you want to tell your girlfriend about One For All, but the more people that know the more danger they're in. And if everyone know, then people would stop at nothing to try and take the power away from you."
"Oh that makes sense." 'Great now I can't even tell my girlfrie-WAIT!' "Me and Ochako aren't dating! We're just best friends!"
He looks at me perplexed. "Really. The way you two were close together I really mistook you for a couple. I guess we can just leave it to fanfiction writers."
"What?" 'Fanfiction writers?'
"Not important! Tomorrow morning. 8:00 sharp. Meet me at Dagobah Municipal Beach Park. Our training begins there. Until then young Midoriya." He then leaves.
'I'll do my best to be a worthy successor of One For All. Maybe even be worthy of Ochako.'
Timeskip tomorrow morning:
I wake up like I usually do. With a good morning text from Ochako.
O: So tell me more about that meeting with All Might
I: Hey Beautif-
I read her text again. 'SHE KNOWS?! Okay Izuku. Play it off cool. Play dumb.'
I: Um. I don't know what you're talking about.
O: So that wasn't All Might telling you about his quirk and giving it too you? Mr. One For All?
I: How did you know?!
O: Okay don't be mad, but I stayed behind long enough to make sure you weren't in trouble. I was about to leave after you told him about the sludge guy, but when I saw that skinny guy turn into All Might, I decided to stay and listen to everything. I'm sorry for listening in on your conversation. I know it was an invasion of your privacy. Please forgive me.
I: It's okay Ochako. I forgive you. It'll take more than that to make me not forgive you for something. And besides, it saves me a lot of guilt of not telling you about it. Hey, since you know, you wanna train with me and All Might? We can get in more training, and as a bonus, it's with the number one hero.
O: Sure sounds good.
I: Meet us at the Dagobah Municipal Beach Park at 8:00.
O: Okay see you there.
I get up, get dressed and go to the kitchen where my mom is.
"Good morning, mom."
"Oh, Good Morning Izuku."
I sit down and start to eat my breakfast. "Oh, mom. Ochako and I are going to go train at the beach later. Is that alright?"
"Of course sweety. Just be careful and don't ware yourselves out too much, and fall asleep on the beach."
"Got it."
Timeskip 1 hour:
I get dressed for training and bring some water bottles just in case we do quirk training today.
"Alright mom, I'm off."
"See you Izuku. Be safe." "I will."
I go outside and I see Ochako.
'God. Why do do this to me?' She's wearing a black tank top and pink work out shorts. (AN: I couldn't find something so I just came up with something off the top of my head.) 'Don't stare at her dumbass! You'll creep her out!'
"Hey Ochako. You look good." 'FUCK!'
Her face turns red and looks away embarrassed. "Thanks. You too."
We start walking towards the beach and discuss what the training will be like.
Timeskip to the beach:
We make it to the beach and I see All Might. 'Now for the moment I've been dreading all morning.'
"Hey All Might." I say nervously.
"Ah, young Midoriya. Right on ti- why's she here." He points towards Ochako.
"Yeah, funny story. She was listening in on our conversation and knows everything."
He looks at me with with a serious expression, then back Ochako, then me (AN: Look at your man, and now back to me. Now look back at your man, back to me. Old Spice.)
"I don't blame you young Midoriya, but this doesn't go without consequences. I'm afraid she has to die."
"WWHHAAAATTT?!" Ochako and I yell.
"Hahahahahahahaha. I'm just messing with you. You should've seen your faces."
"That's not funny All Might! I thought you were actually going to do something to me!"
"I'm sorry. But in all seriousness, you have to promise you'll never tell anyone this. Even if someone tortures you for information. No one can know about this."
"Okay. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ochako Uraraka."
"It's nice to meet you young Uraraka. Now. Are you ready for your training?"
"Yeah!" Ochako and I pump our fists in the air in excitement.
"Alright. Your training will be...to clean this entire beach!"
"What?" We say simultaneously.
"For the next 10 months you two will be cleaning this beach. Along with workouts, sparring, and quirk training. And you also need to work on your diet." He hands us papers with 'All Might's American Dream Plan' at the top.
"I'll need to change a few things so it isn't too much for young Uraraka."
"Man. He has our diet and sleep schedule planned out."
"Not only that, these workouts are insane." Ochako looks at the papers in fear.
"If I'm going to honest this'll be super hard. Think you're up to it?"
Ochako and I look at each other and nod.
"We'll do it."
All Might looks at and and smiles even wider.
"Great now let's get started."
Ochako and I start our training. Today is the start of our journey to heroism.
Timeskip 10 months:
Oh my God I want to die. These 10 months have been the hardest experience of my life. We tear our bodies apart with the workouts and trash moving. Then the quirk training. I never knew how exhausted I could get using my quirk while resisting the urge to pass out. Ochako has definitely gotten better with her quirk. Now she can lift up to 3 tons with her quirk before throwing up. After month 5, I was ready to inherit One For All, since I've trained before with Ochako for 5 years. After my first attempt at using it, I broke my arms and legs. All Might told me that I should try and focus One For All throughout my entire body to avoid breaking anymore bones. I call it Full Cowling. I also figured out how much of One For All I can use without breaking my bones. Right now I'm at 10%. He also told me that it can help me control my pyrokinesis better. It's two days until the entrance exams and the beach is almost clean.
Day of the Entrance Exams:
All Might POV:
I walk to the beach to see how the kids are doing. And when I get there I see them on top of a refrigerator screaming in victory. They cleaned the entire beach. They even cleaned the areas outside of where they were assigned.
"Oh my... Oh my... Goodness!"
Ochako POV:
We did it. We finally did it. We cleaned up the whole damn beach. I'm exhausted. But I feel proud of myself.
I see All Might walking up to us. "So? What do you think?"
"What do I think!? You two exceeded my expectations! You're really on your way to becoming great heroes. Now we better hurry. The Entrance Exams will start in a few hours."
Timeskip to U.A.:
Wow. U.A. I can't believe it.
"Izuku we're here! We're at U.A.!" I start shaking him in excitement giving the biggest smile I can give him.
"Ochako remember, we're here to take the exams. We'll have to wait to find out if we're actually going."
"Yeah I know. But I'm just so excited. We're on our way to become heroes."
"Alright. Let's go the distance Ochako!"
We start walking down to the exam building. Until we hear...
"Get out my way you useless extras!"
'Dammit and I was in such a good mood.'
"H-hey Kacchan. How've you been?"
"Better than you and your pathetic excuse for a girlfriend."
I blush at being called his girlfriend, but I'm mostly angry at what he said.
Then Izuku grabs him by the shoulder. And looks at him like he wanted to kill him. "Apologize. Right now, Kacchan."
Bakugou just throws his hand off his shoulder, and scoffs. "Whatever." He then leaves.
"UUUGHHH. I can't stand that guy. I was in such a good mood too!"
Izuku gives me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Ochako. We still have the rest of the day to get our moods back up."
I calm down at his smile and blush a bit. "Okay let's go."
Timeskip after the explanation of the exams:
Izuku POV:
That written portion of the exam was really easy. Now for the big part. Fighting the robot villains. I look for Ochako since we weren't on the bus together. I spot her and try going over to her. But then I feel something on my shoulder.
I turn around and see a tall guy with blue hair and glasses."It looks like that girl is trying to prepare herself. Are you trying ruin her chances by distracting her."
I look at him with a deadpan expression. "Okay first of all, get your hand off my shoulder. And second, she's my best friend. I'm just going to see if she's nervous about the exam."
I then walk away and check on her.
I go up to her and surprise her. "Hey, Ochako."
"AAHH! Izuku. Don't do that." She pouts at me.
"Sorry. I just couldn't resist. I came over to check on you and see if you were nervous."
She calms down and gives a small smile. "Yeah, I am a little nervous. But knowing you're here makes me feel better. Let's do our best!" She pumps her fist into the air.
'She looks so cute when she's excited.' "Yeah let's do our best."
Everyone then starts to rush through the gate, but I'm not gonna waste my time with that.
"Hold on, Ochako."
"Hold on to wha-AAAAHH!!" I carry her bridal style and and activate Full Cowling. I then jump over everyone else and land in the fake city.
I then put Ochako down as we land.
"Okay. Let's split up and get as many villain points as we can. We'll meet back up right here when we feel like we have enough points. Is that okay?"
"Alright. See you, Izuku." "Later!"
Now to go find some robots. I see a 3 pointer and smash it with One For All. I see a two pointer and destroy it with fire. I do this act repeatedly. I switch between using One For All and Pyrokinesis. And when I feel I'm exhausted with the fire, I drink my water.
I keep going until I reach 200 villain points.
I'm going to where me and Ochako agreed to meet up. But then I hear an explosion.
It was the zero pointer.
I didn't see a point in trying to fight it since it wasn't worth any points, and I don't want to show off. So I leave.
But then I hear someone scream.
I turn around to see who it is and it's...
Ochako POV:
After Izuku and I part ways, I go to find some robots to fight. I see one come from an alleyway, and I use my quirk on it. It was just a one pointer so it wasn't much. I then see three more coming at me.
Thanks to that training with Izuku and All Might, I'm more agile now and easily avoid there attacks.
After a while I get 80 points before I reach my limit. I'm on my way to where I agreed to meet Izuku.
But then I hear an explosion and when I went to turn around, something knocked me to the ground and it felt like my leg was broken.
Izuku POV:
I feel my shirt start to tatter and burn off as I run towards Ochako.
I use One For All with my Pyrokinesis and I jumped up towards the zero pointer.
I throw a punch straight the head of the robot leaving a melted hole where it's head used to be.
Then after my adrenaline rush leaves me, I notice that I'm falling fast to the ground.
I look at my arm. It's completely broken. I used One For All at 100% to jump up to and punch it's head off. It also has burn marks from where I used the Pyrokinesis.
I'm falling and I don't know what to do.
I can use One For All in my other arm and use the wind pressure to soften the landing.
Yes! That's it!
I cock my arm back and let One For All run through my arm.
I prepare to punch until...
I get slapped and I'm floating.
Ochako. Thank You.
She presses her fingers together and releases me onto the ground. And she throws up.
"You okay, Ochako?"
She looks at me and looks like she's about to cry. She crawls over to me and hugs me.
"Why, Izuku? Why'd you do that? Look at yourself. You didn't have to go that far. I would've been fine." She says with her voice cracking.
I look into her deep chocolate eyes. Those beautiful brown orbs, and remember why I fell in love with her.
"Don't say that. I would've broken my arms a hundred times if it meant you were safe. And you wouldn't have been fine. I wasn't going to watch you get killed. You're my best friend. You deserve to be a hero. More than anyone...I...know." I then black out from exhaustion and overusing my Pyrokinesis.
Ochako POV:
I see Izuku pass out and I can't hold my tears back anymore.
His right arm and both of his legs are broken. His right arm also has burn marks on it.
He shouldn't have done this. I couldn't stand watching someone I care about so much sacrifice so much just for me.
"If you want him healed, you shoot let him go." I here an old voice say.
I turn around and see a short old woman standing there.
"What do you mean?"
"I can heal him. Now set him down."
I do as she says and set him back on the ground.
Then she kisses him and he starts glowing.
His broken limbs start straightening out, and his burn marks start healing.
Then she kisses me. 'EEEEWWW.'
My leg starts to feel better and I start feeling a little tireso. "Why do I feel so tired?"
"It's my quirk. I can speed up the healing process of anyone, but it takes up however much stamina is needed to to heal."
"Oh. O...kay." I pass out.
I wake up and I'm in an infirmary.
'I guess they brought me here after I passed out with... Where's Izuku!"
I look to my left and he's wide awake.
"Hey. Look who's awake. It's about time sleepy head."
I start to giggle hearing him again.
"Are you okay?" He asks me.
"Yeah, I'm fine. My leg feels much better. What about you?"
"I've never felt better. It's like my arm and legs were never broken."
"That's good to hear." I say a little sad. I still don't get why he did that for me. Risking his life like that.
"Izuku you didn't need to do that."
"You didn't need to save me like that. You could've died! I could've found a way out of that rubble. I'm just not worth it."
"You dummy." I look at him confusion. "Huh?"
"Of course you're worth it. You're my best friend. If it wan't for you, I would've been cold towards everyone, never being able to connect to people. You also gave me a reason not to be afraid of my quirk. As long as you're here, I don't have to be afraid to use it. You mean a lot to me Ochako. Remember that." He smiles at me.
My face feels really warm. And I smile back. 'He's just too sweet. That's why I..."
"Oh you're awake. Good. You two should get going now. You're parents might be wondering where you are."
We start getting our stuff together and head out.
We make it to my house and Izuku goes home.
I walk inside and say hi to my parents and go to my room.
I lie on my bed and start thinking about Izuku saving me.
'He didn't need to do that. But that's why he'll be the best hero ever. It's also why I love him."
Drowsiness overcomes me and I go to sleep.
Timeskip 1 week:
Izuku POV:
It's been a week since the Entrance Exams, and Ochako and I are still waiting for our letters from U.A. telling whether we were accepted or not.
Ochako and I are in my room playing video games.
"Ochako! Izuku! Your letters from U.A. are here! Ochako's parents just brought her's over here and I checked the mail and your's was here too!"
We took our letters and sat on my bed just looking at letters in our hands.
"Should we open them at the same time or should we do one at a time?" I ask her.
"I think we should take turns. I'll go first, if you don't mind?"
"Of course not. Go ahead." I reassure her.
She nods and rips open the letter and a little disk pops lands on the bed. A hologram appears and...All Might's on it?
"Greetings young Uraraka. It's a privilege to welcome you to U.A. as your new teacher."
'Wait. All Might's teaching?!'
"You did very well on the written portion, and did even better on the practical portion. You've acquired 80 villain points. But that's not all. There are also other points for helping people when they needed it. For saving this young man from falling, you've been awarded 20 rescue points. I'm also glad to inform you that this year, we are starting a dorm system. So pack your bags. For the next 3 years you'll be living in a dorm with 19 other heroes in training. Welcome to U.A. Ochako Uraraka."
"You/I made it!" We yelled and hugged each other.
"I knew you would make it. And congratulations."
"Thanks Izuku. Now open yours."
I nod and rip open my letter and another disk fell on the bed. And another hologram pops up with All Might on it.
"I AM HERE! AS A PROJECTION! Hello young Midoriya. You scored in the top 10 on the written portion of the exam. Congratulations. And you aced the practical portion. 200 villain points. You have become freshman representative. And that's not all. You earned 50 rescue points for rescuing this young girl from the zero pointer. Now it's time to pack your bags, because U.A. is starting a dorm system for there students and staff. You and 19 other students will be living in a dormitory. Welcome Izuku Midoriya. To the Hero Academia."
I did it.
I did it!
"I got into U.A.!"
"You did it! I knew you would." Ochako gives me a gleaming smile.
"Thanks, Ochako. So dorms, huh? That should be interesting."
"Yeah. I'm excited to see what kind of people we're going to meet."
"Me too. It's getting kind of late. You should get going."
"Well, actually. I was thinking I could spend the night. You know? Kind of a celebration of getting into U.A." She says while blushing.
"Yeah. That's a good idea. I'll ask my mom, and I'll let you tell your parents."
I go into the living room where my mom is. "Hey, mom? Can Ochako spend the night?"
"Of course sweetie. I'll get the air mattress."
"Cool. Thanks, mom."
Timeskip later that night:
"Ochako? You up?"
"Can you sleep?"
"No. I'm kind of cold."
I start to think of something. Then I blush at an idea.
"Y-y-you c-c-c-can slee-p-p here with m-m-me." I suggested
She blushes furiously.
"I'm sorry you don't have to if you don't want to I was just trying to suggest an idea you can say no if you want to-"
"No it's fine. I'll accept your offer."
I start blushing. "O-Okay."
She then climbs into the bed with me and puts her face into the crook of my neck.
"Goodnight, Izuku."
"Goodnight, Ochako."
I then hear her snoring, and took this as a chance to tell her something I could never say to her.
"I love you."
Then I fall asleep, awaiting for when I get to go to U.A.
Chapter over. That took a while to type out. I'm glad I finally got to this. Now for those who are wondering why I brought in the dorms this early I have a few reasons. 1. I like the dorms system, and gives me an opportunity to write character interactions. And 2. It's my story.
Thanks for reading and remember to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!
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