2018 Fire Awards
This is the 2018 Fire Awards. This is just a memorial. Do not comment. You don't even have to read it. Look out for a chapter title 2019 Fire Awards.
Welcome to the Fire Awards! Here you submit a book of your choice to compete against other authors. Judges will read through your book and all talk about who they liked and who they think might just win. The first three winners will get prizes (shown later on) and participants will get a small prize.
To start off, I'm tagging people to come see this, see if they are interested. Rules and more info will be after.
Alright, now we have rules.
1) You must submit a form with everything needed. If you left out one important detail your form will be denied.
2) Understand I am only one person, so it might take me a bit to accept or deny your form.
3) If you don't want to be denied, follow all the rules.
Please note I will only be taking 20 (twenty) forms for the contest.
4) Your book must have a cover, if it doesn't please request one or make one.
5) Your story must have a minimum of 3 (three) chapters published, and a maximum of 40 (forty).
The reason for having below forty chapters is because I am not the Wattys, and neither are my judges. We don't have computers to do things.
6) If you entered your story into the contest you cannot be a judge.
7) If you're a judge and a friend enters the contest, don't be biased and say they should win. This contest is meant to be fair.
8) If you submitted a form for being a judge, but decided to be a contestant instead, tell me.
Please note I only would like a maximum of 20 (twenty) judges.
9) Your story can be a fanfiction, or an original.
10) Please have patience while waiting for the results. Don't demand to know them, else you could be disqualified.
11) Judges are not allowed to tell anyone inside or outside of the contest who the winner is (the exception being me or the other judges). If you do tell someone, I will find out and you will be asked to step down.
12) Judges must find a way to communicate with the other judges and myself outside of Wattpad. I have an Instagram (apictureartist) that you can contact me at. However, if you do that, tell me your username so I know who you are.
13) New rule. Your story must be rated for anyone so that means no porn, smut or anything else graphic and not for those younger viewers. Remember, I have the right to refuse you.
That's it. All the rules. Follow them. It's simple. If you have any questions, ask me in the comments, through pm, or on Instagram.
Hey look at that! People are reading my stories, voting and commenting. Thank you!
But now let's get to the judge forms.
Ha, why call them forms when really all you need to do is choose one category to judge over. I don't know how many judges per category, so let's say, three per category and maybe build up from there.
Action: Empty
Adventure: Empty
Chicklit: Empty
Fanfiction: Empty
Fantasy: Empty
General Fiction: Empty
Historic Fiction: Empty
Horror: Empty
Humor: Empty
Mystery/Thriller: Empty
Non-fiction: Empty
Paranormal: Empty
Poetry: Empty
Random: Empty
Romance: 1/
Science Fiction: Empty
Short Story: Empty
Spiritual: Empty
Teen Fiction: Empty
Vampire: Empty
Werewolf: Empty
I will update as the judges start applying. Remember to be a judge you must not leak ANYTHING to ANYONE. You also cannot be a participant. You cannot talk to any judges or myself through Wattpad. As I said, my Instagram is open (apictureartist) and I can be contacted through that. Or if needed you can email me ([email protected]).
I look forward to meeting our judges! Next will be our participants!
This will be like a cover form, but different.... hopefully.
Story you are entering:
Username/name/pen name:
Short description:
Password is a word that starts with 'f' or your favorite tv show. Enjoy!
What everyone wants! The prizes. To be honest, I think they are pretty good prizes. The reason you get to know them is because everybody wants to know why they do what they do. They want to know what the rewards and benefits are. People want to know what they're fighting for. Now you get to know. Congrats, I just made your life this much easier.
1st Place prizes: A new cover (form through my cover shop, no payment except credit), a mockup (comes with cover, no payment except credit), an original sticker for your cover (comes with cover), a permanent follow from me, a review on one book of your choosing and added to the winners reading list (made once the winners are announced).
2nd Place prize: a new cover (form through my cover shop. No payment except credit), an original sticker (comes with cover) a follow from me, added to winners reading list.
3rd Place prize: an original sticker for your cover, a follow from me, added to winners reading list.
Participation prize: participation sticker, added to participation reading list.
I think the prizes are fairly good. Who knows. Maybe some of you will get a follow from a judge or two. That is completely up to them, so I won't pressure then and neither will any of you.
Please note I will add the sticker to your covers myself and it may take time since everyone is getting a sticker, so have patience.
I believe that is it. Oh wait, now it's probably time to explain how this works.
This is a competition like all those shows where someone gets eliminated each week. Judges will talk and eliminate at least two participants. Once they are out they will get a congratulations and their sticker, plus added the participantion reading list. I will be giving input but most likely my words will not affect the judges decision. I will not be biased and tell them to make my friend win. This is purely to find out what books you should read first and what books might catch your interest.
I hope you enter, either as judge or contestant. I look forward to talking to you all. Enjoy, good luck and have fun!
This list will be updated as this book moves forward. However, we cannot start until we have all our judges.
These guys are all we have so far. Keep joining, either as judge or participant but not both. Enjoy and keep joining! We need more participants and judges! Tell your friends!
For when we get more judges and participants, they must know how they will be judged.
Cover: -/5 points
Was the cover eye-catching? Did it make you want to find out what it was about? Did the cover have meaning towards the book?
Title: -/10 points
Was the title related to the book? Was it relevant? Was it short and sweet, catching your attention? Was it hard to pronounce?
Plot: -/46 points
Was the plot good? Did it have plot holes? Does everything line up exactly as it should?
Characters: -/21 points
Were the characters good, have their own original personality? We love fanfics but characters need their own, original personality, backstory and image. Did the characters have these? Did they grow as a person and as a character?
Enjoyment: -/30 points
How much did you enjoy this book? Was it funny, boring? Would you read it again just for fun?
Final: -/100 points
Divide all your points (say characters got 10/21 points. Divide 10 by 21) multiply them by 100 (10÷21 is .47 you would multiply that by 100 and it would be 47) add them all up, divide the total number by six and multiply that by 100 and that should be your final score.
But seriously, people. I failed math, so I took this from CrazedTheorist scary book contest thing.
Humor: -/6 points
Did they have humor? Was it light and make you laugh out loud? Was it dark and made your mind go to all the wrong places?
That's if for the rubric. Now is whatever you wanna call it.
(I accidentally typed 42 when I wiped something off my screen. My friend is definitely laughing at this i know)
User: xXStrawberry_GirlXx
Book: Trust
User: OPEN
User: OPEN
User: AnnRoseElle
Book: Magic and Phone boxes
User: OPEN
User: OPEN
User: Annabeth_Jackson_12
Book: Invalid
User: Agent_Anna
Book: Lies|| Tony Stark's Daughter
User: OPEN
User: hailquake
Book: Becoming Inhuman
User: Benelamay
Book: The Amazing.... Electrostorm?
User: Borntosingwithdrama
Book: Sea Prince
Will be updated as more people enter as judges or participants. I'm also gonna judge cause I'm low on those.
Also, write down your thoughts when filling out the rubric please judges. The participants get a free review.
Invalid by Annabeth_Jackson_12
Cover: 3/5
Not very eye-catching. Doesn't seem to have any relevance to the actual book. It doesn't seem to have much meaning to the entire story.
Title: 10/10
Very much related to the story, and relevant. It's short and sweet, caught my attention. Easy to pronounce.
Plot: 25/46
It's good, original. There was a plot hole between the prologue and first chapter, which was really just a long, long time skip. But another plot hole was when the character George was just suddenly dead and the main character Kendle suddenly had a long lost friend. Otherwise, everything lines up perfectly and the grammar and depth is amazing. Half the time I feel like I'm there which is really good. And there were plot twists and cliffhangers which only made me want to read more.
Characters: 18/21
They have original personalities for the most part. I feel like the evil mother killing her children is a bit cliche but I've never seen it before like that so that excuses the cliche part. The characters for the most part have growth. The mother is still evil, Kendle is still afraid. I feel this could be solved. She needs some bravery.
Enjoyment: 15/30
I enjoyed it, it was really well written. It wasn't funny in the beginning, but I suppose that would just be cruel as it was so morbid. It was slightly boring me as the book grew on and there was the occasional bad grammar. I might read it again just for fun, but the plot really didn't move very fast. This isn't meant to be rude, but I think cement dries quicker than the plot moved. Sorry if that was rude, I'm just providing input and you can completely ignore this.
Humor: 0/6
No humor whatsoever.
Final: 58/100
Cover: 60
Title: 100
Plot: 54
Characters: 85
Enjoyment: 50
Humor: 0
Total: 58/100
This is your points which will tell you how far you're going. The review is to help you change things so the next time I read it and reevaluate it, it's different. Judges please send over your review of your stories once done either through Instagram (apictureartist) or email ([email protected])
Hope I helped make your story better and good luck in the competition!
Review done by Sarabear9336
Cover: 3/5 points
Cover is eye-catching it made me want to keep reading because it looked cool. But the cover did not have anything to do with the story.
Title: 10/10 points
The title Did have meaning towards the story. It was short and sweet and easy to pronounce.
Plot: 35/46 points
The plot is good and it didn't seem to have any plot holes. Seems like everything lined up as it should.
Characters: 21/21
points thumb. The main character is good had her own back story personality etc. hasn't really gotten to a chance to really grow as yet character yet.
Enjoyment: 25/30 points
Really good book so far. I would read it again.
Humor: 2/6
It Didn't really have
Humor. It had some, but not much. It didn't really make me laugh a lot but I did laugh some.
Cover: 60
Title: 100
Plot: 76
Character: 100
Enjoyment: 83
Humor: 33
Total: 75/100
The total may be incorrect because it was confusing me so much. But I know CrazedTheorist will correct if I'm wrong because she's just that amazing.
Funny thing is, I have read this. I'm actually the one who suggested that hailquake should enter it into this competition. Congrats and good luck!
I judged the book: Trust by xXStrawberry_GirlXx and this is what I give her
Cover: 4/5
I noticed she changed the cover a couple times but her final cover was actually quite good and asthetically pleasing
Title: 8/10
The title makes sense from what I have learned in the story so far, it only has a few chapters but I can tell why she gave it that title
Plot: 46/46
The plot is actually very good, it's easy to follow and everything make sense
The characters each have their own personality and backstory
Character: 21/21
Humor: 6/6
It was funny and had good humor thrown where it needed to be and made me laugh out loud a little even
So in total I give it a: 92/100
This review was done by CrazedTheorist and by far this is probably the best one, so I see you going far in this competition.
Congrats and good luck!
Author: Benelamay
Book title: The Amazing... Electrostorm?
Cover: 5/5 points
The cover was eye-catching made me want to read more, and it was relevant to the story.
Title: 10/10 points
The title is relevant to the book it was definitely eye-catching and it is easy to pronounce.
Plot: 46/46 points The plot is very good there are many plot holes. And it lined up as it should.
Characters: 16/21 points
Had the back stories their own personalities etc. The characters have grown some through the book
Enjoyment: 30/30 points I love the book really good I would definitely read it again just for fun
Humor: 4/5 points there wasn't that much but when there was some, it made me laugh a lot.
Cover: 100
Title: 100
Plot: 100
Characters: 76
Enjoyment: 100
Humor: 80
Total: 92/100
Ok, forget what I said last chapter, this one will be going far too and it has the most points. This review was done by Sarabear9336. And man do we have some judges who can read fast. I had to stay up til midnight to finish Invalid.
Congrats and good luck!
Cover: 2/5
The cover wasn't quite related to the book or very eye-catching, but I'm sure as the book goes on it'll relate some more.
Title: 10/10
The title is perfect. Matches with the book perfectly. It definitely caught my attention.
Plot: 45/46
The plot is beautiful and it's not your average cliche Tony Stark's Daughter. Great job on the plot, it's beautiful and while it lacks a little action, everything else makes up for that. Great job.
Characters: 21/21
Original characters. They each have their own unique personalities.
Enjoyment: 30/30
I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was a beautiful story and I can't wait to see what's next. I would definitely read this for fun. Especially since I already am. Not affecting my judgement.
Humor: 5/6
There may be little humor but everything else makes up for that. It is still beautiful and there is the occasional humor of course that is hilarious and makes me laugh.
Total: 86/100
Cover: 40
Title: 100
Plot: 97
Characters: 100
Enjoyment: 100
Humor: 83
Total: 86/100
Cover- 5/5
The cover was pretty eye-catching and made sense to the story, I personally really liked it.
Title- 10/10
The title was short and sweet and I really liked it. I personally hate really long titles so this really worked for me.
Plot 36/46
The plot was good, action was placed at good spots but it jumped around a lot and I re-read a lot to understand. I personally know little to nothing about Doctor Who so it would have probably been easier to keep up if I knew what I was reading about. Overall the plot was pretty good, but as I said before, you jumped around a lot and it got very confusing. Characters 16/21 The characters were portrayed well, the only thing they were missing was maybe some more background, but the two main characters were portrayed very well in my opinion.
Enjoyment- 22/30 I actually enjoyed this book more than I thought that I would. Like I said before, there was a lot of action and it was spaced very well. Though, I do have to say, I found myself skimming
Quite often, and I also had to re read a lot because of the way it jumped around, but overall I enjoyed it, but I probably wouldn't read it again. But you grammar was amazing I dont think I've seen grammar that good on wattpad before so A+ on that. Humor-5/6
Overall this was a pretty lighthearted book, so there was humor, but it seems there was a quantity over quality type thing so I had to dock one point for that, but it was a pretty funny book overall.
Final- 85/100
Review by DetonationDangerous
I think you have a great chance!
Cover (out of 5 points)- You have scored 2 out of 5 in this sector because while the color scheme matches and is pleasant to look at, it is not immediately eye catching and seems too simple. Though it was relevant to the book, it didn't make me feel like it would be a different book from all the other Percy Jackson fanfictions I've read.
This makes me a little sad, as I made the cover. But I do agree. It's not the best I've done(looks at all my graphics [pretty much my entire gallery], oh yes) but thanks for being honest.
Title (out of 10 points)- You get a 7 for this one. Sea Prince is a title that is short and sweet, but again very generic and doesn't seem different. I didn't see any unique features in the title, which leaves it rather vague.
I love vague stories. Most of the time.
Plot (out of 46 points)- I'd say you get a 44 for this one. I loved the plot, it was extremely well thought out and layered beautifully. It's thoroughly explained, and the premise and emotions are handled very well, though I would have probably liked it better if more description was included, as that would give your plot a more professional feel. All in all, I'd say your plot is extremely strong and is worthy of holding up your story well.
It was a very good plot that made me cry at the end.
Characters (out of 21 points)- You get 21 points out of 21 for this one, because I loved all the work that went into each and every one of your characters, but I especially loved Percy's characterization. The way how you show him as a secretive and broken individual had me sympathizing from the start. I also loved how you showed a different dimension to Poseidon and Triton, as it's hardly seen in the original books. Kudos for this!!
Good job! Yes I'm gonna reply to everything. Sue me.
Enjoyment (out of 30 points): I did enjoy this book a lot. It wasn't exactly funny, though that is understandable given the premise of the story, but it kept me glued to it constantly. I was always waiting for what happened next. I would probably read it again. You get 27 out of 30 for this one.
I still laughed at all the sad parts though. Am I crazy? No. I'm insane.
Humor (out of 6 points): I do apologize that I cannot give this one a high score, since humor does not have a part to play in this story, which is yet again understandable; Percy is suffering from the aftermath of a war and on an undercover mission after all, we cannot expect him to keep cracking jokes. Nevertheless, I can only give you 0 out of 6 points.
Understandable. A joke or two would be nice. But it's still good nonetheless.
Total (out of 100 points): 66/100
Cover: 40
Title: 70
Plot: 95
Characters: 100
Enjoyment: 90
Humor: 0
Good job Drama! Next elimination is tomorrow, most likely, so if a new chapter of the book you are judging is published, read it and if anything changes, give it more points or take away points. You don't do this, I will find the book see if there are any chapters recently published and I will talk to you. Wow that threat went in a totally different direction then I was going for. Ok. Good job, good luck, judges do as told or we may have some problems.
P.S. I have mood swings so I can go from happy, sad, angry, pissed off, to bawling and then fangirling. Am I crazy you ask again? No. I'm insane. Call the mental asylum. I'll sit there humming one line over and over again. What is this line?
I wouldn't hesitate, to smile while you suffocate and die.
Am I insane? I am way beyond that. Goodbye, good luck, good job, enjoy, and don't forget what I've said judges!
Thank you guys for being apart of the 2018 Fire Awards. I had a wonderful first Awards with you all. Today, I will be eliminating the last person and then announcing the winners! Thank you everyone for joining and telling your friends. Judges, thank you for giving away some of your time to read these books, some more to write reviews, a little bit more to give it points and some more of your time to provide these. Participants, thanks for joining, giving a form with your books. We appreciate how you came out of the shadows in hopes of being recognized. You surely are, even though our small group of people. But thank you everyone, whether judge or participant, I appreciate it. Thank you all.
I feel like this is a crying moment but I'm not crying. Call me heartless, I'll agree. I just finished that saddest book everyone and I was laughing at the sad parts. My brain is messed up. I don't know why. But thank you everyone for participating.
1st Place Winner, once announced, go to Of Skye Works and fill out the form for a cover don't say payment because it's free, you will also get a free mockup and your sticker.
2nd Place Winner, once announced, please go fill out the form in Of Skye Works for your free cover. No payment because it is your prize.
3rd Place Winner, once announced, please go to Of Skye Works to pick up your cover with your sticker.
Participants: Go to Of Skye Works for your cover with your sticker. Good job.
Please remember to go look at my reading lists to find these:
Fire Awards Winners
Fire Awards Participants
I'm so glad you all joined and got this book so far. Great job guys! I can't wait for the 2019 Awards now! And they'll be better than ever! Good job everyone and cross your fingers!
1st Place prizes: A new cover (form through my cover shop, no payment except credit), a mockup (comes with cover, no payment except credit), an original sticker for your cover (comes with cover), a permanent follow from me, a review on one book of your choosing and added to the winners reading list (made once the winners are announced).
2nd Place prize: a new cover (form through my cover shop. No payment except credit), an original sticker (comes with cover) a follow from me, added to winners reading list.
3rd Place prize: an original sticker for your cover, a follow from me, added to winners reading list.
Participation prize: participation sticker, added to participation reading list.
Ok, I know more chapters on some books came out, and I'm sorry, but nobody got any points added or taken away because our judges apparently don't like listening.
Invalid by Annabeth_Jackson_12
58/100 points
Review done by WhenTheFireComes
Eliminated?: yes
Becoming Inhuman by hailquake
75/100 points
Review done by Sarabear9336
Eliminated?: yes
Trust by xXStrawberry_GirlXx
98/100 points
Review done by CrazedTheorist
Eliminated?: 1st Place
The Amazing... Electrostorm? By Benelamay
92/100 points
Review done by Sarabear9336
Eliminated?: 2nd Place
Lies|| Tony Stark's Daughter by Agent_Anna
86/100 points
Review done by WhenTheFireComes
Eliminated?: 3rd Place
Magic and Phone boxes by AnnRoseElle
Review done by DetonationDangerous
Eliminated?: yes
Sea Prince by Borntosingwithdrama
Review done by accio-sleep
Eliminated?: Yes
Who do you think will win? Find out next time! Any new books who enter will be put through the same tests and will go through eliminations like all the others. Sorry AnnRoseElle but you were chopped off. You were one point away from 3rd place. But good job 3rd, 2nd and 1st place! You did good! Everyone redirect to Of Skye Works for your covers. You all did a great job, even if you haven't been here the whole time. You all did great! Now remember, tell me once you pick up your covers as I am unpublishing the Fire Awards to renovate them. I'll see you soon!
The 2018 Fire Awards are over and so begins the changes for the 2019 Fire Awards. Great job everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing more people!
4408 words
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