As I feel my junior grow, I stand up abruptly and run inside the cave without giving any explanation. And I kid you not, I can literally feel Weredra's condescending look and Zhan's worried look drill holes in the back of my head.
I pull the lever (Yes, I am actually talking about the lever inside the cave) to close the door shut. And without a second thought, I pull my pants down and set off to tame my misbehaving junior.
"The fuck is wrong with you? " I mutter under my breath between pants and gasps, as, without invitation, Zhan's face slithers its way into my mind's eyes.
"Get a grip, YiJuan!" I reprimand my heart, increasing my pace. I realize that what I am doing is highly inappropriate and shameless, but I know I need to do it in order to survive the whole day next to the object of my affection, with his almond eyes and luscious red lips.
"Ah..!" I moan and cum all over my hands. 'Well, that felt good.' That is my first thought. That is before I look down at the disgusting pale white substance, 'My semen.' My brain informs, coating my fingers.
"Grosssss!" I groan, and as a reflex, wipe my hand on the back of my shirt. That was a mistake, for the next moment, I hear Zhan's concerned voice from outside, "YiJun, what happened? Do you need my help? Do you need me to come inside?"
I swear, if I hadn't already cum just a few seconds ago, I would have done so now with the indecent images Zhan's innocent words were painting for me.
You see, I was so far gone that I was now concentrating only on the words 'come inside.' And I definitely wanted that, but in a completely different way than Zhan had meant them.
"No, " I say, despite wanting to say the opposite and add, "I think the apple did not agree with me. Give me a few minutes."
'The apple didn't agree with me!?????' I hate my brain sometimes.
Why the hell can't I come up with plausible excuses!?
Damn it.
Anyway, once I am done panicking over the fact that I had cum for the first time in my short span of life and had very stupidly wiped the thing on the back of my shirt, I think quickly and take off my shirt. I take off my undershirt too, because of reasons I don't want to mention and walk over to the small pond a few feet away.
'Good thinking, Weredra.' I commend my magical companion for her amazingly perceptive brain that had come up with the idea to have this unexplainable water body inside the cave.
I get busy cleaning my shirts while making a mental list of things that would make our life as cave dwellers a little bit better. I must have gotten too engrossed in doing it because I imagine hearing someone who sounds a lot like Weredra, clearing her throat.
I ignore it. My mind must be playing tricks on me, I tell myself. For I am the only one in the cave.
'Ha! The little devil clears her throat so often that I am hearing it even now.' I conclude, continuing to scrub my undershirt.
"Excuse me, Sir." I hear Weredra's voice, clear as crystal, just behind me, and get startled. I let go of my shirts and turn around.
"What is it?" I ask, looking at the child, "Did something happen? Is there trouble?" I add, for why else would Weredra have come inside.
Weredra shakes her head and looks at her left, pointing at me, "I told you he would be fine, Zhan ge. See."
I follow the child's gaze, and my eyes land on a very pink-faced Zhan.
Zhan's eyes are glued to my chest or... abdomen. I am not sure where his eyes are, but he looks shocked. He looks like he has seen a ghost.
'But why?' I ask myself. And a split second later, realization strikes. I was shirtless; I was naked from my waist up. Instinctively, I turn and jump into the pond.
"Get out!" I bite out, covering my modesty.
Zhan at once lowers his gaze, "I am sorry." He mutters under his breath and leaves the cave.
Weredra tries to follow, but I stop her, "Stay and make sure he doesn't enter without permission." I bark at her in an offended tone, wanting Zhan to hear it.
I may have been brought up like a commoner, but I am a lady. I am a princess. Yes, I am aware that I am neither, at the moment, but there are things that I...
I lose my train of thought when I remember the look on Zhan's face. What did it mean? Was I too hard on him? After all, I had seen him half-naked as well, just a couple of hours ago. I remember staring at him shamelessly.
I feel guilty for the way I had overreacted, so, after asking Weredra for a new set of clothes and talking to her about other trivial but necessary things, I make up my mind to go and apologize for my earlier dumbass behavior.
We walk out of the cave expecting to find Zhan waiting for us, but to my great disappointment, he is not around.
I look at Weredra expectantly, and she shakes her head, "Why are you looking at me like that?" She shrugs, "You were the one who wanted to discuss the list!" She accuses.
Yes, I had indeed wanted to discuss a few matters with her. For instance, how was she planning to hang out with us? Was she going to be visible to all, in a child's guise, or invisible to all, barring me. Then there was the matter of our lack of coins. If we wanted to keep the truth about Weredra being a magical creature a secret, we could not depend on her for our daily needs, especially food, could we? Would we, in that case, have to continue having apples!?
I was fucking done with having apples. Like seriously!
And in the time we had just spent inside, we had decided all such minor things that we would have to work our way around if we were to look like citizens of this horribly mismanaged nation.
After looking around the premises and not finding Zhan, I feel like kicking myself for my earlier rude behavior. I start feeling low like I had lost something precious, and I take a deep breath, "Maybe this is what I deserve." I say more to myself than to the child who had come and taken a seat next to me when I hear the rustle of leaves behind me.
Once again, perceiving threat, I stand up and pull Weredra behind me. Yes, I am aware the that was stupid and totally uncalled for.
"Zhan..." I whisper when I see my crush walking towards me with his head hung low. I relax as our eyes meet, and I feel my lips curve up. "Where did you go?" I enquire, and he stops moving.
Without breaking eye contact with me, he speaks in a defeated tone, "Please let me tag along with you. I... I am sorry that I walked in on you. I didn't know. I didn't mean to look... I don't know... YiJun, I am sorry for..."
I take long strides and close the distance between us. I put my palm over Zhan's mouth, effectively shutting him up, and explain, "You are forgiven. And, of course, you can tag along. We are in this together. I need you." I pause when his eyes widen, and I clarify, "I can't take care of Weredra on my own, can I now, Zhan ge?"
"Zhan ge?" He parrots, and I smile, "Yes, I figure you are at least a couple of years older than me, so it's only right for me to address you as such, Zhan ge." I add and look at him expectantly, "Why, don't you like it when I address you as Zhan ge?"
He shakes his head and nods, "No... I mean, yes. You can call me that." He replies, smiling sweetly, and my heart skips a few beats on cue like it has started doing every time my Zhan ge smiles like that.
I don't know how long we stare at each other like that, but before things get awkward, Weredra pulls my pants and drags me back to reality, "So does that mean you are his Didi?" Weredra asks curiously, but before I can answer, Zhan picks her up and answers for me, "Yes, I guess we are. Aren't we, YiJun?"
I nod, and my heart that was feeling heavy just a few moments ago feels like it has been touched by the rays of sunshine for the first time since my aunt had informed me of my parent's passing. I feel happy, excited, and emotional all at once.
"Yes, we are," I answer and turn away before my companions can see my tears. I wipe my eyes discreetly and pick up my sword, "Now, let us see what else needs our attention in, Dezhutang." I announce like a hero that I am and gesture for Zhan and Weredra to follow.
As Zhan and Weredra fall in step with me, I tell them about what I had planned on doing today, "We will visit the inner city and the marketplace. Those are the only places left to cover. Once we are done, we will then plan on how to bring the king and queen to justice."
Zhan nods and suggests that to blend in, we could offer our muscle to whoever needed it in exchange for food and shelter. Moreover, in doing so, we could familiarize ourselves with the workings of the inner city.
I can't help but smile and nod in agreement. With that settled, the three of us set out towards Dezhutang.
{Word count: 1648}
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