I squealed as he lifts me up in a hug, twirling around at a spot, i clenched the lapels of his red blazer, trying to hold still.
He carefully puts my feet down on the floor, right in front of him. A big grin right on his face. Okay....
That was unexpected...
"What is with the exaggerated hug?"
"Am just so happy to see you" he stated. I play with the strap of my backpack before nodding.
"Why were you standing in front of my class? " I asked him curiously, he gave me an uncomfortable smile.
"Waiting for my friend?" that was what he said.
In front of my class?
I stood on my tip toes taking a peek inside the class by the open door. Evans Kanu was no where to be found, i stood straight, throwing a raised eyebrow his way. His next statement left me with no words..
"I miss you " Akorede said softly. He stood before me with a calm, strange look in his eyes.
"It was only four days" I finally managed to spill out. He shrugged.
"Does it matter?" he asked. I shook my head my eyes running through his physique.
He was properly dressed in his complete uniform. His school ID card hanging by a tag on his neck. The prefectship badge, a shiny silver tag with the words LABOUR PREFECT written beautifully on it.
He rarely wore this but i guess it was due to what was happening today, due to it being a Monday after mid term break.
After the assembly there would be general clean up of the school by students and prefects are meant to oversee this exercise.
That is when you will see junior students hiding away in the toilet in other not to engage in the exercise but they always get caught.
The highlight of the day are the latecomers, those who thought it wise to come late for the devotion and assembly. They are treated like condemned criminals by prefects.
I wonder how my mates will fair because during this period which is a duration of three hours, the staffs normally hold their meeting so it is like giving Ss3 students the to power to control the school for three hours.
"KK!" he turned to see who was calling him. It was Bankole who gave me a big smile before waving as he got to where we stood. "Good morning Tolani... You look refreshing as always" he winks causing me to blush in embarrassment.
Bankole ehn.
I look up at Korede when he cleared his throat giving Bankole an annoyed look. He asked if we were heading to the hall i nodded and informed them that i needed to drop my bag in class.
They both waited for me, we went to the hall together. The two of them on each side as we walk.
It was such a shocker when i got to the hall to see that it was almost filled up and there was a loud silence. If you drop pin on a cushion seat, you will still be able to hear it due to this silence.
Thankfully we took the back route into the hall. It seems that was where Akorede is stationed for today.
Where the tyrants and truants of the school normally sat. And i swear they sit up looking rigid with fear as soon as they sighted him.
It was so exhilarating to watch. Especially the Ss2 boys. They turned mute at the mere sight of Korede who only sweeps them with a blank look.
But we all know that look wasn't ordinary. It was a silent threat to anyone who dared defy his authority.
I look up at the stage to see Theresa glaring down at the strangely extremely quiet jss1 students who stared at her with mirth, love and fear.
Her golden badge which showed she was the HEAD GIRL laid smartly on the right side lapel of her blazer.
What happened before we got in?
I shiver recalling my encounter with Theresa yesterday afternoon. She tackled me into my bed as soon as she saw me in the room, whacking me on the head repeatedly with one of her pillows.
After forty seven minutes- yes i counted her solo screaming fit on how and why i disappeared on the day we went home. She threatened me that if i ever do that again she will rip me from limb to limb.
I sat down on an empty seat alongside Bankole who was not a prefect, Faramade was not a prefect as well, those two are not too good in handling kids, they will break someone's neck.
I run my eyes through the very quiet hall. Who would have ever thought that this children can be this quiet? My eyes stopped on Evans who stood by the first front entrance of the hall looking rigid like a brick wall.
I watch him flick up his wrist in a bid to check the time, a spur of gold flashes through my eyes before he brought the hand down.
Turning around abruptly at the entrance of the hall where he was situated. He raised up his two hands the same time i saw the commotion happening outside through the window.
Students ran into the hall in a bid not to get late because they knew that by the time Evans put the hands back down, they are toast.
The bold ones who were giggling and shining their teeth immediately ceased in the act when they saw and noticed the tensed atmosphere in the hall.
Finally, he brought his hands down causing cries and screams to erupt from the students who were trying to run into the hall so has to escape the punishment for late comers.
"Yes sir!-"
I hear some of them shout in a bid to explain or beg on the reason of their lateness. He only shook his head, their pleas fell on deaf ears.
When did Evans turn into 'sir'?
After making sure the late comers were on their knees. He turned back with a stoic expression on his face as he crossed his strong arms against his chest, staring straight ahead.
I swear... I saw some juniors gulp.
"Good morning students" Theresa's sharp yet commanding voice came through the speakers, the students replied with the same valour.
This is going to be one interesting assembly.
Ss3 students brought down hell on every student below their class today. It was like i was watching drama from my window in the class. All that was missing was the popcorn.
Let's start with Evans....
The scared face of his customers alias latecomers did not move him a bit. Not the slightest bit, not even a twitch.
The senior ones were trying to form big boys and girls but you can still see the sliver of fear in their eyes. The junior ones didn't bother to pretend as they were practically shivering on their knees.
I saw his mouth move a bit, he was telling- no instructing them on something and from the way some of them put their two hands on their heads as if they were in trouble and the excruciating groans coming from their mouth, i knew whatever he said was not going to pay them.
I watch as they rose up trailing after him as he led them together with some prefects to the back of the school.
Then Akeju came walking through the yard between Ss2 and Ss3 block and behind him were his crawling entourage. Over do go kee dis one. This is the first time i am seeing him since we resumed and i am glad we didn't bump into each other. His crawling entourage were a group of senior boys which i think were in Ss1. He must have weeded them out of their hiding place at the back of the bleachers in the school stadium because that was their normal hiding place.
They are not creative enough...
They were moving on their knees in one single file behind Akeju, that must be their punishment, i winced as the moved over the gravel, their trousers were rolled up to their thighs so imagine the pain. He kept his head straight not looking back at them and he was damn sure they were going to comply.
My stomach grumbled in an unsettling manner. I clenched it with my hand frowning at the painful feeling.
I ate too much cooked groundnut in the bus yesterday. That must be it because i only ate bread yesterday evening.
My ears picks up on Theresa sharp voice in the Ss2 block. There were few people in the class so the class was less noisy, i heard her clearly.
I skipped out of the class walking towards the exit of the Ss3 block, i saw her immediately, she was positioned in front of the Ss2 block talking to a boy taller than her and she was really loud.
I leaned against the wall staring at the drama before me, i have turned into aproko all of a sudden but i can't help it.
From what i can discern from the scene before me, she told some Ss2 boys to kneel down. They were loitering in the class when they should be in the hall.
It seems like one of them was proving stubborn.
"I said kneel down" Theresa voice sounded clipped as she stood with folded arms.
"I can't" the boy stated stubbornly, Theresa stared at him with a blank look on his face, he went on. "my trousers will get dirty"
"Kneel down " her voice drops to level whereby you can feel icicles hanging on every tone.
The boy locks eye with his friends who were already on their knees, throwing them a knowing smirk before turning to a clearly livid Theresa with an adamant look on his face. Some of his friends shook their head in what i guess was pity.
This scene as caused a mini audience from students involved in the general cleaning inside and outside the class.
O fe fii Theresa gba star....tii e baa e...
"I said -"
He didn't get to finish his statement when two hot slaps were delivered to his cheeks simultaneously, his friends jumped while he almost stumbled to the ground, he shook his head out of the painful daze giving Theresa a bewildered look.
"I said on your fucking knees!" she screamed.
Wham wham!
Another two?!
Damn girl!
"On. Your. Knees.... " she growled into his face.
The boy who looked livid had red handprint decorating his brown skin, you can imagine the intensity of the slap. He starts to waver as he slowly knelt down.
Theresa gave him a deadly glare that will make Medusa have a run for her money.
Don't mess with TNT...
Then he hissed.
Wait- did he just hissed at Theresa?
His friends gaped at him but he only stuck his nose in the air. Theresa gave him a look which promised horror. He was not remorseful about it.
"You can go to your class" she gestured to the boys on punishment. The boy tried standing up with his pals but was stopped by Theresa's next words "Not you... Follow me- on your knees"
She said before turning around walking away, the boy clenched his jaw before crawling after her.
I shook my head knowing that boy was in serious trouble.
A groan escaped my lips at the pain in my stomach. It feels like there is a war going on in there.
I turn around, going back to my class, i sat down on my seat, placing my head on my locker praying the pain will go away.
I sit up immediately i felt it creep up my throat all the way from my stomach, it hit me again, that wave of nausea. My hand flew up to my mouth to stop the disgusting contents from escaping. My stomach rumbled.
With quickness i never knew i could possess, i flew up from my seat, running across the class not caring if anyone saw me. I rushed into the open courtyard of the Ss3 block emptying the content in my stomach.
I retched into the clean grass as it came in waves again. My mind went blank as i tried as much as possible to empty the disgusting yet painful contents in my stomach. Tears clouded my vision.
I heaved finally feeling a sense of calmness in my stomach. I raised myself a bit leaning myself against one of the chairs put their for relaxation.
That was when i realized i had audience. Lots of audience, from the three arms. On the windows, by the doors. Everywhere...
I sniffed feeling some air rushing back to my windpipe. Dizziness and vertigo hits me again and i wavered the same time i felt someone grab my arm in a careful but firm hold.
I lift my head to see Faramade who looks concerned at my weak state.
"Hey. What's wrong? You don't look too okay" he pointed out.
"I am okay-"
Then i felt it again, i bent my body in reflex, as the disgusting contents came out of my body. I retched painfully as tears streamed down my face.
"Someone get me water!"
I hear him say but i felt so weak to tell him am okay. I gasped as i felt the cold water being poured on my head, then on my face.
I rise up slowly, then i felt his hand on my chin, turning my head to face him. Water trickled down my back into my shirt. I waver as my legs turned jelly.
"Look at me, what is wrong?" he questioned looking and sounding worried at the same time.
I made a swirling motion to my stomach.
"Your stomach?" I nodded "do you want to go to the clinic?" i shook my head drastically.
The nurses are so mean. I rather be half dead than allow those people to treat me.
I watch the girl who was holding a bottle half filled with water in her hand, she gave me a concerned look also.
Why are they all staring at me like that?
I motioned for the water bottle in which she was quick to hand over to me. I took a big gulp.
My mistake!
My stomach protested and the worms in my stomach screamed at me. I threw everything back up.
I calm down a bit, the water isn't helping matters and i felt so weak... I watch Made tell the girl something, she quickly nodded leaving us alone.
"Tolani... " I look up to see Faramade staring down at me his hand still holding me from collapsing "You need to go to the school clinic, you look pale"
"I must have ate something i am reacting to. I just need some drugs and i will be fine"
He stared at me as if not believing what i was saying. What is wrong with this mismatched eyes boy? It is my body, not his...
The girl came back with my backpack on her shoulder, she gave it to Faramade who sling it over one of his broad shoulders. Questioning stares were thrown our way as he helps me up.
I am equally surprised. Faramade aka Cyborg never helps people out unless you are his closest friend and i don't think i fall into that category.
"Where are you taking me?"
"I can't allow you to stay in the class like this. You are going back to the hostel" his voice left no room for objection.
"But classes-"
"No teacher in his or her right mind will come to class today. So relax"
His voice sounds convincing as he pulled me along in a gentle but firm manner.
My stomach has calmed down a bit and i asked him if i could take off my blazer. He nodded. I took it off and he asked if i could walk by myself. I was about to nod but I waver a bit causing him to hold me by the arm again.
I feel empty and dehydrated.
Ignoring the looks that escorted our figures we walked across the school blocks, i refused to look trying to calm my beating heart.
This is weird and awkward...
"What happened?" i hear Theresa's sharp voice flow into my ear. Looking up, i saw she had already reached us. Her face full of worry when she takes in my sick frame.
I zone in and out as they talked. I was unable to fully listen but i picked words like sick... threw up... faint.
I jump as i felt her slightly warm hand go to my forehead. The same hand she used to slap someone hours ago.
"I will take it from here" she told Faramade. He looked reluctant a bit but finally gave in. I sigh watching them exchange my bag, Theresa placed his hand on my other arms urging me to move.
Faramade released me into the hands of Theresa at the front of the girls hostel. I could not even say thank you due to being tired.
Theresa informed the head matron of my situation before collecting the keys to our room. The woman told her that i should have gone to the clinic but Theresa waved it off.
After getting to our room. I immediately sat down on my bed still having that unsettled feeling in my stomach.
I don't want to dirty my pillow case due to my wet hair but my bed was calling me. I doze off a bit when my body hits the bed but was woken up by Theresa who holds a bottle of water for me to drink.
I shook my head in a bid to protest that my stomach won't accept it but she pushed it into my hand. I sit up.
I huff, uncapping the bottle to drink and i almost threw up at the taste.
"If you spill it out, i will shove it down your throat " she threatened.
What kind of nurse is this?
I carefully drank the salt and sugar solution praying i won't throw up because i know she can do it.
My stomach contracted suddenly making me choke a bit but the look she sent my way made me swallow it immediately.
Slowly, my stomach became calm. The pain resided and i felt much better. I took the bottle away from my mouth before looking at Theresa.
She gave the half filled content of the bottle a good look before nodding, taking the bottle from my hand.
"Are you okay?"
"I am much better. Thank you"
"Now rest. You will take the rest later"
I nodded before laying back down on my bed waiting for sleep to take over.
I stared at the overgrown fool who thought it wise to disobey my friend. I saw the way he wavered at the sight of me while crawling behind Theresa towards me.
Deep fear flashed through his eyes when Theresa told me what he did. He was trying to form big boy. He should at least wait till Ss3 na..
I gave him a mirthless smirk and i almost chuckled as he visibly gulps.
"I will leave you two to get to know each other better" Theresa said in a mocking tone. She left him alone with me, i raise an eyebrow as he tried calling for her attention before throwing me a nervous glance.
"What is your name?"
He looks up at me unsure. Glancing at the truants behind who i caught sneaking around the hostel and some for coming late to the hall. They were busy clearing the school incinerator, packing garbage and other sorts to be burnt.
I raise my hand for him not to say anything. I am not interested in his stupid name.
"What brought you to my presence?"
He turned mute finding the sandy ground interesting. I crossed my arms against my chest taking determined steps towards the boy. He cowered back a bit.
"Are you deaf?"
"Then why are you here? And look at me when am talking to you!" he quickly looked up and he doesn't look bold anymore.
"I-i did no-not.." he stuttered like the fool he was.
"Oh so you no get mind, you dey form big boy. No worry... I go break dat your shoulder you dey carry around" turning around to the idiots who had been watching us "You! Come here!"
The boy rushed up to me as i took off my wristwatch and blazer.
"Remove his belt!"
I ordered before calling another one, handing over my stuffs to him with a warning. I watch as the boy removed the belt swiftly from his trousers before turning to me.
I gestured for the belt, he quickly puts it in my awaiting hand. I rolled it around the palm of my hand before leaving the part i know will make an impact, I flexed it, it made a snapping sound which made him wince.
I smirked.
"Lie down"
"Senior Korede-"
"Are you mad?" he shook his head "then why you dey call my name?" he gulps not finding a reasonable answer to my question. "lie down"
He quickly did at the same time shaking in his boots. Stupid boy.
The first blow went straight to his back causing him to arc, a groan escaping his lips but i wasted no time as i went on rapidly, delivering blows after blows on his back until he cried out in pain rolling on the dirty ground.
After giving him twenty one strokes of his belt, i threw it at his shaking, crying form ordering him to join the other boys at the incinerator.
The boy holding my blazer and wrist watch stared at me looking pale and jittery. I collected my stuffs before putting them back on.
"If you like, others too should prove stubborn. What i did to him is small... I will fry you! You go know say monkey no be chimpanzee. Oya clean that place up my friend!"
I snapped at them and that must have fired them up as their brooms, rakes worked with quick speed and alacrity.
It is like they have forgotten who i am. This will be a warning to them and others.
I will break your neck if you dare disobey me or any one of my friends.
"Guy... How far na?" i look away from the miscreants am in charge of to see Faramade standing beside me.
"I dey"
"Wetin do dat one?" he pointed towards the boy i gave some serious beating a while ago, his dirty uniform was a tale sign.
"He dey form hard guy"
Faramade lets out a scornful laugh eyeing the boy out.
"Shey dey no tell you for house say make you respect your seniors? Abi una dey craze?"
The boy froze while emptying the rubbish into the incinerator, he was scared again no doubt because Faramade is merciless like me.
"Did you see Tolani this morning?"
I raised an eyebrow at his question. Of course i saw her, i basically attacked her with a hug, her scent putting me in a high state.
I waited in front of her class this morning, waiting like a sick fool for her. I am fucking whipped!
"Yes i did"
"And she did not look off to you. There was nothing strange about her?" he questioned.
"No.... " i shook my head. Expect her cornrows made her look prettier.
He lets out a sigh, looking deep in thought. His mismatched eyes twitching a bit.
"She threw up a while ago."
"What?!" i roared into his face. Threw up? Was she sick?
She looks fine to me this morning! She looked hale and healthy.
"She was pale too"
"Where is she?" I asked matching away from him like a soldier in a bid to find her. I was pulled back by a strong hand on my shoulder. "let go of me dude! What they fuck are you doing?!"
"Where are you going to?"
"To see her of course " I stated looking at him as if he was stupid. Omotolani is not feeling fine and i was here lashing an asshole!
"And if you see her what will you do?" i open my mouth but nothing came out. What am i going to do?, he raised an eyebrow "of course... She has gone back to the hostel alongside Theresa so she is fine"
"Why the hostel?! And not the clinic?" he shrugged.
"I don't know... Just calm down. She will be alright"
I hope so...
She has to be alright or else i will go insane with worry.
Drama coming up in the next chapters o.
Omotolani throwing up? Hmmm...
*Cough* me Duduke by Simi 😂😂😂
Evans is now addressed as sir 😂😂😂. What fear can do to a person...
What do you think of Akorede in the way he treated the disobedient student?
Translation :
Over do go kee dis one: going overboard with something.
O fe fii Theresa gba star....tii e baa e: you want to embarrass Theresa... You are in trouble.
aproko: gossip
I dey: am alright
Wetin do dat one: what is wrong with him?
He dey form hard guy: he was trying to act tough.
Shey dey no tell you for house say make you respect your seniors? Abi una dey craze?: didn't they tell you at home to respect your seniors or are you crazy?
A lot of people want to eat me up because of my late updates. 😁😁😁... No vex, e maa binu sii mii... Am trying to edit and work on some chapters so see you when i see you but i promise it will be very soon.
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