I rest my head against the cold hard wall, dozing off even with the noise around me. The book in front of me was opened but long forgotten. I came here to get a break anyway, not to read.
I sat on the stairs behind the school hall. The back entrance of the school hall was opened and noise of students inside kept on seeping out, denying me of my much needed rest.
Don't they get tired of talking? It is crazy how you can't get a place you can enjoy some quiet time around here. The places i know, Korede will be there and i can't just deal with his clinginess right now.
I need some me time.
He had been clingy and a bit possessive lately and it is annoying the hell out of me.
That's why I'm here. I tried reading but i find myself dozing off due to the cool breeze blowing.
I got startled from my light sleep at the sudden shout from inside the hall from the students. Hissing loudly, i sit up flipping through my book. They were probably talking about the upcoming game which is tomorrow.
Ivy Hills Academy will be playing with our school team tomorrow. Right here... In this school. Everyone is anticipating the big game considering what happened last time at the said school.
I will get to see my cousin tomorrow. And April, my new friend.
I turn to the next page of my notebook when i felt someone sitting beside me. Looking up, i was surprised to see Akeju occupying the space beside me, he sat in a slouched position as he stared down at me while lazily chewing his gum.
Shadow and Kelechi stood on guard like always while they gave me their annoying smirks.
Oh men... I thought they had forgotten about me. I don't have the energy to deal with them right now.
I closed my book, looking away from him, hoping he would get the message that I'm not interested in whatever bull crap he was trying to pull this late afternoon.
"How far?" He said casually like we are long time friends.
"What do you want?" My question came out cold and strong.
I hear Kelechi snicker at my response to his friend's question.
"This girl no get respect again" Shadow declared and i can feel him glaring at me. I look up to give them the evil eye.
"Chineke! Shey na us you dey look like dat?" Kelechi exclaimed in mocked mortification. "If i sound you!"
He raised his hand but was stopped by Akeju who shook his head.
"What are you trying na do?" He asked in confusion but i was not buying his antics. "O fe gba leeti? Odidi iyawo Wellington? You wanna slap her? Abi you don't know who she be?" I rolled my eyes, you can detect from his voice that he was mocking me.
"Oh... Sorry o" Shadow said in fake recollection "i didn't know that you are now a big girl" i hissed at his statement before picking my books to leave. "She dey go o..." He said to his friends as if realizing what i was about to do.
I stood up climbing down the stairs, ignoring them like air.
"Omotolani!" My heart skipped in fear but i was quick to collect myself, turning to look at him, his eyes dark with clenched jaws. "O fe te... Maa de treat fuck up e"
I shuddered a bit at his threatening words but i did well to hid it. I give them one last glare before walking away.
"But kaa ma paro o..." Shadow said grabbing his crotch as they all stared at her retrieving figure. "Eran nla nii bobo yin je o"
"As in... Her back side lasan... She dey hide all of these, i for don chop my own o" he staring lustfully after her.
After that cultural night event, they had all been seeing Omotolani in a different light. Akeju rose up, licking his lips.
"Yansh is life..." He declared.
They both shouted in support of his declaration. He beckoned for them to move closer in which they did.
"Can't you see what Akorede is enjoying?it ought not to be so na..." They all nodded in support "that girl... I must clear am!"
"I agree"
"Maa fo ise omo yen and mii o tii rii baba nla ku baba anybody to ma stop mii" he declared which made his friends hail for him in support.
At the end of the day, i found Akorede playing around with a basketball at the basketball court. I was the one who basically carried myself to meet him even though i had been avoiding him all day.
I watch him move swiftly as he bounces and hop with the ball in his hand. Moving with such fascinating speed before throwing it, i watch it go straight into the basket.
Damn... My man is really good...
I cleared my throat, making myself known. I almost laughed when he turn his head around so fast, i was actually scared that he was going to break his neck.
His eyes widens with something akin to surprise and happiness at the sight of me but he shook his head quickly before ignoring me, walking towards his ball.
Did he just ignored me?
I'm not surprised... I was doing the same all day. Letting out a big breath, i walk into the court, towards where he was as he picks the ball.
"Hey" his voice came out like a grunt. Was he mad at me?
I wrap my arms around him immediately, feeling his tensed body relax at my hold. This grown up dude was really sulking because i didn't talk to him all day.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked with a pout to my lips.
"Why will i be mad at you?" His voice raising a top notch and he sounds defensive as he stared down at me with eyes narrowed into slits.
"Because i ignored you all day?..."
"Oh... So you knew what you were doing? You knew that you were ignoring your boyfriend... Just leave me first"
He wiggled out of my hold, walking away with his face turn away from me. Was he that angry at me?
I run up to him, jumping on his back. He was quick to balance with my extra weight as he held me still on his back.
"What are you doing? Come down from my back" he commanded. I smirk at his statement even though when his body was going contrary to it as he held me tightly to him.
"Are you sure?" I whispered hotly into his ear making him freeze for a moment. I let out an evil laugh in my head.
We were like that for a while before i tap him by the shoulder to let me down in which he reluctantly did. He walk around to stand in front of me, giving me a blank look.
"What if i tell you that i had a reason for acting this way?" I chimed in.
"What could have been the damn reason that would make you snub your boyfriend? Do you know how worried i was? I felt like i did something bad, i have been cracking my brain all day to see what i could have done wrong" i giggled at his words "it's not funny Shetemi..." He said looking and sounding serious making me swallow up my laughter.
"I said I'm sorry now..." I pout again which seems to be working really well.
"So what's the reason?" He asked, taking his eyes off my face as he throws the red ball from one hand to another. I stared at him,now looking confused. "You know? The reason why you decided to snub your boyfriend for the whole day without caring about the mental health of the poor guy"
I huff, trying to overlook the way he made himself the third person in the conversation.
"Well... Let just say i need some time away from my boyfriend" the ball dropped from his weak grasp as he stared down at me with a deadpan look.
"Why do you need some time away?" His voice coming out small as he peered down at me. "What did i do wrong?"
Oh... Now we are back to the I pronoun.
"Nothing o" he gave me a look "I'm serious...it just that with everything going on, I'm just overwhelmed you know..." He crossed his arms against his chest.
"I honestly don't know.... You need to come down to my level"
How am i going to tell him this without getting him angry?
"I - i.. sometimes i feel you are too...clingy and possessive?" I panicked when his face fell at my statement"don't take it the wrong way"
"I'm too clingy?... How?" He asked looking and sounding a bit shocked and confused. As if what i am saying doesn't make sense.
"Okay... Let's start with Tuesday morning... How you pulled that guy away while we were talking about a chemistry question he find hard to solve?"
"He was getting too close..." He defended.
"That's why you had to pull him by the collar from behind? You could have strangled him." He grunted "okay... How about yesterday? You almost punched a guy at the entrance of the cafeteria because he was talking to me"
"He was flirting with you!" I raise an eyebrow at his declaration "I'm freaking serious, I'm a guy... I know how this thing works"
I shook my head letting out a big sigh.
"But you don't have to fear you know that right?, I'm not going anywhere" i assured him. What is he scared about and why his he jealous?.
"I am trying not to be scared but you are scaring me" he poured out as he pulled me closer like always, staring deeply into my eyes.
"Scaring you? how?"
He looks down at the floor, deep in thought, his eyebrows scrunched up in concentration.
"I have already promised myself, that no matter what happens, I'm not going to hurt your feelings or make you cry... You are a very good person with a beautiful soul" i smile in appreciation at his words. "But i don't know..."
"Know what?" I asked in curiosity.
"Sometimes i feel like you will be the one to hurt me..." His statement struck a chord in my heart.
Me? Hurt him? How? Why?
"Why did you say that? You know i will never hurt you or your feelings" why would he even think that? I don't think i am capable enough to do that to him.
He let out a small sad smile before pinching me at the tip of my nose.
"Don't worry... You won't understand"
"You have started! You will tell me things and you won't divulge in full details. It is always 'you won't understand' issue " i complained pulling away from him but he held me closer placing a kiss on my forehead.
I held on to his sleeveless jersey, squeezing it tightly.
"And i said don't worry your pretty head" shaking my head in disapproval "you are sulking? See why i don't like telling you things?"
"Ehn en... So you have been hiding a lot of things from me. Don't talk to me again cause i won't talk to you" he laughed at my threat.
"It's like you want to make me immobile... Oya let me give you a piggy ride to show you how sorry i am"
A flown blown smile was about making a way on my face but i was quick to turn away from him. After much prodding and begging, i accepted the ride.
I mean... Who can say no to Akorede's piggy ride?
"There are here! Ivy League are here!!" Was what jolted me away from the deep conversation i was having with my friend.
Theresa rolled her eyes before glaring at my classmate who decided to take the title of the town crier.
I watch in amusement as students rushed out of the class to see the self proclaimed Ivy League which denied SJC of their winning streak through crooked means.
"Why are they acting as if the president of United States just dropped by in SJC?" Theresa asked frowning at a girl who almost tripped while running towards the door if not for her friend who was quick to grab her.
"They are just being curious to find out who made SJC had a run for her money... And of course, Akeju's step brother"
She rolled my eyes at my statement shaking her head in annoyance.
"Girls!" We both look up to see Ejiro standing at the door of the almost empty classroom"you are still here? Akorede is about to have a face off with that Juwon dude"
I groaned at the information while Theresa only snickered. Why does my boyfriend have to be so air headed?
Soon, we find ourselves out of the class, going towards the scene. It was not hard to locate. Sixty percent of the school population was present, the other percent were either held up by ongoing lessons or the news hasn't reached them.
We find our way to the front of the scene, courtesy of Theresa and lo and behold... My boyfriend was in a deep heart to heart conversation with the said Juwon Balogun.
At first look, you would think it is a casual and friendly conversation but i know the facial expressions of Akorede too well to know when he is pissed off or not even when he tries to hide it.
From the look of things, he is livid. The next thing is for him to be breathing down fire and it is going to happen soon if that human brick doesn't wipe that insanely annoying smirk off his face.
"What are they saying?" Ejiro asked from beside me.
"I have no idea" Theresa answered "but I know it is far from civil"
Evans pulled his friend away as Juwon laughed at his face alongside his friends. That's when i saw Tega, stepping over, i smile as he walked towards me. He must have seen me when i came over.
"Hey couz" I greeted cheekily while he only look down at me with a small smile. I hear Theresa and Ejiro let out a word of greeting or two before he pulled me onto a hug.
"I miss you"
" I know"
He pulled away with a frown.
"Wait. So you can't say you miss me too..." I poke my tongue out at him.
"Where is she?..." I asked looking around discreetly for the brown skinned beauty.
"She isn't coming" i frowned at his words "something came up" he let out a big sigh "a lot has been happening Tolani and-"
"What do we have here?" I jump at the deep baritone voice which just entered our conversation.
Juwon Balogun stood towards our far left in the company of his friends who looked like trouble. I gulped finding his form and striking resemblance to Akeju scary.
I swear i saw Ejiro step back a bit. Theresa stood without crossed arms, staring at him with a bored yet curious expression.
"What do you want Juwon?" Tega asked sounding exasperated.
"You don't want to introduce me to your cousin so i will do myself the honours" he said standing in front of me making Tega fade into the background.
I look up at him, i flinched at the intensity of his eyes, he must have noticed this as he smirked at me, it got me really worried on what this boy could be capable of doing.
"Hello there pretty thing... I believe we haven't met. I'm Olajuwon Balogun"
"I know" i said, my voice clipped. I don't like this guy. His vibe is setting me off.
"Do you hear that boys? She knows who i am" he announced proudly while his friends laughed.
What is so funny?
"They funny thing is i have heard a lot of things about you but i really don't know you... So?... Who are you?" He asked staring down at me with squinted eyes.
The colour and darkness in his eyes gave me chills instantly.
"I'm Omotolani"
He hummed. I jumped when he grabbed my hand, recoiling when he placed a wet kiss on the back of my hand. From my side view, i saw Akorede about to storm towards us only to be pulled back by Evans who was talking to him urgently.
So he was seeing everything?
"It's nice to finally meet you Omotola. I have heard a lot about you and i can say i am not disappointed" he said, his eyes raking through my form.
"I think that's enough.." Tega said pulling me by the other hand away from the mountain of a boy. I wipe the back of my hand on my skirt which his sharp eyes was quick to notice as he narrowed his eyes at me.
What? You practically eye raped me just now.
That's disgusting.
I can't believe this is April's boyfriend. Like yuck!
"It's nice meeting you as well. Now... If you would excuse me, i will just" i gestured towards the direction of a fuming Akorede.
I didn't wait for their reply before bolting off.
I let out a wild scream as our team scored again for the third time. I was screaming my head off waving Akorede's jersey in the air.
Juwon screamed at his team who were looking like fishes out of water. It was a funny thing to watch. Tega sat with their red faced coach who looked like he was loosing air, looking unbothered on the fact that he was a substitute. With that look on his face, i don't think he his planning on playing anytime soon.
Also at our side, Akeju was not playing. He was not even sitting out like others. He was not on the field, it was like he varnished.
Someone said he disappeared at the first sight of Ivy League school bus conveying the players. What exactly is going on between those two brothers?
I came out of my thoughts when the whistle was blown. I saw Bankole roll on the floor, screaming in pain.
For a moment, i couldn't help but feel it's fake.
The referee came over assessing the whole situation as the Ivy League player tried his possible best in defending himself. That player happened to be one of Juwon's friend, he was given a yellow card while we were given a free kick.
"This game they sweet me for body..." Theresa acclaimed.
"This is where you get to separate the boys from men"
The score was SJC:3, Ivy League Academy:1.
Akorede and his teamates were not joking on the field. It seems like they were on a mission to squash the opposing team.
They work with swift calculations, speed and team spirit. Even the opposing team was surprised at their new found strength.
"We are going to smash them really good this time" i nodded at Theresa's words.
The final whistle was blown and loud beating of drops and blowing of trumpets filled the air. Students screamed excitedly as jubilation filled the air.
Ivy League was left in stock of the win. We all knew how this change came to be.
I watch in admiration as he was lifted in the air by his teammates. He laughed in a free manner which made me smile. In the midst of this,our eyes met. He gave me a wink which made me giggle blowing a kiss in his direction.
I knew he would lead the team to their victory.
"He is good at everything..." I hear one of the students behind us say in awe.
"He is the GOAT" his friend declared.
My friends and i exchanged eye contact before bursting into laughter.
Shey na us you dey look like dat?: Why are you looking at me like that?
O fe te... Maa de treat fuck up e: you are messing with me and i am going to deal with you.
But kaa ma paro o: I'm not going to lie.
Eran nla nii bobo yin je o: this girl is a big fish.
Yansh: butt
Maa fo ise omo yen and mii o tii rii baba nla ku baba anybody to ma stop mii: I'm going to fuck that girl and i have not seen the goddamn fellow that will stop.
I remember one time, a guy threatened to treat my fuck up...he was one of those guys in school you shouldn't mess with. I started to look for people that will help me to beg him. God later remove me from his mind sha but ko funny...
What do you think of Olajuwon Balogun?
Akorede being a clingy boyfriend 😂😂
Your favourite writer is now on tiktok 😅😚. Follow me @olotutomiwa. Thank you.💜💜
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