Chapter 2- The Galra Ship
Lumin's pov- on the galra ship
Its been eight years since the galra captured me, and it's just getting more boring. They just do the same thing, torture. Sometimes they mix it up and Haggar does some experiments to get my power or, put me in the fighting ring to watch me suffer but I always win. I've been through so much pain that it seems natural and doesn't bother me that much anymore.
I was pulled out of my train of thought by one of the guards opening the door. I opened my eyes and stud up since I knew resistance would just bring more pain and, wast some of the little energy we had. I broke four years ago when I was fourteen and that year I had given up hope that I would escape. That I would be free, see other people besides guards, prisoners and Haggar.
The guard walked us down several hallways. It was leading to the torture room Haggar would experiment me in. In the past years, I memorized the hallways and know which way goes where. I walked in the room with the guard and layed on the table as usual. He put the restraints on my wrists and ankles, then left the room.
I've waited five minutes for Haggar to turn up beside the table I lay on but, she didn't come. I was curious because she would come in the room after thirty seconds to a minute. Right then an alarm sounded. 'Its probably another prisoner trying to escape.' I thought, but then, the ship shook.
Poof!!! Keiths pov- in red/his lion
We were flying in the lions to take down a galra prisoner ship that was spotted not too far away from us. Me, Shiro, Pidge and Lance went into the ship while Hunk is outside in case of an emergency. We were in the control room with Pidge, guarding her so she doesn't get hurt as she hacks the control panel to release the prisoners and get useful info. "Hey, guys I'm about to free the prisoners so you should probably get over there to help them," Pidge said to us. "Ok Lance, get to the east side of the ship, Keith get to the right side and ill go west. Meet back at the escape pods." Shiro orders us, I nod in understanding.
Going our separate ways I go to the right side of the ship bit there's no prisoners. Suddenly the alarm blares and lance talks into the intercom. "Guys ran into some galra and set off the alarms, sorry." "it's ok it just means we got to hurry," Shiro responds. I start running down the halls opening all the doors I come by. After about two minutes I spot a door thats being guarded by a shoulder. I rush up to him and easily take him down. I open the door that was guarded and stood there shocked.
Lumins pov
Its been another two minutes of waiting for them to catch the prisoner that got out, well, thats what I think is happening. Just then I hear a noise outside the door. And then something I believed would never happen, a person was there looking like he was there to help. Not only that but he's human! Some hope of leaving this place comes back and it's amazing.
The man comes over to me and takes the restraints off. "Can you walk?" This mysterious man said. "Yes" I replied, and then I knew it. He was the red Paladin, a new one. So that means Voltron is back! I was so happy at the moment. I got off the table and we started to make our way to the escape pods. "Hey everyone I got a prisoner they were the only one on this side of the ship," he said into his helmet so I assumed it was a communicator. I kept on running to the pods since I know the way like the back of my hand. We reach the pods as we stop, probably to wait to whoever was on the other side of the communicator. Not even thirty seconds later a man in black armour, a one in green armour and another in blue with the rest of the prisoners came into the room.
They started loading them onto the four lions so we can go. All of a sudden ten guards came into the room. They started shooting at us but the paladins protected us. Haggar appeared in front of the galra and spoke. "Give her back or you will regret it." her voice was scratchy and damaging. "Who?" the blue paladin asked. Haggar pointed right at me. I was scared. I didn't want to go back there and surely not with that witch. I felt my body shake as my legs gave out. I fell to the ground. The paladins looked at me than the red on moved. He picked me up and ran to the red lion.
By the time I sat up every prisoner was in a lion. The Lions took off meaning that everyone made it in the lions. Now knowing that I was out of that prison so many emotions filled me. Happiness, fear, grateful, wonder and lots more. After that stressful escape, I was tired. I knew I was safe so, I let sleep overcome me.
Thank you for reading this chapter. Again sorry for any spelling mistakes I made along with the story. please give me ideas for the story and feedback for the writing. I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night/day.
- Audrey:)
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