Chapter 25: Testing
The longer Alex looked at the old discarded photo, the more and more he felt that he was in a fever dream.
Was this what Akari was supposedly hiding from him?
Alex didn't wanna believe it.
He just assumed that this photo was simply photoshopped by Akari herself to play a prank on him.
Why else would this be the one photo that wasn't in her many, many photo albums?
"This, is just a fake. It isn't legitimate." Said Alex to himself only for Truth to include himself into the conversation.
"And how're you so sure that it isn't legitimate?" Asked the pale figure.
"Shut up. Your supposed to be on my side agreeing with me!" Said Alex back at him.
"Listen kid when we agreed to the deal I became your partner in crime, not your bitch boy. I'm not outright saying that it's real or fake. I'm just saying not to immediately cast it away. This could be very important evidence in case the blood test proves the girl's point right."
As much as he wanted to deny it, Truth was right.
He couldn't just automatically assume it was fake and just pretend as if he never saw it.
Depending on the results of the upcoming blood test this photo could either be just a fake as he wanted to believe or genuine evidence that proves the cloaked girl's point.
With that in mind, Alex placed the photo back into its hiding spot in the closet and cleaned up Akari's room to make it seem like no one had rummaged through it.
He left her room and decided to just take a break for today and get the test done tomorrow.
With how much he's already had to think of and uncover recently, it gave him a slight migraine which would've only been more worse had he went straight ahead into the blood test.
Alex went to his room and immediately laid on his bed, taking a deep sigh.
He thought after the two had reunited, and after Akari had revealed that she didn't really die, that there'd be nothing else to hide between one another.
Alex certainly had nothing to hide as he had told Akari pretty much everything that had happened to him during those 6 years apart and Akari did the same.
The fact that there could possibly be something Akari hid from him even after 6 years, just bugged him.
'The Truth is all the I want. And tomorrow, the truth is what I'm gonna get.' He thought to himself as he pulled the covers over him and took a nap to cool his mind down a bit.
[Later that evening]
This whole situation had definitely gotten into Alex's head a lot.
He couldn't take a normal stroll around the town without assuming he was being watched by the girl again.
'Pull yourself together. Once tomorrow goes and passes by then it'll all just be a dumb joke she was playing on me all along.' He thought to himself.
As he sat on a bench watching the sunset for a bit, in the back of his mind he wondered about the opposite.
What if the cloaked girl was right?
Alex had no idea how he'd react or how he'd confront Akari about it but all he knew was that something was gonna give.
Apparently it was too much for Alex just to have a few moments peace.
It hadn't even been a month yet since Kurome's attack and already he had to go through this.
'Maybe I should ask Uncle Roy for some time off.' He thought to himself.
After all this, Alex seriously needed a break to just relax or else his head was gonna burst open.
Depending on what happens tomorrow will determine on whether or not he'd ask fro a break.
After feeling that he had spent long enough outdoors, he walked back to his apartment complex as night had arrived.
Most of the residents were already sleeping and as he walked to his room, he heard Akari sleeping peacefully in her room.
'I wonder if she even knows about the hidden photograph in her closet.' He thought to himself before enetering his room and sleeping the rest of the night away.
[The Next Day]
After setting up and appointed with Weiss for noon, Alex patiently waited for the time to hit 12 PM so he could immediately make his way over to the hospital.
As he waited for time to pass by, he simply watched television as he really had nothing else to do as everyone had already left to do their own thing.
After what felt like a begrudgingly long time, the clock finally struck 12 noon as Alex turned off the tv, left the apartment complex, and hopped onto his motorcycle as he drove off into the city heading towards the hospital.
After short drive he arrived and went to the receptionist desk.
Surely enough he was just on time for his appointment as he was allowed to head up to where Weiss was located for the blood test.
After a relaxing time going up in the elevator, he arrived at his floor and walked down the hallway until he arrived at the correct room and entered it.
As he did he saw Weiss smile and waved at him.
"Right on time. Come on in. We'll get started shortly." She said.
Alex walked into the room as he scanned and looked around only to see a single chair next to a hospital bed, the usual tv in the upper corner of the room for a patient to watch, and to the right of the bed, a ton of equipment and test tubes that Alex assumed was part of the test.
Once he was done looking around Weiss sat on the chair and called for his attention.
"So why'd you suddenly make this appointment today?" She asked.
"Probably gonna sound weird but, I've been getting harassed by some random cloaked girl for the past few days. She's treating me as if she knows me. Like, we're more than strangers even though I've never seen her." He said.
"I see. Well then, do you happen to have a sample of her blood?" She asked.
Alex nodded and pulled out the vial he had and handed it to her.
"Good. Now get on the bed." She said as Alex was confused.
"Um, why?" He asked leading Weiss to chuckle a bit.
"How else am I gonna prove this girl wrong with only her blood? Obviously I need yours as well to make sure that there isn't a relation between you two." She said.
Alex groaned realizing that he had indeed forgotten about the fact that his blood was also needed for this test.
With that he lifted his sleeve and laid on the bed as Weiss got a syringe prepared.
Shortly afterwards Weiss had successfully extracted enough blood from Alex and placed it into its own test tube as now she had both samples of blood ready.
"Go ahead and watch the tv or take a nap. This is gonna take a while." She said. Just to try relax. Your blood flow needs to go back to normal. Ja?” Weiss said separating the vials from the syringe.
Alex nodded and proceeded to watch tv as Weiss walked off into the lab and placed the blood into a machine.
“Alright. Let’s see what’s up.” She said sitting at her chair with a few books on it to make up for her height.
She started the process. The machine roared to life with it’s humming before a few graphs appeared on Weiss’ screen.
She looked over them checking each one. Upon the graphs showed everything from ted to white cell count, the chances of many diseases and tumors, shape, oxygen count, And more.
But before more was read, a door opened and gave way to the smartest Kamnion, Resident of Base Kamno, Dekota Blak
Ever since her short tenured, tyrannical reign as Kamno leader ended after Alex helped Jackie get back into power, Dekota had to go through a brief period of people distrusting or even hating her for all the things she had done even though she had genuinely apologized and felt bad about it.
Thankfully Jackie understood Dekota and with her help managed to get Kamno to trust her again.
After that Dekota had returned to her usual self, which was being the smartest person living in Base Kamno.
“Good you’re here. Come look at this while I prepare the sheets.” Weiss said to her getting off her chair.
Dekota walked over and took one look at the graphs as she started writing the results down as they appeared as the sheep started getting a few sheets.
Suddenly the machine stopped and out came a piece of paper to which was taken by Dekota.
“So this is Alex’s blood?” She asked.
“Yeah. Put in the second vial for me.” Weiss said back while failing to reach a cabinet.
Dakota did so as the machine started back up as she noticed Weiss failing to reach the cabinet.
“You would think they’d make this room more built for you.” Said Dekota as she immediately starting to write down what was on the paper.
“Tell me about it.” Weiss said while jumping onto the counter.
It was only a moment before the machine stopped abruptly and a message came up on the screen but it wasn’t english
“Weiss. Read the message.” Dakota said as she wrote it out.
“Vergelijkbare genen gevonden” She said reading it out loud.
Weiss paused a second before coming over and looking at it before her pupils grew.
As that was happening, Akari had made it back to the apartment complex after doing her list of errands.
She looked around making sure no one was home and walked to her room.
Back at the hospital, Weiss was still in shock at what she saw.
“Mijn god. Go get Alex.” She said.
Dekota nodded and went to fetch him as Weiss looking at images the machine had.
After a bit Alex had walked in after getting dragged by Dekota.
“While it's nice to see you again Dekota, I was watching Spongebob.” He said.
“I understand but Weiss needs you right now.” Dakota said.
Alex begrudgingly sighed and walked into the room seeing Weiss looking serious for once.
Back at the apartment, Akari made it to her room and entered it seeing it as how she left it before she left.
Making sure again that no one was home, she walked into the closet and felt around for something.
At the hospital, Alex sat down in front of Weiss.
“Alex. Look at this.” Weiss said showing and pointing at the images.
Alex looked for a few seconds but was confused at what he saw. "All I see are lines." He said.
Weiss chuckled a bit at his response but immediately cleared her throat to regain her composure. “Close. Notice how similar the images are?”
“Yeah? Listen just get to it. I want the answer." Said Alex being a little impatient.
Weiss saw the look in Alex's eyes and could tell he was highly anxious at the answer.
As this was happening, Akari found what she was looking for in the closet as she pulled it out and looked at it with a somber smile.
It was the old photo that Alex had found earlier that day.
A tear rolled down her face as she spoke.
"I miss you......."
The tear fell and landed onto the "extra" Alex had saw.
This extra, was a little girl.
At that moment in the hospital, Weiss gave her answer.
“Alex. Those lines that are perfectly identical, are your and her genes. You and the girl, are family."
Chapter 25: End
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