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The three had manage to flee far away enough as Orange Heart eventually landed putting the Alexs' back on the ground.
At that moment the only thing on their was one just charge ahead to confront Kurome.
So with that settled on they all ran ahead immediately and began blitzing through the remaining enemies and defenses that were blocking off and guarding the tower.
Eventually they made it to the tower and began the long trek up the tower and the flight of stairs continuing to take down more enemies along their path.
They eventually made it to a middle flat area of the tower that was clearly a trap though not enough time was given to react as in an instant second that they arrived on the floor, enemies completely surrounded them.
They clearly couldn't waste anymore time but they also couldn't blitz through easily.
That led Alex Õ to take lead.
"Uzume! You go on ahead with the other Alex move on ahead. I'll take on these beasts and join up later on!" He shouted as he began to slice his way through the enemies making a path that Alex and Uzume immediately walked past as they continued up the tower.
Background music stops here
Eventually they made it to the very top of the tower and made sure to check around their surroundings to avoid traps or surprise attacks.
Though that plan was immediately shot down when they heard Kurome speak.
"Don't worry you two. My throne room isn't rigged with any traps or hidden enemies. I respect a fair fight after all." She said.
A rift appeared and emerging from the rift was Kurome on a throne obviously as she had a smile before slowly standing up.
"I was hoping all of you would be fighting Arfoire but I should've expected some of you to sneak ahead immediately to see me. Well, regardless it's time we commence this battle. It's clear that whoever prevails here will determine the fate of this world. Don't worry. I won't go all out yet. Wouldn't wanna end it too fast."
Before Kurome could even pull out a weapon, Uzume wasted no time in immediately dashing ahead going for a punch only to have it blocked as she got shoved away.
This gave Kurome time to summon a megaphone.
Alex transmuted a sword and immediately dashed ahead for a slash as Kurome held the microphone up to her mouth.
Alex didn't know what she was gonna with a megaphone was a weapon but Uzume knew very well.
"Alex stop!" Uzume tackled Alex as both got out of the way right as Kurome shouted into the megaphone causing a massive shockwave to be released and crashed into the wall.
"Wait that's actually a weapon!?" Said a shocked Alex as he didn't think a random object like a megaphone could be an actual weapon.
"Of course it is! After all it's my weapon as well!" Replied Uzume as she pulled her own megaphone out.
With them in a small conversation, Kurome let out another shockwave from her megaphone though Uzume reacted quickly as she shouted into her megaphone and let out her own shockwave.
Both clashed and tried to get an edge.
Alex took this opportunity to catch Kurome off guard as he snapped his fingers on his right hand going for small, precise burst of fire though Kurome saw this and immediately jumped away right before the fire erupted and appeared.
Kurome took this opportunity to break the pace of the fight. "Well well. This is going better than I expected, though, I didn't think for those monsters to wear you all down that much. Regardless, it's clear you've shown all you've got when it comes to abilities. For me, I haven't even shown what I have in store for you all. In fact, I'll show one of my two suprises for you right now." She said.
With a devious smirk, Kurome snapped her fingers as rumbling was heard from the outside.
It was very violent as well as Alex and Uzume struggled to even keep their footing. It was then that Alex, thanks to Truth mentally warning him, sensed a major attack right above them so he grabbed Uzume and immediately dived for shelter while covering her as the roof of the top floor of the tower had collapsed completely with debris and dust covering the area.
After all the debris all went away, Alex and Uzume looked up to see Kurome laughing maniacally as she stood in front of what she had brought forth and awakened
Whatever this thing was, words weren't enough to describe how massive this thing was as it not only towered over the tower but essentially covered most of their view of the bleak sky.
"Well well how does she look? This is my CPU form, though, I was able to progress my strength and now awaken my CPU form separately from me as its own entity. No matter what you all do now, there is now possible way you'll survive it's first attack. Once I'm done with you all, I'll be free to do whatever I want and destroy this world and get payback against the citizens who threw me under the bus and forgot about my entire existence as a CPU!" Shouted Kurome.
"Former, CPU?" Questioned Alex as Uzume sighed.
"Kurome, is the real me. We both originate from a dimension called the Zero Dimension. There, Kurome was the CPU of that dimension's Planeptune. Unfortunately, the citizens eventually rejected her and she was stripped of her title. That let Kurome to becoming fueled by Anti-Share Energy. The remaining positive shares from her tenure as CPU split from her body and ended up forming me." Said Uzume.
Before Alex could react or respond to that, Kurome spoke first.
"Enough talk!" She shouted as she turned to face and order the giant CPU of hers, Dark Orange. "Dark Orange. You know what to do."
With that being said, Dark Orange slowly reeled its fist back and began glowing as a sign that it was collecting tons of energy to unleash a massive punch that would most likely make the tower collapse.
Alex saw this and immediately began to worry. Even if he were to get assistance from Truth, there was absolutely no way in hell that they were gonna avoid this attack.
Though Uzume was still her usual confident self as she went into HDD.
"Don't worry Alex! Uzume still believes that we have a chance! We can not give up now after we've come so far!" Cheerfully said Orange Heart.
It was hard to treat her seriously, but Alex knew she was right. They were at the very end and couldn't give in now.
Though, this was just unexpected.
"Say farewell you two. I'll give you all my best regards." slowly said Kurome as she started to walk away from the impact zone.
Dark Orange was fully charged as in a split second, it brought its fist down as Alex and Orange Heart closed their eyes hoping to survive the attack.
An impact wasn't heard though.
Instead, a word was.
Alex and Orange Heart opened their eyes to see Orange Heart being grabbed and held back by another giant being
'Is that?' Thought Alex as the giant thing looked similar to Alex Õ's Susanoo.
His thought was answered as he heard Alex Õ's voice aas heard from the thing. "I need one of y'all to help me! I can't take this thing on by myself!" He shouted as his giant, perfect Susanoo began to battle against Dark Orange.
After thinking about it amongst themselves, Orang Heart went into the air. "Alex. Uzume will help out here. You go find the other Uzume." She said.
"Are you sure you don't wanna deal with your own self?" He asked.
"Uzume has done so before. And even that wasn't enough to keep other Uzume permanently away. Uzume trusts Alex can get the job done." She said with a smile.
With that, Orange Heart flew to help Alex Õ as Alex maneuvered through the fallen debris of the roof and walked to where he last saw Kurome.
Eventually he jumped down to a lower floor and landed directly behind Kurome as she sighed.
"Seems like you two survived cause of that brat I used to have control over." She said.
"This ends here. Just a one on one duel now." Said Alex as Kurome chuckled.
"If my own self, a CPU, couldn't permanently take me down, then what chance could a normal human like you have?" She asked.
"What chance could I have? Well, let's find out shall we?"
Background Music:
Alex clapped his hands and from the ground summoned not a simple blade, but this time it was his former weapon, the large Buster Sword as he held the massive blade in front of him.
Kurome responded back as she summoned her own large blade, the Gehaburn and held it in front of her as well.
The two started at each other, mentally preparing themselves for a final clash before they both charged forward and clashed blades.
It began with stalemate after stalemate as the two kept clashing over and over again.
Kurome tried to parry one of Alex's slashes to get his footing off, but, Alex saw this coming and immediately adjusted his positioning and gave her a kick to the side of the face as she was sent back and was staggered for a bit.
Alex immediately rushed forward and attempted a strong downward stab at her but Kurome was able to recover quickly and dodged the stab and got a successful retaliation as she managed to get a direct stab on Alex's shoulder.
Getting hurt by this blade felt intense and burned like hell.
Alex though pulled through and shoved her away taking the sword out along with her.
As she tumbled back, Alex took the chance and with his left hand, snapped his fingers creating a large, destructive burst of fire apprear where Kurome had supposedly landed at.
Kurome had survived that as she shout out a slash wave from the Gehaburn as it charged at Alex at a high speed.
Alex moved out of the way and launched one of his own back at her.
Kurome dodged that and immediately dashed forward as the two clashed again.
It was a stalemate even more harder to break as the two just continued clashing back and forth.
That's when Alex realised something.
This fight wasn't about strength. It was about mentality.
Alex wasn't gonna win this fight with just pure raw strength.
With that, he swung not at Kurome but at Gehaburn as both that along with the Buster Sword were knocked out of each other's hand and landed away.
Background Music ends here
Kurome saw this and was furious.
"What the hell are you doing!? Are you giving up!? At least try to make an effort to kill me! Not like it'll matter. As long as hatred exists, I'll continie to come back time and time again. That won't ever change." She said.
Alex kept quiet for a bit, trying to think of the right words to use until they finally popped into his head.
"I know I won't beat you on raw strength alone. I'm just a human, and your a CPU after all. I, just wanna talk." He said.
Kurome was caught off guard by this, as they had just been in a heated battle just seconds ago.
She merely chuckled.
"Very well. I'll humor you and listen. Though make it quick." She said strenly.
"Kurome, I wanna help you."
Kurome heard that immediately began going overdrive in her thinking until she bursted in anger.
"Is this some sick joke? What could you, a mere child possibly understand about me!? Help me!? Your just a delusional brat who hasn't grown up at all! Those selfish, pig-headed civilians are the ones to blame! You understand that more than anybody considering your a murderer who's been shunned his entire life! Even with that, why do you still insist on playing the damn hero!?" She shouted loudly.
"Calling me a hero? I wish I was a hero. Your right Kurome. I do understand how you feel. Hating a society that keeps shunning and rejecting you for mistakes we've made almost decades ago. I get it. I hate it all too." He said.
"Then join me! We understand one another and can take back what we've lost against this corrupt society!"
"I'm sorry. I won't help you."
Kurome had no time to waste for meaningless chit chat as she ran up and knocked Alex down with a kick as Alex coughed a bit at the impact and was knocked down.
He didn't retaliate at all.
That led Kurome to kneel over him, legs on either side of his body and just delivered a brutal beatdown at first.
It was just heavy punch after heavy punch to Alex's face as he still didn't retaliate and kept quiet.
"C-Come on! Fight me dammit! Or else this world dies! She shouted.
It was clear Kurome was slowly being overcome with grief as eventually, her punches become weaker and weaker to the point that she wasn't even punching him but merely touching his face and cheeks.
Kurome got off Alex as he stood up slowly, as she began to tear up and cried.
"Y-You don't get it. Unlike you, when I was shunned away, everyone forgot about me. L-Like I didn't exist anymore!" She said in tears and sobs.
Alex looked at her with his beaten up face as he looked at her.
"That isn't true. Not everyone forgot you. Histoire remembers you. From time to time, a few citizens from Planeptune mentioned you and said how glad they were to have you as CPU before Neptune arrived. You weren't forgotten Kurome. They're still people out there who respect you. Like how's still people out there who respect me."
"Y-Your lying! That isn't true! Stop messing around with me dammit!"
Kurome ran at Alex going in for another hard punch.
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She had missed as Alex embraced her into a hug, a hug she desperately needed.
Alex saw himself in Kurome.
A lonely soul who just needed one person to accept them.
This was the final nail in the coffin.
At the same time Alex hugged Kurome, Dark Orange had been defeated by Alex Õ and Orange Heart as well as all the monsters beginning to vanish.
Kurome had never felt this feeling before.
A warm, soft feeling within her.
She began to openly wail and cry aloud as she held Alex tightly as he softly patted her head.
Alex's bleeding heart had broken through Kurome's despair.
Chapter 19: End
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