Chapter 3
Hey hey pandas!!! Sorry it has been awhile. Here is the update for this story! You guys are the greatest fans ever for being so patient, and i love you all! There is quiet a bit of naughtyness in this book so if you are not into that this might not be your book. O.o sorry. I didnt plan it that way but the characters have minds of their own. They want what they want you know? Anyways enjoy, vote, comment. Do whatever makes your heart happy! I will see you all in the next update!
-Loves Manda XOXO
“Wake up your highness, I have drawn you another bath!” A familiar voice informs me. It is only a moment later that the sun is blinding my eyes. Utterly enjoying the comfort of the bed I am laying in I moan and decidedly turn away from the light, digging my face into the pillows. However when I make to turn a throb shoots up my lower back and I hiss in discomfort.
“Ah!” I cry out reaching back to hold myself turning over to look at Juliana. “Gods, my back.”
“Yes, I know dear the King has already informed me that you will be experiencing a bit of a muscle pain. That is why he ordered me to draw you a bath. Now get up so that we may get those sheets changed. They have blood on them. It seems you did quite a number and his majesties back last night.” Juliana chuckles.
I sit up in the bed and look at the sheets where there are smears of blood in the shape of bite and nail marks. Flushing I turn back to Juliana. “Is he alright?”
“Oh yes dear, he is quiet fine as a matter of fact.” She smiles pulling the blanket from the bed. “It seems you pleased him well.”
The memory of the king coming inside me sends a shiver up my spine and I flush. Suddenly I desire that bath greatly. Rising I make my way to his bathroom with Juliana’s help. She is not fazed at how soiled I am by bodily fluids, she just assists me into the warm water gently.
“So how was it dearie?” She questions with a smile, grabbing a pitcher of water. She dumps it over my head slowly washing my hair.
Blushing I stare forward into space before responding defiantly. “Painful.”
“And?” She asks grabbing the soap and scrubbing my back. I frown. What does she want me to say? It was the most pleasurable moment of my life? Never, I will never give in.
“And nothing, you saw the blood.” I murmur rubbing my stomach with a separate bar of soap.
“Well then why was the king so elated this morning?” She questions, but I can detect the knowing tone in her voice.
“He enjoys giving others pain, of course he would be elated. I would have expected nothing different.”
“Oh!” She scolds slapping my back gently, “Why are you denying it your majesty, you enjoyed it just as much as he did. There is nothing to be ashamed of.”
I snort scrubbing my flesh free of any evidence of the man. “Nothing to be ashamed of? Is being held by a man not shameful? I can’t help but to feel as if I have lost some part of my manhood over the course of the night. I cannot wait until I get my own room.” I sigh letting the soap fall to the bottom of the tub as I lean backwards to rest. The warm water relaxes my pained lower back and I sigh in pleasure.
“Oh.” Juliana stops scrubbing me. “I guess the king has not spoken to you.”
“Spoken to me of what exactly?” I question closing my eyes to bask in the soothing water.
“He has decided that you will not be getting your own room, he desires that you stay in here with him.” She informs me cheerily.
“WHAT?” I scream darting up to a stand, only to regret the rash movement a moment later when a dull throb pulses into my back. “What is the meaning of this, all the other husbands got their own rooms. Why am I not allowed one?”
Juliana smiles standing up whilst holding out my towel, “I do not know Dryston that is something that you will have to ask the king yourself.”
“Yes, and I will.” I seethe in annoyance stepping out of the tub and into the soft plush towel.
“After you get dressed I will take you to the dining room, he has ordered that you join him for breakfast.” She informs me leading me back into the bedroom where the sheets have magically been removed and in their place a whole new bed set and a pair of clothing sit.
“Oh, he orders me does he?” I snort reaching for the clothes, they are a bright red color made from a soft material that makes me shiver upon its touch. I readily begin to pull them on turning to glare at Juliana. “He orders I obey, is this how this whole marriage is supposed to work?” I demand. “I am a man of free will just the same as he is, and I will not be “ordered” to do anything.”
“Well then I suggest you tell him that.” She laughs adjusting my clothes around me. “My lord, I do not think any of the previous husbands were as fiery as you dear.”
“Yes well, things are going to change. I do not think his majesty realized what he was getting into when he decided to wed a mere stable boy.” I grumble pulling at my sleeves. “Now lead me to the dining room, I will have words with my new husband.” I spit the last word with as much bile as I can muster.
Despite my attempt at angry masculinity, Juliana just chuckles and nods leading me out into the corridors. It is only moments before we are entering the small family dining room. Apparently the king has three dining rooms. One for servants, one for his family, and then one for royal gatherings and company. The dining room I enter is not extremely large, but remains extravagant beyond words. The walls are covered in expensive artwork, and the drapes are tied open with fine linen. The table is made out of a dark cherry wood. Set with all manner of refined foods and dishware. At the head of the table Dorian sits. He is dressed in a dark royal blue, and he emits a scent of power and sexuality that nearly sends me to my knees. It does not help that upon my entrance he leans back in his chair eyes alight with desire as they run over my body and up to my eyes.
Gods, we had been together just last night and already I can sense his need for me, my body heats up remembering his touch…..desiring it. Juliana smiles and waves me a goodbye before shutting the door behind me. The room echoes as it closes, and I turn to glare at Dorian. He simply smiles at me licentiously. “Good morning Dryston, do have a seat.”
“We need to discuss a certain matter.” I inform him powerfully.
His eyebrows raise at my comment and he leans forward resting his chin in his hands, “Ah really, well have a seat and we shall discuss whatever matter is on your mind.” He orders gesturing to the chair beside him. I push my nerves down, summoning all the power that I can muster in order to walk over to the table and take a seat beside him. My body is extremely aware of his presence, it is almost as if it has a mind of its own. It knows that he is near, and desires his warm embrace.
No. No body of mine will be betraying me in such a way. I take a seat and allow the maids to fill my plate with food. Food that despite my stomachs growling protest, I will not be eating. Not until the matter of my bedroom is sorted. “Now what is it that you wish to discuss?” The king asks raising his cup of water to his mouth.
“It is the matter of my bedchamber. Why will I not be receiving my own?” I ask staring at him, I know that yesterday I had seemed timid. However now that everything is said and done, I will not falter and let my life be ruled by him. I may have given him my body but I do not have to give him everything else.
Dorian sits back in his chair relaxing, “Because you do not require your own.”
Furious I glare at him, “Really, and why do I not require my own chamber? Seeing as how you are so comfortable with making my decisions for me.”
“Because anything you could ever possibly need or want to do in your own bedchamber you can do in mine.” He responds matter of factly gesturing for the servants to leave.
“All the other Kings got their own chambers, why is it just me who is not allowed that luxury?” I demand, my voice beginning to raise.
King Dorian seems to be interested in my anger, he leans forward eyes smiling. “And tell me for what reason do you require your own chamber?”
“My gods, must I need a reason to get away from you?” I shout at him, jolting to a stand whilst slamming my hands down on the table “I do not love you, nor will I ever love you. So why must I be forced to share a chamber with a man I will never have feelings for? I have already signed away my body and soul to you. The least you could do is allow me my own chamber.”
“The least I could do?” Dorian chuckles darkly, all humor vanishing from his eyes as he stands pushing his chair back. He reaches out and grabs my chin in his hand, yanking me to look at him. “I have given you…a lowly stable boy more than anyone could ever dream of. In my home you will want for nothing. Anything you could ever want is here at your fingertips, so please explain to me what is the least I could do Dryston.”
Offended at his words I slap his hand away from my face. “I did not ask to marry you. I did not want to marry you. I was perfectly happy as a LOWLY STABLE BOY. But now my life has been bound to yours for all eternity. An eternity barren of love, happiness and fulfillment. So excuse me your majesty, if I do not find sanctuary in your petty materialistic royal ways.” I hiss at him, before pushing my chair in violently and marching towards the door.
Before I can make it to the blessed exit a large, violent hand grabs my shoulder and turns me around throwing me against the wall. My already throbbing back makes an angry impact with the hard surface and before I can say anything King Dorian is there caging me in between his arms. “Listen carefully Dryston. You may not have wanted this, but I am your king. What I desire, I acquire even if it is against your will. However it depends on you how forceful I am required to become. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. Just submit to me boy and we can live in peace together.”
“I will NEVER submit to you!” I seethe, and before I can even comprehend what act I am committing my fist is flying through the air and connecting with the king’s jaw. The hit barely does any damage at all, the Kings face merely snaps to the side. I watch in horror as he rotates his jaw slowly, and then turns back to me. Fearfully I attempt to make another hit, but he catches my wrist in his hand and spins me around Slamming me face first against the wall. I hiss in pain as he grabs my wrists pinning them to the small of my back. He shoves his mouth against my ear, and I shiver at the warmth of his breathe against my skin as he growls at me. “You will submit to me boy, and you will not be getting you own chamber. I will have you in my bed every night, and I will teach your body to crave me and want only for me. Even if I have to force you underneath me every night for a year. You will desire me like you have never desired anyone before.”
Shivers run up my spine as he growls these words into my ear, his hot breathe stroking heatedly against me. All the hairs on my body stand on end, and I feel my skin heat up considerably. “Even now, you are craving me.” Dorian says into my ear, and I bite my lip.
“Never, my body will never submit to you.” I croak at him defiantly jerking at his hold on my wrists. He pushes me against the wall again and chuckles.
“You say that…but it already has.” He whispers, his voice going from hard and threatening to lust filled and wanton. I gasp in surprise as I feel his monstrous, hard cock press against my ass. Gods, this whole time he has been growing more and more aroused? I feel him rub against me and I flush crimson, my blood boiling beneath my skin. “Look at the way your ass is seeking me, asking me, pressing against me with such desire.” He groans against my throat. And I cannot help it, my body remembers how full I felt with him inside me. I arch against him uncontrollably, my ass pressing back against his manhood yearningly as I let out a mewl.
No I don’t want this. No! Terrified I jerk away from him. “No, never. I feel nothing for you. I desire nothing from you. Unhand me at once.” I order, fear striking through my body. This cannot be happening, what have I gotten myself into? Why did I marry this man?
King Dorian chuckles darkly, “You feel nothing hmm, then what is this?” He asks, I feel his free hand slide down my torso to the area between my legs. There he grabs what I cannot deny as my own bodies very noticeable desire. His strong hot hand cups what is the entirety of my erection. Even through the material of my pants I can feel the heat of his skin. And my traitor of a body thrusts into his palm at the feathery touch. “Would you like me to touch you Dryston?” He asks against my ear, his tongue darting out to rub against the shell.
“No!” I refuse breathlessly, and yet my hips undulate forward into his hand against my will.
“Your body is telling me otherwise.” He informs me, and despite my protest he sinks his hand into my pants. I jerk in his hand, attempting to get away from this situation, from this feeling of hot suffocation, but his grip on my wrists is too strong. As soon as his hand is wrapping around my shaft, I cannot do anything. My head falls back against his chest as he runs his thumb over my tip. My body arching uncomfortably. My ass presses into his manhood relishing the pressure that it cannot quiet reach. I let out a cry of pleasure as he strokes, and pinches me. My eyes tear up at the humiliation of this whole situation.
I have lost this battle.
And now I am being defiled in the dining room. Where anyone could walk in at any given moment and see me like this. Gods, how degrading. His hand slides away from my shaft and grabs my balls, squeezing and pulling. I cannot stop my cries from escaping as I roll my head back against the kings shoulder, he pants against my ear before biting my neck roughly and sucking. His hand slides back up to my manhood and begins to jerk. My cries are unstoppable, with each movement of his hand they grow louder and more erotic. Tears stream down my face and my thighs begin to tremble.
Then there is a knock at the door.
Gods no. Please no. I sob in shame and pleasure combined, my hips darting up into Dorian’s hand.
“Come in.” Dorian rasps, and the sound of his voice is so pleasurable that I nearly release right there however his hand squeezes the base of my erection dangerously, and halts my oncoming orgasm. One of the male servants enters the room, and when he sees me he flushes red. And there is no denying the twitch in his pants. Oh my god. How is this happening? How can this be? What have I become? “Say my name.” Dorian whispers into my ear. “Or I will let this servant see just exactly how desiring of me your body really is.” I flush at the threat and when he strokes me again I cry out his name. The sound echoes off the walls and I feel another wave of tears crashing towards me.
“What is it?” Dorian orders of the servant who is now idling from foot to foot uncomfortably his hands clasped in front of his full erection.
“The Lord of Tanen is here to see you your Majesty.” The servant informs him.
“Yes tell him I will be right out. I just need to finish something.” The servant nods and hurries out of the room.
“Stop.” I beg, my whole body quivering his arms. I cannot take it anymore, “Please stop.”
“I will stop once you have finished. Hopefully that will not be long seeing as how the Lord of Tanen is waiting in the next room and he is a severely impatient man.” Dorian chuckles into my ear placing a chaste kiss beneath it. Then he continues his onslaught, jerking me even more violently. I attempt to hold down my cries. It would be even more demeaning if the Lord of Tanen in the next room were to hear me. However Dorian doesn’t seem to be very keen on my attempt at silence. “What are you trying to spare your honor?” He chuckles. “Dryston, let out your voice. I want Tanen to know your mine. He has always lusted after my things. In fact I want everyone to know your mine. The whole castle should hear your voice. Should hear you scream my name at the peak of your utmost pleasure.”
“No.” I mewl quietly.
“Well I could always invite Tanen in. Would that be more to your liking?” He offers fiendishly.
“Please No.” I cry.
“Then scream my name Dryston. Let them know that you are mine.” He orders jerking me at a pace faster and more violent than before. What can I do but obey him. I never want anyone else but him to see me like this. It is too shameful. So I let out the screams that I am holding in. His name tumbles from my lips over and over again in cries of pleasure. And in a matter of moments my thighs are locking and I am coming all over Dorian’s hand and against the wall. As soon as I am finished he lets me go, and I collapse onto the floor.
“Juliana!” He calls as he walks over to the wash basin set on the windowsill. He washes his hands and dries them as Juliana comes bustling in Gasping in shock as she sees me on the floor.
“Good Gods, what is the matter Dryston?” She asks in shock but before she can get out another word Dorian is turning to look at her.
“Juliana, I am quite apologetic. But could you see to it that Dryston eats. And also that the wall is cleaned. He….had a bit of an accident.” And with a devilish smile he turns around and leaves the room. As soon as he is gone I burst into tears. Juliana runs over to my side whipping at my sweat laden forehead with her handkerchief.
“I am sorry Juliana.” I sob, referring to the mess I made on the wall. God the embarrassment I feel now overrides any I have ever felt before.
“No dear, do not worry yourself over something so silly.” She smiles her face one of worry. “Why did his Majesty get so riled up? I have never known him to do something like this before.”
“It was me. He was angered because I refused him.” I inform her whipping at my tears with my sleeve. My clothes are all torn askew from where he had handled me.
“Did he hit you?” She asks in concern.
I chuckle through my tears, “No he is too noble a man to hit me. However I suppose doing something like this is not an impossibility any longer.”
“Oh dear, that boy has always been a bit possessive.” She informs me, pulling me to my feet.
“Was he like this with all of the others?” I question, suddenly extremely worn out.
“No he never really thought anything about them. However if he acquires something he really likes. Then he can get a bit worked up over it.” She tries to hurry me over to the table but I shake my head.
“No, I am no longer hungry.”
“I do not care what Dorian said. He does not tell me when I do or do not eat.” I say tiredly. “Juliana is there a place where I can rest, a place that is not Dorian’s bedchamber?”
“Of course dear. I will take you up to the library. I will have one of the maids bring you up a cup of hot tea.” She assures me.
Juliana leaves me in the very back of a very large library. I never even knew that such a place existed in the castle, and yet here it is. I lay down on the couch tucked in the corner of the room. Pulling the little blanket resting at the edge over my body. I have been here all of a day, and already I am debating on killing myself. What kind of a life is this? Where to have my own thoughts and requests is to be degraded in the most shameful of ways in front of not just servants but also royalty. In my head I play back what happened. I have to admit, striking the king was not in my best opinion. However I am only human. I was so full of rage. I have every right to ask for my own room. King Dorian just refuses to understand how I feel and instead insists on cutting me down until I am as small as possible. Gods, how terrified I was when he had me against that wall. And now, he will have me every night.
“Hello.” An unfamiliar voice has me shooting up from my laying position on the couch. Sitting on the chair across from me is the eldest prince Lear.
“Um, hello.” I say moving to a sitting position.
“I do not believe we have had the chance to meet.” Lear starts. He is nearly a man, I think he must be at the most seventeen years of age.
“Yes, I do not believe so. My name is Dryston. It is quite an honor to meet you Prince Lear.” I reach out offering him my hand.
Lear stares at it for a moment before hesitantly reaching out to grab it. “You were the one screaming in the dining room.”
I flush in embarrassment, “Yes, your father is a cruel man.”
Lear turns to stare out the window, “Hmm, do you think so?”
I shrug, “Well, experiencing the way he has treated me yes. But I take it you do not feel the same way.”
Lear nods. “I think that my father is a man who has been betrayed one too many times. He has never been in love. Royals do not typically marry for something as simplistic as love. All he has….all he knows is the ability to claim, force….desire. I cannot help but think that he is a pitiful man.” With that he turns to stare at me again, “You are the first person he has married simply because he wanted to. Not for money, or peace in the kingdoms. Do you not find that fascinating?”
“What should I find fascinating? His ability to lust? His ability to force people into his control? His ability to humiliate others and bring nothing but pain to those around him?” I shake my head. “No I do not find him fascinating at all.”
Lear frowns, “My father is very lonely and he is full of pain. He doesn’t understand how to love people. I thought that you might be the one to help him….feel.”
“Yes well, it seems as if you are out of luck. In order to be loved one has to love. I could never love a man such as him.” I inform him laying back down into my comfortable position. “He can have my body as often as he wants, but my heart will forever belong to me.”
“Oh, so I take it you will not be here long then. You have a lover?” He asks me.
“No, I am not stupid. I know what the king does to those who betray him. I am forever imprisoned in the cage of this man’s arms. I will never allow another man to hold me like he does. No matter how much I dislike your father. My life means more to me. I want to see my sister grow up to be a beautiful woman. I want to see her children. Even if that means laying with your father every night of my life.” I sigh placing a hand over my eyes.
“Does he at least make you feel pleasure? Is that not something to look forward to?” Lear asks eyebrows raised.
“Lear, to me the pleasures of the body mean nothing without the pleasures of the heart.” I turn to look at him. “What your father did to me today……I cannot forgive that humiliation. I so much desire to leave this place. To fight back with him, and yet when I do he treats me in such a way. What am I to do? How is a person supposed to love a man like that?” I shake my head. “No he tires me. I do not wish to talk of this any longer.”
“Of course. You are my father now as well.” He nods. There is a heavy silence between us for a few moments before he speaks again. “Dryston, would you like for me to read to you while you close your eyes?”
Shocked I move my hand to look over at him, “You would do that for me?”
Lear smirks, “Not the whole family is lacking emotion you know. You are my father now and I would like to treat you as such.” He picks up a book from the floor and smiles, “Now close your eyes and try to sleep, I will read.”
“Thank you Lear.” I murmur. My heart swelling for the boy. How is it that such a well-mannered boy came from such a horrific man?
“Dryston, wake up it is time for supper.” A voice calls. “You have slept through the whole day you know…how are you planning to sleep through the night?”
I yawn and murmur an answer however it is barely distinguishable seeing as how my head is buried against the pillow I am laying on. The voice I recognize as Lear’s lets out a snort.
“My gods, such a quaint sleeper you are Dryston. Hurry and wake up. My father has been asking for you all day but no one knows where you are except for me. If he doesn’t see you soon he will no doubt lose his temper. Let us hurry to the dining room.”
I groan and turn around to look at the boy, “I cannot go back to that room. That man defiled me there. I will never go into that room again.”
Lear grins, “You have to go there sometime, it is where we all eat as a family. Do not let my father think that he has won because of that. If you want to defy him, defy him. My father could use a little bit of defiance from you. Hurry come on.”
In the distance I hear Dorian yelling in the dining room. Demanding to know where I am. I let out a groan of distress before hauling myself up off the couch. “Well alright then, lead the way. I still get confused in these hallways you know.” I inform Lear who just snorts and comes to a stand. I am shocked to see that when standing the young boy is taller than I am. “My gods would you look at that.” I laugh, “A freakish ogre of a man had a tall dashing son such as yourself…I will always wonder how it happened.”
Lear flushes and shakes his head, “My father is not an ogre, and he is rather handsome you cannot deny such a thing.”
“Hmmm, handsome only gets you so far in my book. True beauty comes from the inside. So far you have proven to me that you are ten times more handsome then your father will ever be.” I laugh slapping him on the shoulder.
We enter the dining room laughing together. Waiting for us are King Dorian and his two sons Seth and Noa. Seth is not saying a word his nose planted in a book twice the size of the one that Lear was reading to me upstairs. Noa is playing with a pair of wooden knights at the edge of the table nearest to his father. King Dorian upon hearing us enter full of joy looks up in a rage.
“And just where in the name of the gods of you two been?” He asks his eyes staring at us suspiciously.
“Lear was reading to me up in the library.” I inform him happily.
“Since this morning?” He asks and I Think I detect a tick of annoyance in his jaw.
“Mmhmmm.” I nod happily before sitting at my designated seat on the right side of the king.
“Lear sit next to your brothers” Dorian orders gruffly, without even looking into his sons face.
“Yes father.” Lear obeys heading towards the left side of the table.
“No, I want him to sit next to me.” I object. “Come sit here Lear.” I order. Lear smiles and nods turning around to sit next to me. However the look his father gives him is one of complete and utter furry.
“Stay where you are boy.” He orders, and Lear obeys coming to a halt between the two sides of the table. King Dorian turns to me, “How is it that you think you can order my son about?”
I cross my arms in front of my chest defiantly, “In case you have not noticed your highness, by marriage he is my son too, and besides he does not seem to have a complaint in sitting next to his new father. Do you Lear?” I ask gently.
“Of course not.” He says kindly back.
I turn my gaze back to King Dorian, “In case you have forgotten your majesty, you are the one who desired I join your family. So I believe you had better start acting in such a manner.”
King Dorian stares back at me dangerously before nodding for Lear to sit next to me. The boy grins and hurries over taking his place. The dinner goes far less awkwardly then I would have thought. Lear and I chat happily about the book of legends he was reading to me, and occasionally Noa will have a word or two to say. Seth never speaks, he takes bites in between pages of his book never looking up from the paper. King Dorian surprisingly never says a word either. He just watches us all converse as he eats his dinner. I feel as if he is tense, however I am not sure as to what could be causing him to act in such a manner. So I choose to ignore it, and bask in the single moment so far that I have felt even an ounce of joy in this dreary castle.
When we have all finished eating King Dorian orders Lear to send his brothers off to bed, and then he drags me up to his room. The way he tugs me through the corridor has me anticipating what is going to happen when we reach the chambers. His grasp on my wrist is painful and when we reach the door he throws me inside the room violently. Shutting and latching the door behind him.
“Your Majesty what-
“So you think you can prey after my son?” He shouts grabbing me and throwing me to the bed. I land on the soft plush mattress comfortably despite his efforts. However that does not stop me from fearing the sudden temper that has been struck within him.
“Your Majesty what are you talking about?” I ask in confusion watching as he stands and rips his shirt off.
“You’re doing this because of what I did in the dining room earlier. You think that this is a way to get revenge on me. I will not have you luring my son into such a disgraceful relationship against me.” What in the name of the gods is he talking about? Dorian tears off his under shirt and rips off his pants until he is standing naked and livid before me. I would be lying if I said the sight of him naked and panting standing in front of me was not attractive. I find myself licking my lips, only to shake my head in confusion. What is happening right now?
“Your Majesty I do not understand.” I inform King Dorian as he reaches towards me and yanks off my shoes and pants.
“You dare play games with your King! I saw the way he was looking at you, and you him! I am not a stupid man! This is a warning seeing as how this is only your first day here. If I even suspect that you are having a relationship with my son I will kill you, and him. Nobody touches my things.” As soon as I hear him say he will kill his son I snap. My hand darts out once more of its own accord and I slap him across the face. He is taken aback for a moment and I take that chance to speak.
“I am not some disgusting harlot! How dare you even think that I would be attempting to sleep with your son! When I married you I swore that I would love you in that way and only you and I did not lie! However loving your sons is a different matter. I am now there father the same as you. And I have every right to get to know them and love them in a familial manner. Your son was reaching out to me in order to make me feel at home. How dare you look at me, and tell me that you would kill him. How dare you! You should feel ashamed of yourself! Your own sons are terrified of you, so much so that they would look for the love they should be getting from you in someone like me.” He stares down at me, and I see shame flash through his eyes. I see all manners of sorrow and then anger and disgust. And then he is coming at me again but with a different anger in his eyes.
The anger I see in his eyes is for himself, and it is an anger that I cannot deny him. So I let him tear my clothes off of me. And I let him throw me down. I allow him to kiss me. And the way he kisses me holds so much hurt, and resentment for himself. And suddenly I see the man that Lear was talking about, or I suppose I more so feel him. I feel the raw emotion emanating off of him as he kisses his way down my body as he takes me into his mouth. I do not deny him anything. I just lay back and scream in pleasure. Yes, fine. If you realize your wrong doings, I will allow you to do this just once. I will be docile just once. You can do whatever you want with me and I will say nothing. Lear’s words from earlier flash through my mind as Dorian flips me onto my stomach and pushes my face into the mattress.
“My father is very lonely and he is full of pain. He does not understand how to love people. I thought that you might be the one to help him….feel.”
King Dorian does not know how to love his sons. And in turn his sons do not know how to love him. This whole family is lonely…and full of pain. And here I am…..what am I to do? King Dorian shoves himself inside me. No preparation at all. If I thought that my wedding night was painful, well I was wrong. I scream in pain and he screams in fury. He moves wildly inside me, and I sob at the terrifying agony. I scream and I cry as loudly as I possibly can. And he does the same. But I do not deny him. Just this once…I will not deny him. I just bite into my pillow and scream. I scream until I am hoarse, until the pleasure comes. And then I mewl beneath him. I gasp and moan and listen to his choked up sobs mixed with his growls of pleasure. I moan in ecstasy as I feel his hand gently rub from the small of my back down to the nape of my neck as he jets into me roughly. And like this we continue until we both release. Luckily I am so worn out from the whole ordeal that as I come down from the pleasure and as Dorian continues to lose his seed inside me…I faint.
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