"Oh, guys," Archie starts, "Toni gave me a tour of Riverdale today, and it's... It's a hellscape. I know I called you here for Pop's retirement party, but... We have a much bigger agenda now. Riverdale's dying. And we might be the only ones who can save it."
"Oh fucking course," I say as I lift the coffee cup to my lips, "you never call me to just catch up. We should change that."
"Well? What's the story Archibald the Good?" I ask for all of us, "I'm sure the Scooby gang is dying to hear."
So Archie fills us in on how the towns gone to ruins. How everything is terrible. How nothing is the same... How he thinks we can save it. It's a pipe dream. A fantasy. But we listened. We played along. Until it got late. Really late and we all needed to head home. I stand carefully from the booth following the others out.
"Woah Veronica nice car," Toni says as she looks at my car, "be careful with that around here."
"That's not my car I flew here," Veronica says. I chuckle lightly as I step towards the car.
"It's mine," I tell them, "best-selling author can get you a lot." I chuckle lightly. "I'm staying at Lily's if anyone needs a ride?"
"I'll take you up on that," Betty says.
"Can you drop me off at the Five Seasons?" Jug asks.
"Sure," I tell him, "not like I have anything better to do." I move climbing into the front seat. Jug takes the passenger seat as Betty takes the back. It reminds me of when we were in high school. All the times I drove these two around. It's silent for a bit. Until Jug looks over at me.
"So the rock?" He asks carefully.
"I'm engaged- kinda," I tell him.
"Kinda?" He asks.
"It's complicated," I explain, "for now I guess I'm engaged."
"And rich?" Betty asks from the back seat.
"I got a good deal on the car," I explain, "my fiance- her dad is a car salesman and she wanted me to get something flashy so he got us a really good deal. I buy her a large rock of an engagement ring and he knocked a chunk of the price of this bad boy off." They nod lightly. I sigh as I adjust my hands on the steering wheel. "Enough about me- how's your life?" I look to Jug first.
"Great," He tells me, "it's great I'm working on a second book. I have a lot of great ideas." I nod along. "Jess and I are doing great."
"That's good," I tell him, "Betty?"
"FBI is going well," She says carefully, "it's uh a lot of hard work but I'm okay." I nod along.
"So either of you planning to stick around for this?" I ask them. Curious about how the story affected the others.
"Same old Archie," Betty says, "Trying to save everyone."
"Good luck with that, dude. I mean I have a book to write," Jug says.
"Yeah, after Pop's retirement party, I have to get back to Quantico," Betty says as we reach the Five Seasons. I nod lightly. Jug sighs.
"This is me," He says quietly, "um- it was nice to see you guys all things considered."
"Same to you," I tell him as Betty mumbles a goodbye. I wave to him as he climbs out. Settling out to get to his room. After he steps inside the building Betty climbs into the front seat. Raising a brow at me. "What?"
"Is that the first time you've seen him since your graduation party?" Betty asks.
"Yeah," I tell her, "after what happened Ally didn't want me around him... So I stopped hanging out with him. Wasn't that hard considering he was really embarrassed and dealing with his own angry partner... I mean what he did was shitty for everyone involved."
"He announced he still loved to the entire crowd," Betty says, "that was gonna be a trainwreck considering you both were in relationships." I sigh lightly. "It's weird, right? Being back here with everyone?"
"A hundred percent," I sigh lightly, "I mean I make the occasional visit to see Lily- but honestly even then I barely come here to see her. We meet in Greendale or somewhere else... I guess I didn't realize how bad it was around here you know?" She nods. I sigh lightly. Tapping nervously on the steering wheel. I didn't know how to understand that the entire town was in ruins... I mean how did everything go downhill? And why is it once again on us to save this town? Betty smiles lightly at me. It brings me back to earth a bit. "Looks like this is us."
"Yep," She says. I park in Lily's driveway. Betty climbs out grabbing her bags. She doesn't hurry off. Instead, she looks at me carefully. "I've missed you."
"I missed you too Betty," I say softly. She smiles before moving off to her old home. I look back to my old home for a second. I know Mary is renting the house out. I guess her living in that big house alone wasn't her style... Whatever... I look over to Lily's house next door. Then I grab my bag making sure to lock my car before I step inside the house.
"Hey!" Lily calls as she moves towards me engulfing me in a tight hug. "It's been way too long!"
"I know," I say softly, "I've been so busy and- Ally..." She looks back to Oliva who's sitting on the couch sipping a glass of wine. "Ally is still around for now... I don't know what I'm doing there alright?"
"Right," Lily nods.
"Where are we staying?" I ask her, "I really need to lay down and process everything that Archie just dumped on me." She chuckles lightly.
"You guys can stay downstairs," She tells us, "there are a couple of beds down there- we used to house some of the serpent kids until the social workers from Greendale moved them from Riverdale." We nod lightly. Olivia and I head downstairs. The second the door shuts behind us I punch Olivia's arm harshly.
"Ow, you bitch!" She exclaims.
"Stop telling people about Ally," I growl lightly, "I don't wanna talk about it."
"Fine fine! But violence isn't the answer-"
"You're lucky I hit your arm," I say harshly as she flops down onto one of the beds. I sigh lightly as I toss my suitcase onto the bed. Swapping from my day clothes to my pajamas as Olivia scrolls through her phone. Clearly bored.
"So are you going to help Archie?" She asks as I pull an old hoodie on.
"I have a book to work on," I tell her, "I'm trying to keep a constant release schedule - why are you looking at me like that?"
"University of Iowa hoodie?" She teases.
"Shit I grabbed the wrong one," I huff as I yank the hoodie off. I dig to see if I have my old college hoodie. It's not here. I sigh yanking the one Jug gave me back on. "I was trying to find a hoodie because I know this town can never choose a consistent temperature- I thought I grabbed mine- or Ally's..."
"I can't believe you kept that," She chuckles.
"I didn't want to throw it out," I sigh, "I knew after the grad party there wasn't really going to be a me seeing him again if I wanted to be with Ally I guess? So I kept little things that wouldn't make her too uncomfortable." I set the suitcase down on the ground and move to climb into bed. "We have lives in Chicago- I don't really think I can put everything on hold to save this town. I mean you have school- I have work..."
"You can work from anywhere technically," She offers, "and besides you aren't helping the town you're helping the people... I mean Lily is still here and Anna and Soph are here... Sweet Pea. Fangs." She looks at me carefully. "I think you should think about it." I simply lay back. My eyes focused on the ceiling. Wondering what the hell I'm going to do with all this. "Night Y/n."
"Night Liv."
The next morning I set myself up at Pop's to work on the sketches for the next chapter. My tablet deciding to be a complete bitch today. I growl as I drop the tablet onto the table. Olivia who was at the counter chatting with some kid around her age looks back at me and sighs. Excusing herself before she moves to sit across from me.
"Go away," I say harshly, "I don't like you."
"You're mean," She says chuckling lightly, "I thought this trip was to celebrate pops?"
"Die," I say harshly. She rolls her eyes at the comment. "For your information, I'm still on a deadline and frankly I don't want to get behind." She rolls her eyes lightly. "Go away you are stressing me out."
"Can I have the car keys?" She asks.
"Fine just leave me alone," I say as I hand them over to her. She takes them eagerly. I sigh as I attempt to get back to my sketches.
"So I get to watch the famous Y/n L/n in her creative process?" I hear. I look up to see Jug smirking lightly as he moves to sit across from me. "Struggling?"
"Writer's block," I admit, "apparently after about 15 published editions it starts to get harder to write." I move to grab my coffee cup as he chuckles lightly. "You'd think stories about kids saving their town would come more naturally to me."
"Tell me about it," Jug chuckles. I look up at him carefully. A slight aggregation in my expression. "Uh oh I've seen that look before- you pissed about my book as well?"
"I mean May was a great character but I thought it was particularly interesting that your main character ended up with the cheer captain," I point out, "it's almost like you wrote that part of the story as a way to correct what happened with us." He looks down at the table. "I'm not mad I just found it interesting... Besides, write whatever you want it's your creative liberty- just know that a lot of people don't like you because of that story."
"Yeah I'm starting to figure that out," He sighs, "why do they like you? I mean you wrote about this town-"
"I didn't reference anybody in any obvious way," I explain, "and my story focused more on the paranormal after the first couple of books anyways. People saw my book as so loosely related to Riverdale that they didn't care..." I grab my tablet to start drawing again. He watches me carefully.
"I thought you hated digital art?" He asks slightly amused.
"People change," I chuckle lightly, "I mean look at all of us- we aren't the same kids we used to be." He looks up and down my figure.
"Yeah I've noticed," He says softly. I roll my eyes as he opens up his laptop. "Can I join you? Like old times."
"Go right ahead- but I might use some of this negative energy in my next book," I tease lightly, "How about I name the grumpy old guy JarHead."
"Haha," He says harshly. I laugh lightly. I see him soften up lightly as he sees me laugh. "You always had such a nice laugh- haven't seen that in a while." My laughing stops as I look at him. The smile still across my face.
"Well uh- most haven't seen it in a while I've been busy," I admit, "these books aren't exactly easy to write."
"You're telling me," He says as he looks back down to his screen. He sighs loudly. Ordering himself a cup of coffee. The waitress brings it over. Not looking impressed with our setup. I however was enjoying it. It felt like when we were teenagers and for once I was getting work done. Which considering everything going on right now I wouldn't even start to believe it. After a couple of hours, I can tell I've gotten a lot further in the right process than he has. Finally, he stands from the table to go to the counter. I look up slightly confused with the sudden action. "It's Tabitha, right? Tabitha Tate?"
"It is," The lady at the counter who is apparently Tabitha replies. "And you're Jughead Jones."
"Yeah, I am," He says softly, "Hey, I noticed that you're looking for a new waiter. I'm definitely interested." She makes a face.
"Thanks," She says, "But this definitely isn't the right job for you."
"You don't even know me-"
"Also, you can't just sit here all day using my internet," She says at once, "You have to actually order food, not just coffee. And then you have to pay for said food. My grandfather did things his way, and I do them mine. And the first rule of my diner is no running tabs." I stand from the table and move to his side.
"Sounds great Jug let's order lunch," I tell him, "on me... It's been a while since we've got to catch up." He nods lightly. She hands menus over to me. I smile lightly and lead Jug back to our seats. I put my tablet back into my bag as I look over the menu. "Hmm, I think- the exact thing I always got back in the day." He chuckles lightly. We order our food. When Tabitha moves off I smile lightly at Jug. Deciding not to bring up the job thing. "So how's Jess?"
He sighs.
"I lied last night we broke up," He admits. I nod.
"Well if it makes you feel any better Ally got knocked up," I tell him, "and considering I don't have the facilities to get her pregnant-"
"She cheated on you?" Jug asks. I nod lightly. "That's rough."
"Well, what part of our lives isn't?" I ask him as I raise my coffee cup up slightly. He chuckles. I take a quick sip as he sighs.
"We really can never get a moment of peace," He says quietly.
"Tell me about it," I chuckle, "it's always something you know?" He nods. Tabitha sets our plates down in front of us. We dig in. Not saying much else... It's at least comfortable silence this time. Less awkward... Less painful... It feels like us again. The way he's eating though you'd think he's starved. I pretend not to notice. I look down at my watch and sigh. "I told Lily I'd take Soph to her doctor's appointment. Shit." I gather my things shoving them into my bad.
"She okay?" Jug asks.
"She's pregnant," I tell him, "much to everyone's dismay."
"Whos the dad?" He asks.
"Some kid from school," I tell him as I grab my wallet to pay for the meal, "I've never met him but he's apparently her soulmate- which is ridiculous right?" He looks at me carefully. "-Yeah I know it sounds like we trust me she's painfully reminded me of that." He chuckles lightly. I set a fifty down on the table. "Should cover a couple more of your coffees-"
"You don't have to-"
"I insist," I tell him, "don't worry about it okay? Call it payment for helping me get out of my funk right there." He smiles lightly. "Buy Jughead."
"Bye N/n," Jug says softly. I smile as I stand from the table. Walking out carefully. When I get outside I see Olivia in the car with some of her old friends. She tenses as she sees me.
"Sorry hun I need my car back," I tell her. She sighs as she and her friends climb out. She tosses the keys. I slide into my car. "Be careful okay?"
"Whatever mom-"
"Never call me that again," I say harshly, "alright." She and her friends back away to let me drive off. My eyes skim over the town as I drive back to Lily's. It's worn and sad. Like the town is a shell of what it used to be. I sigh lightly as I pull into the driveway. I see the ghoulies in my old house. A bunch of them are on the porch. I can hear the catcalling as I step out of the car. "Fucking pests as always," I huff. Thankfully Sophia is ready to go. "Come on kid we gotta go."
"Don't get your panties in a twist," She says as she waddles towards the car. Her slightly swollen belly making it hard to move. When she gets to the car she carefully slides in. I follow suit. The drive is quiet at first until she speaks up. "So you're in town?"
"For the retirement party," I tell her, "after that, I go back home to get back to writing." She nods lightly. I look over at her carefully. "So- baby?"
"Yeah," She says softly, "please don't lecture me-"
"Don't worry I'm not in the lecturing mood," I tell her, "I hate that I'm asking a 16-year-old this buy do you have a lighter?" She nods reaching into her bag to hand one over to me. "You aren't smoking or anything with the baby right?"
"No no! It's for my candles in my room and shit," She tells me, "no I'm actually trying to take care of my body for the baby." I nod lightly. "It's a girl by the way- I don't know if Lily told you."
"A girl? Huh," I say, "our family seems to love producing girls." She chuckles lightly.
"Yeah I know," She chuckles. I sigh lightly as I try to keep my eyes on the road. "I wanted to name her after you- but Lily told me you wouldn't want that... So I decided to name her after Deliah." I look over for a second.
"That's much better than naming her after me," I tell her as we pull up to the doctor's office, "do you want me in there with you?"
"Nah I've got this," She tells me, "you gonna wait out here?"
"Yeah," I tell her. She nods climbing out to waddle into the building. I get out of the car and lean against the hood as I light a cigarette. I scroll through my notifications. About a hundred of them are from Ally. Multiple calls and messages. Her getting friends to reach out and ask why I ran out without any real context. I sigh turning my phone off. Deciding instead to focus on the sky. The light blues and whites. It feels welcoming despite the rest of Riverdale.
"Classy as always."
I look over to see Toni smiling at me. She moves towards me chuckling lightly. She takes the cigarette from in between my teeth and tosses it to the ground. Stomping on it at once.
"Ruining my fun Toni? That's low," I sigh.
"More like saving your lungs," She chuckles. I roll my eyes lightly. "So you sticking around town?"
"Who knows," I shrug, "I haven't decided yet... But I'm sure whatever I decide someone is going to hate it." She chuckles lightly. "If I do stay I'm gonna need to find a better place than Lily's basement. I love my sister but I'd like my space."
"A couple of apartments are open," She offers, "no lease- not forcing you to stay." I nod lightly.
"I'll think about it," I tell her, "thanks for letting me know."
"No problem," She says as she moves towards her bike, "text Sweet Pea and tell him you're in town."
"Okay?" I ask her.
When Soph and I got back to the house I see Olivia and Lily working on dinner. The two chatting lightly.
"So how did catching up with Jughead go?" Olivia asks me as I move to pour myself a glass of wine, "at Pops today I mean."
"It went fine," I tell her, "I mean we just ate and worked on our books... Not really much of anything you know." They don't seem convinced. "Did you think I had sex with him at Pops?"
"Ew no," Olivia says.
"Watch your mouth," Lily says. I look over to Ann chuckling lightly at us. I roll my eyes harshly.
"I'm a whole adult but okay," I chuckle, "he and I just talked- it was kinda boring."
"That's so lame," Ann says, "you should have hooked up with him-"
"I'm still engaged!" I exclaim, "I'm not sleeping with anyone right now." I sigh lightly as Olivia and Lily share a look. I don't even want to know what's going through their minds. I sigh as I sit beside Ann. "Ann listen- don't date anyone from Riverdale- or anyone who's an art major. Ever." She laughs lightly. "I'm serious it never ends well- look at our entire family."
"Fair enough," She chuckles, "I can cancel my date tonight then-"
"Yes cancel the date and drink with us-"
"She's 14!" Lily exclaims.
"I was drinking when I was 14!" I exclaim.
"You are not the standard," Lily says harshly, "Ann go do your homework-"
"I wanna drink with you guys," Ann says, "I mean it's not like Soph can-"
"Shut it Ann it's not funny," Soph says from the living room. I sigh lightly.
"Solution," I say as I grab the wine bottle, "I go drink with Betty."
"Perfect," Lily says, "now Ann homework now-" I don't stay to listen to it. Instead, I move from the house at once. Marching over to the Cooper house. A redheaded child opens the door.
"Oh shit it's one of the gremlins- uh hi is your aunt Betty home?" I ask the girl. She looks up at me.
"You just called me a gremlin?" Juniper asks. I chuckle lightly.
"I changed your diapers I'm legally allowed to," I say as I move past her, "Betty Cooper I'm sad come down here!" Alice chuckles lightly as I settle on her couch with my wine bottle.
"Adult life is fun isn't it?"
"Either drink with me Alice or don't question anything," I tell her. She chuckles lightly. Betty moves down the stairs noticing me at once. "Drink with me, Cooper."
"Yes ma'am," She smiles. We slip up to her room. Laughing as we pass the wine bottle between us. The way we are drinking it you'd think we were 17-year-olds again slipping the bottle from their mom's liquor cabinet. "And he's terrible- I actually hate him... We aren't dating but he thinks we are." I chuckle lightly. "Life sucks."
"Life does suck," I say as I hand her the bottle, "but at least we can drink our problems away."
"Amen to that sister," She says brightly. I chuckle. She hands the bottle back. We actually finished it. "Oh god was that full?"
"Pretty much," I sigh, "I think this means I need to go home... Wanna do this again another time?"
"Yes ma'am," She says brightly. I chuckle as I stand. Wobbling lightly. I wave a quick goodbye before heading home. Barely making it through the front door.
The next morning I could barely pull myself out of bed. I sigh as I grab my phone to look over the notification. I see Ally's last message first.
Ally <3 - So the silent treatment? Really?
I roll my eyes and close it.
Sweet Pea The Tall - Hey been a while since you texted me
Y/n - Well I figured since I'm in town now is the time to catch up
Y/n - wanna get drinks tonight?
Sweet Pea The Tall - Damn tonight I have serpent stuff tonight but soon I promise
Y/n - shit another time then
It seems to me like a long day of avoiding everyone and thing. It works out for the most part... I get to sit in the room drawing. Making sure the sketches look nice. But apparently, it's too well- because the next thing I know it's 4 am and Olivia is stumbling in clearly wasted. I decide to head to bed as she climbs into her own. Laughing about something that isn't that funny.
The next morning the universe tells me that my ignoring the rest of Riverdale to pretend my life is okay plan is out the window. Archie and Toni started blowing up my phone at 8 am. Harassing me to get to the school. So I get dressed and follow the command. When I get there Toni leads me to her office where Kevin and Archie are sitting.
"We need some help," She tells me, "Riverdale High is about to lose all its funding and the schools threatening closure... The kids here will get stuck having to find other schools... Most likely Stonewall."
"Okay?" I ask them, "and what do you three need?"
"Money," Archie says, "enough to keep the school afloat."
"You just want my money? Woah," I chuckle lightly, "lucky for you I have money that I set away for charity every year. Give back to the community... 150 thousand work for you?" Their eyes go wide in shock. "It wouldn't just be me it would be a couple of other writers putting their name on this... there would differently be a couple of catches in this- they will want to come for photo ops... they will want to see your English staff... But I can get them to agree for this to be our yearly charity..."
"That would be amazing," Toni beams.
"Yeah, it would," Kevin says, "it would go a long way with all this."
"I'll make the calls," I tell them, "and I can let you know for sure at the party?"
"Yeah that would be great," Archie says. I nod.
"Alright let me go work on that."
They let me out. When I get to my car I let the other writers in the charity group know. They all seem really excited about the idea. Leaving me with only getting ready for the Retirement party to do.
It doesn't take long for my household to get ready. When we all do we make out way to the diner. The kids meeting up with their friends while I move to Archie's side.
"They said yes," I tell him, "150 thousand dollars will be donated to Riverdale High."
"You are a life saver," Toni smiles as she pulls me into a hug.
"I mean yeah I am," I chuckle lightly as she pulls away, "just- maybe rename the school after me... I'm kidding... mostly." They chuckle. "I have to go chaperone a pregnant child but if someone could magically drop off a shot to me I would love that." They laugh at the comment as I slip off to my family's side. I see the boy that Soph has been hanging around. I smile lightly at him. He seems nervous to be around her family.
"What a gift! Thank you, Archie," Pop Tate says as Archie hands over the letterman.
"Oh, it's from all of us, Pop," Archie says, "It's a small token to show how much you mean to us, to Riverdale High, to the whole town." The crowd claps at the words. Enjoying the celebration for the old man.
"You know, I had to drop out of school to take over running this place after my Pop, the original Pop, passed away," Pop Tate shares, "I never got to graduate. This means the world to me." We all clap.
"Jug's gonna say a few words," Archie tells him. Jug moves from behind the counter to Pop's side.
"I think sometimes it can be hard to put our faith in this town," Jug says as he tucks his cards into his pocket, "But I think Pop created something really special here, created a place for the lost and wayward souls of Riverdale to come to. And I think, that's more than jukebox or vinyl booths. It's... like a lighthouse in the storm. And Pop himself, he's many things. He's a joker. He's a soldier. He's a cook. He's a really good listener. He's also a father. He's a son, and a grandfather. And to many of us and to me personally... it's about the only reason that I made it through. You gave us a home, Pop. Thank you."
"To Pop Tate who never let the lights go dark," Archie says as he raises a milkshake in Pops honor. The rest follow suit. As everyone goes back to chatting I move to the counter where Jug is standing. I chuckle lightly.
"That uniform is really sexy on you Jug," I chuckle lightly, "now I get why you always liked me in mine." He rolls his eyes harshly. "Oh come on that was funny."
"I get it you're more successful than me-"
"Woah that was not what that was about," I tell him, "it was just me flirting like an idiot... Jug you're my friend- as much as you don't want to admit it... I'm never gonna judge you for getting an extra job... Writing is hard to make a career off of... I just got really lucky." He sighs lightly. I move to place my hand on his. "You'll know when I'm making fun of you."
He laughs at the comment.
"Oh and just remember to shower the second you get home because if you don't you'll make your sheets smell like grease," I warn him, "just a heads up."
"Thanks, loser."
"Anytime beanie bitch."
"Hey, you guys wanna hang out?" Archie asks as he approaches us, "the five of us? Like old times?"
"Give me time to change and yeah," Jug says.
"Meet me at Riverdale High?"
We nod. I tell Lily I'll meet them at home later and move to drive off to the old high school. It doesn't take long for everyone to show. We laugh as we sneak into the school. Reaching the lounge. It feels like nothing changed. It feels weird.
"So you're really gonna do this huh?" Jug asks Archie, "Run the RROTC out of your old high school?"
"If I get a chance to, yeah," Archie says, "It's kinda why I wanted us to sneak in here, the five of us. Hiram's trying to shut this place down. And he's pushing to unincorporate the town, which would wipe Riverdale off the map."
"My father is nothing, if not consistent," Veronica sighs.
"Oh, I think we can stop him, or at least slow him down," Archie says.
"We become teachers here," He shares. I start laughing immediately. Veronica follows suit. The other two look confused. "I know it sounds crazy, but it's also a way to keep the school going, which means if Hiram wins the vote, we still have a defendable position, this school. And if we can save it, we can give people at least one more reason to stay in Riverdale. And in time, we can bring this town back to life."
"Archie... I'm married," Veronica says, "I have a life back in New York."
"Yeah, and I have a novel to write," Jug says.
"Veronica, plenty of people commute to the city," Archie counters, "And Jug, you always said, you do your best writing in a booth at Pop's. And it's not gonna be long... a month or two, just to give Weatherbee enough time to find permanent replacements."
"I'm in," Betty says, "Quantico can wait a couple months, and I need to be here right now for my mom and Polly."
"Thanks, Betty," Archie says.
"I'll stick around," I sigh lightly, "I mean I was gonna use the breakup to excuse like a flashy London trip but I guess I can use it to justify coming back to Riverdale."
Archie chuckles. "Perfect," He says, "Jug?"
"I'd have to clear it with my new job. But why not?" Jug says, " I'd like to shape some impressionable young minds."
"I'm in, too. I'll make it work with Chad," Veronica says, "And considering that what's happening here is all my dad's fault... I need to give back more than anyone. And I didn't really wanna be a sports agent anyway."
"That's awesome, Veronica. So... Bulldogs forever?" The others put their hands ontop of on another.
"No," I say at once.
"Come on say it!" Archie says at once. I sigh putting mine in.
"Bulldogs forever," I say softly while the others say it cheerfully. What am I getting myself into?
The next morning the new teaching staff of Riverdale was forced to go to the town meeting. I was not exactly all in favor of this part of becoming a teacher- or any part really. So I was more focusing on my phone. Scrolling through Ally's messages. I see Jughead creeping over my shoulder to look at them. I move elbowing him in his side.
"Ow!" He whisper yells.
"Privacy asshat," I say harshly.
"Before the school board votes on the fate of Riverdale High, Toni Topaz has asked to say a few words," Hiram says finally.
"Good afternoon! My name is Toni Topaz, and I am a guidance counselor at Riverdale High," Toni says, " The point of a school board is to make sure there's equity, that kids of all ages, from all different backgrounds have equal access to education. Well, with the help of some very generous donors, I'm happy to announce that Riverdale High will be able to do that as a private school. And unlike other private schools, Riverdale will be tuition-free. And we're bolstering our teaching staff with notable alumnus like Sergeant Archie Andrews, FBI trainee and Yale graduate, Betty Cooper, businesswoman and Barnard grad, Veronica Gekko, graphic novelist Y/n L/n, and acclaimed author, Forsythe Jones III." Each of us standing after our name is called. "So spread the news far and wide, that Riverdale and its children, will not be at the mercy of Hiram Lodge's destructive whims. Thank you."
"That was better than Kendall Roy's speech at the end of season two," Kevin whispers to Toni.
"And now, I'd like to introduce what I hope will be my last motion as Mayor, a proposition to unincorporate the town of Riverdale," Hiram says standing up, "All those opposed?" A little under half raise their hands. "All those in favor?" The rest raise their hands. "Majority wins."
i hate this chapter but i can't keep working on it I'm making myself angry
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