Contest! #Cloder Ship Captain ♥
Please vote if you love #Cloder ^.^ ♥
**UPDATE** as of November 1, 2014 - the title of #Cloder Ship Captain has been won by @MMMMimz!!! Congratulations!!!! :D
ALSO - in case you hadn't yet noticed in the earlier chapter titled "The Palace in the City by the Seacliffs", all royal titles imaginable are now available for Fatefuls to claim!! Check out that chapter if you're interested in a position in the cast list of FFHQ :D
FYI - the below is all outdated by now, as the #Cloder Ship Captain contest closed in October 2014.
So! As you may've noticed, FFHQ has a cast list which will soon include royal positions available for Fatefuls :D
Before the full Fandom Royalty page gets up and running, there is one particular position that I imagine may be coveted by many of you... so I would like to determine this position first ;)
If you're interested in the title of #Cloder Ship Captain, read on to see how you can win it!
Eligibility Requirements:
(1) Must have read all of The Fates (Book I)
(2) Should be an active, supportive Fateful - this means that you've at least been making *some effort* to support The Fates and FFHQ with votes, and commenting at least occasionally :)
(3) Must not violate any of "da rules" (see "Sterling Law" chapter of FFHQ)
(1) Comment on this page stating why you love #Cloder, and why you should be ship captain! (minimum 5 sentences, no maximum)*
(2) Express your interest in taking the #Cloder Quiz! Ahna will then send you the quiz via private message - so that no one will see anyone else's answers. (The same quiz will be sent to everyone who asks, of course!)
*Note: If there is a tie for best results of the #Cloder Quiz, then the tiebreaking decision will come down to the comments - so the stronger your statement of interest, the better chances you might have at winning!
The Quiz consists of 15 questions about #Cloder (for example: "what color is the campion blossom?" and "what are Cloe's first words to Ryder when she meets him in the garden at Veriton?"). Some questions will be multiple choice; others will be open-ended (short answers, though - definitely not essays!). Some questions may be 'easy' and others will be more challenging, but it's supposed to be fun! And Ahna won't reveal your score to anyone! Unless you win, then maybe ;)
**Of course, Fateful Honor Code requires no cheating!! You're welcome to 'study' beforehand, if you'd like - but please take the quiz without referring to the book!**
(1) Must comment on this page no later than October 29
(2) Must submit #Cloder Quiz answers via PM no later than October 31 (Happy Halloween!) ^.^
(3) Winner will be declared on November 1 :)
Thank you, dear Fatefuls!! Much luv to you all! Excited to crown our new #Cloder Ship Captain :D
P.S. The song accompanying this page - "Ride" by Cary Brothers - is one of my personal faves ever, and I feel like it's totally Cloderrific!!! Hope you like it :) ♥
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