After dad fell unconscious, Lord Zeus sent him to his palace with Asclepius and Hermes. Then the king of Olympus addressed the rest of us, "Now we have arranged a party and a ball for tonight. Please enjoy yourselves. The Council meeting will be continued tomorrow and everyone must be present for it including Gods, demigods, nymphs, spirits, satyrs and fauns."
Mr. D clapped and we all were transported to the famous party hall of Olympus. The alcohol collection was bizarre and the muses played a melody that seemed different to everyone. We, the demigods, were in a corner when Lord Hermes approached us and said, "Enjoy kids. The party is yours to rock." Everyone dispersed at that and I saw Nico hop to the bar with Leo. Sensing my sadness, Lord Hermes asked, "Will, want to go for a breath of fresh air?" Not having anything better to do, I nodded.
In a flash, we were in a garden, sitting in front of a fountain. The Lord of thieves looked at me and said, "Will, I get that you like Nico from the looks you steal from him when no one is looking. But child you need to understand this. Sometimes you need to give up and let go for the happiness of the one you love. Sometimes letting go is better than holding on. Keep this in mind and don't follow the faulty footsteps of your dad when it comes to relationships. I have had a fair view of soap-operas from him alone and he is Aphrodite's favorite toy when it comes to the Gods." With this he left, and I found myself sitting on a stool at the bar of Olympus.
The barista was a faun. As if he could sense my aching heart, he passed me a drink. It was fruity and sweet. But after two glasses, I started feeling tipsy. The rest of the drinks were a blur. I went on drinking till I blacked out just like a light bulb.
After dancing madly at the dance floor, I decided that I had had enough of it when my legs felt like jelly. I went to the bar to have a shot to quench my thirst but I saw something unexpected. Will was blackout out against the counter, sitting on a stool propping his head on his forearms.
"How many drinks did he have?", I asked the bartender faun.
"Some fifteen twenty", he answered, but it came more like a question.
I shook my head and cradled Will as gently as I could. Taking him to a spare room kept for the overdrunk guests, I loosened up his clothes and tucked him in the queen-sized bed. It hurt to see my crush wailing over a boy who was definitely in love with someone else.
I was about to leave when a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping my movement. I was pulled to sit on the bed beside Will who was now sitting upright. All of a sudden, he hugged me and started crying. His tears seeped through my coat and snot was starting to form but I could care less about those. The broken boy in front of me needed more attention now.
I whispered sweet nothings in his ears and rubbed my hands on his back in soothing circles. After a while, he calmed down. I said, "Will, you are tired and drunk. Have a rest and I'll see you tomorrow morning." I stood up but a hand clutched my waist at the speed of lightning and pulled me into a bear hug. My brain suggested that I move away but my heart disagreed.
As my stupid brain and equally stupid heart were fighting between each other, leaving me in a dilemma, a pair of lips crashed on mine. They kissed me hungrily and I closed my eyes as a reflex to the intense pleasure.
Finally, when I opened them, I found myself pinned down on the bed and Will hovering over me with lust filled eyes. He leant down and whispered in my ears, "I know that you have a crush on me, Connor. You are too discreet not to let me know it. Just let me use you this once."
With that my lips, body and soul were claimed once more and this time I was happy to let them be claimed.
I thought silently, "You may not be mine Will, but I will always be yours."
My exams are over and I am back with a bang! I am pretty sure that you guys did not expect this, right? Sorry for the short chapter and don't worry, everything will be clear within a few chapters.
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Until next time. Hope to upload soon.
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