A\N: welcome to my doomsday :D
Sven finally arrived back and placed Burt on the grass.
"you're.. you're not gonna leave me? right..?" Burt's voice was such a whisper.
but Sven yet, understood.
"no, love. i'm not going anywhere.." Sven whispered, trying to calm Burt.
Sven placed his hand on Burt's cheek and stroked it with his thumb.
Burt loved this feeling.
but, he knew he couldn't have it forever.
but he wish he could.
"can you get off of me please? i want to sit up." Burt asked, earning a nod from Sven and got off.
Burt sat up, and let out a sigh.
he looked to his right to see Sarah looking at him.
her eyes were black, so he couldn't see if she was mad or sad.
but he could tell that she's okay.
"hey.. Sarah.." Burt spoke, quietly.
he a little scared since a little girl, a spirt, was staring at his soul.
then she scooted next to him, looking at the flower.
Burt stroked her hair, it was surprisingly smooth..
her black her matched with the moonlight, which Burt really liked.
she matched with the night, with her black eyes and hair.
"moonlight.." Burt whispered.
that should be her nickname.
Demo came back, having her tail up.
she walked to Burt and in front of him.
"hey, Demo." Burt greeted her, still stroking Sarah's black hair.
"hi Burt, um.. do you feel okay?" Demo asked.
Burt shrugs.
"i guess... well, back there i wasn't i guess i'm okay now." Burt answered, making eye contact with Demo.
Demo looked around for Sven, he seemed to be nowhere.
"where's your boyfriend?" Demo asked, causing Burt to blush.
Demo cleared her throat.
"i said, where's Sven?" Demo asked again but differently.
Burt brushed his blush off.
"um, over there.." Burt pointed to where Sven was.
he was next to a tree, breaking stick for god knows why.
Demo nodded and looked back at Burt.
"do you need help?" Demo asked.
Burt giggled.
"for what? i'm fine."
Demo stared at him.
sure, he is fine now, but she was talking about what happened a few minutes ago.
"no, i meant about what happened." Demo said.
Burt stayed quiet, not wanting to bring that up.
"oh..." he kept on stroking Sarah's hair.
"why do you want to talk about that?" Burt asked, sounding a bit scared.
he didn't know that Demo wanted to ask of what happened.
"what happened back there, why were you gonna commit suicide?!" Demo exclaimed.
Burt's eyes widened.
"how.. how did you know about that..?" Burt's voice shook with fear.
Demo's gonna lose her shit.
"... because yes, now, why were you gonna do it??" Demo questioned again.
Burt felt something stuck in his throat as she asked again.
" i.... i did it... b-because..." Burt looked down, fiddling with the edge of his sweater.
Demo waited for an answer.
as her little brother, she only wants the best for Burt.
though, we don't know what age Demo is.
Demo sighed, shaking her head.
"Burt tell me what's wrong? what's the little voice telling you in your head?" Demo asked.
Burt felt his heart beeping faster by the minute
Demo sighed again, but this time, she wasn't messing around.
"oh. so you wouldn't tell me?! why do you spill your guts out to Sven first?! what does he has that i don't huh? w-" the anger in her voice was cut off, by a heartbreaking sound..
Burt was not stroking Sarah's hair anymore, he had both of his hands gripped on his hair, letting new hot tears roll down. creating tears stains.
Demo stared at Burt, who was letting out loud sobs.
and they hurt real bad..
Sven came rushing over there, wanting to know where that sound came from.
it came from his distressed lover.
"what did you do?!" Sven cried.
Demo groaned at him, rolling her eyes.
"i just asked what happened okay!?" she screamed.
Sven sighed and knelt to Burt.
he gave his lover a kiss in the cheek.
then Sven walked over to the bags to find Squishy.
as he looked for it, Demo looked at Burt as he screamed and cried.
though, it wasn't the first time she seen him like this.
she remembers.
Burt was 13, but Demo would state this as the hardest year of his life.
Burt wouldn't sleep, he'd lie to Demo in order for to relax.
he has gotten away with a few times.
but not too much.
Demo get worried about him every, single, day.
Burt fell from a high place, twice.
only to get injured.
the second one, he almost died.
but his injuries weren't too great though.
but if Burt gets sleep, you'll hear him cry at 12 in the morning.
he suffered way too much.
Demo blinked, getting rid of her memories from back then.
Burt was now coughing while sobbing. it's getting worse.
Sven is still looking, for some reason he can't find it.
Demo walked over to Burt and licked his hot tears.
"please stop crying.." Demo whispered, but Burt couldn't calm down.
all, Sarah watched.
she wasn't asleep.
then Sarah hugged Burt, wanting him to stop crying.
Burt couldn't help it but hug Sarah, letting Burt's tears soak through Sarah's hair.
Demo blinked.
Burt's sobs soon died down to small hiccups.
Burt started stroking Sarah's hair again. breathing in and out.
at least he got better.
Sven sighed, and walked over to Burt and down next to him.
Demo made a fire since the four them are awake.
"you feel better?" Sven asked, his voice almost a whisper.
Burt nodded
"yeah.." Burt answered.
Sarah was still in Burt's arms. she likes his smell.
Sven looked into the dark night, thinking about home.
that's what they need.
a home.
"Sven..? are you alright?" Burt asked.
Sven blinked twice and turned over to Burt.
"yeah, i'm fine.. just thinking.." Sven answered, stopping in between.
"about what? you don't have to answer." Burt said, calmly.
though, his voice sounds a little sore, he's okay otherwise.
"... home" Sven faced Burt.
Burt felt his breathing stop. then it continue.
"where... where you came from? Sweden?" Burt asked, earning a nod from the blonde.
"yeah.." Sven whispered.
"why did you move away?" Burt asked, and that made Sarah get into their conversation.
"oh.. well.." Sven cleared his throat and flicked a stick.
"it's a long story.." Sven answered.
Burt sighed.
"you can tell me. i'm listening." Burt said, convincing Sven.
he sighed and got a stick. he poked the stick in the fire, making it burn.
"when i was 14, Sweden wasn't in good shape, let's say.." Sven stared at the burning stick, seeing it become ashes within minutes.
"what was happening?" Burt whispered, but Sven heard it anyway.
"the place was becoming a mess, it was like war. but way more... bloodier. families being torn apart because of death.. it was messy and bloody. i guess war was happening, i donno." Sven explained, throwing the burning stick into the fire now.
"shit.. that's fucked up" Demo whispered as quiet as she could.
"so, i left..." Sven said, knowing that it wasn't the reason why he left.
"Sven... you left your home.. because it was too much going on?" Burt asked, softly.
Sven sighed and shook his head.
"something more.. my father died trying to protect me and my mom. later her own mother died because she was shot behind the head.. i almost died, by falling. but i landed in a river instead... it was deep so i didn't get hurt by rocks.." Sven's voice started to wobble, and he felt his throat dry.
Burt kept silent. that what Sven went through? Sven is the guy who helped Burt alot.. he never knew any of this.
"... everything was destroyed. i wanted to go away, but my mom didn't want to. so i went one night... i walked for so long.. until i found that city." Sven explained.
Burt let go of Sarah scooted closer to Sven.
"and... the toppats?" Burt asked.
Sven sighed and cleared his throat.
"i found them and decided to join.. i thought i might get my mind off a Sweden for a while. because for a long time i lived there and need help. i joined when i was 20, it was confusing since i didn't speak English. i learned it and it became easier to understand..." Sven took another deep breath before continuing.
"i forgot about Sweden for 3 years straight before i got a call. it turns out my cousin died due to illness. then my aunt and my uncle died together in a fire... it was only me and mom. thank god mom is still safe but... no one else is.." Sven started to feel himself tremble.
".. a-and.. t-they burned t-the whole h-house d-down.. i-i-it's a-all gone.." Sven started cover his mouth and then he let out a sob, he closed his eyes and cried.
Burt was surprised on what he's seeing.
Sven's crying.
Burt hugged Sven, if Sven helped him, Burt will help him as well.
Sven hugged him back, letting his tears flow.
Burt buried his face of Sven's neck, feeling the warmth on it.
he felt so bad for him.. it's like he felt his pain too..
Burt started to cry as well, he couldn't take it.
how Sven felt through this was horrible.
they were both crying together in each others arms.
soon Sven's crying died down to sniffs.
they let go of each other, no words being shared.
Sven wiped his remaining tears with his sleeve.
"Sven.. i'm sorry that happened to you.." Burt whispered, help to wipe is tears as well.
"it's okay.. Sweden is fine now. it's just that, thinking about it brings me back to painful memories." Sven said, taking deep breaths.
Sarah crawled to them both and grabbed both of their hands.
and puts there hands together.
they are holding hands.
Burt leaned in and kissed Sven's wet cheek.
Sven felt his face heat up.
Demo listened to the whole thing, and she was a little surprised but not much.
Burt rested his head on Sven's shoulder, closing his eyes.
the three fell asleep.
leaving Demo awake, alone.
"huh.." she whispered and blew the fire off, making the place dark.
MrCheese123 helped me a bit.
thank you homie ;)
Words: 1670
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