Not Alone
Last time they made a new member of their group, a human geologist,Jaime. The three are right on her tracks of finding her that has the weapon. They all knew that she was the only survivor who stayed alive during the war. But was she the only one?
"We've been walking for days now, are we there yet?" Comet whined, "It's only been a few hours, were already in the forest." Jaime chuckled. "But it feels like days for me when your just walking in normal speed." "Dramatic much?" Jasper replied. And yes it has been a few hours since they left the cave. Now the three are now in a forest, walking completely straight. Although they couldn't help but feel like their lost. "Are we even sure that pink gem went through that way? because I don't think one gem will be this dull run away in a straight line." Jasper asked, "even if I wan't to agree with you but I think your just afraid to say that were lost." Comet said, and jasper shouted, "THAT'S BECAUSE WE ARE!" Jasper's shout startled all the birds that fly out of the trees. "Yeesh take a chill pill jas, no need to be so frustrated, just go with the flow bro." Comet said in weird gibberish, "huh?" Jasper replied, and Comet answered "Just some slang words that amethyst taught me." "AN AMETHYST TOO?!" Jaime shouted in excitement, "Now I want to join this school even more!" "Well if your that disparate why don't we all go back and check it out." Jasper said sarcastically, "But I already signed up on this quest to help you all, so no turning back. That's my motto." "Great." Jasper complained knowing that her plan failed, comet gave out a playful smirk. But then stopped, to see a whole side of the forest full of cut down trees left with tons of stumps on the ground.
"Woah! When that Zircon said about that shield's yellow diamond power she was not kidding, it wiped out the entire forest. Hey! Who wants to bet if you two had a tree cutting contest with you and her." Comet commented, jasper then replied, "Not the time for that. But I'm pretty sure that weapon will beat me easily." Jaime was just examining the tree stumps,"Hmmm. The stumps were cut clean, but the bark were slightly burnt. And I measured all the stumps in this area and they all have the same exact height as the first. This might've cut down with just one slice, yikes that's scary." Comet then looked up and saw something, "Hey guys look over there!" then they all walked up over a small hill to see this.
"Smoke? Is there a volcano there?" Jasper asked, "Well it has to be, those clouds look way to dark to even be storm clouds." Jaime explained, "But what are you going with this?" Comet then explained, "Well if a weapon happens to be this powerful she'd wanna get rid of it right?" then Jasper and Jaime both answered, "Yes?" Comet continued,"So she might be at that mountain of volcanoes to try to destroy it." but jasper is having doubts and said,"How do we know you didn't got it from some cheap Movie film?" them Comet answered,"Because I never watched it, it was too boring for my taste. I mean Lord of the Loot? Sounds like a huge rip off." "But sounds kinda familiar." Jaime replied her comment. "Well let's go." then Comet blasted off to the mountains with her super speed, jasper and jaime were left behind. And just as jasper was about to leave her Comet then rushed back "Whoops, forgot you guys. Can't leave you two unsupervised, especially you jasper." Jasper grunted. Then the two are all dragged by Comet too the mountains while Jaime is shouting, "Wheeeeeeee."
While Bluebird Azurite was way behind and injured, mostly. But kept on following them anyway.
"And were here." Comet said as she let go of the two. they arrived at the volcano. "Those volcanoes look like there about o erupt." Comet described, "Well volcanoes attend to erupt every once a week, but on different areas not this one. But if it were about to erupt." Jaime asked herself, "Then we should leave immediately." Jasper said as she turned back, but Comet stopped her and said,"I was only asking a question. maybe let's go in there." Comet then pointed into another cave. All of them went inside for shelter, "Let's camp here the night." Jaime suggests and they all agree to take a break. Jaime held out a protein bar and eat it. "I thought you don't have food on you?" Comet asked, "But I do, you want some?" Jaime asked, but comet said no and told her that gems don't need to eat for energy.But then the ground start to shook, causing a seismic activity that blocked the entrance.And then everything went pitch black dark. "Well that's just perfect, trapped again. Not the first time but still!" Jasper complained, "Oh cheer up jas, we got into this situation before we can get." Comet replied, "Yeah, every volcano has a trench to let out hot air so we can be able to get out in time before the volcano erupts." The three all looked at each other with just eyeballs on the screen. "Oh uh did you bring a flashlight by any chance?" Comet asked jaime, she responded "No sorry, I never planned on going out when theirs darkness involved." Comet then said, "worth a shot." "SHHH!" Jasper shushed everyone and whispered,"Did you hear that?" the two all stayed quiet and heard some whispering too."Yeah, is someone here?" Comet asked, "I think I see a light over there." Jaime pointed towards a warm light from afar. The three all quietly walked towards the light without making a sound. Then they all peaked over to hear a group of people talking.
???: I think someone's here, stay behind me girls.
???: I got your back prehnite.
???: And I got your back, actually more like behind but in case of back up.
"Prehnite? That's a gem name. Jasper, looks like were not alone here." Comet whispered, "Get into position." Jasper commanded and Comet nodded. The two goofballs all got into battle mode like "HYAAAAAGH-huh?" but paused to see who they are.
(These characters are not mines)☝️
The group of three gems and the two all stared at each other, it was extremely awkward.
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