Chapter 1
I had this thought once. A long, long time ago. 'College is gonna be so fun!' I thought. That once I leave my parents house, I'm free! I'm free and get to do extraordinary things. However, that was years ago. I'm in college now, living an ordinary life, doing trivial things day by day. Yeah, I guess that was unrealistic for me. I mean, I'm just an average girl. How could my life be interesting?
One day, I'm at my apartment doing schoolwork, and I suddenly get a notification. Someone had sent me a DM on Twitter. All it said was "Hey girl~! Long time no see." I checked who sent it. I let a gasp. It was Yura, my best friend from middle school! She moved away, and we hadn't spoken since! Glad she remembered me. How did she find my Twitter? Ah, that doesn't matter! I need to hurry up and message her.
Maki: Yura! It's so nice to talk to you again!
Yura: Ikr! How's life been for ya?
Maki: Pretty boring actually. Nothing fun EVER happens...
Yura: Aww that sucks! ( ̄。 ̄)
Maki: How about yours?
Yura: Its been wonderful! But I feel bad saying that since your life has been so crappy...
Maki: Oh no it's fine! I'm glad your life has been good.
I exit out of my DM and go to her Twitter. I wanted to see how she looked all grown up. When I saw her, I immediately recognized her. She hasn't changed I bit. Her medium length, black hair. Accompanied by her light blue eyes. That sweet, kinda cheeky smile. With a glint a playfulness in her eyes. Looking at her pictures makes me feel nostalgic. At that moment, I realized how much I miss her. As I'm thinking this, she messaged me once again.
Yura: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come visit me for a bit. It can be like a sleepover that lasts longer! ≧▽≦
Maki: Oh, I'd love that! My break is starting in a few days. Where do you live?
(A few days later)
This is lucky! She doesn't live that much farther away from me. The sorta strange part is that she lives out of town. I mean, to each their own but, still unusual. I thought she'd want to live where all the excitement is, which would be the city. Maybe she has a secret thing for quiet places?
I drive to where she said to, and I'm in utter disbelief. This is where she lives? It's a freaking mansion! It looks like it's made out of marble. It sparkles brightly when the sun shines upon it. She said her life was good, but I didn't think she meant THIS good. Around the perimeter was a metal barred fence, the front having a gate. I slowly walked toward the gates. They were tall, which made them pretty intimidating. I feel out of place walking up to this massive mansion. There was an intercom system beside the locked gates. I hesitantly raise a finger to the button and gently push it. Almost immediately, a voice answers. "Who is it?" They asked. But, this definitely wasn't Yura's voice. It was the calm and refined voice of a man. This startled me, rendering me unable to speak. "Um, hello?" Repeated the man. Hearing his voice once again, I noticed that his voice was very pleasing to the ears. I speak up meekly. "Uh, hi. This is um...Maki. Yura's f-friend." Oh god, I sounded so awkward! "Ah! You're the friend Master was talking about. One moment." He replied. Instantly, the gates gradually started to open. Good, he didn't seem weirded out by my lameness. Wait hold on. Master? Did he call Yura Master? As I was walking toward the front door, I kept thinking about this strange detail. Why? Just why? I need to ask Yura this.
I get to the front door and press on the doorbell. The door swung open, and a man stood on the other side. He was tall and slender, with the most gorgeous amber eyes I've ever seen. He had perfect dark brown hair, clear skin, and soft lips. I was completely captivated by his beauty. "Welcome to our house miss." Said the man. Hey, it's the same guy from the intercom! Ugh, now I feel even worse. I talked so weirdly to a good-looking babe like him! Oh shoot, I'm blatantly staring at him. Quick! I need to say something. "Um...Thank you." I murmured meekly. Damn it, that was so lame! Nonetheless, he gave me a happy smile. "Please, follow me." The man said. He gestured his hand in the way we would be going, and I stepped into the house. The inside was just as grand as the outside. It was this giant room, with shiny marble walls and floors. In the middle of the room was a ginormous staircase leading up to the next floor. Which is where the man was taking me. As we were walking, I noticed some red sofas here and there. Sitting on them were...Even more pretty boys. All of them, including the man escorting me, were wearing identical white button-up shirts. Every single one of them having one or two buttons undone, revealing their really nice pecs...MAKI THIS IS NOT THE TIME! Seriously, what is going on? Who are all these men? What are they doing at Yura's house? Why is Yura's house a mansion? Is it just me, or did it get several degrees hotter in here? Maybe it's because I'm getting so worked up over this. Plus, all these pretty boys are in here. Hope my face isn't too flushed.
Once we were up the stairs, Yura was charging towards us. She let out a loud shriek of excitement. "Maki!!" She yelled. Next thing I knew, she had practically flown through the air and glomped me. "I've missed you so much!" She said, her voice still very loud. "Yura! Please, inside voice." I retorted. She pulled away from the hug. "Sorry sorry! Spur of the moment." After Yura calmed down, I noticed two men had followed her. One had light blonde hair and green eyes. He was slightly taller than the man that greeted me. The other man had grey hair with black eyes. He was shorter and had more of a baby face. But they've all got the same trope; perfect hair, clear skin, and pretty as fuck. "Now if you please, come with me to my relaxing room." Said Yura. Heh, of course she'd call it something like that. I would tell her that, but it's really hard for me to speak up with these hotties around. We all start walking to the 'relaxing room'. Maybe when I get there, I'll become more relaxed (as the name suggests). Then I can ask her some questions. She's got some serious explaining to do.
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