Consider this as an apology.xD
This is very, very funny.xD
You'll laugh at Scott, feel sorry for Mitch, and agree with Kirstie.
Let's start.xD
Avi's eyes widened when he looked at the calendar, almost dropping the laundry basket. He didn't want to believe it, but it was happening.
No! Not today! Any day but today!
"Avi, what's wrong?" Kevin asked, worried about his husband's wide eyes. Kevin followed his husband's glance to the calendar, his own eyes widening when he saw it. "Oh no."
It was shots day at the doctor's.
Everyone in the Olusola house hated shots day.
Scott absolutely despised them and will try to punch the nurse and his parents, Mitch has a fear of them and will cry before, during, and after the shot, and Kirstie...well...she never really says if she hates them or not, but she could be very stubborn. You might think it'll be normal for little kids to act like but no...
Scott is eighteen, Kirstie is seventeen, and Mitch is sixteen.
Let's just say they aren't huge fans of shots day.
"Follow me into this room," the nurse commanded sweetly, letting the Olusola family in. Scott was glaring at nothing, Kirstie was minding her own business, and Mitch was standing by his fathers, shaking at the thought of shots. "I'll be back with your shots momentarily."
"Forget this, I'm out," Scott spoke up, turning around to leave when Kevin grabbed his arm. "Dad, let me go! I want to get real shots!"
"First of all, you're eighteen. You are too young to drink. Second of all, you have to get shots or you will die," Kevin instructed Scott, smirking when his oldest child huffed. Kevin turned to his youngest child, frowning at the fear in his face. "Mitchy, it's okay. It'll happen very fast."
"I know," the sixteen year old mumbled, putting his right hand on his left arm. He sniffed a bit, becoming more skittish of the shots. "I just hate them. So much."
"I know, kiddo," Avi replied, running his hands through the young boy's thin hair. Kirstie was humming, tapping her fingers on a counter. "Kirst, are you okay?"
"Uh? Oh, yeah. I'm good. No big deal."
Avi nodded, looking over at Kevin with a look of horror on his face only to see him with the same look.
This is going to be a long day.
"First off is Scott! Let's go, Scott," the nurse spoke up, flinching when the blond glared at her. "Come on, son. Let's g-"
"If you stick that needle in my arm, I will not hesitate to grab it and shove it up your-"
"Scott," Avi interrupted, shaking his head as he patted his lap. "If you are going to act like a child, you're going to be treated like a child. Sit on my lap."
"Why?! So you could stab me with a shot too?!"
Mitch giggled a bit, making Kirstie laugh as Kevin shook his head. Avi continued to glare at Scott until the talk blond rolled his eyes and sighed loudly.
"Fine," Scott huffed, sitting on his father's lap. He rolled up his sleeve, glaring at the man he called a father. "This would be cuter if I were shorter and didn't want to kill anyone that has a inch-long needle in hand and wants to stab it in my luscious arms."
"How descriptive," Avi mumbled, rolling his eyes as nodded at the nurse. "Go."
The nurse cleaned Scott's arm, making him flinch abruptly. She finally picked the needle up and was a few inches away from Scott's arm when it happened.
Avi widened his eyes as Scott began to thrash around, naming him stay still. Scott screamed, making his younger siblings laugh loudly as Kevin shook his head and hid his face...
(Because he was laughing.)
"I didn't even put the shot in yet."
"Scott is done!"
Scott pushed himself off Avi's lap, glaring at the nurse evilly. Avi shook his head, looking over at Kevin with an amused look on his face.
Scott might humiliate them, but he will never fail to make them laugh.
One down, two more to go.
"Up next...Mitchell, the baby of the clan!"
Mitch froze, instantly shaking as he took his jacket off. Kevin smiled sadly, holding his son's jacket before giving him a big hug.
"You got this, buddy. It's all going to be okay."
Mitch nodded, Avi sighing sadly before patting his knee once more.
"You want to sit on my lap?"
"Yes please," Mitch answered timidly, sitting on Avi's lap immediately. He hid his face on Avi's neck, tearing up as he felt the wipe on his arm. "I'm scared."
"I know, I know," Avi reassured, the sounds of Mitch breathing heavily breaking his heart. "You got this. It's all okay."
Scott and Kirstie shared a look, feeling sorry for Mitch. He couldn't stand shots yet he is the one that has to get them every month. It sucked and only made the boy's fear of needles even worse.
"I don't want a shot," Mitch whimpered, finally sobbing a bit. Avi held him tighter, brushing his hair back. "I'm scared."
"Do you want me to count to three?" The nurse asked, frowning a bit. Mitch nodded, his lisp quivering as another tear escaped. "Okay...you could do this, Mitch. Three...two...one."
The nurse pushed the needle in, making Mitch flinch right away. The youngest Olusola gasped and released more tears afterwards, the pain in his arm disappearing quickly as the nurse put a band-aid on him. Mitch stood up, feeling Avi's hands on his cheeks. He looked up, Avi's green eyes looking at him sweetly.
"I'm so proud of you, Mitchy. So, so proud. You have no idea."
Mitch mouthed a thank you before hugging Avi tightly, walking over to his other father to retrieve his jacket. Kevin smiled at him proudly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder carefully. Mitch sighed happily despite the tears rolling down his cheeks, glad that he was done already.
Maybe shots weren't so bad after all.
Two down, one more to go.
"Lastly, Kirstin!"
Kirstie stood up, laughing as Avi patted his lap. She sat down, rolling up her sleeve as she smiled at the nurse.
"I'm ready!"
"Scott Richard, shut up right now or I'll give you something to shout about," Avi interrupted, shutting his son up. Mitch laughed loudly, making Avi glare at him. "And you shut up or you'll be tickled."
Mitch obeyed, shutting up quickly.
"That was easy," the nurse commented, laughing a bit. Kirstie nodded in a agreement, sighing to herself. "Let's begin!"
Kirstie nodded, closing her eyes as the alcohol wipe wet her arm. She thought about something.
Something important.
Dogs. Dogs wearing hats. Dogs wearing hats with kittens. Dogs wearing hats with kittens wearing mittens. Haha, that rhymed. Oh my gosh, I want to have a dog farm. There would be dogs everywhere. Food would be expensive though so...family with children or family with dogs? Wait, why did I even ask that? Dogs, most definitely dogs. I wonder if dogs actually love us. What if the names we give our dogs aren't their real names? *GASP* What if Olaf's real name is-
"Sorry," the nurse apologized, blushing a bit. Kirstie was gasping in pain, her face quite hysterical. "In sorry, Kirstin."
"That hurt!"
"It's supposed to," Kevin spoke up, rolling his eyes as the nurse put a band-aid on Kirstie's arm. "Let's go before Scott decides to stab the nurse with a used shot."
"Darn it," Scott murmured playfully, shaking his head. His family laughed, making him smile. "I'm funny!"
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," Mitch spoke up, making Kirstie go 'ooohhh'. "Let's go now, shot boy."
Scott nodded and as soon as they left, Avi widened his eyes and gasped.
Oh no.
"Guys? It's dentist day tomorrow."
Let's just say today's events happened again the next day.
A/N: Well...sorry if my humor is rusty.xD I just wanted to write something funny.:3 Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and remember that I love you all.:)
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