It Took A "Whole" Lot of Convincing...
Friday rolled around way to quickly. It's not like I'm complaining, it's just I somewhat enjoy school...
My eyes fluttered open and I started at my snow white ceiling. "Do I have to get up?" I yelled. Surprisingly, I got an answer. "Yup!" Someone yelled back. My eyes slightly widened and I sat up in bed, freaked out. "Calm down, Don't get your panties in a bunch" Emily teased. I groaned. "Seriously?..what time is it?" I asked. She sighed. "7:30" she replied while I yawned.
I finally decided to get out of bed and walked over to my bathroom. "Choose an outfit for me!" I yelled out to Emily while I grabbed my tooth brush. "Already am!" She yelled back.
About 3 minutes later, I had my teeth brushed and was grabbing for my makeup drawer. I yanked open the drawer and scanned the pile of various brands of makeup.
After a minute of searching, I finally narrowed it down to what I actually would use: mascara, eyeliner, a light pink lipstick, a baby pink blush, foundation, and concealer.
As I was lining my baby blue eyes, Emily all off a sudden squealed. I dropped the liner and ran into my room. "Emily, what's wrong!" I yelled. I saw her jumping happily near my closet. "Uh...Em?" I asked. She looked up and smiled. "I found you the perfect outfit!" I groaned and shuffled back to the bathroom
I walked back into my room, still mad at Emily. I shot her a death glare as I walked by. "What!" She asked in a defensive tone. I rolled my eyes and walked to my bed.
I examined the outfit Emily had placed on my bed. She had grabbed a plain white shirt, a red flannel, light blue high waisted shorts, black converse, and a gold necklace with a triangle attached.
Now I see why she was so happy.
"Okay, shoo shoo" I said to Emily, as I turned around. She groaned and stood up. She then quickly padded out of my room.
After I changed I walked me stairs to see Emily eating a bowl of cereal. "Seriously? " I asked. She looked up while she was sipping some of the milk out of the bowl, "what?" She mumbled into the bowl. I laughed a little and sat down in front of her. "Aren't you gonna eat?" She asked wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. I smiled. "One, I appreciate your sloppiness" she put on a accomplished smile as I continued. "And two, no I'll just pig out at lunch." She shrugged and stood up.
After she placed her bowl in the sink, we finally headed outside to my car.
I hopped in to the front seat and turned the car into ignition. Emily opened the door, threw her bag in to the back seat, and sat down in the passenger seat. She slammed the door shut as I backed out of the drive way.
Emily jumped out of the car and ran over to Eva, Chase, and Jason right as I parked. "Great." I muttered. I sighed and grabbed my back pack. I opened the door and got out. As I locked Elmo, I put on my sunglasses. I slung my backpack over one shoulder and started walking to the front of the school.
Once I was less than 5 feet away from school, I heard someone yell my name.
"Morgan!" They yelled.
I stopped in my tracks and slightly raised an eyebrow. I turned around on my heel and saw that the populars we-- wait, the populars? I groaned and walked towards them.
"What do you want, lightbulb?" I asked Tracey.
Tracey Whitehouse, the most popular girl in school. She claimed to have naturally blonde hair but we all know it's dyed. See, now you know why I call her lightbulb.
"Aww, Morgey! Can't a girl say hey to her bestie!" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, what do you want? And no, I won't give you Parkers phone number." Her face went from happy and cheerful to mad and annoyed. "Well than, ginger get away from me" she scoffed. I glared at her and took a step closer to her.
Saying that I'm at least 3 inches taller than her, it seemed like I was a tower and she was a house. "Listen here, lightbulb, I am not a ginger! Do I have freckles? No! So shut the hell up!" I yelled. She looked up and and swallowed. "Aww, cat got your tongue?" I teased. She shook her head. "Get the hell, out of my face." I said calmly. She nodded and scurried over to a group of jocks. I looked over at her friends that were surrounding me and gave them all a death glare. They seemed to have gotten the message and ran over to Tracey. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the stairs leading to the glass door of the college.
I'm not in full on college yet so I'm just in community college for a few years. If you haven't realized, I can be intimidating towards some people. I guess it surprised them since last year I was this girl who wasn't payed attention to and now I've almost completely changed. It wasn't intentional, I just wanted a new start in college.
I walked in and quickly spotted Emily. I sighed and walked up to her. When I was than a foot away from her, she turned around and gave me a slight frown. I shrugged as she walked towards me. "You realize everyone could hear you yell right?" She asked.
"It was suppose to be heard" I replied calmly. She groaned as we started walking to first period.
I yanked the door open and walked in. First period I had math. The bad thing is I'm horrible at math and to make matters worst, it was my first class and I was always tired.
Emily and I had mostly the same classes but when we didn't, it was because she had to go to some fashion class while I had to go to writing.
Emily trailed behind me, yawning every now and then. As the door shut behind her, we took our seats. We seemed to be the only people there but that was when I realized there was a giant group of people in the corner. I looked over at Emily and raised an eyebrow. She just shrugged. I sighed and got up.
Emily and I walked over to the corner to see Parker having an arm wrestling match with Jake, who was one of the jocks. I rolled my eyes.
"If you win, don't let it go to your head". I said loud enough for every one to hear. People turned around and just stared at me, causing Jake to look over.
Parker was smart and didn't look so that gave him an opportunity to use the rest of his strength and win. He slammed Jakes hand down on to the desk, causing a loud painful noise to fill the room. I heard a few people groan and others cheer. While I just stood there smirking.
Parker rubbed his arm and walked over to me. "Thanks" he muttered. I rolled my eyes. "If it wasn't for me, you'd be still struggling" I stated. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. "Look, remember how I invited you to that party?" He asked. I nodded before he continued. " never did answer me" he said calmly. I curled my lips. "I can't sister's in town." He nodded. "Sorry" I added. He shrugged. "Don't worry about it. There'll be plenty more parties I can invite you to and plenty more girls to bring to this one." He said as he walked past me. I sighed and walked back to my seat.
Before I knew it, it was already lunch. I sleepily walked out of my class and went to my locker. I put my combination in and opened my locker.
As I was yawning, I slammed my locker door shut and walked to the cafeteria. When I was a few feet away from the door, I scanned the lunch room for Emily.
I sighed after I didn't find her. I sleepily walked over to the lunch line and grabbed a tray.
After I had grabbed a small salad, fries, and pizza, I started walking around looking for at least one friends.
No one? Really?
I sighed but as I was about to leave the cafeteria, I heard someone yell my name. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I looked over at the tables and didn't see anyone yelling in my direction.
"Morgan!" They yelled again but this time I turned my head over to the right. That's when I realized.... Parker was calling my name. I groaned and walked over to him. "What'd you want, loser?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and stood up. "Look, I'm throwing party Sunday. Can you come?" He asked. I sighed. Right when I was about to answer I heard a few laughs coming from the table he was sitting at. I shut my mouth and looked over at the people laughing.
It's just had to be jocks and populars. I looked at Tracey straight in the eyes and smirked. "Actually...I can" I looked back at Parker and smiled. "Thanks for inviting me" I heard Tracey huff and get up.
"Cool, see you at the party"
I nodded and turned around. I started walking away until he yelled. "Wait, want me to tell you where it is?" I shrugged. "Nope. Emily knows where every single party is so.." he shrugged and sat back down.
After trying to search for Emily, I gave up and just walked to the parking lot. I searched the lot until I found Elmo.
I climbed on to the hood of the car, placed my tray down, and just relaxed.
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