Chapter 9 ~ A New Guild hall and The Tale of The Dancers on Ice!
The new chapter has been made at last! Hopefully I'm still good at this book lol :D
Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Asura's POV
After a long, hard week of construction and fighting, we've finally finished rebuilding the guild hall! I gotta say, I really liked the way that it looked now!
"Asura, there you are! I've been looking for you!" I hear Levy say as she comes jogging up to me.
"Oh hey Levy! What's up? You need anything?" I asked her as I turned to face her.
"Me and the other girls were wondering if you were going to compete in the Miss Fairy Tail Contest that was happening later, we all really wanna see what awesome talents you might have hidden!" She says to me, and I thought about it for a few moments before I made my choice.
"Alright, I guess I will compete! I've already got something in mind for when the time comes, and I plan on having Jupiter help me with it!" I say, devising the plan in my mind, but Levy looked really confused at my statement.
"Jupiter? How do you plan on having him help you in the contest?" She asks me, sounding quite curious as to what I meant. However, I wasn't going to just reveal my ideas like that.
"Sorry dear, but you'll have to wait until the actual contest to find out!" I say before I run off to the nearby forest, which happened to be the forest that Jupiter lived in, because our human houses are, as he puts it, "too sophisticated for him". Eh, I guess that's just how dragons like him roll. Oh well, that's just how life is sometimes. Anyways, I have finally made it to the spot I usually find him, which was a large tree stump. And sure enough, there he was, sitting on his stump, working on a little wood carving. He's gotten pretty good at carving wood in these past few years. He picked up the hobby while me, him, and Mocha were on that thousand year quest, and he hasn't stopped doing it since.
"Yo Jupiter! I need to ask you a favor." I said, nearly startling the poor guy, but he managed to keep his composure before sighing.
"Honestly, Asura. How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me while I'm carving?" He asks while resuming his carving.
"Sorry, but this is really important! I promise not to bother you once you help me!" I say, and he sighs before shaving off the last bit of wood, and his carving was complete. I took a look at it, and saw that it was an owl. It looked like it was about the size of my palm.
"That's a cute little owl, do you like that type of bird?" I asked him.
"Sorta. I mean, owls are said to be a symbol of the great goddess of wisdom and knowledge, and we dragons are meant to be all knowing creatures. You get what I mean?" He says, turning the owl over in his hand.
"That makes a lot of sense, since dragons are some of the smartest creatures on the planet. Anyways, back to what I was saying before. You could totally make these little carvings into charms, and then sell them to everyone else!" I say, and he offers the owl he just made to me.
"You want this one? You seem to like it a bunch." He says, and I gladly accepted it.
"Awwww, thanks, Jupie! I'll treasure it forever!" I say, placing the owl in my pocket, and he turned away once more.
"Anyways, so what is it that you wanted me to help you with?" Jupiter asks me as he gets out another block of wood and started carving it.
"Right! So you remember that thing we did over in Valla while you and I were doing that century quest?" I asked him, and his face said yes.
"I do remember, and I'm guessing that you want me to help you do it for that little contest you and the girls are holding, correct?" He asked, and I gave him a thumbs up.
"You got it, Jupiter! You remember the routine, right?" I asked him, and he nodded.
"Great! We've got a few hours before the contest starts, so we should crank in as much practice as we can until then!" I say, and Jupiter gets up from his stump, and the two of us teleported to a remote area of land that only I had access to, so that the two of us would be able to practice without anybody finding out what my plans were.
Six hours later-
"Alright! The Miss Fairy Tail Contest is about to start! Let's get into the audience quickly so we can grab good spots!" I say, dragging Jupiter along with me to one of the tables that was closest to the stage.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the time that you've all been waiting for has finally come at last!" We all hear the announcer say, so we all turned our attention towards the stage, where Cana was standing.
"Here we have our first contestant, miss Cana Alberona! What tricks will she and her cards have in store for us?!" The announcer says while pointing at Cana, who uses one of her cards to change into a swimsuit, and then she did a few poses for the crowd, before she left the stage and went behind the curtain.
"Oh my goodness, she's used her Card Magic to swap her outfit into a bikini! Now I can't wait to see what the next contestant has in store for us! Up next is the watery spirit herself, Juvia Lockser!" The announcer says as Juvia happily walks up onto the stage, and she uses her water magic to change into a swimsuit, just like Cana did. She did some poses of her own, and the background seemed to change into a beach scene.
"My oh my! The mistress of water has been decked out with a look that makes her seem ready for the perfect day at the beach! What I wouldn't give to spend the day with her!" The announcer says, and Juvia walks off stage to join Cana behind the curtain.
"Miss beauty number three is none other than our own Mirajane Strauss!" The announcer says, and Mirajan walked onto the stage while waving at the audience.
"Alright, Miss Mira. We all know that you're a master of transformation magic, so why don't you show the audience what amazing forms that you've got hiding up your sleeves?!" The announcer says, and she activates her magic around her head, so we all assume that she's going to transform into one of the other female guild members, but NOPE! Instead, she turned into Gajeel, and his face was absolutely priceless, so I quickly snapped a photo with a picture lacrima.
"Hahahaha! I never would've expected Mira to transform into your ugly mug, it's hilarious!" My brother says while laughing hysterically.
"Give me a break, dude! How was I supposed to know she would do that?!" He says, sounding annoyed.
"Well that was unexpected! Let's move onto the next contestant!" The announcer says, and Mira leaves, and it was Erza's turn. (Y'all it's 4 AM at the time that I was writing this so I'm just gonna skip the rest of the introductions)
Erza used her magic to change into a gothic lolita outfit. Then it was Levy's turn, and she used her magic to create a whole bunch of stylish words behind her. Then it was Bisca's turn, and she used her magic to shoot 4 coins in the middle with one shot and then... it was finally our turn.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen! I'm just as excited as you are about this, because it's none other Asura Nightsong! Come on up and show us what you're made of!" The announcer says, and I got up from my seat and I went up onto the stage. Needless to say, the crowd was cheering like crazy when I went up there.
"Hey there, guys! I've got something extra special planned for you all, and Jupiter is gonna be my assistant! Now unfortunately, our beloved guild hall is far too small for us to show off, so I've prepared a special place just for this occasion. Shall we get going, Jupiter?" I say as I placed a dark blue and white lacrima onto the middle of the stage, and the two of us immediately teleported away.
Extra smol timeskip here
"Remind me again why I have to wear this, Asura?" Jupiter asks as he steps out of the changing room, revealing his outfit.
"Hey, be glad you don't have to wear something as crazy as my outfit!" I say as I finished putting on my head piece, and I stepped out of the dressing room that was next to his, revealing my new outfit.
(Ignore the thing that Azura is holding k thx)
"Besides, I was lucky enough to remember what our outfits looked like from the original performance, so I created two copies that are completely identical to the originals! It just wouldn't have felt the same if we did this wearing anything else!" I said to him.
"Right, you need to get your ice skates on, our performance is going to start in about two minutes." Jupiter says as he goes up ahead.
"I'm right behind you, Jupiter, so wait up!" I said as I ran carefully so as to not cut myself on the blades of my ice skates.
"Alright, let's do this!" I say as the two of us went ahead to the middle.
Meanwhile with the folks over at Fairy Tail...
"Guy, look! That lacrima that Asura left on the stage is turning on!" Lucy says, pointing at said lacrima. After a few moments, a bright light shone from the lacrima that was left behind, and a very large screen appeared above it, spanning the entire length of the stage. What they saw amazed them. It was a beautiful night sky above the clouds, with the fully formed moon sitting perfectly above.
"Look! There's Asura and Jupiter!" Juvia says.
"But wait, look! They're wearing ice skates, but why? There's no ice for them to skate on!" Mirajane says.
"More importantly, what's with their getup? I don't think I've ever seem outfits as crazy as those ones before... not like I have any right to say that, since I'm pretty much naked ninety percent of the time." Gray says.
"Look! She's got an ice lacrima, and she's using it to make a giant circle of ice!" Erza says in amazement.
(The ice circle looks like this, just imagine it like, roughly the size of an American Football field. I say American football because a whole load of countries refer to what we call soccer as football. Just wanted to clear that up just in case!)
"It looks like the two of them are going to skate together! Isn't that wonderful?" Mira asks, but she was silenced by Erza.
"Silence, Mira! They're starting!" Erza says in a hushed voice, and the whole guild went silent.
With Asura and Jupiter
"Alright, Jupiter, it's time. Let's do our best out there!" I say to him and he nods, before the two of us skated our way to the center of the circle of ice, and we started our ice dance, while the lacrima that I left back at the guild began playing music.
After the two of us finished our dance, both of us were panting pretty heavily. After we took a moment to collect ourselves, the two of us teleported back to the guild hall, right in the middle of the stage. Needless to say, our guildmates went completely and utterly ballistic.
"Asura... Jupiter..."
"That was freaking awesome!" They all said in unison.
"Heh, thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it!" I say as I looked over to Jupiter, who was letting out one of his rarely seen smiles.
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