Chapter 11 ~ Slaying Undead Wyrms and Winning Poker
Somewhere in Fiore
Asura's POV
"Alright, it should be around here. If what that man said is correct, then I should find it within these mountains." I say as I look towards the mountains that I was heading to.
Now, you might be wondering why I'm out in the mountains. I'm on a mission, plain and simple. It was one of the higher class missions, and that was because the one that I was working on required me to get rid of a creature that has been terrorizing the local villages that were settled near the mountains. You also might be wondering where Mocha is, seeing as he could have easily flown me to the mountains. Poor guy, he caught a rather nasty cold after our last mission sent us traveling through a part of Fiore that was prone to blizzards galore, so he's been told to rest for a couple of weeks for the time being. Anyways, back to my mission. I make it to the mountains, and almost immediately, I'm hit with the horrid smell that was worse than rotting garbage. Thankfully I knew a form of magic that lets me cancel out my senses, and now's the perfect time for me to use it. I activated it and canceled out my sense of smell, and I feel instant relief now that I wasn't being affected by that putrid smell. A few moments later, and I heard a roar erupt in the distance, so I started making my way over to the source of the sound. A few minutes later, and I finally reached the source of the noise, as well as the source of the awful stench that I had caught a whiff of when I had first reached the base of the mountains. It was a rather large creature, clearly zombified. I could tell that this thing used to be alive long ago.
From the looks of it, I would say it used to be some type of Earth Wyrm when it was still alive. And it's not just that. I could sense traces of necromancy magic all over its body, which meant that it was forcefully brought back to life. Poor thing, whoever did this to it clearly has no respect for the deceased and departed. It was angry, very obviously from being brought back from its eternal rest to the world of the living. It immediately noticed my presence, and roared angrily. It probably thought that I was one of the people that had disturbed its rest. Judging by the stability of its body, I should be able to take it out with one good move. However, this thing clearly wasn't going down without a fight, as it soon started launching great balls of rotted earth at me, and at a fast rate at that. I was running around as the wyrm continued its assault on me, launching its attacks at me fast enough to give me a hard time to attack it. However, it wasn't able to land any attacks on me, and I soon put up a force field of my magic that completely absorbed every attack that it threw at me, and that was a play at me being able to consume any element to power up. I quickly charged up my attack, and launched it at the undead earth wyrm.
"Dragon God's Scorched Wrath!" I roared as I launched my attack at the undead earth wyrm.
The undead earth wyrm roared in pain as my attack hit it, and it wasn't long before it fell in defeat. After that, I made my over to it.
"Hopefully you'll be able to rest with no more disturbances." I said quietly, before I finished it off.
"Alright, I've finally managed to defeat it. Now it's time to go back and report to the village chief so that I can finish the mission and receive my payment." I say, and I hear a familiar creature chirp as it climbed up onto my shoulder. It was the shadow wyrm that Gajeel and I had battled previously before I freed it from the curse that it was being plagued by.
Yes, he looks considerably different from when you last saw him, but he's been learning to survive on his own when I'm not there to take care of him, and his appearance has changed to better fit the environments. Hard to believe that he looked like a little chick once upon a time. He was also learning to fly again, being that he had grown different wings than the ones he had when he was cursed. Looking at the toughness of his scales and horns, he was around twenty or twenty one years old. Poor guy, he had to spend who knows how many years of his life in that cursed form.
"You. I thought I told you to stay in your den until I got back from my mission." I said to him in a slightly scolding tone, and he only rubbed against my neck affectionately, and I sighed.
"Yes, yes, I'm happy to see you too. Now go quickly, I don't want any nasty creatures snatching you." I say as I opened a small portal that led back into his den, and he quickly jumped through before I closed it back up. Good, now it's time for me to get back to the village. I was far too exhausted to walk all the way back there, so I decided now would be the time to use that whistle that the village elder gave me, and I pulled it out of my pocket.
"Hopefully this thing actually works..." I say to myself before I blew into it, creating a tune that sounded all throughout the forest. Only a few moments had passed before I heard a loud screech pierce the air, and before I knew it, a great bird had appeared in front of me. It was around the same size as Jupiter in his dragon form, only the bird was just a slight bit smaller than he was.
"Thanks for coming, I could really use your help getting back to the village." I said to the bird, and it nodded before getting down to the ground so that I could climb onto its back. I did so, and it got back up before spreading its large wings, and we took off into the air. After a few hours of flying, we made it back to the village. I gave my report to the village elder, and he, along with all the other residents of the village, were extremely thankful to me for getting rid of the monster that had been terrorizing their village for months on end. In the end, I got my reward, the village was freed from terror, everyone was happy.
"Now that that's done, it's time for me to head to the meeting." I say, preparing a magic circle to teleport to Master Bob's Palace, a place I had thankfully been to before, as I would often watch over the place when nobody else was able to. If you don't know what it looks like, you can take a look at this picture I recieved the first time I had ever watched it, so that I would know I found the right place, seeing at it was in the middle of this huge forest.
Once the teleportation circle was ready to go, I said farewell to everyone in the village, and with that, I vanished from the village. A few seconds later, and I teleported inside the mansion, upon which I am greeted by a short man flying right towards me. Thankfully I had really good reflexes, so I easily dodged him. Instead, he flew into another person, who then promptly froze the man's head in annoyance. I recognized him from when I was on a mission a while back, and I nearly died because of him.
"I know you! You're that jerk that nearly killed me a few months back!" I said while pointing my finger at him accusingly, and he facepalmed.
"How many times do I have to say sorry?! It was accident and you know it!" He retorted, to which I rolled my eyes at.
"Like hell it was! I still have a huge scar covering my back thanks to you!" I said angrily.
"You know him, Asura?" I heard Gray ask, so I turned to face him, along with Natsu, Erza, and Lucy.
"Ok, so you all remember that story I told you guys about how I nearly died on a mission a few months back, right?" I asked them, and they all nodded.
"Right, you have Frosty here to thank for that." I say, gesturing to Lyon.
"Oh no, where were we when this terrible thing happened to such a lovely lady like you?" A male's voice said.
"How horrible, we weren't there to be able to protect you!" A second male's voice said worriedly.
"Please, tell us what we can do to make up for this travesty!" A third, slightly younger male's voice said. It was then that I turned to see three members of the Blue Pegasus guild, who I recognized to be the Tri Mens.
"Heyyy, I know you guys! We teamed up together on that mission to rescue that noble's daughter! Y'all remember me, right?" I asked, and the younger one's face lit up.
"You remember us, I'm so glad!" He said, and I swore on my life that I felt my heart skip a beat at how cute he was. I then turned to his teammates.
"Can I keep him?" I asked, and they both laughed. We then got to chatting about all that has happened over the past months, while the rest of the coalition members arrived.
"Hah! I told you guys that I was good at playing Poker! Tonight's dinner is on you!" I cheered, reveling in my victory against everyone (minus Natsu and Lucy) in our session of poker. However, my victory was short lived as I heard someone else entering the building, and I turned my head just in time to see a young blue haired girl trip on the carpet.
"Owww..." She muttered, before getting up and dusting herself off, clearly looking embarrased at her mishap.
"H-Hi, I'm Wendy Marvel." She says.
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