Chapter 10 ~ The Battle of Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Asura's POV
"Thanks, guys! I'm really glad that you enjoyed our performance!" I say happily as everyone's crowding around me.
"Alright folks, now it's time for the next contestant to take her place on the stage!" The announcer says as Lucy makes her way onto the stage.
"It's miss Lucy Heart-"
"Me!" A woman's voice rang out, and I instantly recognized it as Evergreen's voice. Said woman then appeared on stage, shocking everyone.
"There's no need to announce the next contestant, because I am the winner!" She declares, and an irk mark appears on my head.
"Hey! Just who do you think you are?! You're not apart of the contest!" Lucy says angrily as she's facing Evergreen, who lowered her glasses in preparation.
"Hang on, Lucy! Don't look into her eyes!" Both Gray and I shouted in unison, but it was too late. Evergreen had activated her magic, and Lucy was turned into a stone statue.
"No!" Several of us cried out at once, but it was all in vain. We were swiftly horrified when the curtain next to Lucy was lifted, and it was revealed that all the other Miss Fairy Tail contestants, save for me, were turned to stone as well.
I felt sickened by her actions. They had done nothing to her, and she just mercilessly turned them all to stone. It was then that the rest of her team, the Thunder God Tribe, appeared, Laxus included.
"Just what the heck are you guys trying to pull?!" One of the wizards who remained after everyone else fled says angrily.
"Cmon, let's have some fun!" Laxus exclaims.
"I've come back, and I say we have a little festival of our own! Hundreds of you, going up against the four of us! It's a Fairy Tail Battle Royale!" Laxus shouted, and I growled, before transforming my outfit into a more battle ready version of itself.
It was then that the Thunder God Tribe realized that I was present, and they all paled when they saw me cracking my knuckles in anger, and I looked quite menacing to them.
"Laxus Dreyar you are a dead man!!!" I roared furiously as I jumped towards the stage with a charged up Dragon God's Divine Fangs, but much to my fury, he and the other members of the Thunder God Tribe were zapped away in a bolt of lightning. I only stood on the stage as a shadow covered my eyes, before I let out a mighty roar that was loud enough to make several people think that there was an actual dragon somewhere on the loose.
"DAMN YOU LAXUS!!!" I roared, seething with rage as I reached to my back and seemingly pulled a pair of dragon wings from it. (Kinda like how Mirajane pulls wings from her back in her fight with Freed)
I immediately burst through the entrance of the guild hall, following Laxus' scent as I fly through the city, trying to pinpoint where he was hiding out. However, my flight was abruptly cut short when a beam of magic was shot through one of my wings, which hurt like a bitch mind you, and I crash landed down to the ground. I groaned in pain, seeing as I had just fallen from a fifty foot free fall onto the hard stone ground. I slowly stood up, and I finally saw who my assailant was.
"Rory Mercury... The infamous Time Dragon Slayer of the former guild Aurora Borealis. Care to explain what you're doing here in Magnolia?" I asked as I got up from the ground while retracting my wings, and she chuckles.
"Well dear, to put it simply, you're a threat. The Thunder God Tribe knew that you would pose quite the danger to their plans, so they hired me for quite the pretty penny to put a stop to you as soon as I had spotted you, so here we are." She says with a bit of a sadistic tone in her voice.
"Right then. Since you're here to stop me, why don't we skip the rest of the formalities and get straight to the battle?!" I shouted, charging towards her.
"But of course! I wouldn't have it any other way!" She says, also charging towards me.
"Time Dragon's Halberd Slash!" She shouts, forming a very large halberd from her magic, and she swung it multiple times.
I dodged them effortlessly, and I reached into my pocket dimension and formed a weapon, before pulling it from the dimension. It was a sword, and it was made from some of the ethernano crystals from the tower of heaven. Remember, I stored that sucker in my pocket dimension, so I have plenty of snacks for a good while.
"I can sense that weapon is powerful, but it won't defeat me easily!" She says, but she had no time to react any further, because I was in front of her in an instant, and it only took one swing of my sword to effortlessly slice her halberd to pieces like a hot knife slicing through butter.
"That was only a weapon made from magic, I can easily produce several more just like it! But I won't since that will only be a waste of my magic. So I'll change things up a bit!" Rory shouts as she jumps into the air, and I felt her charging up a roar attack, so I charged up my own roar.
"Dragon God's/Time Dragon's"... We both say in unison.
"ROAR!!" We shouted, and we fired our attacks at each other.
The two dragon roars collided with one another, and a massive explosion ensued. When the resultant cloud of smoke cleared, the two of us saw that a massive crater was left behind. However, Rory clearly wasn't done, because she quickly stepped back before she jumped into the air.
"Time Dragon's Chronic Slash!" She shouted, and the tips of her fingers glowed pink before she swung her hand at me, sending five simultaneous, pink colored slashes at me.
I was able to dodge most of them, but a couple of them sliced through my leg, leaving two deep, bleeding gashes in their wake.
'That's definitely going to scar...' I internally groaned, but I had to focus on my fight. I charged at Rory as quickly as I could, and I delivered a nice Dragon God's Divine Fangs to her, and this was the attack that took her down.
"D-Damnit... I'm too weak for this! I couldn't even protect my guild from invaders!" She says, slamming her fist into the ground, and I smirked.
"Don't go beating yourself up over something you couldn't control, lass! If you're looking to join a new guild, then why don't you join Fairy Tail? We might be the rowdiest guild on the continent, but we're all family here." I say, reaching my hand out to her, and she nods before grabbing my hand. However, this didn't last very long, because a few seconds later, she fainted from exhaustion. I sighed, before hoisting her onto my back.
"Oof. Homegirl used way too much of her magic in our fight." I muttered to myself as I used my magic to reinforce my legs, and I made my way back to the guild hall infirmary, where I laid her on one of the many beds in the room.
"I'll be back before you know it." I say to her, even though I knew she couldn't hear me. Suddenly, I felt three signatures of dragon slaying magic clashing together, and I immediately recognized them as Laxus', Gajeel's, and Natsu's magics. I focused on the area that the magic was emanating from, and I ran to it. It turned out to be Kardia Cathedral. I didn't hesitate to kick the doors down, from their hinges, and I saw both Natsu and Gajeel laying on the ground, utterly defeated by Laxus.
(They look like wonky stick figures in this shot haha)
"My oh my, what DO we have here?" I say, and Laxus pales upon seeing me in the cathedral, clearly assuming that I would have been taken care of by Rory.
"If you're wondering about the little friend that you hired to take care of me, I swiftly took care of her, and even convinced her to join our side." I say to him, and he was shaking in fear.
"But now... It's your turn. And I won't be showing you the slightest OUNCE of mercy." I say. Both of my fallen comrades looked at me, and I could tell that they were exhausted from fighting Laxus for so long.
"It's alright boys..." I say as I turned towards Laxus.
"I'll take care of it from here." I said to them reassuringly, and they both passed out. I then glared at Laxus quite menacingly as I began charging up one of my strongest spells.
"Dragon God's..." I began chanting as I used a massive amount of my magic to form a large, multicolored scythe that was radiating pure magic from the gems and blade.
He paled even further, and I looked at him with a sadistic smile on my face as I raised the scythe into the air.
He began backing away in fear, but I kept walking towards him, scythe in the air.
"Divine Punishment." I said darkly as I swung the scythe down to the ground, and the powerful slash of magic that flew from the scythe's blade was far too fast for him to dodge, and it was a direct hit. Laxus was sent flying into the walls, and he was effectively knocked out.
"Bastard. That'll teach you not to mess with my family." I said as I turned around and made my way over to my unconscious guild mates. I bent down and hoisted each one onto my shoulders, one in each arm.
"And now, to get these two meatheads back to the guild and into the infirmary." I said as I carried them out of the cathedral.
Yeah, sorry for the late chapter. I know I said it would be posted yesterday, but deadass not even an hour after I made that announcement, I had to leave the house to go do something that literally took up the rest of my time ;-;
ANYWAYS, hope y'all are staying safe, and stay inside so you're protected from the killer hornets haha
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