Chapter 0~Prologue
(outfit in the picture above is what she's wearing at the time but ignore the little bag in the picture)
July 6 Year X777, Asura's POV
I was sitting at the edge of a lake in the forest I lived with Casiphae in, holding a long rod (not THAT kind of rod ya dirty minded people XD) in my hands as I waited patiently for a fish to take the bait. Why am I sitting at a lake fishing, you may ask? Well let me tell you. I was currently trying to catch a good fish for my beloved dragon mother, Casiphae.
Unfortunately, I have been at it since before even the sun had a chance to rise. Luckily, I had the rather large sized egg sitting next to me for company. What's inside the egg? My mother dragon told me that it was the egg of a magical creature called an Exceed. These supposed 'Exceeds' apparently bore a striking resemblance to an animal that's commonly known as the cat. I looked over to the left, and I looked at the large white egg, that had brown markings on it.
(y'all don't know how annoying this was to edit for me XD)
I sighed as I finally admitted defeat and gathered up my fishing gear. I then picked up the egg and started to walk back towards the home that Casiphae and I stayed in when the egg I had carefully held in my arms suddenly jerked, earning a yelp from me and nearly made me drop the egg, but I still held onto it. I stood there, not moving an inch from where I was standing as cracks began to appear all around the egg. More and more cracks kept appearing until the egg finally burst open, revealing a tiny baby brown and white exceed kitten with tiny white wings on his back to match his white markings. I squealed with delight as I held him in the air.
"Oh my god you are the cutest thing to walk the Earth!!" I said with joy.
"T-thank you? What is my name...? I don't seem to recall remembering it..." The male exceed kitten said, with confusion evident in his voice.
"The thing is, little guy, you don't have a name, because you literally JUST hatched!" I deadpanned.
"O-oh, I see... Well, can you give me a name?" He asked me.
"Of course I will! But before I do, I need to introduce myself! My name is Asura Nightsong, and I'm gonna call you... Mocha!" I said excitedly.
"Mocha... I like that name! It's nice to officially meet you, Asura!" Mocha said happily.
"Oh my gosh that reminds me! I still have to introduce you to Casiphae!" I exclaimed.
"Casiphae? Who's that??" Mocha asked with a hint of curiosity strongly evident in his voice.
"Casiphae's my dragon mom! She's really friendly, you're gonna love her, Mocha! Oohhhh I can't wait to introduce you two!!!" I squealed excitedly.
"That's awesome! I get to meet a dragon!" Mocha shouted out while fist pumping the air.
"What are we waiting for?! Let's go then!!" I exclaimed as I ran back to the house.
Small Timeskip to the house
"Mom we're home!" I hollered as I entered the grove that Casiphae and I lived in.
"Welcome home dear! Oh? And who is this little one in your arms?" Casiphae asks curiously as she enters my line of sight and eyes Mocha carefully.
(here's what she looks like in case any of you guys forgot)
"Mom, this is Mocha, he hatched from that exceed egg I had with me! Mocha, this is Casiphae, my dragon mom!" I said as I introduced the two to each other.
"Ah, so it finally hatched! Congratulations, Asura!" Casiphae said with happiness in her voice.
"Thanks Casiphae! Wish I could say the same about my luck with fishing though. I could NOT get anything to bite the line for the life of me!" I groaned.
"Ah well, today it seems the fish don't plan on being caught today, dear." Casiphae said.
"Yeah, I guess so..." I said.
"Ah! That reminds me! I have something that I would like to give to you, Asura!" Casiphae exclaimed as she suddenly remembered something.
"Really? What is it?" I asked curiously.
"I'll go fetch it from my cave, it'll only be a few minutes Asura!" she says as she walks off into another part of the grove to go fetch this mystery item.
A few minutes later
"Asura dear, I have returned with my little gift for you!" Casiphae says as she returns with a square shaped box in her possession.
"Alright! Let's open it up and see what's inside!" I cheered as Casiphae placed the box down in front of me. I took the time to observe the box and its appearance. It was a dark blue box with golden markings decorating all the sides of the box, save for the bottom of said box.
(this is the box)
"This box looks so cool, Casiphae!" I said with stars in my eyes.
"Well don't just sit there, open it, Asura! The suspense is killing me!" Mocha said with excitement evident in his voice.
"Alright, alright I'm opening it! So impatient, Mocha." I said as I placed both of my hands on the lid of the box and I then lifted the lid, revealing that which has been concealed inside the box. I gasped at what I was greeted with.
(Sike! Y'all thought it was gonna be a scarf like the one Igneel gave to Natsu didn't you? You are INCORRECT! It's a belt! Also, if y'all recognize the anime that this belt is from I will love you forever :3)
"Oh my god! Casiphae just what is this belt?!" I gasped in shocked as I kept staring at the gorgeous belt that was laying in the box before me.
"Why, it's a magic belt made from the scales of yours truly! It took me so very long to find the precious gems that I used to craft this special gift for you, dear!" Casiphae said with a cheerful smile on her face.
"Does it do anything, Casiphae?" Mocha asked the dragon with curiosity.
"I'm very glad that you asked, Mocha. It does indeed have uses. The first use is that this belt will increase your magic power by several times its normal amount. The second use is that when you touch one of the gems, it will grant you a special effect. I will explain the effects of each gem to the both of you now." Casiphae said as she then explained what each gem's power does.
"The Diamond: When touched, it grants extraordinary strength and courage to the belt wearer, it will guard the belt wearer against pestilence*, and it will curse those who attempt to touch it without the belt wearer's consent."
"The Emerald: When touched, it will cure the belt wearer of any and all negative effects, it will cure the belt wearer of any and all ailments like poison and viruses passed onto the belt wearer via magic, and will act as a remedy to sores and ulcers."
"The Lapis Lazuli: When touched, it will bring extremely good luck to the belt wearer, and it will banish all manner of spells whenever a star shines in the night sky. It also has a special relationship with the Opal."
"The Topaz: When touched, it will strengthen and clear the belt wearer's mind, it will serve as a ward against any evil creature or monster that thrives in the darkness, it will take power from the full moon and transfer it to the belt wearer, effectively strengthening them, and it can open doors to the spirit world and allow the belt wearer to communicate with the deceased spirits of close friends and family."
"The Opal: When touched, it will allow the belt wearer to see glimpses of the future, and it enhances the belt wearer's vision several times over. It also has a special relationship with the Lapis Lazuli."
"The Ruby: When touched, it will ward off any evil spirits that may come near the belt wearer, it serves as an antidote to snake poison, and it pales in the presence of evil. Can combine antidote powers with the Emerald's healing powers."
"The Amethyst: When touched, it will calm and sooth the belt wearer if they are not acting like their usual self and it will guide the belt wearer to safety and security. The Amethyst will change color in the presence of illness or disease (for example if the belt wearer or someone in close range of the belt is sick), and it will lose its color if it is near any food or drinks that have been drugged or poisoned."
"And that is all the powers of each of the gems. I have also bound this belt to you and your soul, which means that only you will be able to wear it, and it will be unable to be taken off by nobody except for yourself. I really hope that you like this gift, Asura, it took me so very long to create it for you, so please take extremely good care of it, and never, EVER let it out of your sight." Casiphae says as she finishes explaining the powers of all the gems that were fixed to the belt.
I was shocked. Not only did Casiphae go out of her way to create such a gorgeous and powerful gift just for me, but she even created it from her own scales! And she made it so that I would be the only one who would be able to wear it and take it off! I tried as hard as I possibly could to keep the tears that had formed in my eyes from escaping, but the attempt was futile as I could no longer hold said tears back and they came rushing from my eyes.
"I-I don't know what to say, Casiphae! I just can't believe that you went out of your way to make this gorgeous belt just for me! I promise that I will treasure it and I will guard it with my life! I promise that I will use the belt's powers for good and ONLY for good!" I said with tears steadily flowing out of my eyes as I carefully lifted the precious belt off of its cushioning and placed it around my waist. The belt then began to emit a bright blue glow, almost like it was recognizing me as its master.
The blue light felt warm, and it felt comforting, almost like I was in my dragon mother's warm and comforting embrace and protection. The glow then ceased and the belt returned to its normal color scheme. The belt felt warm around my waist, almost like it was telling me that it was there to protect me and keep me safe.
"And it seems that your belt has taking a liking to you, Asura. I'm glad to hear that you will use it for the purposes of good. Live up to your promise and don't fall down the path of darkness, for that belt's power is enough to destroy the world several times over." Casiphae said.
"That's so cool, Asura! Who would've thought that a belt could be so awesome and powerful like that!" Mocha exclaimed with stars in his eyes.
"You got that right, Mocha! I just hope that I will be able to harness the powers of the belt and its gems and eventually master those powers so that I can use them to their fullest extent." I said with just a smidge of concern in my voice, because I was a little bit worried that I might not be able to fully master the powers of the belt and the gems.
"With all that being said and done, it is time for the three of us to retire to the world of dreams, for it has gotten quite late. Look up at the sky. It has begun to change to the colors of night, and even a few stars have already appeared." Casiphae says as Mocha and I agree with her.
"Yeah, you're right, mom! We need to get back to our home so that we can go to sleep!" I said as Mocha nodded and the three of us all made our way to the place that we called home. It was a cave that was full of lush plant life and a few types of birds even lived in there with us, serving as handy alarms for when I accidentally sleep in for far too long. After a few minutes of walking through the grove, we finally arrived at the entrance of the cave.
(the entrance to the cave)
We then walked into the cave and I took the time to admire the view of the cave that you would be able to see when you first walked into the cave.
Casiphae then led us over to our favorite spot in the cave to sleep at.
Casiphae was the first one to lay down. She was quickly followed by me, and I snuggled up and into the soft and extremely comfortable long fur that was located at the end of Casiphae's tail. Mocha then came up and placed himself in between my arms. Casiphae then curled her tail's fur around the two of us, covering us up more and keeping us more warm. She then curled her body around us more, and the nocturnal birds began singing their songs of the night. Soon enough, we all succumbed to the clutches of sleep and we each entered our own dreams.
In Asura's dream
I was wandering around a forest, crying softly as I walked through the trees and plants. I had just escaped from my village. Why had I escaped from my village you may ask? Well, not too long ago, when peace was reigning throughout the village, a group of malicious people began destroying the buildings, burned all the crops to the ground, killed every citizen in sight, and were ordered by their leader to take every child they could find. Being that I was a very fast runner, I was able to escape all of the destruction and despair that had suddenly befallen the village. I didn't even know where I was running, I was too focused on getting away from the evil group of people. As soon as I determined that I was far, FAR away from all the chaos, it then dawned on me that I had absolutely no idea where I had ended up running to. So here I am, wandering this seemingly endless forest, alone and scared with nobody to help me. After what seemed like hours upon hours of walking, I was lost in thought and was not aware of what was around me. I was then snapped back into reality when I suddenly bumped into something. Whatever thing I had bumped into felt hard, tough and scaly. I looked up and saw that the 'thing' that I had bumped into was in fact, a very large dragon. I was filled with even more terror than before as I immediately started back up until I stumbled on a stray tree root and fell onto my rear end. I then started crying and fearing for my life, because I was convinced that the dragon was going to eat me since I had waltzed right into her territory.
"P-please don't eat me! I'm so very sorry for coming into your territory, great dragon!" I managed to say in between all the sobs that kept coming from my mouth.
"Sweet child, I would never eat you. Whatever are you doing, wandering the forest all by your lonesome?" the dragon said with a voice so gentle that it could rival that of an angel's.
"I-I got lost running away from my village. I didn't even pay attention to where I was going and now I'm here!" I sobbed as the dragon lay down in front of me.
"Dear child, why on Earthland would you run away from your village?" The dragon questioned me.
"E-everything was all fine and going well until all these bad people came. They destroyed our houses, burned all of our crops to the ground, killed all the grown ups, and stole away every child they found! I was lucky enough to escape from the village without getting caught by them, but now I'm completely lost and I don't have anywhere else to go!" I said as I sobbed even harder than before.
"You poor, innocent child. I couldn't even imagine what it must be like to lose everything you love within a matter of moments. I have decided. I shall be your new guardian, and I will give you food, shelter and warmth. I'll teach you magic so that you can protect yourself and the ones you love from evil and misfortune." The dragon says as she continues to comfort me.
"R-really? You would do that for a mere human like me? But why? You're a dragon! All the stories about dragons that my parents told me say that dragons despise humans and will eat them for dinner without a second thought!" I say as my sobbing finally comes to a stop.
"Yes, there are some dragons in the world that behave in that manner. However, I am not one of those tyrants. I am a dragon who loves nothing but peace and harmony." The dragon says as I am now somewhat calm.
"O-ok then... Well, if you're gonna be my new mommy, can I at least know what your name is?" I ask quietly.
"Ah, yes. It would be rather uncomfortable not know your own guardian's name, now would it? Very well. My name is Casiphae Nightsong, but you can call me Casiphae for short. And what might your name be, little one?" The dragon called Casiphae Nightsong asked me.
"M-my name is Asura, Casiphae. I don't really have a last name, s-so can I take on yours since you're going to be my new mommy?" I asked Casiphae.
"But of course, child. Every human, whether young or old, needs a last name. So yes, you may take on my last name as your own. From this day on, you shall forever be known as Asura Nightsong." Casiphae says happily.
"A-alright then. Where do we go now, mommy?" I ask her quietly.
"Why, we'll go to my home within the heart of the forest, dear Asura. You will be same from all harm there, for no living being, human or monster, has been able to make their way there without getting very lost within the trees. Come now, child. Climb up onto my back and we shall go there now." Casiphae said sweetly.
"Alright then, I'll do that." I said, finally ridding myself of all that stuttering from before, as I carefully climbed onto her back after she lowered down so I could reach.
"And now we shall be off!" Casiphae said cheerfully as she began walking through all of the dense greenery that reigned over the forest.
After about roughly half an hour had passed, Casiphae and I had arrived in a grove that I believed to be the heart of the forest that she had mentioned to me earlier, I then climbed off of Casiphae's back and carefully landed on top of the surprisingly soft grass that was below me.
"Well then, Asura. Welcome to your new home." Casiphae said kindly.
Time skip a couple of years, still in the dream
It has been about two years since my mother, Casiphae found me wandering lost and alone through the forest after I made my great escape from the malicious group of people that had brought my village to complete ruins in what seemed like a matter of minutes. Ever since that day, Casiphae had taken me in and treated me like I was her own daughter, showing me nothing but absolute compassion, kindness, and care. She was almost exactly like my birth mother, who loved me, father, and my brother to the moon and back. She taught me a special kind of magic called Dragon Slaying magic. Casiphae told me that the kind of dragon slaying magic that she was teaching me was no ordinary dragon slaying magic. She said that the type of dragon slaying magic was an extremely special and rare kind of dragon slaying magic called Dragon God Slaying magic, and that it was immensely powerful and effective magic, so strong and powerful that just a single attack of dragon god slaying of any caliber was powerful enough to kill even the toughest of dragons. And believe you me, that would be very useful if I should ever have a run in with a not so nice dragon. Every so often, some of Casiphae's dragon friends would stop by for a visit and would actually give me advice during my training sessions. One of them was a yellow dragon that was about the same size as Casiphae. I was shy at meeting him at first, but I warmed up to him over time and eventually came to know him as the Lightning Dragon God, Jupiter (yes, I am well aware that that's also the name of Phantom Lord's cannon)
(this is Jupiter, he's from the mobile game Dragalia Lost)
Another two of Casiphae's dragon friends were the Nature dragon, Sylvia and the Abyss dragon, Nidhogg.
(this is Sylvia, another character from Dragalia Lost)
(this is Nidhogg, yet another character from Dragalia Lost)
The two of those dragons had apparently taken quite a liking to me, giving me pointers during my magic training just like how Jupiter did. I loved all three of Casiphae's friends and I would always look forward to whenever one of them would come and visit Casiphae. I learned a lot about them, and I even found out that Nidhogg had taken in a child just like Casiphae did for me, and he told me that I would definitely get along well with his kid.
I was in the area of the forest that I went to for training my magic. I was currently working on purely physical attacks, no magic at all. I was repeatedly punching a tree for this.
"HAHHHHH!!!" I roared out as I delivered a rather hard punch to the tree, causing it to shake like mad.
"Alrighty then, I think that outta be enough training fo- *slam* OW!!" I cried out as my first sentence was cut short by something that had fallen out of the tree branches.
"Geez... what just hit me??" I said as I rubbed the spot on my head where I had been struck. I turned around and looked behind me, and this is what I saw:
It was a giant white egg that had brown markings all over it.
"Huh?! What's an egg like this doing out here with nobody to guard the poor thing?! I have to take this to Mother and ask her what I should do with it..." I said as I picked the egg up and carried it back to the grove. After about ten minutes, I finally made it back.
"Ah! Welcome back, Asura! What's that object that you're carrying with you?" my mother, Casiphae asked me as I carefully placed the egg onto the ground.
"I have no clue, Casiphae! I was doing non magical physical training when I punched one of the trees. Then, completely out of nowhere and without any warning whatsoever, this huge egg came falling out of the tree that I had punched and struck me in the head! I had absolutely no clue what to do with it, so I decided to bring it back with me so I could ask you about it! So do you know what kind of egg it is?" I asked Casiphae.
"Let me get a closer look at it. *walks closer to the egg and looks at it* Ah! I know what this egg is! Asura, the egg you found is an Exceed's egg! I wonder how it could have possibly come here, I'm most certain that the Exceeds live in Edolas!" Casiphae said with surprise evident in her voice after she finished inspecting the egg.
"An Exceed egg? Mother, could you please tell me what an exceed is?" I asked her.
"Of course, child! Exceeds are magical creatures that bear a striking resemblance to cat, except the exceeds are able to sprout wings due to their Aera magic!" Casiphae explained to me.
"That's so cool! I'm gonna take good care of this egg!" I said with a bit of pride evident in my voice.
Casiphae chuckled at this. "Someday, that exceed egg will hatch, all thanks to your hard work, Asura! I can't wait for the day that it hatches." She said to me.
"Neither can I! Anyways, I'm gonna go fishing, mom. I'll see you later" I said as I picked the exceed egg back up and then traveled to my favorite fishing spot.
Dream ends here
"Asura, wake up! Asura!" Mocha said, with his voice full to the brim with panic and fear.
"Nghhhh... Why'd you wake me up, Mocha?" I asked, closing my eyes again.
"Asura, it's really bad! Casiphae is gone!!" he shouted, panicking badly.
My eyes shot straight open faster than you could blink.
"WHAT!? What do you mean she's missing, Mocha?!" I said, beginning to panic as well.
"I don't know! I just woke up and she was gone! We have to find her, Asura!" Mocha said, sounding really scared.
Several hours later
I was completely heartbroken. We had searched for my mother for hours on end and we failed to find her.
I leaned against a nearby rock and sat down.
"Why? Why did she have to leave me? Why did she have to leave you, Mocha? Why did she have to leave us!?" I asked furiously, the tears were already pouring from my eyes before I even knew it, my magic surged out everywhere like a devastating tidal wave and I cried out.
Makarov's POV
I was taking a walk through the forest to get a nice bit of fresh air after dealing with my constantly fighting children when suddenly I felt an immense surge of magic that felt like it could hit as hard as a raging tidal wave. Then I heard a voice scream out:
I heard this mysterious voice scream that name, and then I heard them start to sob like crazy, so I followed the sound of the crying until I came upon a small girl, who turned out to be the voice that screamed out earlier, as well as the source of the enormous surge of magic. She looked severely distraught, and the small cat that was with her looked like he was equally distraught. The both of them were a complete mess, and suddenly, the small girl cried out again
"WHY CASIPHAE!? HOW COULD YOU LEAVE US!?" was what I heard her shout towards the sky.
'I'm not sure if I should try and help the two or not, given how very distraught they both looked...' I thought.
I then made up my mind as I then carefully walked towards the grieving pair.
"Children, why do you two shed those tears of yours?" I asked calmly.
"Sh-she left us! Casiphae left us!! We can't f-find her anywhere a-and neither of us knows what to do!!!" The sobbing girl managed to say between the heavy sobs she was letting out.
"Child, who is this Casiphae you speak of?" I asked the young girl.
"Casiphae is the nicest dragon I have ever met! S-she was like a mother to me, a-and she was the only family t-that we had left! W-we don't know what to do now! Casiphae was like a mother to Mocha and I!" The girl said.
To say that I was shocked wasn't even half of it. This young girl sitting before me, had a dragon as her mother, as well as a tiny cat with wings? Her case is exactly like young Natsu's story! I've decided that I shall invite this girl and her companion to join the Fairy Tail guild.
"Say child, allow me to propose an idea to you. You see young one, there's a magic guild in the town of Magnolia called Fairy Tail, and I just happen to be in charge of it! At Fairy Tail, we all treat our fellow guild mates as family! If you were to come with me and join us, you would surely be loved by everybody there!" I said proudly.
"Y-you say that if we join this Fairy Tail guild of yours, then we'll all be like one big family?" She said, having finally calmed down and ceased her crying.
"You got it, kid! So what do you say? Will you join our big family?" I asked her.
"Y-yes! Of course we'll join Fairy Tail! Right, Mocha?" The girl asked her tiny companion.
"Hai** sir!" Mocha said happily.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's leave for Fairy Tail at once!" I cheered on as I lead the two out of the forest and to the Fairy Tail guild hall.
Timeskip to the Fairy Tail guild hall, Asura's POV
We arrived in the town that I believed to be Magnolia, although part of the trip wasn't very fun. That would happen to be the part where we had to ride a train at one point, and that was when I discovered that I had extreme motion sickness. I never want to experience that torturous nightmare ever again! The old man that had taken us to the town led Mocha and I to a large building which I presumed was the Fairy Tail's guild hall.
"Well child, I might as well as say it now, welcome to our family." the old man said as he opened the doors and allowed me to walk inside of the large building.
"Hey you! You have a ton a magic power coming from you! Fight me!" This was the first thing I heard before I saw a hyper active salmon haired boy come charging at me. This however, startled me quite badly.
"DRAGON GOD'S PROTECTION FIELD!!!" I screamed as I held up my arms in front of my face defensively before they began to shine extremely brightly.
Nobody's POV
There was an extremely bright flash and when the light faded away, what it had left behind shocked each and every person that was currently present in the guild hall. What had shocked them all so badly was the fact that our dear Asura was surrounded by a force field just bigger than her own height.
To say that everybody was shocked wasn't even a twelfth of it. The sheer force of the force field had sent a wave of magic that made direct contact with the salmon haired boy that had startled our dear Asura and sent him flying straight into the wall.
"Ahhh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt him!" The small girl frantically said as she desummoned the force field and gauntlets on her arms.
"Ooooo I like you already. My name is Erza Scarlet, and I am a wizard and member of the Fairy Tail guild that you now stand in." A red headed girl says as she walks up to me and offers a hand shake, which I gladly accept.
"Hai! My name is Asura Nightsong, and I was hoping that Mocha and I would be able to join the Fairy Tail guild!" Asura says.
"Alright then child, I shall go get the guild mark stamp and then you'll both be a part of our family." The old man says
"Yay! We finally get to have a real family again!" Mocha cheered as he sprouted his wings and zoomed all over the place.
'So fast!' This was what everyone else thought.
A few minutes later
"First child, could you please tell us all what kind of magic you use?" The master whose name Asura learned to be Makarov, asked her.
"H-hai! You see, I use Dragon God slaying magic!" Asura said proudly.
"Did she say..."
"DRAGON GOD SLAYING MAGIC?!" Everyone in the guild yelled.
"Alright then young Asura. Where would you like me to put your guild mark and what color would you like it in?" Guild master Makarov asked her.
"R-right! I would like my guild mark on my right shoulder and in jet black please!" She says.
"Very well, then." He replies as he presses the guild stamp down on the young girl's right shoulder and lifts it back up, to reveal her brand new guild mark.
"And how about you, little Mocha? Where would you like your guild mark?" The guild master asked the tiny brown exceed.
"Hai! I want mine on my back and in jet black like Asura's!" Mocha said happily.
"Very well. Stay still while I place the guild mark on your back." The master says as he presses the guild mark stamp onto Mocha's back, then he lifts the stamp back up to reveal Mocha's brand new guild mark.
"Well then. Asura, Mocha, let us all be the first ones to say..." Master Makarov started.
"WELCOME TO FAIRY TAIL!!!" Was what everybody in the guild shouts as they crowd around Asura, giving her lots of welcomes and pats on her back.
*Pestilence- usually a fatal illness or disease
**Hai- means yes/right in Japanese
Alrighty I think that's enough for the prologue chapter, don't ya think? 6100+ words lord have mercy on my poor fingers... until next time, cya love ya bye~ epicface752
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