Chapter 2
Misaki's POV
"WHAT?" I sputtered. I had known this was a possibility, but I never would have imagined that Irene would just leave us like that. Hannah gave me a sad look, the kind which reflected my pain and confusion. When I looked deeper though, there was sympathy filling her eyes.
"Misaki, didn't you have the dream?" The pity was evident in her eyes now. However, before I could respond, the man at the head of the table butt in.
"What are you thinking Hannah? Of course she didn't have the dream! Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like her," he continued.
"Liar." I hissed under my breath. He made his dislike of me very clear on many occasions, trying to convince Irene to remove me from her hand of followers.
"It's just that..... she's an ELF." The self proclaimed new leader of Irene's followers finished. He spat the last two words out like a curse. Words seldom carried as much hate as those two did just then. The rest of the group gathered around the table nodded their agreement. Hannah sent me a sad glance, then returned to her seat at her boyfriend's right hand. I sighed and took my seat. Not my normal seat, but one of the few left that were available. It was four seats from the head, and two from the foot. It was a seat of shame.
A quick glance around showed that most of the people no longer remained in their normal seats. However, they were all exactly where their personalities would have them sit. At the head of the table, in the chair reserved for Irene herself, sat Erak. On his left was Hal, and his right was Lemont; Erak's two tame bruises. Next to Hal was Jay, Hannah's boyfriend. Hannah sat directly on his right. On Lemont's right sat Ryan, whom I respected. I would have thought better of him than to support Erak. I didn't have time to continue to look around, because the debate broke out.
The meeting continued, they began to discuss their dreams. However, I quickly noticed that the Dream they were discussing was very different from mine. I passed my eyes over everyone seated at the table, and found Hannah. She, and possibly Ryan, looked just as confused as I did. I drew my attention back to Erak.
He was describing how the dream had shown him that Irene was being kidnapped. From Erak, they continued around the circle, telling their dreams. Each dream continued the story, falling together like pieces of a puzzle. Notably, after Jay told his bit of the story, they skipped right over Hannah. She looked upset, but not suprised.
Irene was about to be killed by three witches - who wanted to use her blood to make potent potions - when they reached me. Then, assuming I had had no dream, skipped right over me. I hesitated for just a moment, then decided I was not going to stand for this. I stood up abruptly.
"I did have a dream!" I practically spat. They all gave me a strange look. "However, it was nothing like yours. Irene was floating against a large white light, she reached forward to me. Then, she said goodbye. A single tear ran down her cheek, and she vanished!" As I finished, my confidence drained away, I caught Hannah's eye, and saw recognition there. I didn't glance at Ryan, but I assumed that he had a similar expression. My confidence came rushing back.
"Are you kidding me? You guys can't actually BUY this trash!" Jay burst out into laughter. Erak grabbed that lifeline.
"Yes! She's AN ELF! She didn't have an ACTUAL dream, she just made this up!" He said, doubling over in laughter. Slowly, everyone joined in. Hannah clearly was faking it, and Ryan looked reluctant.
"Kick her out!" Someone called. There were mumbles of agreement. Someone grabbed me by my dress collar from behind. I felt myself being lifted from where the grip was. I barely blinked before I was thrust out onto the steps of the building, and I heard the click of the door locking behind me.
I put my face between my hands to hide my tears. I wasn't upset that I was kicked out; I'd expected that. It didn't make me hate Erak and his cronies any less, though. I was mad at myself for failing Irene. I was sure she had wanted me to do something, I just wasn't sure what.
Suddenly, I heard yelling. Hannah stepped halfway out of the door, her back still to me.
"Hannah.... babe..." I heard Jay begin. He got no further though, because Hannah slammed the door in his face. She sat down next to me, wrapping her arm around me.
"Look. Just ignore them. It's not their fault that they're idiots."
word count - 855 words
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