Chapter 9
"Why on earth do you want to learn how to fight?" Kalen asked as we walked through the gardens.
The remainder of my morning had been ruined by Captain Killjoy. Every time I tried to get closer to see what training they were doing, he would be right there, shooing me away like an annoying fly. Insufferable man.
At least Eva got to speak to Woodburn. He'd come up to introduce himself to me. I had tried to be polite but everything about him screamed wrong. Even his voice sounded as if it was slicked with oil and sleaze and it made me feel ill. Luckily Eva's complete adoration of him distracted him from myself and I quickly left them both, Woodburn preening over Eva's every gushing word.
The Captain had escorted me back to my room, silent the entire journey. Not that I wanted to talk to him. At least he had put his shirt back on so my mind could function normally once more. He may have been a killjoy but he was a damn attractive one. Once he departed, giving me an awkward farewell, I wasn't alone for long as I munched on some fruit to silence the hunger pangs and Kalen arrived, offering to show me around the garden.
Seeing as Eva was probably preoccupied I gladly took him up on his offer. I'd just finished telling him of my morning. "I want to learn to fight so I can defend myself. It's not exactly a comforting thought knowing I'm surrounded by strong, trained fae, many of whom would be happy to break my neck and toss me back to my mortal side."
Kalen glanced me as we walked slowly. "No one would dare touch you Laila. You're my brother's fiancé. Not even the Queen would ignore such actions. Also you have myself and Drake protecting you."
"I'm sorry to say Kalen but that doesn't give me much comfort."
He nodded in understanding. "I see. Well I hope in time it does, my Lady."
He stopped confused. "I'm sorry?"
"Please call me Laila. None of this 'My Lady' nonsense. I know you have to say my Lady when we're around everyone else but when it's just us, can you please call me Laila?"
He smiled gently. "Of course dear Laila. I can certainly manage that. Now that's sorted, I had best perform my duties and show you the gardens."
"This garden certainly is beautiful." I commented, glad of the change of subject. "Who cares for it?"
"The nypmh. One of their own created this garden out of love for my late father the King. Since both of their passing, the nymph's tend to the flowers in memory of Daphne, the nypmh I spoke of."
I looked at the garden in wonder. It made me think of that scene in The Secret Garden, when all the flowers start blooming and the garden literally comes to life. This garden felt alive. Small hedges of roses lined the pathways, all white in colour. Their petals lay below on the ground appearing like snow.
There were many different sitting areas we passed, each unique in their own way. Roses, daffodils, snap dragons, daisies, my mind couldn't keep up with the varieties. Many were associated with colour. We passed one which was filled with wild purple flowers, the garden in this part didn't look as if it was tended to but I could faintly see the areas which had been pruned back. I loved the wild natural feel of the area though. Fae sat in many of the areas, bowing as we passed. This meant I had to curtsy which was killing my knees. I hope it didn't give me abnormally large leg muscles from curtsying all the time.
We soon found a small sitting area which was unattended. A beautiful blossom tree stood in the middle, pink and white blossoms floating away in the breeze. Sitting on the stone chair, I gazed at the tree, for some reason feeling sad. "You said the nypmh Daphne passed along with your father. Were they in some kind of accident?"
Kalen shook his head, eyes sad. "No, there was no accident. My father's time had simply come. He died of sadness, I believe. He was never the same after our sister was taken by the Dark Forest. Our mother was forced to attend to the affairs of the court, as he refused to leave his room, withering away with his pain.
There was a nymph in the court. The Lady Daphne. She was young, innocent and completely in love with my father."
"Did the Queen know about her love?" I asked.
"Yes, she did but the Queen was not afraid. My father loved my mother dearly and the nymph's love was more infatuation that true love. Daphne wished to make my father something beautiful, something to make him happy once more."
"So she made this garden?" I guessed.
Kalen nodded. "It took her many years to complete and she refused all offers of help, insisting she do this herself."
"It must have taken years."
He made a noise of agreement. "Many years. Once it was complete, Daphne begged her king to come and see her gift. I don't know why he decided to come out, maybe it was something in the nymph's eyes but for the first time in twenty years, my father left his room to see the gift created for him.
When he stepped out into the garden it was as if everything came to life. Flowers bloomed, trees grew. It was as if the earth rejoiced at the return of its King."
"Did he like the garden?"
"I believe he did,' Kalen said softly. "He smiled, light flaring to life in his eyes for the first time since our sister disappeared. He never said anything though. He simply smiled and hugged Daphne, kissing her on the forehead. I remember the look on her face. It was as if the world had finally opened up to her."
A dark shadow passed Kalen's face and I leaned closer. "What happened?"
"My father sat in the garden all day, never speaking a word but touching every flower and tree he passed, giving them his love and power. It was the brightest day we had seen in some time. By the time the sun was setting my father went to sit in the largest grove, where the large Oak tree resides.
My mother sat with him, as he gazed upon the tree. She sensed something that day, requesting we leave them alone. They sat together until the sun had set, then my mother returned to the court. Alone."
My eyes widened. "He died?"
Kalen nodded, eyes clouded with sadness. "My mother sensed his time had come to an end and so she sat with him as his drifted away. She never showed any grief from his passing."
Hesitantly, I touched Kalen's arm lightly. "I'm so sorry Kalen."
"It's alright. I do not mind talking about it. It's nice to remember my father, even his passing."
"What happened to his power?" I asked curiously, hoping I wasn't overstepping myself.
Kalen didn't appear to notice. "It passed on to my mother, until Kheelan is ready to succeed the throne."
Sitting in silence I watched the blossom petals dance through the wind. "What happened to Daphne?"
Kalen looked at the blossom tree as well. "Her heart was broken. The one person she had ever loved was gone from this world. For days she sat beneath the Oak tree, never eating or sleeping, simply looking upon the tree as if it was the only thing which mattered anymore. No one could convince her to move on.
One morning my mother went to the garden at the request of Daphne's sister, to try and help her. When they got there however, she was gone. Looking through the garden she was not to be found, though they did find one thing."
I looked at Kalen, whose eyes remained on the tree. "What did they find?"
His head tilted toward the tree and I looked at it, confused until the pieces clicked together. "That's Daphne?"
"That's right. Nymphs can choose to return to their natural states whenever they choose. Daphne must have known they were going to try and make her leave the garden, leave the last place she had seen her King smile and felt his love and so she returned to her true form, this blossom tree so she would never have to leave."
"Is she still alive in there?"
"Very much, the tree is still blossoming is it not? To this day she has remained in this form, never leaving the garden."
I looked at the tree, realising why I felt sadness from the tree. It was Daphne's feelings permeating my abilities, her grief still strong even after all this time.
"It's sad," I murmured. "Something so beautiful holds so much sadness."
From the corner of my eye I saw Kalen nod. We sat in comfortable silence for some time, happy to watch the blossoms fly and the clouds pass us by. I thought of Daphne and her love for the King. Was it really just simple infatuation? Could you truly love someone so much that you never wished to be parted from them even when they passed on? My heart ached at the thought of Daphne's love. Deep down, I wished to find that special someone, who I would want to be with forever. Who would love me and never leave me. Sadly, I had a feeling that someone didn't exist, only in my fantasies. If I ever wanted to find someone, I would need to lower my standards. Instead of a Mr. Darcy I would have to settle for someone plain and boring like a Mr. Collins.
Unfortunately my thoughts of the Pride and Prejudice world and their hot gentlemen were shattered when Kalen decided to ruin the mood with some unpleasant news. "My mother has requested your presence for a private dinner tonight. I was supposed to tell you earlier but I clear forgot until just now."
My head whipped back in shock, spine stiffening. "What did you just say?"
"I believe you heard me," Kalen grinned as he stood up. He seemed to remember my short temper and quickly got himself out of the danger zone as I got up to follow him.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner and don't say you forgot, what a load of crap." I demanded.
"I thought it was kinder to let you calm down after your encounter with Drake this morning."
"So you let me calm down just so I could get pissed off again? Are you insane or just an annoying jerk?"
Kalen twirled around to look at me with an annoying smile on his face. "I'm a little of both those things but mainly I'm a whimsical dreamer, taking pleasure in the small things in life."
I tried to grab him but he moved too quickly for me as I chased him back through the garden. "Small things like my obvious impending torture?"
Jumping forward he chuckled, giving me a mocking bow. "It's the small things we should take pleasure in, dear Laila. It is the small things we look back on with fondness and which remind us of the beautiful moments we have experienced in our long lives. Also, it is quite entertaining to watch you panic."
A loose rock protruded from a bush and I quickly grabbed it, grinning as Kalen started running. "Don't run! Just think, when you look at this rock after I've given you a concussion with it, you can look back on this memory fondly."
Kalen dashed around a corner and I heard him shout, "This is a memory I suddenly don't wish to remember!"
Laughing I gave chase. "Don't worry. Once I'm finished I promise you won't remember a thing!"
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