Chapter 27
"You do realise Drake is staring daggers at us right now?" Kheelan murmured.
I huffed, staring straight ahead. I could see Drake from the corner of my eye turning to look at us but I ignored him. "I don't care."
We were walking back through the field towards the house. The ride back had been dead quiet. The tension could be sliced with a knife and I was the one creating it. Drake looked confused at first but his expression slowly got darker as I continued to ignore him.
"What did Drake do to upset you?"
Kheelan was walking with me, behind everyone else. Eva had decided to stay with Lady Maurelle for a couple of days. She'd fallen in love with the woman and her home. Maurelle was probably buttering her up right now to try and get Drake to come back.
"Nothing," I muttered.
"Well, that's a lie. I don't understand how you two always seem to be fighting. Aren't you tired of it?"
"What? Do you think I enjoy feeling like this?" I snapped, shoving Kheelan away. He came straight back though, undeterred.
"That's my point though, why keep fighting when you hate it so much?"
"Because, if I don't fight with him then I'll just keep falling for him and I can't do that."
"Of course you can."
"No," I ground out, "I can't because, when I'm not angry with him, all I want to do is tell him the truth but I can't because you won't let me!"
"Laila, you know it's too dangerous -"
"I know!" The others turned around and I lowered my voice. "I know but you're not the one lying to someone you lov -"
I bit my tongue but Kheelan caught it. "You can't even say it."
"I can, I just refuse to say it. If I say it, it becomes real and as I just explained, I can't let that happen."
"I wish I knew how to fix this problem, Laila but I can't see any clear options."
"It's alright," I sighed. "It's not your problem, it's mine. I'll figure it out and anyway, I'm still pissed at him so I don't have to worry too much."
"Don't 'Laila' me. Just worry about your own love life. Have you heard from Sal?"
"He sent word yesterday, I didn't get a chance to tell you but still no luck."
Damn. I went back to the subject of his love life to try and distract myself. "Have you told Sorcha you love her yet?"
Kheelan looked ahead, watching Sorcha's back and his cheeks reddened.
"Oh my god, you have!"
"No way! Did she say it back?" The stupid grin on his face answered my question. I let out a little cheer and everyone turned around as I danced around Kheelan while he tried to shut me up. He finally grabbed me and covered my mouth.
Laughing, I looked around and froze as I met Drake's gaze. His face seemed set in stone and my imagination started conjuring up images of him and Maurelle again. Shoving Kheelan away, I walked ahead, passing Drake and heading into the house to try and find something else to distract me.
* * * *
"Ah, there you are." Sorcha poked her head around the door to my room.
I was officially in hiding. I knew Drake wanted to talk to me but I was in no mood to talk to him. Instead I holed myself up in my room, reading. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing. I was going to pick some wild ginger and radishes for tonight's dinner. I thought you might like to come with me."
"Sure." Grabbing my swords, I strapped them on my back.
Sorcha laughed. "We're only picking ginger, Laila I don't think we'll need those."
"I know but I like having them with me. It's a comfort thing."
"Well if it's for your comfort then."
Grinning, I followed her back down the stairs. "It also makes me feel a little bad ass."
"Wouldn't you rather feel graceful and feminine?"
"I am graceful at fighting and where's the fun in being feminine all the time?" Walking outside, I stopped short seeing Drake waiting for us.
"I hope you don't mind, Laila but Drake offered to be our escort." Sorcha faced me and I saw the glint of something suspicious in her eyes. I wanted to run back inside and hide but it was too late for that now.
"I don't mind at all," I said behind clenched teeth.
We walked out into the forest, Drake leading and Sorcha I walked together. I gripped her arm, glaring at her but she just smiled innocently, making me more suspicious. It took us half an hour to reach the part of the forest where the wild ginger grew when Sorcha revealed her plan.
"Oh dear, I've forgotten my tools and basket! How clumsy of me. I'll just go back and get them."
"I can go and get them -" I started to turn but Sorcha pulled me back.
"Oh don't be silly, I'm the one who forgot them so I should go back and get them."
"Well then Drake should go with you," I interjected. "It's not safe."
"And leave you out here all alone? No, it's not that far and we are quite safe on Kheelan's land. Stay here, I won't be long!"
Before I could protest some more, Sorcha broke free and dashed off. I watched her retreating figure, wanting to scream traitor. She wasn't going to come back.
"Well," I said after a few minutes of awkward silence. "I guess we should start digging up some ginger while we wait. I don't mind getting my hands dirty."
Before I could even dig my nails into the earth, Drake grabbed my hands, pulling me back up. "How about we talk about why you're acting like such a -in your words - bitch this morning?"
Anger flared. "Excuse me?"
"Last night I left you, you were smiling and wanting me to stay. This morning you're sending me death stares and giving me the cold shoulder. What's the deal, Laila?"
"There is no deal," I said defensively. "Last night I was 'drunk Laila', today I'm 'normal Laila'. Get over it."
Drake walked towards me, causing me to keep moving away until I hit a tree. Drake didn't stop until he was touching me. "What a load of crap. This isn't you at all. Something happened this morning and I want to know what."
"Why don't you ask Maurelle?" I bit out, unable to keep quiet. "You spent the night with her, maybe she'll know the answer!"
Confusion crossed his face. "What are you talking about?"
No point ignoring it now, I let him have it. "I overheard Maurelle's little minions this morning, talking about you going to her room last night and not leaving until this morning. What, you don't take advantage of drunk women but you'll go to the nearest available slut?"
"Watch your tongue Laila or I'll be forced to watch it for you," Drake growled, his eyes darkening. "Now shut up and listen. Last night I went nowhere near Maurelle's rooms. I went straight to the room I was sharing with Ambrus and went to sleep. Ambrus can verify my story."
"How do I know he's not just lying?"
"Would Ambrus lie to you?"
He had a point. "No..."
"I also don't make it a point to sleep with other women when I'm in love with someone else."
I didn't know how to respond to that one. I chose to look away instead.
Looking away at that moment, I think probably saved our lives.
"Dammit Laila, you can't even acknowledge -"
I shoved my hand over his mouth, heart pounding. The trees were moving.
"The trees," I whispered.
Drake turned his heard sharply, following my gaze. A long spindly tree began to move, bending at its centre and long clawed roots pulled from the earth.
Drake tensed, grabbing my arm tight. "That's no tree. Run."
He shoved me forward, "Run, now!"
Not needing to be told again I took off as an almighty roar sounded behind me. I started to look back but Drake grabbed my hand. "Don't look back, just run!"
"What is it?" I shouted. The earth trembled and another roar shook my body.
"It's a forest dragon!"
We broke free of the forest, into a small clearing and Drake pulled me down as something whooshed over our heads. My legs buckled as the dragon landed in front of us. It looked like part of the forest. Long green hair hung from its neck, it's brown scales appearing like a trunk. It's wings looked like tree branches. Who knows how it had been sitting there watching us?
The forest dragon roared and Drake shoved me aside. "Get out of here!" he shouted.
I watched as he moved nimbly toward the large creature easily dodging a small tree knocked aside by the dragons fat tail. I'd never known such a creature existed. Watching Drake swing his sword and sparks fly as metal clashed with talons I felt my resolve harden.
I was not some scared little girl that needed protecting. I knew how to wield my weapon and I could do this. Rushing forward, I stepped into the fray jumping high as the dragon's mighty tail swung around once more.
I heard Drake call out but I remained focused on my target. Drake had mentioned dragons in his training and their eyes and the soft of their under bellies being their weak points. The dragon moved his head too fast and I didn't care to get too close to those teeth.
The underbelly it was.
Moving lightly around him I stumbled as the earth shuddered under its great weight, it spun in a circle following my movements. Drake raced past me, eyes dark as he tried to confuse it also. I noticed a vine in his hands but didn't think any more of it, racing underneath its legs as I saw an opening.
I heard a cry of anguish as I jumped up, stabbing the dragon's underbelly and was satisfied when green blood came away with my sword. Suddenly Drake was beside me pulling me out, the vine still in his hands. I grabbed his neck and watched as we jumped into the light once more.
Drake released me and grabbed the vine pulling hard. The dragon roared as its limbs became entangled in the vine, thorns suddenly bursting forth and I heard Drake muttering something as the dragon stumbled, crashing into the ground and causing the earth to shake. The thorns stopped it from untangling the vine which seemed to be made of stronger stuff.
I started shouting in victory but was cut off as Drake dragged me through the forest. He moved fast, not stopping until we reached the azalea field. His grip began to hurt and I pulled against him.
"Drake! Stop it. What the hell?"
He spun me around so fast I felt my head spin. His hands rested on my shoulders and I stilled at his face. Unmasked fury looked back at me. "I told you to run! Why did you jump in like that, you could have been killed!"
"I wasn't! I can look after myself, Drake you did train me after all. I couldn't just leave you to do all the work by yourself! You could have been hurt too!"
"I'm fine, I can handle that creature! I can't handle it though if you get hurt in the process."
"I didn't get hurt though! Why are you reacting like this? I thought you'd be happy my training was successful?"
He looked down, jaw tense as his grip tightened. Then he released me pulling me forward by cupping my face and his lips crashed against mine.
He pulled back roughly, before I could react. "That is why. Because I love you and you don't seem to care."
He pulled away and started walking. I don't know if it was fear of him leaving or left over adrenaline, or a mixture of both but I didn't want him go.
"No, wait!"
I ran to him and jumped up, reaching on tip toes and pressed my lips against his, feeling hesitant. "I can't do this anymore, Drake. I can't keep ignoring this."
He stared at me, speechless. "What are you saying?"
I sighed in frustration. Did he seriously not understand?
"Is it really not that obvious?" I kissed him again, nerves making me feel like I was soaring. He stood frozen and I opened my mouth, my tongue gently touching his lips.
I sensed something in him finally snap and I gasped as his arms wrapped around and I was crushed against him. Drake took the opportunity to deepen the kiss as I gasped, sliding his tongue along my bottom lip and into my mouth.
All thoughts of fear and consequence fled from my mind, replaced with a haze of desire. Drake's hands moved lightly down my spine, sending little shocks through my body. I moved my hands around his waist, trying to close what distance there was between us.
A rush of wind sounded in my ears and I gripped him tighter as my feet left the ground. I opened my eyes, we were no longer in the field but somewhere in the forest.
"What's -" My voice broke off as Drake's hands moved to my hips, fingers pressing deep.
"No talking," he commanded and for once I was happy to obey.
(Once again I have removed the sexy times *evil laughter*)
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