Chapter 25
"Just keep calm, Laila you know it's not Drake's fault."
"I know,' I grumbled, kicking at the dirt, "but it still pisses me off."
After being avoided by Drake for the last two days my patience was wearing thin. I thought after the other night things would return to normal but they didn't. Drake still seemed upset by the kiss and it would seem that meant he was avoiding me.
I understood the avoidance when I was with others but when I sought him out, he always made some excuse and vanished. The guy was being immature and I could only handle so much of it. To try and calm me down, Ambrus had offered to go for a walk with me, which meant dragging me out into the forest before I snapped.
"I just wish I could tell him. How can one secret cause so much trouble?" I sighed.
"I do agree." We passed under a Willow tree and Ambrus brushed the thin branches aside to let me through. "It is frustrating for me and I am simply an observer. Have you tried getting Kheelan to reconsider?"
"Of course! But he refuses to budge, afraid Drake will feel obligated to tell the Queen. You haven't told the Queen so why would Drake?"
"Now don't get mad, but Kheelan does make sense." I glared at him and he hurried to explain. "I haven't told the Queen but that's because I don't hold the same loyalty as Drake. I am loyal to my Queen, have no doubt but I do not see this as a betrayal. I also hold more loyalty to Kalen and if he supports this vow then so do I.
Drake on the other hand, the Queen saved his life and Eva's when he was a child. He has been loyal to her for many years. It's this loyalty which played a big part in him being chosen as Captain of the Guard. The Queen expects her Captain to hold unquestionable loyalty to her."
"And Drake is that type of guy." I murmured.
"Exactly. If Drake found out about this vow, he would be conflicted. I have no doubt the man loves you from everything I've heard and seen but in the end, I am afraid he would choose his Queen."
I thought about Drake saying he would give everything up to be with me. Was it all just talk? I mentioned it to Ambrus.
"Drake isn't one to speak lightly." Ambrus considered. "A declaration like that, I believe Drake would hold his word but think about it, Laila. Will he still hold true to those words when he discovers this is all a lie and he has been deceived?"
My heart sank knowing he was right. Drake had reacted this bad to a simple kiss between me and Kheelan. What would he do when he realised we were fooling him?
Sighing in frustration, I rubbed my head. "This is so complicated! Stupid Kheelan!"
I shouted that last part and Ambrus laughed. "You shouldn't be telling the forest it's prince is an idiot."
"Why? It deserves to know the truth."
A rustling sounded in the bushes ahead of us and I froze. Ambrus moved in front of me. "What is it?"
A growl sounded, deep and low. Ambrus slowly unsheathed his sword, his stance changing. "Step back, Laila."
Moving away, I unsheathed my two swords, gripping them tightly. As Ambrus advanced cautiously, I looked around. The forest was dark here, the sun could just be seen through the roof of leaves and branches, giving just enough light to see. Looking at the trees around us, I realised I didn't recognise where I was. I'd walked around Kheelan's territory for two months and I always knew where I was.
Panic fluttered as I turned back to Ambrus. "I think we've crossed the border." I whispered.
"I believe you're right," he said grimly. "Today you may have to test out those swords for real."
The thicket rustled again, more violent this time and then a creature jumped forward, landing before Ambrus with an almighty roar.
I'd seen a lot of different creatures in my time in Fae but nothing like this creature. It appeared to be some sort of wolf, two tails swishing dangerously behind it, the forest floor being swept clean. It's fur was a mixture of blue and grey, though it was difficult to see with all the mud matting it's coat.
The creature appeared half mad, saliva dripping from its large jaws. It snapped loudly, swinging its head and I saw the size of its canines. Just one of them was the length of my forearm.
"Ambrus," I whispered. "What is that?"
"It's a Dire Wolf," his eyes never left the creature. "I have never seen one this big though."
The wolf stumbled to the left and I saw a huge gash in its flank. "It's injured."
"I guess it's up to us to put this creature out of its misery then." As Ambrus spoke, the wolf lunged forward, jaws just missing Ambrus as he dodged to the right. The injury didn't seem to slow the creature down.
"Keep your guard up, Laila!"
The wolf turned, setting its sights on me and before I could blink it jumped. Moving, I felt it's paw hit my shoulder and I fell, rolling into a crouch. My shoulder felt numb but I ignored it. Something was wrong with the creature that had nothing to do with the injury.
When it had touched me, I'd felt it; like I was drowning in a black hole with no escape. The feeling was brief but it shook me.
"Something's wrong with it." I said to Ambrus.
The wolf, not wasting anytime, roared and lunged at me once more. Unable to move in time, I swung up with my sword, stabbing the wolf in the shoulder, as Ambrus dashed forward and stabbed it's chest.
The creature didn't drop though.
It roared, spinning and still hanging onto my sword, I was thrown across the small clearing, landing against a tree. Ambrus was thrown too but he regained his footing and pulled me to my feet.
"Why isn't it dead? Didn't you stab it in the heart?" I wheezed.
"I tried but my sword wouldn't penetrate deep enough."
My sword had only gone so deep as well but I had put it down to my strength. Was it something more? I remembered what Arthrain told me about the dark forest.
"Does this mean - "
"Aye." Ambrus, growled. "It's a creature from the dark forest."
The wolf snarled, jumping at us again and we moved quick, one of his tails brushed my legs and again I felt it, the sensation of drowning. Was this what it felt like being in that place?
"How do we kill it?" I asked Ambrus. My weapons were useless.
Ambrus sheathed his sword and pulled out a dagger from his boot. "Stand back, Laila."
Ambrus moved to encounter the creature. The wolf watched his approach, eyes never leaving Ambrus. When Ambrus was a foot in front of him, the wolf moved, jaws open wide and Ambrus spun low, swinging the dagger up and stabbing the chest cavity once more. A choked yelp sounded from the creature and it fell in a heap, a strange gurgling sounding from its lungs.
I stepped forward, hesitant. "How did you injure it?"
Ambrus wiped the dagger on his thigh before re-sheathing it. "This dagger was found on a fae who escaped the dark forest. We discovered that only weapons that had been in the dark forest could hurt those from the dark forest. It is as if the darkness creates some sort of barrier that is impenetrable. Only something of the same substance can penetrate it."
The wolf was still alive, on its last breaths and something inside me made me walk forward.
"Careful Laila." Ambrus warned.
"It's alright, I think he's beyond trying to hurt me." Reaching down, I touched his head gently.
"It's alright," I murmured, "it'll be over soon."
It's eyes were still crazed, looking around frantically. I felt the wrongness in the creatures body. I closed my eyes, feeling that darkness and then something happened, something clicked inside my mind and not knowing what I was doing, I reached out with my mind, grabbing the darkness and started pulling it out.
It was like creating a ball of wool in my mind. I pulled the darkness out like a thread, wrapping it into a ball in my own mind. The evil I felt coming from it, struggled to break free in my mind but I held strong.
My eyes opened and the connection dropped as I lost concentration. The wolf looked at me, his eyes less crazed. I thought I saw relief in its eyes but then the light faded and it was gone. The ball still struggled to break free in my mind but I kept a tight hold on it, building my defences.
"Laila, your nose is bleeding." Ambrus was crouched before me in shock. Reaching up I felt the warm liquid on my upper lip. He was right.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing,' I lied. "I just felt sorry for it."
Ambrus didn't look like he believed me but he didn't question it. "Come on, we should get home before the other's start worrying. We'll stop by the stream and get you cleaned up first."
Nodding, I let Ambrus lead me away, looking back once at the wolf. I don't how I did it, but I was able to draw the darkness out of its body, I was sure of it. The struggle I felt of the darkness in my mind was already beginning to fade.
Once we reached the stream and I cleaned myself up I could no longer feel it. I didn't feel any different. I didn't feel like I was about to start going crazy and stab someone.
I was silent as we walked back and Ambrus didn't seem to mind. I tried to sense the darkness but it wasn't there anymore. How had my body eliminated it? The wolf's eyes stuck with me though. The pain and insanity I had seen, replaced with peace in his final moments. I had somehow figured out a way to do something they had been trying to do for god knows how long.
Ambrus stopped me before we reached the house. "I think it would be best if we keep what happened a secret. If Drake and Kheelan knew how close that creature was, they will never let you of their sight."
"Agreed. We'll keep it a secret." Among other things, I thought. "Thanks for saving me by the way."
"I don't think you needed much saving anyway, my Lady. You were doing quite well without me."
"Yeah, but without your little dagger, I would have been dead. You get to be the hero today, Ambrus."
"Hmm, I quite like the sound of that. Maybe I can play Hero again with Kalen later."
"Okay, too much information, keep your little role playing fantasies to yourself."
"We haven't done a hero one before, I may need to borrow some rope -"
"Ambrus, shut up!"
He chuckled. "It's good to share ideas though, Laila. It helps keep the creativity flowing."
"Yes, well I don't want to help any flowing between you and Kalen. Oh God that came out so wrong-"
Ambrus was laughing and I hit him, smiling. "Shut up! You know that's not what I meant!"
Sorcha and Eva met us in the centre of the small field. Eva looked excited, as always and even Sorcha looked happy.
"You'll never guess what just happened!" Eva gushed.
"What's that?" I pinched Ambrus' arm to try and stop his laughter.
"We just received an invitation to have dinner with The Lady of the Water! She's having her carriage collect us tonight. Isn't it exciting?"
My stomach churned at the mention of the water woman, images of her and Drake flashing in my mind.
"That's great, I can't wait," I said through gritted teeth. I saw Drake reading a book across the field and excused myself, walking over to him.
If he knew I approached, he didn't show it. "Hey Drake, what are you reading?"
No response.
Biting my cheek, I crouched down next to him. "Did you hear about tonight? We're going to see some water chick -"
"The Lady Maurelle."
That fact that he only spoke to me to correct how I spoke about his ex girlfriend hurt. My nails started digging into my palms again and I welcomed the pain. "Sorry, Lady Maurelle. So I guess you two know each other?"
"Yes, we have known each other for some years, we are quite close."
"I bet," I muttered. He still wouldn't look at me and I my patience was wearing thin. "How long are you going to keep ignoring me Drake?"
"I'm not ignoring you, I simply need time."
"Time? For what?"
"To try and figure out why you and Kheelan are even together."
My insides froze. "What do you mean?"
Drake slammed his book shut. "I can't understand why you two are together. I see affection but I don't see love. I've been trying to figure out why you are with him."
I tried to speak lightly. "What crazy ideas have you come up with?"
"I've come up with many, but only one that makes sense."
"Which is?"
"You're some power hungry woman seeking the crown. You're only with him for the power and the throne."
He didn't sound like he believed his own words but they still managed to squeeze my heart and make it difficult to breathe.
"Right." I stood up, not wanting to cry in front of him. "Let me ask you one thing - have I ever done anything to make you believe I'm this cold hearted power hungry bitch?"
"Laila, that's not what I said -"
"You didn't have to, you must have been thinking it for the last few days though right?"
"Well, what else can I believe? Just tell me why you're with him, why you're still with him even though you don't love him!"
I laughed, choking on a sob and I sensed Drake stiffen. "I do love Kheelan. Just in a different way." I tried to stick close to the truth, sick of all the lies.
"You can choose to believe I'm not some sort of monster but just a girl, who is way in over her head. You know, when I first came here, it was all for Kheelan. Then I met you and everything changed. It wasn't just about Kheelan anymore. You have no idea how much I want to be wit -"
I broke off before I started treading dangerous waters. Drake stood up, towering over me. "How much you want to be with who?"
I shook my head. "I'm tired. Trying to keep you both happy is just exhausting. Let me ask, when do I get to be happy?"
Drake ran a hand through his hear, guilt in his eyes. "Laila, I'm sor -"
"I have to get ready for tonight," I interrupted, suddenly wishing I'd let him keep avoiding me. "I'll see you later."
He didn't try to grab me as I walked away and annoyingly, that hurt my heart too. Attacked by a crazed wolf, told I'm a power hungry bitch and now I had to have dinner with Drake's ex.
Worst. Day. Ever.
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