Chapter 23
Alpin nipped at butterflies floating amongst the grass. I gave him an affectionate rub on the head and his tail thumped in response.
Training had come to a standstill this week. Drake and Ambrus had been gone for just over a week now and life was boring without them. Well, without Drake mainly. I never said it out loud but I missed him. I lay awake each night worrying he wasn't going to come back. I had the others here with me but it wasn't the same.
I was lonely without him.
Kalen was back and was keeping Eva busy. They'd been gone for a few days on a little adventure. I'd wanted to go but Kheelan thought it would be weird if it was just him and Sorcha left alone.
Instead, I was stuck wandering the forest alone and trying to catch up on my reading. Alpin was kind enough to keep me company although I spent more time talking to him in the last few days than actual people. If I wasn't careful I was going to go as crazy as the people I was reading about.
Arthrain had sent more books back with Eva and these ones were slightly different. Eva told me he had requested them from the Unseelie court. I don't know if he was allowed to do that but I owed him big time for finding these books for me. I was sure it had something to do with what had happened to dad.
They certainly held more information than the same repetitiveness of the Seelie's selection. I thought it may have something to do with the lost princess. Reading through the latest one, I was intrigued to discover what happened to those who survived the dark forest. I found a book written by someone from the Seelie Court.
Since writing this document, there has been a dramatic increase in those who have been lost to the dark forest. Even more so in those who survive it. Not all of these creatures are the missing fae though. Some have been discovered who belong to no court and there are no records of them going missing. They appear to be dangerous, I have seen one myself and they appear as crazy as the other's, matted hair and insane mind - but their eyes. They hold a cunning gleam as if they know something we do not.
These creatures have been classified as unknowns and therefore, upon the agreement of both courts, they are to be executed on sight. All other fae who are found are to be sent to Donella's Haven.
Executing them seemed a bit harsh but even reading about them they sounded wrong. It was a bit mysterious that no one had ever heard of them. Flipping through the book, I found information about Donella's Haven.
Donella's Haven is run by its namesake, Mistress Donella a solitary Banshee. Donella was chosen to run this haven as she held no allegiance to either court and could therefore care for victims from both courts without favouritism. It was also ruled that both courts assign guards from their courts to help Donella and they would be answerable to her until they were returned to their court.
The Haven is situated in the Old Seelie Court. The building was abandoned by the Seelie Court after the Battle of Lost Souls. Now it is used as a safe haven for those corrupted by the darkness of the forest. It is hoped that a cure will be found for these souls however with little understanding of how the Dark Forest works, there is little chance of a cure being discovered anytime soon.
The voice startled me from the book and I looked up.
Lady Sorcha stood above me and I groaned inwardly. "Oh, Hi Sorcha. What's up?"
She sat down beside me and I tried not to move away from her. "Kheelan and I have been walking but he received a message that Drake and Ambrus have returned with someone wishing to speak with Kheelan. He went to meet them and I thought it would give us a chance to talk."
The dreaded moment had arrived. I'd been putting it off for long enough. Time to face the music.
"Alright then.' I said slowly. "Where do we start?"
Sorcha wrung her hands together nervously. "I'd like to start by apologising. I feel as though I haven't apologised properly yet."
"I'm pretty sure you have."
"Well I have tried, but you haven't exactly made it easy," she corrected.
I sighed, knowing she was right. "I guess I've been a bit of a bitch haven't I?"
"Oh no!" She hurried, "I would never say that at all!"
"It's ok,' I smiled at her panic. "I was. I guess it just hurt more hearing those words from someone I considered a friend."
"I understand what you mean, Laila. I hope you realise though I wasn't thinking straight at that time. I felt hurt that you had been hiding this behind my back and were trying to manipulate me."
"In my defence, I didn't really get a chance to do much 'manipulating'."
"I guess you're right. We've both been acting a little immature about all this."
"True,' I confessed.
Sorcha reached out and took my hand. "I don't want to us to be against each other, Laila. I would still like to be friends if that's possible."
I gave her hand a squeeze. "Me too. I don't have many so I can't really afford to lose the ones I have."
She smiled and I stood up, pulling her with me. "Come on, let's go tell Kheelan the good news that he doesn't have to play mediator anymore."
"We could always pretend we still hate each other and make things awkward for him." Sorcha suggested.
I giggled and whistled for Alpin to follow us. "That could be fun. I didn't know you had a teasing streak in you."
"I find you to be an inspiring source of mischief."
"Should I feel flattered by that?"
"I believe so."
"Then thank you. How are things going with you and Kheelan? From what he's told me things are going well?"
Sorcha flushed slightly. "Yes, things are going very well. I didn't know he could be so romantic. He even wrote me a poem - are you alright?"
I nodded, trying to smother my laughter. The thought of Kheelan writing a poem just cracked me up. "Can I hear it?"
"I think it was meant to be private..."
I wanted to push her but kept it quiet. We'd just gotten over our troubles, I didn't want to create new ones by making fun of Kheelan's poem.
Walking into the purple field, we saw Drake and Ambrus standing next to Kheelan as he spoke with someone I didn't recognise.
He didn't look like a normal fae. Black hair and pale skin, he looked to be in his late thirties. A large scar ran down the side of his face cutting close to his left eye. I always thought Drake was a big guy in regards to muscle but this guy made Drake look like a little kid.
I didn't sense anything from him and wondered if he had a strong wall like Drake. "Hey Sorcha, do you know who tall, dark and scary looking is?"
She nodded. "That's Rusalka. Most people know him as Sal. Eva told me he was Kheelan's protector when he was a child. He was a good friend of the late King."
"Why haven't I seen him around?"
"He's been looking for your father."
I suddenly couldn't breathe and my grip on Sorcha's hand tightened.
Drake looked up in our direction and started walking over. "Good day ladies. Lady Sorcha, may I speak with Lady Laila for a moment?"
Sorcha nodded but I moved away, only having eyes for the guy who might know where my father is.
"Laila -"
"Sorry, Drake, give me a minute."
Not seeing the hurt in his eyes, I pushed past him and headed over to Kheelan. The three remaining men turned at my approach and Ambrus stepped aside to give us some room.
Kheelan grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house, Sal following close behind. With the door tightly closed, I looked to Kheelan, the tension killing me. "Well?"
"Laila, I'd like to introduce you to an old friend of mine, Rusalka Blackbone. I trust him with my life."
I nodded, nails scraping against my palms from nerves. "Nice to meet you."
He nodded his head. "You call me Sal. Pleasure is mine, Laila."
His accent was thickly European. "Sal has been following some leads to try and find your father and it seems they have paid off." Kheelan explained.
Grabbing his arm, I gripped tightly, knowing I was digging my nails in but I didn't care. I looked to Sal and choked out, "Did you find my dad?"
"Sorry, but no, not yet."
My face fell and he quickly continued. "Do not fear little one. Not all news is bad. My sources tell me he is somewhere in Crystal Mountains. I go there now after telling you this. If he is there I will find him."
Kheelan tried to pry my fingers from his arm. "It's alright, Laila. This is good news right?"
When I didn't answer he hurried on, "It means we're getting closer! I know it's going to take a bit longer but I will keep my promise."
"All this time I thought he was in the dark forest." I whispered.
"So did I," Sal interrupted. "But man in Ice Valley tell me of sighting in mountains. I find many sources who claim same sighting."
All my research had been for nothing. Releasing Kheelan, I stepped forward and surprised Sal with a hug. "Thank you so much."
He patted my head and gently lifted me up and put me aside. "I do this for Kheelan. He is good man, much like his father. I am happy to help find yours."
Sal gave a quick bow. "I will send word of my findings. Until then."
Slapping Kheelan on the arm as some sort of manly farewell, he walked out the door. I heard the front door open and close with a bang.
Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding, I looked to Kheelan unable to contain my smile. "We're going to find my dad."
He nodded. "I promised you did I not?"
Squealing I jumped at him, slapping his chest as nerves turned to elation. "We're going to find him!"
"Ouch! Laila, please stop hitting me -"
Not listening I rushed outside and hugged the first person I ran into.
"Ah, my Lady," Ambrus said awkwardly. "I take it you were given good news?"
"Yes yes yes!" Letting go I ran off and Kheelan stepped outside.
"Laila! Where are you going?"
I spun around. "You expect me to sit still after hearing that? I gotta get this excitement out and if I stay here I'm just going to keep slapping you!"
His face blanched and he motioned for me to keep going. "Be careful!"
Laughing I took off, elation surging through me. They knew where he was! I was so close to finding him. I didn't even care my instincts had been wrong about the dark forest. I was getting my dad back and nothing else mattered.
* * * * *
It took a little while but I finally calmed down long enough to stand still. The sun was low in the sky and I still couldn't get the smile off my face. Sitting down, I watched the sun set, the forest stretched before me and I listened to the birds singing in the distance.
My happiness faded slightly. He always seemed to know where I was.
"Hi Drake." I said softly. "How was Court?"
He sat beside me, looking at the trees as well. "It was the same. The Queen sends her best wishes."
"I bet she does," I muttered, highly doubting those words. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Drake spoke again.
"Have you dealt with them yet?"
I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about your fears."
"Oh. I've made some progress."
"Really?" His voice was sharp as if he didn't believe me.
"Yes. I've been thinking about what you said, about being afraid of going down the same path as my parents and you're right. I am terrified." I'd been reciting this all week to say to him. Taking a deep breath I continued.
"I remember watching my mum and dad. Every Friday night we would play music and they would dance together. They always looked so happy. I remember wishing I would find someone I loved as much as they loved each other. I wasn't oblivious though. I knew my father struggled with our world, always afraid of someone finding us. Back then I didn't know who he was afraid of. I do now."
Drake reached through the grass, fingers curling into mine. My eyes were stinging and I rubbed them quickly. "Watching what happened to my mum after dad was taken away, I don't think I could go through that. She forgot everything because you all made her and then as she was dying she finally remembered that she hadn't been alone her whole life, she been loved and he was stolen from her!"
"Laila, I -"
Tears fell and I wiped them angrily. "Sorry, I know it wasn't you, I shouldn't be so general."
Drake turned my head and leaned close, our foreheads resting against each other. "I can't imagine what you must have went through, watching this happen but that won't happen to you. I can protect you."
I closed my eyes. "You say that but how can you be so sure? I'm sure my dad thought he could protect mum as well and look what happened? I don't want to forget you."
Drake's hand tightened on mine and he closed the small distance between us and kissed me. Not thinking, I reached out and cupped his cheek, the feel of stubble rough against my palm. His hand moved from my face, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.
A bark sounded and panicking I pulled away. Drake still held me, breathing heavily.
"Laila," his voice husky, he went to move in again but I turned my head away.
Drake froze, his fingers digging into my waist. "Dammit Laila," he growled.
"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I don't know what I was thinking -"
"You weren't. You were simply responding to your desires. Thinking is your downfall, Laila."
Annoyed, I tried to move away but he refused to let go. "No. Don't move."
"Drake -"
He shook his head. "I'm happy you've worked through your fear of meeting your parents fate. I see though you are still afraid of hurting Kheelan, a man you don't even love."
"I do!" I protested. "The same as you Drake. If I hurt him, then you're hurting him as well."
"I've known Kheelan for many years, Laila and I know you two aren't right for each other. I've watched the way he looks at you and I see affection yes, but love? No."
"Not everyone shows love the same way, Drake."
His fingers were moving against my hip and I was struggling to remain focused.
"I understand that, Laila,' he argued, "but I've seen Kheelan with women he thought he loved in the past and not once have I seen that look in his eyes. I thought I saw it some time ago when he was looking at the ladies of the Court but since then I haven't."
Panicky, I put that piece of information aside to remind Kheelan later to keep a check on the lovey dovey eyes. "Drake, I'm sorry, I just can't brush it aside that easy. I care for Kheelan."
His eyes narrowed. "You care, but you don't love him."
"I just said I do!"
"No, you said you care for him and you disagreed earlier at my accusation. You haven't actually said it."
Argh, why couldn't he just leave this be? I didn't want to say it but if he was going to play it this way...
"Fine!" I huffed. "I lov -"
My declaration was halted as Drake kissed me again. Before I could protest he moved away. "Don't lie, Laila. You try and say a lie like that and I'll be forced to stop you again, only next time I won't be so gentle."
Oh boy.
"Before you say anything, just listen." He watched me intently. "I know you care about Kheelan. So do I, but I refuse to lie about how I feel for you. I'll give you time to sort things out with Kheelan. I know I've been pushing you and I apologise. I'm not going to let this argument stop me from seeing you though. I've missed you this last week and I don't like being away from you."
Butterflies attacked my stomach in full force when he said he'd missed me. I wanted to tell him I'd missed him too but put a lid on it.
"Thank you Drake," I murmured, "for giving me time."
Drake nodded and stood up pulling me with him. He brushed some loose dirt off the back of my hand and leaned down and brushed him lips across my skin. "You should head back to the house, Laila."
Dazed, I looked at my hand where he'd kissed me. "Why?"
"I must go and collect Kalen and Eva. Lady Sorcha is preparing a feast for tomorrow and wants them to return."
"Can't Kheelan just contact Kalen through his mind?"
"He has and they are on their way, but I am going to help Kalen hunt down our meal."
"Oh, okay."
I didn't move and Drake smiled, leaning forward and kissing my forehead, before turning me in the house's direction. "Go home."
I started walking, still dazed and turned back, flushing when I realised Drake was watching me. When I reached the edge of the clearing, I looked back but Drake was gone.
"I missed you too," I whispered into the wind before heading back to the house.
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