Chapter 21
The moment we stepped out of the Court, I felt as though I could finally breathe again.
It was a similar feeling of being free from school for the holidays and trying to ignore the fact that you had to go back in a few weeks. Luckily for me, Kheelan hadn't mentioned how long we were going but I had a feeling it wasn't just for a couple of weeks.
It took five hours to reach Kheelan's home and by the time we got there the sun was beginning to set. The journey passed quietly with Kheelan leading and us girls in the middle with Drake bringing up the rear. Kalen and Ambrus were arriving tomorrow.
"What do you think?" Kheelan asked when we arrived.
I was too tired to answer him, simply giving him a thumbs up from my horse. I'd gotten no better at riding and my legs felt like they were no longer attached to my body. I saw his disappointment and sighed, feeling like I was dealing with a small child.
"It's beautiful Kheelan." He smiled happily and I struggled to not roll my eyes.
It was more than beautiful actually. We were in the forest, where I didn't know for sure but there was a small clearing near Kheelan's home seemed to be part of a rock wall at the edge of it. Trees of purple flowers and leaves adorned the wall, the shadows from the setting sun created different shades of colour throughout the leaves.
A single door could be seen but I could see windows higher up, facing into the clearing. The floor of the clearing was filled with purple leaves amongst white daisies. The forest loomed around us, the trees here seemed smaller and I didn't feel as closed in as I originally felt riding through the forest.
"Do the creatures of the forest come here?" I asked.
"No, we are protected here." Kheelan responded. "There are none who would dare cross my protective borders. Tomorrow Drake or myself will show you the boundaries so you know where to go. I ask that you don't go beyond them. The forest is a dangerous place, especially for someone who does not know the type of dangers it encases."
I gave a mock salute. "Yes sir."
Everyone had dismounted and Kheelan turned away, eyes finding Sorcha. "Allow me to show you inside my lady."
Sorcha smiled shyly and they walked inside followed by Eva who hadn't stopped smiling since we left the court. I felt like she was about to explode with excitement at any moment.
Once again I was left sitting on my horse, forgotten by Kheelan.
"Stupid faery prince," I muttered, trying to slide my leg around the front instead of the back. At least he was paying attention to Sorcha, I guess.
"My Lady."
Drake stood beside my horse, hands held out. "Allow me to help you."
The kiss still lingered in my mind and I averted my gaze, unsure how to respond. He hadn't done anything since we'd left and he hadn't spoke to me either. Too tired to think of an excuse, I reached down and grabbed his shoulders as I slid down.
His hands held my waist as he gently lowered me to ground. "Thanks Drake."
He went to let go but my legs still weren't obeying me and started to buckle. Immediately his grip tightened and he pulled me close, his body pressed against mine.
"Ah, sorry Drake. Guess I'm still not too good at this horse riding shindig."
"It would appear not. If you ever wish to be a good fighter you must become stronger."
"I am stronger," I snapped. "In case you forgot, I just woke up today after fighting off a poison for two weeks!"
Drake looked amused but his face softened. "I did not forgot, my Lady. After watching your lifeless form for two weeks and hoping for a miracle, there is no chance of me forgetting."
My heart beat quicker at his words and I realised how close we still were. The alarm bells started ringing in my head. "Ah I think I'm feeling good now, Captain. You can let me go now."
His hands tightened on my waist and I suddenly forgot why I was wanting him to let me go.
"I don't want to let go," he murmured.
Oh boy.
I didn't want him to let go either.
A loud bang sounded from inside and I heard Sorcha call out an apology. We pulled apart instantly, my legs still weak, I held onto the saddle for support, wondering if my knees were weak from riding or for other reasons now.
Kheelan came out and walked over, oblivious to what had just been happening. "What are you doing out here? Come on, you should get some more rest. I'll bring in your belongings once I get you settled."
Drake grabbed the horses without being told and started moving away. He glanced at me quickly before turning away, a strange look on his face.
"So,' Kheelan said quietly, leading me through the door. "I think you owe me."
My spine stiffened. I didn't like those words. "What do you mean?"
"Well, if Sorcha and I hadn't created a distraction you would have jumped Captain Drake right there. If Eva had seen that she would have been very shocked indeed."
I glared at him. Not so oblivious after all it would seem. "I wouldn't have jumped him. How do you even know what that means?"
"I try to keep up with all the human lingo."
I snorted as we walked through the front door. "You know, you're not like most fae."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
The inside of Kheelan's home was simply furnished, with stone walls and rugs appropriately placed on the stone floor. Purple light shone through the windows and I poked my head around the corner. There was a large sitting area with a few chairs and a large hearth against the far wall. The fire was already burning brightly and I wondered if there were brownies here too. I asked Kheelan.
"There were some here this morning setting everything up for us. They have already departed though so now it's up to us to do everything."
"Do you guys even know how to cook and clean?"
"Of course." Kheelan looked insulted. "We aren't as incapable as you believe us to be."
"I don't know about that,' I muttered. "Once I see some results then I'll change my mind."
Kheelan sighed. "Come. I'll show you to your room."
The bedrooms were all located upstairs and I learnt there was a total of six bedrooms. A sudden thought occurred to me and I pulled Kheelan to a stop. "What's wrong?"
"We don't have to share a room because we're engaged, do we?" I hissed. "Because I'm not cool with that."
Kheelan chuckled. "No, we aren't sharing. Each person has their own room, there will be no forced cohabitation."
"You know, I feel I should be offended by you not wanting to share a room with me."
"You probably should but save it for another time. I just want to go to bed."
My room was the first one on the right. It was simply furnished with a bed and small table and chair near the window. When I entered though, I only had eyes for the bed.
Kheelan led me over to the bed. "Get some rest Laila, I'll bring your belongings up in a moment."
Laying down, I sighed with relief and I was asleep before Kheelan closed my door.
* * * * *
Kalen and Ambrus arrived the next day while we were eating lunch. They also brought along a four legged surprise for me. Alpin came in and sat his head on my lap, tail thumping loudly on the stone floor. Seeing him made me feel better. I'd felt bad for not spending time with him. At least out here he had more space to roam and do whatever it was a Cu Sith did.
I felt better after sleeping, though everyone still treated me like I was some China doll that would break. It was sweet that they cared but all this care was making me want to hurt something.
"Hello all,' Kalen smiled brightly, entering the lounge area. "What are you all doing inside on such a beautiful day?"
"Kheelan thought I might be too weak to sit outside, even though I rode here on the back of a horse for five damn hours yesterday!" I explained while giving Kheelan an annoying glance.
Kheelan looked a little sheepish but continued eating his food. Kalen hit his brother playfully on the head, causing him to choke on the piece of bread he was eating.
"Ah well never fear, the little brother is here to save the day. If you're finished lunch we can go out for a stroll. Have you seen the surrounding areas yet?"
I stood up, eager to get outside. "No, not yet. They said they would show me the borders yesterday so I know where to go."
"Well, allow me to be your guide."
Kheelan stood up, trying to swallow his food. "Wait, I thought I was going to show you, or Drake can do it."
Drake made to stand but I waved my hand while glaring at Kheelan. His attempts to get Drake and I to spend time together were starting to annoy me. He was definitely at the top of my to hit list.
"I think Kalen can manage it. Anyway, you guys are still eating so you can join us later."
I looked to see if Alpin wanted to come but the journey here must have worn him out and he was already asleep by the window. I let Kalen drag me out the door as Ambrus took my seat at the table and started picking at the food I'd left on the plate. Once the door was closed, I was the one that started dragging.
"Let's get moving before they can catch up to us."
Kalen grinned. "Onward!"
We started running through the clearing, purple trees slowly turning green once more and the path grew darker as we moved through the trees. Sunlight pierced the tree tops creating rays of light throughout the forest.
We passed two deer who startled at our appearance and ran in the other direction. Just the sight of them had me craving meat.
"If you guys ever ate meat we could totally hunt those." I pointed out.
"Of course we eat meat," Kalen turned to look at me confused. "It's only the ladies of the court who choose not to eat it because they believe it to be indelicate."
Fury spread through my core. "Do you mean to say that all this time, I've had to suffer on fruit and twigs because the ladies think that eating a bit of Bambi is too indelicate?"
"You could have asked to have meat."
"I didn't know we were the only ones not eating it!"
Kalen laughed at my outburst of anger. "Calm down now, when we get back, I'll make sure you get some, what did you say? Bambi?"
"Bambi, Thumper at this point I don't care which animal it is, as long as it's meat and I get to eat it."
The trees started to thin out and we stopped in another clearing, this one much larger than the one at Kheelan's house. It was a field surrounded by a wall of pink. I recognised the flowers.
"Are these Azaleas'?"
"That's correct. That end of the field,' Kalen said pointing to the far end opposite us, "that's the border to Kheelan's land. It goes for the nearly the same length in the other direction as well."
I thought of how far we ran, it had to have taken us fifteen minutes just to run here. "That's massive! And no creatures can pass the border?"
"They can, but they need Kheelan's consent. And innocent creatures such as forest animals can pass the borders, like the deer we saw before."
Walking through the field, we reached the end and Kalen showed me the other side of the border. Willow trees lined the other side and I could see a path running along the wall of Azaleas'. It didn't look any different, just like more forest.
"So out there is dangerous?" I asked, running my hands across the flowers.
"Well, it's not dangerous for us but for someone such as yourself? Yes, it's very dangerous."
"Are we close to the dark forest here?"
"I don't know,' Kalen admitted. "No one truly knows where the beginning of the forest is. Generally, when the trees start moving around you, that's when everyone runs and no one can remember where it was. Even if they do remember, there's no guarantee you'll find your way back because of the trees.
"Speaking of the forest,' we moved from the border back out into the field. "I have some books for you. Arthrain asked me to give them to you. You must have mentioned your interest in the dark forest to him."
"I didn't think the books were allowed outside the Court?"
"They aren't but Arthrain can give special permission to people if he chooses, which he usually doesn't. He must like you to be giving you books. Kheelan, then Drake and now Arthrain? Who won't you flirt with?"
Still holding Kalen's hand, I twisted his arm and pinned it behind his back. He didn't seem all that worried and only laughed.
"I did not flirt with Kheelan. It was you guys who approached me first. I don't even know how to flirt! As for Drake, you know that's just complicated. I've never done anything to signify that I have feelings for him -"
"But you do," Kalen teased.
"If I did,' I continued trying to twist his arm tighter in anger. "It would be none of your business."
"Please, this is Fae. Love is our business! Mark my words, Kheelan won't stop meddling. Neither will Ambrus or Sorcha. If Eva knew she'd probably meddle too."
"No, don't tell Eva. I do want to tell her but too many people already know." I thought about the Queen. "If this does end up going south, I want her to remain innocent. I don't want her getting hurt because of me."
"What about us?"
"You guys are big and tough enough to get by on your own."
"Gee thanks, where did all that love and affection go?"
"Eva's a good girl, she's earned my affection. You on the other hand have yet to earn it."
Kalen easily slipped from my grasp and moved away. "I think rescuing you from confinement today should be enough."
I pretended to think about it. "Hmm no, I don't think it's quite enough."
Kalen pouted and turned away making me laugh. He was a good guy and I did like him but there was no way I was telling him that. He was the type who would lord it over everyone and never let it go.
Better to let him suffer.
Running up to him, I linked my arm through his. "So, where else can we go?"
Not saying anything, Kalen started running and I struggled to keep up. I was beginning to feel tired but I didn't want to go back yet. Being out here was so much fun. It was my first chance to truly explore Fae and I wasn't going to stop just yet. If I went back I would just be molly coddled again.
We passed through the trees again and they began to change. Gone were the large Pines and in their place were Oak trees. The Pine scent faded and was replaced with a cool fresh scent I associated with water.
My feet slipped on scattered acorns but Kalen's strength kept me upright even though he was practically carrying me by the end. We reached a river and came to a stop. There was no crossing it. The water looked deep and the current was strong enough to drag you away. Looking each way I couldn't see a bridge to cross.
"This is another border to Kheelan's land." Kalen explained. "On this side basically if you follow the river it acts as the border. When the Oak's become Willow trees, that's when you've reached the end border and you should stop."
"Why is the current so strong? Does Kheelan do that with magic so nothing can get across?"
"We can get across. We simply jump."
Oh right. Super fae strength.
Kalen continued. "The current gets stronger downstream as it opens into a waterfall."
"Can we see the waterfall?" I asked, hopeful.
"No, it's not in our area but sits in Maurelle's territory."
"Who is that?"
"She goes by many names but is known by many as the Lady of the Water."
My jaw tensed. That name again. "How far downstream is it?"
"It's quite far. Her territory borders the Unseelie's. We are about a day's ride away. Though I imagine the journey would be far shorter if you travelled by the river."
When I didn't reply, Kalen turned to look at me. His eyes widened as he took in my expression. "You're jealous of her!"
That woke me up. "What? No, I'm not. I was just thinking."
"No no,' he said smiling, "you've heard the rumours about her and Drake, I'll put money on it. That look was one of worry and jealousy, not thoughtful pondering."
I tried to think of a witty comeback. "Shut up!"
Nice one brain.
Walking away, I listened to Kalen laughing and singing some stupid song about my jealousy. "Seriously Kalen if you don't shut up, I will bash your head with a rock."
He appeared in front of me in an instant, smirking. "I'd like to see you try. You don't have to play coy with me about your feelings for him you know. I already know the truth, remember? I was there for the big realisation. Also trust me, you have nothing to worry about with Maurelle. For her it was all about the physical, there was nothing emotional about her relationship with him."
"Gee thanks,' I snarled sarcastically. "That makes me feel so much better!"
"Honestly,' Kalen laughed. "Stop worrying! From what Kheelan's told me, he's really into you. Kheelan said if he hadn't have intervened last night you two would have had your tongues down each other's throat."
I felt my face burn at the mention of kissing and quickly turned away. Not quick enough though.
"Oh no," a sly grin started to form on his face. "You've already kissed haven't you?"
"There was no tongues!" I exclaimed, not really helping the situation but rather adding fuel. "It was nothing - "
Kalen didn't see it as nothing though and started jumping around me shouting with joy. Then I was air born as he hugged me and spun me around in circles. "This is amazing, everything is going just as I thought it would. Drake always was a sly one. Never afraid to go for what he wanted. I can't wait to tell Kheelan -"
"No! Don't tell anyone."
Kalen stopped spinning and his face fell. "But -"
"Not even -"
"How about -"
"Don't even think about it."
"Spoil sport," he muttered, putting me back on the ground. All that spinning left me feeling a little dizzy.
"I think I'm ready to go back now."
Kalen nodded and linked my arm back through his as we made our way back. I knew he wouldn't be able to keep this a secret. The urge to tell someone was practically seeping out of him. If they were going to be spending their time trying to play match maker with me and Drake, they had another thing coming.
"Can I tell Am -"
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