Chapter 20
Opening my eyes felt like a bad choice.
A brownie's face was inches from my own and from this close up, a little terrifying. Needless to say we both screamed at my return to consciousness for different reasons.
The brownie jumped off my chest and shouted. "She is awake, sir!"
The fact that the creature spoke in perfect English, something I hadn't heard come from their mouths, freaked me out more.
Scrambling up, I regretted my movement as the room spun. Groaning, I buried my head in my hands.
"My lady! Take it easy, here."
A glass was pushed at my hands and lifting my head, I took the glass, my throat feeling like cotton balls were stuffed down there. Quain knelt beside the bed, dark shadows under his eyes.
"Quain,' my voice sounded raspy. "What's going on?"
"You were poisoned, my Lady."
Memories of the ball flashed brokenly but I remembered Isobel bringing me the wine - "That bitch! I'm going to kill her!"
Quain held me down on the bed, looking amused at my feeble attempt to get up. "I think you should rest first, my Lady. You've been unconscious for some time now, your body needs time to get strong again."
His words put a halt on my anger. "How long have I been here?"
"Two weeks, my Lady."
Two weeks!
"But that can't be right,' I protested. "It feels like yesterday..."
"It was two weeks, my Lady and the Prince and Captain can verify my story. They've barely left your side since it happened."
I remembered the soft voices and that plea of desperation. I felt slightly touched that they'd stayed with me all this time.
"What took you so long to heal me?" I demanded, trying to get away from the mushy sentiments.
Quain jumped. "I beg your pardon?"
"It only took you a day to heal my broken hand but it took you two weeks to beat a stupid poison? Come on man, lift your game."
Quain looked insulted. "It was not just any poison you were dealt, my Lady. It had a rare toxin in it that was hard to identify. Two weeks is a fast time for a poison as skilfully made as that one was. A little appreciation is usually called for in this moment!"
Great, now I felt guilty. "Right. Sorry and thank you, Quain. I appreciate you saving my life."
"You're welcome,' he said gruffly and I grinned.
The brownie who had run off must have completed their mission because suddenly the door banged open and Kheelan and Drake barged in with Eva in tow.
Kheelan raced forward and hugged me as Quain stepped back. "I'm so glad you're alright. We didn't think you were going to wake up."
I patted his back awkwardly, surprised at his affection and not failing to notice the tension in Drake's gaze as he watched our embrace. "I'm all good thanks to the doc here. Did you get Isobel? Please tell me you left something behind, I need to vent my anger."
Kheelan patted my hand. "I'm afraid Lady Isobel is as much a victim here as you."
"Come again?"
"Lady Isobel was being manipulated." Eva stepped forward and sat on the bed beside me grabbing my other hand.
"She was questioned by the Queen but she has no memory of the night. We don't know who it was that poisoned you."
"Great, so someone here wants me dead.' I muttered. "That list has to be a mile long."
"No,' Eva rushed, "There are a lot here who like you!"
Poor Eva, her lying was terrible but I let her have it. She was trying to cheer me up. I gave her a quick hug. "Thanks, Eva."
She beamed and gasped making me jump. "Oh! I have to go and tell Sorcha you're awake! She's been so worried!"
I glanced at Kheelan and he nodded in encouragement. "Alright then."
Eva rushed from the room hitting her brother as she passed him. Drake had remained silent and Quain stood next to him looking nervous. The poor guy seemed so small compared to Drake and Kheelan. He needed some protein shakes or something.
Sighing I pulled my hair away from my face. "I probably look monstrous don't I? Would you mind leaving so I can fix myself up?"
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Kheelan asked.
"I'll be fine. I'm just tired."
"What if you faint?"
Annoyed, I grabbed the closest object, an apple surprisingly, and threw it at his head.
Kheelan caught it, laughing though Quain looked shocked at my behaviour.
"She's fine." Kheelan grinned. "We'll give you some privacy."
Kheelan moved them all out, though Drake seemed reluctant to move and then finally I was alone.
Letting my facade slip, I lay back down, fighting the exhaustion weighing down my body.
Who the hell had tried to kill me? I'd thought I was getting along alright with most people here. The fact that they used Isobel meant they knew of our dislike towards each other.
Isobel was an easy target really. Whoever put the mind control on her though had to be pretty powerful themselves.
I had a sinking feeling I already knew who it may be.
Pulling myself up, I made it to my washbasin and tried to scrub what grime I could from my body. I wasn't as bad as I thought I would be and realising that they must have washed me while I unconscious freaked me out. If it was Eva and Sorcha, it wasn't so bad but if Quain had been there, I was going to kick his perverted arse.
I wasn't given long to clean up when the door opened again. I stood up and looked around the corner, my body freezing.
Drake was back.
He saw my head poking around the corner and took a step closer. "I apologise, I just wanted to make sure you were alright."
I stepped into full view, feeling awkward hiding behind the wall. "I'm fine. Feeling a bit more alive now."
Water dripped down my face and I wiped it away.
Drake nodded, watching my movements. "Right, well the others shall be returning shortly. Kheelan has gone to inform the Queen of your recovery. Once you are well enough, we will be departing for Kheelan's private home."
"I'm good to go now. How soon can we leave?" I was ready to get out of this place for awhile.
"We can depart as soon as you are prepared and Quain okays your health. I shall fetch him now."
Drake turned away and something inside me made my mouth open before my brain could stop it.
"I heard you."
He paused and looked back over his shoulder.
"I heard your voice, saying you needed me." I heard the nerves in my voice yet I continued. "It's what woke me up."
I don't know why I was telling him this but I felt like he needed to know. I wanted him to know that I had heard him.
Drake moved, using his freaky fae speed, surprising me. In an instant, he crushed my body against his and then his lips were against mine. Instinctively my hands came up to his shoulders to steady myself, my brain still not fully processing what was happening.
Just as it started it was over and he pulled away, eyes glazed.
"Thank you for listening," he said softly and releasing me, he walked from the room shutting the door loudly.
Stunned, I stared at the door, the feel of his lips still echoed against my own.
For some stupid reason, I was suddenly glad I was a good listener.
* * * * *
When Kheelan returned from talking with his mother, he wasted no time in getting us ready to go. Quain declared me able to travel, with the help of a few little harmless threats, and I began to pack.
I packed a small bag of clothes, not really thinking I would need dresses where ever we were going. At least I hoped we didn't need them.
Eva helped me pack everything else I would need, encouraging me to rest. Normally I would be stubborn and say I was fine but this time I gladly let her take over. I was exhausted. I'd been asleep for two weeks and I felt like I hadn't slept in days. It was exhausting just pretending I was alright.
"Where's your hairbrush?" Eva asked anxiously. She didn't know why we were in a hurry to leave, I actually didn't know myself but she was feeling the frantic atmosphere.
"You already packed it. You put it in after you had that freak out about which shoes to pack."
"Oh, right."
I watched her amused. "Shouldn't you be packing your own bag, Eva? I thought you were coming with me?"
"I am and I've already packed. I've had my bag packed since Prince Kheelan told me I would be accompanying you."
"That excited, huh?"
Eva nodded, eyes shining. "I don't get to leave the Court very often. Castien doesn't like me going too far away from him or from the court without him. I think he worries because we are the only family we both have left since neither of us are married."
A sudden though occurred to me. "Eva, has Drake ever had a girlfriend?"
"Oh, no! At least I don't think so."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, there were rumours a few years ago about Drake and the Lady of the Water but I don't think they were true."
"The Lady of the Water?" I only knew her name and already I didn't like her.
Eva continued rifling through my wardrobe as she spoke. "The Lady of the Water lives on the edge of the forest, on the border between Seelie and Unseelie territory. It's in this large ravine, where a beautiful waterfall descends into a small river where her home is.
No one really knows what she is, I've heard she's the daughter of a Siren and water God but I can't be sure. Other stories say she's a powerful water sprite born from the water itself."
Eva finally finished packing my bag and snapped the ties in place. "Anyway, so before Drake was Captain, he often did border patrols and the Lady of the Water always asked for him to be stationed at her borders."
"That just sounds suspicious." It sounded like booty call talk but I didn't mention that to Eva because I wasn't in the mood to explain what a booty call was.
"I know, right? Well, they say she used to ask him inside for dinner all the time and use him as her personal bodyguard when she went swimming in her pools. I asked Drake about it but he denied the whole thing. I don't know if he was just saying that because I'm his sister or he didn't want everyone spreading rumours."
Definitely a booty call. "He never asked to be relocated?"
Eva shook her head and I felt my heart sink. "No, he only returned when the last Captain died and he was recommended for the position."
Sounded like he was pimping himself out if you asked me but I kept my mouth shut. Even though they were just rumours, I felt myself doubting his integrity and feelings as my stomach churned with jealousy.
A knock sounded at the door and Eva went to answer it, unaware of my inner turmoil.
"That must be Prince Kheelan, ready to go."
I had a bad feeling it wasn't Kheelan, after all he never knocked, and my suspicions were confirmed when Eva gasped as she opened the door.
"Your Majesty! My apologies, this is an unsuspected surprise."
"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Evangeline. I am happy you are still here, it means I am not too late to see the Lady Laila."
"Yes, Your Majesty, please come in she's just inside."
In this time I managed to smooth my still frazzled hair and fix my dress. The Queen appeared around the archway and I curtsied automatically. "Good day, You Majesty, I'm sorry I'm not more prepared for your arrival."
"Don't worry yourself, my dear, I'm just glad you're awake and with us still. You gave us quite a scare."
I felt my insides turn to stone under her gaze. There was a hardened glint to her eyes that confirmed my suspicions.
Eva stood behind the Queen and didn't notice.
"Eva," my eyes never left the Queen. "Go and get your things, we'll be heading off soon."
Oblivious, Eva nodded and curtsied one last time to the Queen before leaving.
Once the door closed the feeling of danger in the room heightened. Unconsciously I took a step back.
The Queen smiled. "I see your beginning to figure everything out. I can't say I'm surprised it's taken you this long. You are half mortal after all and they aren't the brightest creatures."
"I don't understand." I clenched my dress to stop my hands shaking. "Why did you poison me?"
"Ah, of course you don't. It's something you still fail to understand, and as for the reason? Why for fun."
The Queen laughed as I stood there stunned. "Did you really think we could just be friends? That I would befriend the daughter of a traitor? Foolish girl, the only reason you are in my Court is because my son is playing his own game of chance."
My chest tightened. Did she know of the deal? I tried to play it cool. "What do you mean?"
"He is using you to achieve his own goals. What they are, I haven't discovered yet but when I do, you will be caste from this Court faster than your heartbeat at this moment." Her voice grew cold and I felt the hairs on my arms stand on end.
"So all this time, all the stories you told me, they weren't true?"
"Oh no, they were true. I had no reason to tell you false stories. It's always easier to tell the truth when you're manipulating someone I find. Less loop holes to worry about."
I felt like such an idiot.
She'd fooled me right from the beginning. I thought about the poison. "So you manipulated Lady Isobel and poisoned me. Was it meant to kill me?"
The Queen pulled an imaginary thread from her sleeve as she spoke. "It was never meant to kill you child, though if it had it would have certainly solved some of my problems."
My hands itched to slap the smugness from her voice and I tasted blood in my mouth from biting my cheek. If someone didn't show up soon, a smack down was going to happen and sadly, I knew I wouldn't be the victor.
Her eyes turned back to me, cold as ice. "I suggest you do everyone a favour, yourself included and leave this Court while you can because I can tell you now; you will never marry my son."
I wanted to laugh in her face and tell her she was right; I would never marry Kheelan. Instead, I met her gaze, finding strength I didn't know I had.
"Just watch me."
Her eyes widened slightly and she started to move when the door opened and Kheelan walked in, possibly saving my life.
In an instant the cold Queen was gone and she turned to smile lovingly at her son.
"I didn't know you were coming to see Laila, mother." Kheelan glanced at me worried. "I would have accompanied you if I had known."
"It's alright, my dear. I was just checking her health myself before you depart. I can't understand why you wish to go so soon. You should let her rest first."
Kheelan came to stand beside me. "I believe Laila is capable of the journey."
"I am." I spoke up. "I'm ready to leave when you are."
The further I got from the woman in front of me, the more at ease I would be.
"Well, it's just your belongings to be loaded and then we are ready to depart."
"Brilliant, let's get going then."
Curtsying, I didn't back down from the Queen's stare. "Until next time, Your Majesty."
"Enjoy your reprieve, Lady Laila." The Queen smiled but her eyes were stone. "Who knows if you'll ever get another."
I didn't miss the threat and gripped Kheelan's arm.
Sensing the danger in the room, Kheelan bid his mother farewell and we quickly exited my room. I refused to let go of his arm as we made our way out of the Court.
"Would you like to tell me what just happened?" Kheelan looked calm but I heard the worry in his voice.
"Not now," I muttered. "Quick question though; does your private house have a panic room at all?"
"No, what is a panic room?"
"Never mind. It wouldn't have saved me anyway. Let's just get out of here before someone tries to kill me again."
I sensed Kheelan wanted to say something more but he held his tongue. After everything that had happened in the last few hours, I was beginning to wish I was still in that coma.
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