Chapter 2
"So, how does this work?"
I sat across from the crown Fae prince, who was sitting comfortably in my living room having a cup of tea.
"Are you sure you're calm enough to listen?" he asked, his voice tinged with amusement.
My cheeks flushed.
Rather than losing it in the middle of the street, I'd grabbed the prince and dragged him back to my apartment. Once there, I'd started shouting, feeling excited that my father might still be alive. Eventually, he grew tired of my yelling and pinned me to the floor, telling me to shut up so he could explain.
Taking time to calm myself I went and made a pot of tea, needing to be away from him and to let my body stop trembling. Once my sanity had returned, I realised I was a complete idiot. I had just brought a faerie prince into my apartment to discuss some sort of deal.
If dad was here now he'd be kicking my ass.
"It's pretty simple,' Kheelan started, sipping his tea. "Words hold great power. You need to be careful of everything you say around the fee. They can take any meaning away from it if they want. Even myself. But I will explain my terms and then you just need to tell me yours and the deal will be done. You're taking this rather well so far.
I sighed. "Yeah well, I haven't heard what you want yet so don't speak too soon. What do you want anyway?"
In what seemed like a second, his whole demeanour changed. He suddenly didn't look so calm, he coughed and rubbed his hand through his hair.
My eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What exactly do you want?"
"My side of the deal is...well...I'd...I'd like you to marry me and live with me in the Seelie court." He rushed.
Marry? Did he just say marry?
My brain processed his words a few times, trying to determine if I'd heard him right. I was pretty sure I had.
What the hell?
"Did you just ask me to marry you?" I asked slowly, needing to be sure.
"Yes, no, well I guess so but - wait!" He narrowly missed the book I threw at his head.
"Are you insane?" I shouted. "I'm a half breed! You know what will happen if I live in the Seelie court, they won't stop until I leave or I'm dead!"
"I would protect you!' he argued. "I have those loyal to me who would look after you as well. As long as you're engaged to me no one will harm you without fearing my retribution."
I threw my hands in the air, wondering what kind of hell I'd just fallen into. "But surely there are plenty of fae girls at Court to choose from. Why not marry one of them?"
"All the ladies of the court are only interested in marrying me for my power." He explained bitterly. They don't want my love."
He paused.
"Also, my heart has fallen for someone already but my mother would never let me wed her."
I refused to let my brain think it was sweet he wanted to marry for love. "Why won't she let you?"
"Because she comes from a lower class family. That's the reason I'm here. I need time to court this lady and convince my mother that our love is pure enough. Only if our love is pure will she agree to the deal."
"Wait, stop." I held up my hand. "Be kind and rewind. What makes you think she will agree to you marrying me? Isn't a half breed worse than a lower class?"
"No, my mother said I must marry someone who was of the higher class. She never said they had to be pure fae."
"Great, so you're actually trying to piss your mother off?"
He looked thoughtful. "In a way, yes I suppose I am."
"Yay,' I muttered sarcastically. "This sounds like a great plan."
Shaking my head I pinched my nose, feeling a headache coming on. "Look, if I'm going to consider this -"
His face lit up.
"If,' I stressed. "Then I need to know where my father is. You said you knew about him?"
"Yes,' he said quietly. "Your father is considered a deserter of the royal guard."
My temper flared but I pushed it down.
"I knew your father growing up. He was a noble knight, always loyal to our Queen. It was nearly four years ago now that he abandoned our Queen for your mother."
"Four years?" I asked, confused.
"Yes, time moves differently for us.' He explained. "It's been four years for us but nearly twenty years for you."
"So, if I go to Faerie then when I come back everyone I know might be gone?"
"It is a possibility yes." He conceded. "Is there anyone here you are close to?"
A dull ache filled my heart.
"No,' I said softly, "I have no one left."
Looking away I missed the look of pain in his eyes.
"You never answered my question." I continued. "Where is my father?"
He glanced away, guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry to say but I don't know his exact location. He was banished when he was returned to the court. The Queen gave the order and no one has seen him since."
I found myself reaching for another book and he held up his hands beseechingly.
"I will help you find him though. That I promise." He decreed, before adding nervously. "Please stop throwing your books at me."
I kept the book in my hand, feeling the need to have a weapon at the ready. "Won't you be betraying your Queen?"
"No, as long as he doesn't return to the court then he is still considered banished. When the deal is finalised and we have found your father, I will ensure you are both returned safely to this world and you can live the rest of your life with your father in peace."
I stood quietly, looking at him, still not ready to let the hope in my chest bloom. "You're so sure this plan will work but how can I trust you? You fae have taken everything from me. Now you want to take my freedom?"
"Only temporarily." He put in. "And in return, you will get your father back. Isn't it worth the sacrifice?"
Was it?
Moving away, I slowly paced my living room, trying to straighten out my thoughts. There was no way I could trust him. There was obviously things he wasn't telling me, but I knew they had to keep their word if they made a promise. I had read about it in my book. The hope burning in my chest flared brighter.
I would finally get my father back. I wouldn't be alone anymore. It would only be a few months, right? Kheelan would protect me, right?
"Oh God, I can't believe I'm doing this." I muttered, kicking myself mentally. "Alright."
Kheelan jumped up from his chair, happiness filling his face. "You agree?"
"Yes, I agree. I will pretend to be engaged to you, so you can woo your faery lady and in return, you'll help me find my father and leave Faery safely, while also protecting me from those in the Seelie court who wish to harm me. Do we have a deal?"
I held out my hand, trying to hide the tremor in my hands.
Smiling, he reached out, his hand enveloped my own and I felt the magic spark, sealing my fate.
"It's a promise.' He beamed. "You won't regret this, Laila."
God I hoped he was right.
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