Chapter 18
Kheelan's return home granted me my first big feast since I'd arrived. I had caught sight of him briefly upon his arrival but he was soon dragged into a meeting to discuss the treaty. I was curious myself to know what this treaty was about. I'd been wanting to ask Drake but the time had never come up and now I couldn't ask him.
I could barely look him in the eye.
I could have asked Kalen but I always forgot to ask. I often thought I was getting early onset dementia. It was a possibility. Tonight I planned to get the information from Kheelan himself though.
Everyone was buzzing around, preparing the big party. The brownies were running back and forth, tattering away in their little language their voices sounding frantic as they passed me. I was walking with Eva who was talking nonstop about what she was going to wear tonight.
I listened in silence, the happenings of this morning still playing on my mind. Drake's actions had startled me. He'd been so formal and gentleman like since I'd met him and then this morning he's saying things purposefully that make my heart flutter.
What was he trying to do? Was he trying to test me? Did he realise my true feelings and he's just trying to make me slip up?
Pulled from my thoughts I looked at Eva, who watched me with concern. "Are you alright? You've been staring at the main hall for nearly two minutes."
"I have?" I looked and realised she was right. We were standing near the entrance to the main hall, I didn't even remember walking there. "Sorry, I'm just distracted."
"I bet you're so happy Kheelan's home!"
"Yeah,' I said quietly. "I am glad he's back."
I looked back at the hall, confused at the quiet of the room. "Where is everyone? I thought we were having a big party or something. Shouldn't they be setting up?"
"Oh we aren't having a party here!" Eva was practically jumping with excitement. "We're having a party down by the lake! It's going to be such a perfect night and outdoor parties are always so much fun!"
"Great." I tried to sound excited and she seemed to believe me. My mind just couldn't get off Drake.
Speaking of the devil, he walked into the main hall and spotted us near the archway. Before I could think to pull Eva away, he walked up to us and I cursed his fae speed.
"Hello sister, have you decided on what you're wearing tonight?"
She nodded. "Of course! I'll be the prettiest girl there."
Drake smiled fondly and I felt my heart leap. "I'm sure you will Eva."
His smile turned to me and something else formed in his eyes. Something I couldn't determine but I knew it was a look too intimate to be aiming it at me. "What about you Laila? Have you decided?"
I nodded too, though only because I couldn't get words past my tongue.
"I will see you both tonight at the party then. Please excuse me."
He moved past us in the archway and I my skin tingled as his hand brushed mine. What the hell was going on with him?
"Laila are you alright?" Eva asked. "You look a little flushed."
"Yes, I'm fine I'm just thinking about the party," I lied. "I think I might go and start getting organised. I'll talk to you tonight."
I waved goodbye and starting walking quickly back to my room, my hand still tingling from Drake's touch. I clasped it with my other hand. Surely Drake knew what he was doing. He knew who I was and who I was engaged to. How was he able to treat me this way and not feel any form of guilt?
Maybe he was secretly some sort of womaniser. If he was, he hid it really well.
Sighing in frustration, I moved to bang my head against the wall, trying to get him out of my mind. Before m head could connect, a hand grabbed my shoulder pulling me away from the wall. I turned, praying it wasn't who I thought it was. My prayers were answered as I came face to face with Kheelan.
"Hello," he said wryly. "Are you so upset I've returned you were going to maim yourself?"
Grinning, I threw my arms around him, shocking him with a quick hug.
"Sorry," I said pulling away, "I was just so happy you weren't Dr - ah someone else."
"Someone else?" His eyebrows raised.
"Not now," I muttered.
Grabbing his hand I dragged him the remainder journey to my rooms and shoved him inside. He stumbled lightly over the entry way and turned to glare at me. "I've only just returned and already you're abusing me."
"You'll live, I promise." I snapped.
"I hope so," he muttered.
He moved and sat at my table. "How is everything going? Kalen tells me you've been making some progress with Sorcha?"
"A little bit, like I told him I haven't had to do much."
"Why not?" Kheelan demanded.
"Because the girl is already damn in love with you! If you were a bit brighter maybe you would have seen it!"
Kheelan looked stunned. "You're lying. There is no way she loves me, she barely speaks to me."
"Only because you're the bloody prince!" I snapped. "Geez why are all guys so damn blind?"
"Not all of us are," he argued. Suddenly his eyes widened. "That's it!"
"What's it?" I asked wary.
"You dragged me in here because you're avoiding Drake!" He looked at me triumphant.
Going into defence I slapped his arm. "What are you on about?"
"Kalen told me of Drake's interest in you. I think you two would be a good match."
"Shut up! I'm not talking about this. Tell me about the treaties."
Kheelan's eyes widened again. "You like him too don't you?"
"No, I don't." I tried to sound adamant but even I could hear the lie in my voice.
Kheelan laughed. "This is brilliant! This deal of ours is turning out good for both of us."
I opened my mouth ready to argue, a tea cup unknowingly already in my hand ready to fly when a voice sounded from my bedroom.
"What deal is this?"
Sorcha stood in the archway, eyes dark and mouth in a thin line. Kheelan's face paled and the cup dropped from my hand, shattering on the floor.
* * * * *
It was like one of those moments in a horror movie, where the victims are relaxed thinking all is safe, then the murderer comes up behind them and stabs them in the back.
Not exactly the same scenario but I'm sure the terror I felt was the same.
If looks could kill, I'd be dust right now. It was a look befitting a future scary Seelie queen. Kheelan stood next to me, his face emotionless. I really needed to learn that trick. Right now my face was an open book and I'm sure Sorcha could see every emotion rolling across my face.
After another minute of silent terror, my mouth started to work. "Sorcha, what are you doing here?"
Her eyes snapped from Kheelan to me and I flinched. "I was waiting for you because I wanted to see if you would accompany me to see the children today. Obviously I came at an inappropriate time. You lied to us."
Her voice was cold and I felt my insides churn with guilt. "Sorcha, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -"
Her voice was sharp, tearing through me. "I don't wish to hear your words, you will only lie to me. Prince Kheelan, please tell me what is going here and why am I involved in your deal with this filthy half breed?"
Until now, those word hadn't hurt me. Hearing them from Sorcha's mouth though was like a physical blow to the chest.
Taking a step back, I saw Kheelan's head turn to me. "Laila are you -"
"I'm fine," I answered hurriedly, my eyes beginning to sting. "I think I might go for a walk."
I held his arm briefly as I passed. "Tell her the truth Kheelan."
Then I walked calmly to the door and shut it behind me. Once I was on the other side, I ran.
Tears started to blur my surroundings but I didn't care. My feet knew where they were going. Once outside I wiped the tears furiously from me face, my pace slowing as I entered Daphne's grove. Always I seemed to end up here when I was troubled or upset. Though she was just a tree, I felt comforted being in her presence.
Sitting underneath the branches, I curled up in a ball and let myself cry. My body shook with silent sobs.
"There's nothing wrong with me." I whispered to myself. "I'm just different."
"Why are you different, my Lady?"
Shocked, my head whipped up at the familiar voice. Drake was crouched in front of me, his face a mask. His eyes seem to darken though as they watched my tears fall. "Who upset you, Laila?"
I shook my head. "No one. I'm just having a bad day, that's all."
Drake pulled me to my feet. A handkerchief appeared in his hand and my tears stopped as he started wiping my tear streaked face. "I don't believe you. You said there's nothing wrong with you. That implies someone has said that there is something wrong with you. Tell me who it is."
I shook my head. It was bad enough one person had discovered my secret deal with Kheelan. I don't think we could both cope if any more people found out.
I tried to change the subject. "How do you keep sneaking up on me? Your feet don't make any noise, it's just freaky."
He smiled and my traitor heart leapt again. "Years of practice, Laila. If you like I will teach you how to be light of foot as well. The way you walk now anyone in the Crystal mountains could hear your footfalls."
I grabbed his hand which was gently wiping my face and pulled it away.
"I don't walk loudly." I snapped. "I'm very light of foot."
"To your ears only, my Lady."
I found I was smiling at his light teasing but let it go.
"Are you sure your alright, my Lady?"
I nodded. "I will be fine, I just had a girl moment. You wouldn't understand."
"I'm afraid I wouldn't and somehow I don't think I want to understand."
"Typical male response," I muttered.
He grinned and it was then I realised how close we actually were. We were barely a hand space apart and I still hadn't let go of his hand. Cheeks turning red, I released his hand and went to move away.
His hand shot out though and recaptured my own, stopping my escape.
"Drake," I begged. "Why are you doing this? You know I'm already engaged."
"I know," he said softly, "But I cannot help myself. When it comes to you I lose all reason. My mind says this is wrong but my heart tells me to damn them all and take what I want, which is you."
I was pretty sure there was no air left in my body after that declaration. He wanted me; enough to damn his own Court. I didn't know how to respond to this. I wanted to just jump in his arms and tell him to damn them all then, but I couldn't.
There was more at stake here then my desires.
"Drake," I pleaded, "please..."
Hearing the plea in my voice, his wall came back up and he took a small step back. He didn't release my hand though. "I apologise, Lady Laila. I wish I could tell you it won't happen again, but I can't. With each passing day, my feelings towards you deepen and one day I will find a way to make you mine, however long it takes."
"What about your loyalty to Kheelan?" I asked desperately. "Think about that."
"I do, my Lady,' he said quietly. "More than you think."
He leaned forward and his lips brushed against the back of my hand, sending fire scorching across my skin. "Good day, Lady Laila. I'll see you at our next training session."
Releasing my hand, Drake walked out of the grove and I stared at my hand, my ears still echoing his words; one day I will find a way to make you mine.
Holy smokes Batman, I think I'm in trouble.
* * * * *
Kheelan found me sitting under Daphne's tree an hour later. I'd been so wrapped up in Drake and the way he was making me feel, I completely forgot about Sorcha finding out about our deal.
He came and sat beside me, silent.
"So,' I started awkwardly. "It didn't really stay a secret for long did it?"
He smiled grimly, shaking his head. "No, it would appear not. It is my fault, I let my guard down and wasn't paying attention. If I'd been more focused on my surroundings -"
"Don't go blaming yourself Kheelan, it was bound to come out eventually. I mean isn't it better that it's sooner rather than later? At least now you two can get what you want right?"
I looked at him, nervous that it hadn't gone very well. His ears turned red and he muttered something I didn't catch. Annoyed I slapped his head. "Spit it out!"
"She agreed to letting me court her privately," he said quietly.
Nerves turning to elation I shot to my feet, whooping for joy. Dancing around Daphne's tree, I laughed. "This is great! We're one step closer to getting what we want. Well you're one step closer but I'm hoping you'll keep your end of the bargain and get me some solid leads about my dad."
Kheelan stood up, face covered and he said quietly, "Yes I've got some men trying to track him down now. Although I do have some worrying news."
My good mood started to dim. "What?"
"There's a good chance he's in the dark forest. If he is, then I won't be able to hold up my end of the deal."
Kheelan moved away slightly and I knew he thought I was going to hit him but I remained still. Deep down, I knew this might be the case. It was probably why I was so fascinated with the dark forest. If he was in there I had to find a way to save him.
There had to be a way.
"There is no way to save him if he is," Kheelan said quietly reading my thoughts.
I looked back at him, pain flaring through my chest.
"There has to be a way," I whispered. "I know I can save him, I just have to keep researching. He might not even be in the dark forest. He might just be hiding somewhere."
"True, but so far all my sources seem to be pointing in the dark forest's direction. I can't go in after him Laila. I wouldn't survive. I know I promised but -"
"It's alright,' I said calmly, my body seeming to shut down. "If it comes to that then I won't ask you to go in after him. I know you wouldn't survive and it wouldn't be fair to ask so much of you. If it comes to that I'll figure out another way."
"I don't know yet." I admitted. "Fortunately I've still got some time handy so I better not let it go to waste."
Kheelan still looked worried and I tried to smile. "In times like this it's best to remain positive right? Anyway enough about my problems, what exactly happened with you and Sorcha back there?"
Kheelan's face turned red again. "I tried to explain everything to her calmly but she seems to have developed your temper. She even threw a book at me."
I snorted, unable to picture Sorcha doing such a thing.
"It took some time but she finally believed me when I confessed my feelings to her and my reasons for bringing you into this mess."
"So she's going to let you court her and hopefully you two fall madly in love and live happily ever after?"
"I wouldn't have put it that way but yes, something like that."
"Right." I rubbed my hands together, determined to get my mind off my own problems. "First things first; how are we going to get you two some alone time? You guys need to bond before we go and face your mother."
"Well I'd already told mother I wanted to spend some time with you away from the court for awhile. I've performed my duties so now I should be safe to be away from the court for some time. I will be going to my private home near the forest. Kalen will be staying at Court for a bit longer to help mother with some things and then he will join the rest of us."
"The rest of us?"
"Yes, Sorcha will be coming at your request of course and you can summon whoever else you would like to bring. Drake and Ambrus will be coming along as they aren't needed at court and we won't be so far away that they can't return if needed."
"Won't it be weird, everyone leaving the court?" Nervous at the mention of Drake's name.
"Not everyone is leaving the court, Laila. Not everyone remains there all year round. Many fae go travelling and seeing the world. Summer is ending and so our time of being in power is coming to an end."
"Wait so does that mean the Unseelie court will be in power?"
"That's right. It's not like a changing of the power or anything like that but simply a set of rules set about by our ancestors. Each court resides over control of Fae and other worldly powers for half a year and then the delegation will be passed onto the other court. Surely you must notice in the human world the change in seasons, the changes in mood? Also being able to see the Fae do you realise you seem to see some more at different times of the year?"
I thought about what he said and it made sense. "You're right, I do see certain creatures more at certain times of the year. It just feels uncomfortable knowing that any problems had by creatures of the other world are handled by the Unseelie Court."
Kheelan laughed. "I used to think that way too but they are not as cold hearted as you think. They are certainly more ruthless in their ways and the fae which reside in that court are certainly more manipulative of humans and their emotions but they are also like us - just trying to find a way to live the way they wish to live. It's why we have negotiations near the changing of powers. To determine if any land needs to change rule so there won't be any trouble.
Unfortunately they are trying to get the rights to land which has been ours since before I was born. It has never been an unruly land and was won by the Seelie Court in a fierce battle."
"Which land is that?"
"The field of Lost Souls."
"What is that place? I read about it in some books but there's no details about the battle there."
Kheelan nodded. "I was not alive when this battle came to pass. My mother was alive but only young herself and not even Queen. The Seelie Queen before her was a fierce sight, my mother said. Her beauty was beyond compare and on the battlefield her sword drew more blood than any other. The battle was one of revenge.
The area was originally a neutral zone between the two courts where anyone could roam. It is a large area maybe three times the size of the Central Park in New York in your world."
"Holy hell," I breathed.
"It all began when the Seelie Queen's brother fell in love with the young princess of the Unseelie Court. It was not allowed, relationships between the two courts. Any heartache would ultimately result in some form of bloodshed which was the case here.
It's unsure how long they were together but from what I understand they loved each other deeply. The prince of the Unseelie court however learned of their romance and in his rage, he killed the Queen's brother and sent his head back to the court as a warning.
The Queen was grief stricken. The brother had been her twin in the womb and they had been close their whole lives. The King had passed some time before and nobody could heal her broken heart, not even my father.
In her grief, she declared war on the Unseelie court, demanding that the man who killed her brother be killed. The Unseelie Court was against this, for reasons I don't know. They refused her and so they went to war."
"Who won?" I asked.
"It was many months before a victor was declared. Many were enlisted to fight in the unending battle. My father told me that the field which was once a beautiful shade of green turned a violent sea of red. Blood and bodies were scattered everywhere. There was no reprieve and no mercy."
"How did it end?"
"The Seelie Queen ended it. She met her brother's murderer on the field and they fought. He was a strong knight of the Unseelie Court but in the end he was no match for a mighty Seelie Queen. Amongst the enemy, the Queen beheaded him and where his body fell, an Elder tree grew in his place, representing the end of the battle.
The Seelie Queen claimed the land as her own and no creature of the Unseelie Court could step foot on its earth again."
"The Queen of the Unseelie Court just gave up?"
Kheelan nodded. "She had no choice. She was fighting a losing battle. The Seelie Queen had got her revenge and her army outnumbered the Unseelie Court. Also there was no reason to fight anymore. If they continued to fight, everyone would have died. Enough souls perished in that battle."
"So are their souls still there?"
"I can't say,' he said honestly. "I've been there myself when I was younger with my father and I thought I saw a soldier looking at me but I may have been imagining it."
I was about to ask about the tree but footsteps sounded and Sorcha entered the grove. We both stood up immediately and I kept my eyes anywhere but on her. Her words still hurt and my wounds were still fresh.
"Lady Sorcha," Kheelan bowed. "You have thought some more of my offer?"
I looked up at him. Offer? He made it sound like a business proposal. If this was the start of their romance I was worried.
"I will come with you to your private home if Lady Laila asks me." Sorcha declared. I could feel her eyes on me but I couldn't meet her gaze.
Kheelan nudged me and sighing I looked up past her shoulder. "I would be most grateful if you would accompany me, Lady Sorcha."
"I would love to Laila." She took a hesitant step towards me and I struggled not to move away.
I just couldn't forgive her yet. I knew I was being stupid but I felt wronged. It was my life on the line should the Queen find out.
"Laila, I would like to -"
"Oh would you look at the time!" I said quickly, wishing I was wearing a watch. "I need to go and speak with Kalen about something. You too have fun wooing each other or whatever you want to call it."
Before Sorcha could respond I walked away, my nails digging into my palms. I heard Kheelan's voice on the wind. "Give her time, this is hardest on her most of all."
I was glad someone realised that.
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