Chapter 17
My first day of freedom I was greeted at my door by a very excited Eva.
"Laila!" she squealed, tackling me back in to the table. "I've missed you so much, I have so much to tell you!"
Her eyes took in the training outfit I was wearing. "Wow you look gorgeous, like a true warrior princess."
Thoughts of Xena came to mind and I laughed. "Thanks, I think. Although I'm sure I won't look so pretty once this training session is finished."
Eva grinned. "Castien has been in such a bad mood since the Queen told him of your boon. I hope you're prepared."
"I hope so too," I muttered.
Linking my arm through hers, I headed out the door. "Why don't you escort me and fill me in with all I've missed."
Eva practically skipped beside me. "Well, first of all the boys who didn't have names? Sorcha went back two days ago and named them. She said the names just came to her."
I smiled, happy the children finally had names. "What are their names?"
"Oh, lets see, there's five of them. There was Isaac, Robert, Zachariah, Nathaniel and Damien."
"They're wonderful names."
Eva continued chatting as we slowly made our way to the training yard. Apparently Woodburn was long gone. Drake's men had 'escorted' him from the court and the tracker they had placed on him lost him near the White Lake. Eva didn't seem too concerned about him and I sensed no conflict when he was mentioned. I was glad she was a girl who could let go so easily.
More news of Kheelan had come. He said he would be returning soon and retiring to his private estate with his fiancé.
I didn't like the sound of that. I'd have to figure out a way to get Sorcha to come with us. Hopefully Kheelan had already thought of this himself. In a way it would also be a relief to get away from the Court. Every time I saw the Queen I thought my nerves were finally done for.
We were nearing the final corridor before the training yard when Quain walked around the corner, nose buried in a book.
"Good morning Quain," Eva said brightly.
Quain's head snapped out of his book, the tips of his ears turning red. He bowed. "Good morning Lady Eva, Lady Laila."
We both curtsied and I felt a sneaky plan begin to form.
"Quain could you please do me a favour?" I asked innocently. "I'm just off to meet Drake but I think I can manage from here by myself. Would you mind walking with Lady Eva to her next destination? I don't like the thought of her wandering around on her own."
Eva opened her mouth to argue but Quain quickly said, "I wouldn't mind, it would be my pleasure."
Awkwardly he held out his arm and Eva took it after I nudged her in his direction. "Great! Thanks, well I'll talk to you later, wish me luck Eva!"
She turned back to look at me as they walked away and I gave her a wink. Hopefully spending some time with a nice guy would open her eyes a bit. Turning around I headed to the training yard thinking of all these couples that were forming around me. I really should be getting more out of this deal.
* * * * *
From the moment I saw Drake waiting for me in the empty training yard, I knew he wasn't going to make this easy.
"Good morning," I said brightly, hoping to get him to cheer up.
His face remained encased in stone, eyes boring into me. Casually I swung my arms looking around. "So where do we start?"
Drake's eyes didn't move but his lips responded. "We need to determine how strong you are now."
Sounded easy enough. "How do we do that?"
I blinked and Drake vanished reappearing in front of me. I tried not to gasp in surprise but a small sound escaped my lips.
"Hit me." He ordered.
"I'm sorry?"
"Hit me and I'll be able to tell how strong you are."
"What, like in the face?" I asked nervously.
"Yes," he snapped.
"You know that didn't exactly work out well for me last time -"
"Stop stalling Laila, I don't have all day."
His attitude was starting to piss me off so I decided to do what he asked. Swinging back I punched him in the chest. I couldn't bring myself to hit him in the face. It didn't feel right.
I still cursed as my hand snapped in pain. Before I could move it away Drake held it between his own hands. They were so large they engulfed mine. His eyes closed and I felt something moving across my skin. Soon the pain was gone and I looked at him in wonder.
"What did you do?"
"I healed your pain. It's a simple technique I learned so I can heal myself in the middle of battle."
"That's not a bad idea. Thank you, but if you can do that why didn't you just heal my hand before?"
"Because it had been left too long due to your stubbornness."
My fists clenched as I tried to remain to calm. "So how strong am I?"
"You're weak," he said with no hesitation.
I began to feel it. Anger starting to boil. "I knocked Woodburn to the ground remember. Just how much stronger are you than him?"
Drake pointed at his Captain's insignia. "I'm a Captain, remember? I'm much stronger than that bastard could ever have hoped to be. The only reason you won that day was because you used your fae powers."
At the mention of my fae abilities the anger was washed out in fear. "I did not."
"You did. You saw my move before yes?" he asked and I nodded. "I appeared in front you using speed. You did the same thing when you attacked Woodburn."
I suddenly felt ill. I had known I would have to use my powers but I had always tried to avoid them. It was a default reaction to feel horrified that I had used them in my anger.
Taking a step back I put a hand over my mouth. Drake's eyes flashed momentarily with concern as he took a step after me. "Laila -"
I shook my head turning away from him. "Just give me a minute. I need to process."
Crouching down I focused on breathing, telling myself I had to do this. I had no choice but to use my abilities if I wished to survive here. I had always known this was inevitable but using my powers made me think of what they had done to my mother. I didn't want to end up like them, consumed with using my power to get what I want.
I just wanted to try and be normal.
Once my breathing and my conscious had calmed I stood back up and took a faltering step back. Drake had come around and was standing before me. I don't know how he was so good at sneaking but he had to teach me.
He grabbed my shoulders as I stepped back. "Are you alright, my Lady?"
I nodded, trying to move away, having had enough of his attitude and mood swings, but his hold tightened. I looked to the ground muttering, "I'm fine. What's next?"
"Look at me, my Lady."
Sighing I looked up, knowing I wasn't going to win. "I'm not in the mood Drake, let's just move onto the next step. The sooner you start teaching me the sooner you can leave me alone and go and do whatever the hell you wish you were doing right now."
It was almost invisible but I saw it. He flinched, his hands tightening and releasing on my shoulders. His eyes clouded over and it looked as though he was fighting internally with himself before he stepped away. I wished I could sense what he was feeling, not knowing was actually worrying me.
"Today, we'll just focus on some exercises you should start doing every morning."
I nodded. "Let's get to it then."
As I looked away I saw a shutter fall over his eyes and I got nothing else out of him for the lesson but instructions on how to stretch my body so I would be limber enough to move with a weapon.
This was fine with me.
I mimicked Drake's instruction and he moved my arms and legs whenever I was positioned incorrectly. At one point he held my waist as he turned it gently to the right position and I felt the skin burning where he had touched me. I wondered if maybe he had used some sort of power on me.
Once we were done, I started to leave when his voice halted me.
"Laila, I wish to apologise for my behaviour this morning. I was angry about doing this but not for the reasons you think."
I didn't look back at him but asked wearily, "Why?"
"It is my job to protect you and when you said you wished to learn to defend yourself, I didn't say no because I thought you would distract my men. I said no because I felt it meant you didn't trust me with protecting you."
I spun around, shocked by his confession. He was hurt because he thought I didn't trust him.
Hesitant, I walked forward and took his hand. His eyes widened slightly. "I'm sorry you thought that Drake. I didn't intend that at all. I simply wished to protect myself because I feel it's something I need to do. I'm in an unknown world with creatures stronger than my imagination. I know I can trust you to protect me, I trust you with my life Drake, but you can't guarantee you'll always be there."
At hearing my trust in him, his face gentled and he held my hand tighter, pulling me closer to him. My heart started thundering in my ears for reasons I didn't know. He was so close now I felt his breath fanning my face as he looked down at me. I only had to lean up a little closer and we would be close enough for things I shouldn't have been thinking about.
He leaned closer again, our foreheads brushing against each other murmuring, "Laila, I -"
Kalen's voice worked through my haze and Drake and I each took a quick step back. My face felt red as I looked at him confused. Drake's eyes remained on me, though he appeared more annoyed than surprised.
Turning away, I broke eye contact first as Kalen came around the corner.
"There you are!" he said cheerfully. "How goes the training?"
"Good!" I shouted and Kalen looked at me in surprise.
"You sound very energetic about it. Something's got you excited."
"He hasn't - ah it hasn't I'm just all wired up from the stretching," I said a little too quickly.
Kalen looked suspicious. "Well, your first session is over today so I thought you and I could go for a walk."
"Sounds good," I agreed quickly.
Looking back I saw that Drake's eyes remained on me and my cheeks flamed again. "I'll see you tomorrow Drake, same time. Thanks for today's lesson!"
I quickly curtsied and grabbed Kalen, dragging him out of the training yard.
What just happened? Why was I acting that way around Drake? Why had he pulled me closer and more important, why did I still want to kiss him?
Looking around I saw Kalen watching me with amusement, his eyes slowly moved to our hands and I realised I'd dragged him to Daphne's garden and had just been standing there glaring at her tree.
"Sorry. I don't know what came over me."
I let him go and stepped aside.
"I know."
I looked at him warily. "What do you mean?"
"I mean,' he said leaning towards me, "You've got it bad for a certain Captain."
"I do not!"
Taking a step back I tried to laugh the thought off but once he had said it, the thought didn't want to leave. The more the words echoed in my ears I knew he was damn right. I did like him. I just didn't want to admit it to myself.
Kalen danced around me, singing, "You like him, you like him," repeatedly.
Growling I stuck my leg out and tripped him up. Crouching down I put my hands over my ears muttering frantically, "Holy crap I really like him. This is bad. I can't like him that's not what's supposed to happen."
Kalen crouched in front of me and took my hands away from my ears. "Nothing ever happens as we plan it Laila. Why is it bad anyway? Drake's a good guy and its obvious he likes you too, I've never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you Laila."
"Of course it's bad!" I snapped, not listening to Kalen's words. "He thinks I'm engaged to Kheelan! He's going to think I'm some sort of hussy if I start flirting with him."
Kalen rolled his eyes. "You're already flirting with him. I witnessed that little scene out there in the training yard and trust me, if I hadn't intervened -"
"Ah don't talk about it! I'm trying to erase it from my mind!"
I started running around Daphne's tree singing loudly with my ears covered. Kalen grabbed me and ripped my hands from my ears again holding me close.
"Laila stop it. Look, I know you're probably freaking out about this but I don't understand why. When Kheelan gets back he gets to start courting Sorcha and ultimately get his true love. Why won't you let yourself have a chance at love as well?"
"Because,' I whispered. "I don't belong here. Once this is over I'll be going back to the mortal world. I love you guys, I truly do but I can't stay here. I have to find my dad."
Kalen closed his eyes resting his forehead against mine. "You don't understand it yet, Laila. You belong here. You never fit in the mortal world. Even if you do go back, word will spread about you and what you did for Kheelan. You'll be tormented for the rest of your life. We're your friends. I'd even hazard the first true friends you've ever had."
"Kalen -"
"Don't say anything,' he said softly. "Just think about it. I'm not trying to guilt you into anything Laila, I'm just saying; we're all trying to find love. Why can't you as well?"
Kalen stepped back, releasing my arms and walked out of the grove, leaving me standing beneath Daphne's limbs with dangerous thoughts taking root in my mind and heart.
* * * * *
With each training session I tried to avoid talking to Drake as much as possible. When I did speak I made sure it was only about what he was teaching me. Each morning we went through the exercises and then ran for an hour around the court.
I loved running. It was much nicer here because the creatures didn't try to attack me or trip me up. On the second day Drake had made me choose a weapon I would like to learn to use. After going through a huge variety, many of which I had never heard of, I finally settled on short swords. They were easy to carry and required a lightness of foot I was good at.
Using sticks to begin with, Drake showed me proper technique and basic skills I would need to master. When our lessons were over I always rushed back to my room before we could talk about anything else, taking my sticks with me so I could train in my room.
As each day passed, my body ached less and my technique began to sharpen as Drake's mood continued to darken. My avoidance was annoying him and I knew he could catch me to make me talk but he never did which made me feel guilty for some reason.
He looked as though he wanted to shake some sense into me but he stood still, always letting me escape.
On the seventh day, I was collecting my sticks preparing to say goodbye when his mood finally snapped. I bent down to grab my second stick and a hand shot out and grabbed it before me. Drake moved away, eyes flashing.
"Can I have my stick please, Drake?"
He shook his head, his jaw line tense. "Not until we talk about what happened the other day."
"Look, it's okay and I don't really want to talk about it."
"Well I do!" he threw the stick and it splintered against the rock wall. The other stick dropped from my hand in shock.
"Alright,' I said nervous. "What do you want to talk about?"
His arms fell limply to his sides and he looked guilty for what he had just done. "I wish to apologise for my behaviour on that first training day. I realise I was too abrupt and I caused you some distress. I don't wish for you to be angry at me. If it still upsets you, I'll ask Sir Ambrus to take over your training."
"No!" I shouted and his head shot up in surprise.
Way to play it cool. "I mean, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting I know it's pretty childish, but I still want you to train me. I like spending time with you - wait I mean I we're friends and because you're so busy this is really the only time we get to hang out and stuff so I promise I'll stop acting like a five year old and start acting my age."
Trying to appear nonchalant I held out my hand, hoping the tremble wasn't too obvious. "Friends?"
His eyes darkened and he stepped forward, hand clasping mine. "Friends."
His voice was stiff and though I was glad I'd survived, my heart was beating very painfully at his acknowledgement that we were just friends.
I started to move away but his grip tightened and he pulled me closer his lips brushing my ear, sending tingles down my spine. "I want you to know my Lady, I will always have time for you."
Stepping to the side he moved past me, his fingers brushing my hand as I passed. Frozen from his touch and words, I numbly heard a trumpet sound.
Drake stopped at the edge of the yard, his back to me.
"The prince has returned," he said quietly.
"Oh,' I whispered, watching him walk out the yard.
I didn't move until Sorcha and Eva found me, both excited for Kheelan's return. I found I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be at the return of my fake fiancé.
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