Chapter 11
Waking up the next morning was a bad idea. I needed at least one more day's sleep before I was ready to face the world again. My head didn't feel as bad it had last night but the sunlight coming through my window wasn't making it feel any better.
Groaning I rolled onto my side and buried my head back under the blankets, wishing I could just slip into oblivion. Before I could drift back off to sleep the covers were yanked from my body and I instinctively curled into a tighter ball.
"Oh good you're awake!"
I recognised the voice and it was too cheerful for whatever time of morning it was. "Good morning Eva. What are you doing here?"
"Didn't Castien tell you? I was going to have breakfast with you."
Memories of last night flashed hazily through my mind and the end of the evening flashed with bright clarity. My cheeks reddened at the way I'd acted in front of Drake. He probably thought I was some sort of cry baby now. One day I would have to prove to him I was no light weight drunk.
Rubbing my eyes I sat up slowly. "Sorry Eva, I do remember Drake telling me, I'm just not feeling too well after last night."
"Ah yes, my brother did say the Queen used her little truth trick on you. Although I must agree with him. I've never seen someone have a reaction quite like yours. Maybe it's because of your mixed blood?"
I wanted to mention Kheelan's possible interference but I held my tongue. "Yeah, I guess that could be it."
Standing up, the world spun for a moment and I held my head.
"Are you alright?" Eva asked stepping forward in concern.
"I'm fine, thank you I just need some really greasy food to make me feel better."
"Ah, well we don't have any greasy food I'm afraid, but I have prepared some watermelon and strawberries along with a special herbal tea, it's an old family recipe used to cure states of inebriation."
My heart sank at the sight of the fresh fruit before me but I put on a smile. Eva had gone to all this trouble for me and I didn't want to seem ungrateful. "It's no eggs Florentine but I'll take it. Thank you Eva."
Beaming, she sat next to me as I took a cautious sip of her tea. It tasted like honey tinged with cinnamon. A strange combination but I quite liked it. Taking a more generous sip, I watched Eva's face light up when she realised I liked it. Munching on some watermelon, I felt my stomach rebel but I managed to keep it down.
"So, what's the plan for today? Catching up with Woodburn?" Eva's cheeks turned pink and I grinned. "I take that as a yes?"
She nodded, eyes bright. "He asked me to go to the Water Grove today. It's one of the most romantic places in the Seelie Court. I'm so excited! Is what I'm wearing okay?"
She wore a light green dress accentuating her black hair which she had tied away from her face, the rest falling down her back in long waves. The girl could have worn a brown sack and still looked beautiful.
"You look perfect." I told her. Something inside me was telling me to stop her. It felt like a setup, taking her to some romantic setting to win her over and get what he wanted. I just hoped at the end of the day her heart was still in one piece.
I listened silently as Eva talked nonstop about her plans for the day, her thoughts on Woodburn actually bringing my nausea back. Just when I thought the strawberries were going to make a reappearance she finally changed the subject. "So what are you going to do today?"
The question surprised me. "I don't know. I don't have any plans."
I was hoping they would all forget about me and I could just sleep but I had a feeling that wasn't going to happen.
"Why don't you freshen up and get dressed and you can spend some time with Prince Kalen and Lady Sorcha? They are going down to the Ringwood." Eva suggested.
"The Ringwood? What's that?" I took another sip of tea, finally beginning to feel normal as the cup emptied.
"The Ringwood is a small area just outside the Court. One of the old fae lives there and often asks for help every now and then when she needs to go and sort out some things in the forest. Anyway Lady Sorcha likes to go down there and help where she can. Prince Kalen goes because it is expected of him. Sometimes my brother will accompany them but he's busy today dealing with some matters he wouldn't tell me about. I think Sir Ambrus is going with them today as well."
"Who's that?"
"He's a member of the royal guard. He was there yesterday, teaching swordsmanship."
The Legolas look alike who winked at me sprung to mind. "You mean the blonde one with long hair?"
She nodded, "That's Ambrus. He can be quite the tease but he means no harm. I've known him since I was a child, he's like a brother to me."
I nodded and she smiled. "Don't worry, you'll like him, he's one of the nice ones. He would never judge you by your blood. Not like others."
Her voice lowered to a dark mutter and I had a feeling she'd been hearing some unpleasant things about my heritage in the two days I'd been here. Trying to remain positive I smiled and reached out squeezing her hand.
"Don't let it get to you, Eva. I'm not. I refuse to give them that kind of satisfaction. Just brush it aside and hold your head high. Words are just words, they can only inflict pain if you let them."
Something akin to respect flashed in her eyes and she agreed, finishing her tea before standing up to leave. "I'll return in another hour to collect you."
She started to leave but turned back at the door. "How are you feeling by the way? You've got colour back in your cheeks, I trust that tea worked?"
I nodded and raised my cup in salute. "It's miracle tea. You saved my life today Eva. I actually feel like I'm going to live now."
Her cheeks flushed at the praise and she giggled as she walked out the door. I shook my head smiling as I finished my tea. She really was a sweet girl. Once I'd bathed and felt truly alive, I changed into a simple lavender coloured gown with a white sash tied around my waist. I quickly braided my hair, flipping it back over my shoulder so it fell down my back. As I was putting on my mother's ring, a silver band with single blue gemstone at its centre, Eva walked back in.
I noticed she didn't bother knocking when it came to me. I guess she didn't feel the need to. Rather than be offended I was actually happy she felt she could just come and see me when she pleased.
"Oh good, you're ready," she smiled as her eyes looked me over. "You look really pretty Laila."
I nodded, muttering thanks. I'd never been good at accepting praise. I tended to brush it aside and get uncomfortable. Today was no exception.
"So,' I cleared my throat, "Did Kalen say it was alright to go with him?"
A voice sounded around the door. "He was quite flattered actually that you wanted to spend time with him. If his brother's not careful he may try and steal you from him."
I rolled my eyes as Kalen appeared around my door. "Good morning, Lady."
"Good morning, Prince Kalen and for your information you could never steal me from your brother. Just the thought of being tied to you for all eternity makes me shudder."
Eva giggled and I walked out my door, closing it behind me. Kalen didn't look affronted at my remark but rather amused. It was actually kind of nice having someone I could share an inside joke with. I gave him a wink and followed him and Eva out to the court's entrance.
We passed a few fae, all greeted us kindly though I felt some harsh stares burning into my back when we passed. We passed one lady who didn't even try to hide her hostility. She simply sneered at me as she bowed stiffly before she spoke.
"I must say it's rather interesting to see a half breed such as yourself. We see so few of you, of course most fae have better sense than to reproduce with a mortal. But then again, your father wasn't exactly right in the head was he? He wouldn't be to have fallen for a mortal woman."
My teeth ground tightly together as I struggled to control my anger. Kheelan's words came back to me and I tried to remember them but they began to blur as my anger blinded me. I didn't care that she had insulted me. She could call me whatever she wanted. But insult both my parents? That just wasn't cricket.
Before I could unleash my wrath, Kalen stepped forward. "You forget yourself, Lady Isobelle. You are speaking to the future King's fiancé. You will apologise now or face punishment."
My eyes whipped to Kalen in shock. His face was set in stone, eyes cold and hard. It didn't look right on his face. He truly looked otherworldly in this moment making me remember that while he joked with me, he was still a powerful Seelie prince.
Lady Isobelle lowered her eyes, bowing meekly before her prince. "My apologies Prince Kalen, Lady Laila. I forget myself. Next time I shall take more care with my words."
Her voice sounded sincere but when she looked up, she glared at me menacingly. Great, I think I just made my first enemy.
Kalen simply nodded before walking past her. Eva gripped my arm, pulling me past Lady Isobelle. Her eyes burned into the back of my skull until we rounded a corner and only then did Eva release my arm.
"What an awful woman,' she hissed. "I wish she'd just go away!"
"Eva!" I was surprised at her anger.
Eva shook her head, eyes flashing with anger. "I'm sorry but I do! She's like a parasite, leeching on every available man she can get her hands on. I know for a fact she's got her eye on my brother."
She snorted in disgust. "If my brother is stupid enough to fall for her snake like charms then I'll disown him until I can beat some sense into him."
I burst into laughter at the passion in her voice. I tried to picture her beating her older brother but the image was too hilarious. Ahead of me I heard Kalen chuckling and knew he was listening.
"What did I tell you this morning?" I whispered to Eva who looked chastised.
"You're right, sorry Laila. I'll try not to let it get to me."
"Good,' I linked my arm through hers and gave her arm a squeeze. "You just focus on your date today with lover boy and if your brother does fall for that crazy bi - ah woman then I'll help you beat some sense into him."
Eva laughed. "You're a good friend."
We reached the entrance where Lady Sorcha and Sir Ambrus were waiting. Lady Sorcha looked beautiful in her cream coloured dress, a deep green belt around her waist. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun, not a hair out of place. Sir Ambrus was in his uniform which seemed to fit him quite well.
They both bowed when we arrived and we all bowed and curtsied. Only the second day in and I was already sick of this formality. I felt like giving one of them a fist bump just to see how they would react.
Sir Ambrus smiled and greeted me warmly. Just as I'd predicted in the training yard yesterday, he would be an ally. "Good morning, Ladies, Prince Kalen. Are we ready to depart?"
I nodded and Eva moved away, practically buzzing with excitement. We said our farewells and I mouthed the word details. She nodded and turned away practically running as she went to have the date of her dreams.
"Right,' Kalen said. "Well let's get moving shall we?"
I stepped in beside Sir Ambrus as Kalen escorted Lady Sorcha. I was kind of hoping I would walk with Lady Sorcha but something was wrong. When she had looked at me on arrival her gaze had been cold and calculating. Completely different to when we had first met the other day. I wasn't sure but something had happened in the last day and obviously it wasn't in my favour.
Sir Ambrus interrupted my worried thoughts. "How have you fared since your arrival my Lady? I saw you in the training yard yesterday. Did our men impress you?"
"It's certainly been interesting," I admitted. "It's a beautiful place to live. Your men did impress me, though at the time I admit I was more impressed with their physical appearances than their fighting abilities."
Sir Ambrus chuckled. "I thought as much. Your cheeks were quite flushed, especially when our Captain was near. Even now your cheeks redden."
I quickly looked down, cheeks burning at the memory. "Oh god I must have looked like an idiot."
"Yes my lady, but an adorable one."
Smiling I looked back up, liking Sir Ambrus more and more with each word he spoke. "Well as long as I looked adorable then I guess that's alright."
He laughed as he stepped over a large tree root, offering a helping hand. "I find I quite like you, Lady Laila. I hope in time we can become good friends."
Accepting his hand, he lifted me easily over the tree root and deposited me safely on the other side. "I'd like that Sir Ambrus."
We continued talking as we walked through the small forest. Small creatures scurried around out of our path. Some had five to six legs, all a variety of colour. Purple coloured birds flitted through the trees, looking for sustenance. A fat tabby cat was curled up on a small branch high above and I swear it winked at me. Any more crazy creatures and I'd swear I'd fallen down the rabbit hole and into wonderland. The trees started clearing and soon a small cottage sat before us.
Thinking of creatures made me remember Alpin and I felt guilty for not thinking of him sooner. I wondered if he was still waiting outside. I made a mental note to ask Kalen later if he could find out for me.
Made of white stone, two windows sat opposite the wooden front door, their red window sills looking picturesque. Snap dragons of every colour filled the front garden and their smell filled the air with a sweet scent. At our approach the front door opened and an older woman stepped out to greet us. She appeared to be in her mid forties, slight age lines beginning to form around her eyes and mouth. Her hair, still a beautiful hazel brown was cut short in a pixie style. She didn't wear a dress though but black pants which hugged her legs and a white shirt with a black belt wrapped around her waist. I was instantly jealous. Why couldn't I wear pants too?
She was the oldest faery I'd seen yet. I knew they took many years to age and for her to look this old she must have been thousands of years old. I didn't sense anything bad about her though, her smile was warm and welcoming as she greeted Prince Kalen like an old friend.
"It's lovely to see you all and I see we have a new face." Her voice was tender and loving, reminding me of my mother's when I had been young. Her eyes fell on me and I braced myself.
"You must be Kheelan's new bride-to-be that everyone is talking about. It's been some years since I've met a half fey child." Stepping past the others she cupped my face, eyes searching my own. I felt her sifting through my mind as if I was some sort of computer and she was checking for any bugs.
"I like you," she said finally stepping away. "You have a kind soul. I'm glad you have offered to come and spend time with these children."
I nodded, though her mention of children confused me. Kalen and Eva hadn't mentioned children. Looking to Kalen I shot him a questioning glance but he simply looked away. My heart started pounding as I followed them through the door, my brain already realising what they meant when they said children.
Walking through the cottage, there was nothing about it that screamed fey. It looked like a simple home, cosy chairs arranged around a fire place, book shelves filled with novels lined a wall in the living room. Passing the kitchen I saw a young girl mixing a batter in a large bowl, her tongue sticking out in concentration as she stirred furiously. We reached the back door and I tried to control my emotions as we stepped out into the backyard.
An orchard of apple trees filled the yard, child standing or sitting below them. What I noticed was no one was playing. They simply sat, staring into space. None of them even turned when we arrived.
Ms Jen smiled and motioned for us to step out. "I'll be back in a few hours, I have to go and fetch some provisions from a friend in the forest. I'll be back soon. Thank you very much for your assistance."
Before we could reply, she scurried off leaving us to care for approximately ten children. I knew what children they were. They were stolen children, those who had been exchanged, changelings left in their place. All these poor children stolen from their families, never knowing a real life. I'd heard how they aged slowly, many of them looking to be nine or ten years old. I wondered how long they had been here. Had their families lived and died, never knowing what had happened to them?
I turned to a blurry Kalen, realising tears had pooled in my eyes. Quickly I brushed them aside. "Sorry, Kalen. Did you say something?"
His face softened at my distress. "No, nothing my lady. Why don't you and Lady Sorcha take the girls and we'll take the boys?"
I nodded, feeling too numb to speak as I followed Sorcha. We collected the girls and sat them in a circle. None of them spoke, simply doing as we wished. Lady Sorcha seated herself on the grass and I did the same, the cool grass seeping through my dress. Hesitantly, I reached out and began to brush one little girl's hair, braiding it down her back as she sat still. Lady Sorcha smiled and spoke with the girls murmuring gently in their ears.
I felt like I had to say something to break this awkward tension which had developed between us. "So, Lady Sorcha do you come here often?"
She nodded, answering curtly. "I try to visit the children at least three times a month."
Finishing one girl's hair I moved onto a little girl with ebony hair.
"Hi,' I said softly, "What's your name?"
"They don't have names."
I looked at Sorcha confused. "I'm sorry?"
"These children don't have names. They were taken from them when they came to our world."
I looked at the young girl before me, my nose stinging as I held back tears. "Nobody gave them a new one?"
"No,' she said shortly. "Ms Jen looks after them and if she wishes to name them then it is her duty to do so."
Her voice was cold but her eyes told another story. They were pained, like mine and her brushing grew a little rougher as her hands trembled. Maybe she wasn't so cold after all. Reaching out I gently grabbed her hand, halting the comb's journey through the blonde girl's hair.
"How about we name them?"
Sorcha looked horrified. "We cannot do that. It is not our place -"
"Who cares about place?' I snapped. "These children were stolen from their families. They have nothing but Ms Jen and this home. Surely they deserve something they can call their own?"
Standing up I crouched down in front of the black haired girl. Her eyes stared vacantly into mine. Reaching out I cupped her cheek, searching for anything inside her. I felt a small spark and hope flared.
Looking at her face, I was reminded of the kid's movie Aladdin. "I think you look like a Jasmine. Your name is Jasmine now, okay?"
Her eyes didn't move but I saw it; a spark flared in their dark depths. She had heard me. Her mouth opened and I heard Sorcha gasp.
Her voice was soft, broken as she whispered her new name. Smiling I nodded, patting her hair soothingly. "That's right, Jasmine. Now I'm going to finish braiding your hair okay?"
Jasmine nodded, eyes still looking at something I couldn't see. A feeling of triumph seared through me. It wasn't much but it was a start.
Sorcha stared at me with wonder in her eyes. "I've never heard them speak before. I've been coming here for years and in one day you have done the impossible."
Her eyes lowered and she sighed softly. "I can see why Prince Kheelan chose you."
I looked up sharply, hearing the dejection in her voice. Could it be?
I kept my mouth shut, struggling against the smile threatening to break free. Patience, I reminded myself as I finished Jasmine's hair. One day at a time.
We finished braiding their hair and soon each girl had a new name; Jasmine, Kaylee, Olivia, Hannah and Georgina. Each girl responded to their name, bringing Sorcha and myself joy. Sorcha named Hannah and Georgina. She told me Georgina was her little sister's name.
We sat under one of the trees, waiting for the guys to finish with the boys once we had finished giving the girls little beauty treatments.
"Do you miss your family?" I asked.
"I miss some of them," she admitted and I remembered her father trading her to the court.
"Do you wish to return home?"
She nodded, eyes sad. "I do wish to return home. I miss my sister and my land. I would like to know they are well and prospering. But then I think of leaving the court and my heart saddens. I have grown to love this place. There are those I wish to never see again and then there are those I wish to never be parted from."
"Like who?"
Her cheeks reddened and she looked away. "I cannot say, please do not make me speak of it or I fear we will no longer be friends."
I nodded, shining an apple on my dress. "It's alright you don't have to speak of it. I'm glad you now consider me as a friend. I thought this morning that you hated me."
Her eyes raised in shock. "Forgive me lady, I was being petty this morning and letting my emotions get the better of me. It's a terrible trait I cannot seem to cure."
"Don't apologise Lady Sorcha. You should trust your emotions, they may feel wrong at the time but they will inevitably lead you down the right path."
Sorcha smiled. "You speak as though from experience Lady."
I shrugged. "A little from experience Lady Sorcha and a little from advice I have received long ago."
We fell into silence and I passed Sorcha my shiny apple. "Here, I hope we're allowed to eat these."
Taking the apple she looked at me strangely. "You know you are the first person I have met who has not treated me differently because I am...well -"
"Lower class?"
Her gaze sharpened. "You know of this?"
"Kheelan told me when we arrived. He was telling me about all the people here he admired. He spoke very highly of you Lady and said he was disappointed that people treated you differently because of your status. He said you had a kind heart. When he spoke of you I hoped immediately that we would become friends. Also I am in no position to judge am I not? I'm not exactly looked upon favourably myself."
Her eyes grew distant at my words and I hope she took from them what I wanted her to take; that Kheelan thought highly of her. Slowly her eyes turned back to me and she smiled. "I'm happy to be your friend Lady Laila. Others may not look upon you favourably but today you have shown me that blood does not make the person. Their actions and behaviour do. I am glad we have spent time together."
Happy I'd made some progress, I smiled as I cleaned another apple. I now had four allies. Five if you counted Drake but I couldn't be too sure about him yet. He had promised Kheelan he would protect me but I had a feeling that if the Queen asked him to kill me, he wouldn't hesitate.
"Are you ready to leave?"
Kalen and Ambrus arrived, looking slightly flustered.
"What have you two been doing to look so flustered?" I asked, curious.
We've just been playing with the boys, trying to get them to respond. After much running and swinging we finally admitted defeat."
"Well,' Lady Sorcha smiled, "At least some of us had a victory today."
Both men looked confused and Sorcha stood up and led Hannah back over. "Can you tell the prince what your name is?"
Her eyes turned to Kalen and she whispered, "Hannah."
Both men looked stunned.
"Impossible," Kalen whispered as he crouched before Hannah.
"Quite possible." Ms Jen stood by her back door, the young girl from the kitchen at her side. I noticed her arms had a green tinge to them, her ears slanted. She was a nymph child.
"What do you mean Ms Jen?" Sorcha asked.
"These children have been waiting for some time for someone to give them something. Whose idea was it to give them a name?"
Slowly I raised my hand. "That would be me."
Instead of being angry she smiled kindly. "Fear not child, I am not angry. I have never named these children because it was not my purpose in life. I was waiting for someone to come who would help these children."
"Why was it not your purpose?" I asked.
"The King, bless his soul, gave me this task of caring for these children before he passed, nothing more. I asked him if he wished for me to name them but he told me no. He said one day a person would come, a future Queen who would reach these children and give them something they could truly call their own. It would seem today is that day. I would ask that you speak with the boys but it's their supper time. Next time you visit you can help them find their names."
Looking at the children, I felt a little creeped out that the King had foreseen this happening. Of course I wasn't destined to be Queen but Lady Sorcha on the other hand...
I gave the children all a quick hug goodbye and followed the others back towards the court as Ms Jen bid us farewell. This time I walked beside Kalen who murmured, "How was your day my lady?"
"It was interesting. Definitely an improvement on yesterday, apart from our time in the garden of course. It also proves that Sorcha is going to marry your brother. She helped me name them, I also know she's been wanting to give them names for some time."
He smiled, giving my arm a squeeze. "I apologise for my mother. I understand she wasn't so nice during dinner last night."
"That's the understatement of the year." I muttered.
He laughed. "What about Sorcha? Have you two bonded? Best friends for life?"
"I'll be making best friend forever bracelets as soon as I get back to my room."
"Be careful Laila,' he warned. "Lady Sorcha is quite clever. Your ways of enticing her to Kheelan's side will need to be very sneaky."
"I know. I actually do like her. I can see why Kheelan loves her. I also think it won't take much to convince her of Kheelan's affections. I just need to plant the right seeds and let them grow."
By the time we reached the Court, the sun was setting and I felt exhausted emotionally. As we parted ways I grabbed Sorcha's arm. "Do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow? I was hoping you could tell me more about those children and we could get to know each other better."
Sorcha smiled. "Sure. I'll meet you at Daphne's tree at midday."
"Awesome. See you then!"
Exhausted, I managed to find my way back to my room. Collapsing on my bed I didn't bother changing my clothes as I let sleep claim me.
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