The Faded Rose - Three - Want
• T H E F A D E D R O S E • C H A P T E R T H R E E • W A N T •
The morning dew glistened on the tips of the dull grass. The sun was peeking from behind the grey clouds- only to be shut away shortly after one of its rays managed to bless someone with its light.
I quietly creaked open my front door, slipping inside as stealthily as possible. My mother didn't care if I wasn't home last night, but I'd prefer she didn't ask me questions. I wanted to avoid lying to her
I set my purse down on the staircase, placing my heels from the night before next to it. I made my way up the carpeted steps without making a peep- but as I strolled past her room, the women called me inside.
With a sigh, I pushed open her bedroom door to see her lying in bed with the tv on- a cigarette between her lips, and an empty bottle of jack Daniels on her nightstand. The sight put a damper in my heart. My mother- she wasn't well.
Her once radiant face was all tired and wrinkly now. The color in her brown eyes faded till it looked black. Her skin was lined with several creases, and her veins popped from beneath her flesh- just below the many injection marks.
"Why didn't you come home last night?" She asked, blowing out a puff of smoke while keeping her focus on the flashing tv before us.
I wanted to roll my eyes and yell 'you don't even care'- but I stopped myself. Respect would be how I'd get away sooner.
"I slept over at Carrie's." I lied. I'm always at Carrie's, and if my mother happened to call- which would be rare-, her and her family would cover for me. They always did.
She distantly nodded, taking slow drags from the rolled paper in between her fingers. "Did you have fun?"
My insides turned fuzzy. I remembered last night, and everything Travis and I had done. Of course I had fun- I had an amazing time. I loved it. I wanted it. I craved it.
One thing I couldn't wrap my mind around, was why I slipped out this morning before he could wake up. I didn't leave my address, I didn't leave my number- I didn't leave anything. I just got up, got dressed, and went to take the earliest train home.
I guess I just didn't want to risk anyone finding out. I'd be seen as a freak. Everything I had in life would slowly disappear, and I'd end up like my mother. I don't want to end up like her.
"Hailey?" She cocked an eyebrow, but still didn't look at me. I blinked a few times while I pulled myself back into the moment.
"Sorry." I apologized, "Yea, we had fun."
We were perched on the bench in front of the basketball courts, watching as the guys dribbled and passed and shoot. This was what Carrie and I always did during our 'Recess'.
Carrie pulled out a cig, lighting it before taking a drag and then handing it to me. I took the thing between my fingers, placing it to my lips so I could inhale its deathly contents.
"So-." She began, taking the cig away from me, "You never told me about what happened Friday night."
I knew she was going to ask. I didn't blame her either- but I didn't want to tell her what had happened. As much as I loved the girl, she had a tendency to tell everyone secrets.
I shrugged my shoulders, "He just dropped me off at the station."
"He didn't take you home with him?" She seemed disappointed.
I shook my head, biting my lower lip. He took me home alright. His whole apartment was practically inside of me. Carrie couldn't know- no one could.
The sound of tires moving over gravel filled the premises, and that same, familiar corvette pulled up next to the gate blocking the basketball court. My mouth fell, as nobody other than Travis emerged from his vehicle.
"Is that- the guy from Friday?" She asked me, cocking one eyebrow.
What was he doing here? How did he find me?
I slowly nodded my head, watching as he casually walked over to us the same way he did in the restaurant. He shared a wide grin, and his hands stayed barricaded inside his jean pockets. He wore black skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, and a 'Forgeiner' T-shirt underneath. He looked like one of the boys playing basketball next to him.
"Hi Darling." He cooed, bending down to place his lips directly on mine. I stared up at him, unable to comprehend what he was doing. Why was he calling me that? Why did he kiss me?
"Darling?" Carrie asked, shifting her gaze from me to Travis.
"I don't think we've properly met." Travis said, extending his hand. "I'm Travis, Hailey's boyfriend."
I froze listening to his words. Did he just call himself my boyfriend?
Carrie gave him her hand, and his slowly brought it to his lips. He gave the back of her hand a gentle kiss, the way a gentleman would have. She thought it was sweet- and maybe I would have though that too if he didn't show up here- but now, it felt creepy. The sight sent shivers down my spine.
"Why didn't you tell me you two were a thing?" She asked me, her eyes filled with sadness because I lied to her.
Because I didn't know. I shrugged my shoulders, "It must've slipped my mind." I then turned to the man standing above us, "Can I talk to you please?"
He nodded, taking my hand and leading me away from the table. We stood behind a large tree, its leaves barely touching the tops of our heads. I stared at him impassively, wondering what he was doing here.
"You left without a goodbye." He stated, matching my stare with his own. "Why didn't you wake me up? Why didn't you stay? Why didn't you leave me your number?"
"We're not dating, Travis." I shook my head, dropping my eyes to the leaves that sat underneath my adidas superstars.
"How could you say that? You don't mean it." His hand cupped my cheek, and his thumb began to gently stroke my soft skin. I closed my eyes, remembering the night we shared and how his touch made me whimper in pleasure. I wanted to go back, to experience it all over again- but at the same time, I wished it never happened. Because he found my school, I have a bad feeling about him. Something isn't right.
"Yes, I do."
"No!" He raised his voice, tightening his grip on my arm as he pinned me against the tree. "We're dating- and you like it."
My body trembled- eyes filled with shock, and mind screaming out for help. I was terrified, and I feel that I nodded because of that. I agreed due to the fact that I was scared of what would happen if I didn't.
"I'll call you later." He smashed his face up against mine, one last time. A single year rolled down my face as he walked away, giving me a small wave before he hopped back inside of his car and drove away.
But you don't have my number.
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