chapter 6
"turn it off turn it off!!!" "no its just getting good." "but they are chopping their fingers off!" "yeah I know." "ahhhh." cassy let a high pitch scream out and snuggled her head behind my back. "ugh fine here." I grabbed the remote and turned it to some thing else. "thank you." she said muffled before taking her head out from behind me. I rolled my eyes. "lets go to sleep." "ok." I agreed even though I wasn't tired. cassy turned over so her back was facing me and then I turned over so my back was facing her back.
I pulled out my phone and turned on the screen. me and cassy had been in the dark all night so when the screen turned on it blinded me for 2 seconds. I dimed the lighting and then went on facebook.
I had 3 notifications
ALEX: hey
ME: hi
ALEX: wyd up this late?
ME: how do you know its late where I live?
ALEX: I don't im just guessing
ME: sure but why are you going through my profile??
ALEX: so I can get to know you better
ME: but I cant know you?
ALEX: all in good time
ME: -.-
ALEX: sorry babe but I like to keep info to me self
ME: its my not me
ALEX: what ever
ME: ok
ME: good night me starting to get tired ;)
ALEX: haha very funny but ok have a good sleep
how did this boy know where I live well he doesn't know but how did he know it was late? I shrugged it off and then turned off my phone and went to sleep.
the next day I woke up and I turned over to look at cassy and wake her up but she wasn't there! I got up quickly making me dizzy at first and I looked up stairs for her but she wasn't there I looked in the garage she wasn't there where the hell could this girl be?! "cassy!" "mmhmm." I heard a muffled yell from the kitchen. I walked in and saw cassy standing in front of my fridge with food in her mouth and her arms full of food. "wtf cassy I was worried you left but no your eating my food!" she grabbed the frozen pizza out of her mouth. "well im sorry I got hungry so I was gunna make us some food." "fine sorry make the food woman!" I said pointing my finger up wards like in the movies that are supposed to be the old days where they are like on forth! I laughed to my self stealing a look from cassy but continued to make food.
I got up and went into the living room and got my phone. I went on facebook as I do every morning when I wake up. I was happy to see that alex was online.
ME: hey
ALEX: hey
ME: wyd
ALEX: just woke up how bout you
ME: same
ALEX: aha now im getting closer to knowing where you live!
ME: creep I could be one of those late sleepers and be like 5pm and just wake up which I am one on some occasions
ALEX: .___. wow
ME: ikr XD
ALEX: I bet you look ratchet
ME: -.-
ALEX: im only telling the truth
ME: I bet you don't look as hot in the morning either jack ass
ALEX: ha!
ME: ha what
ALEX: you said in the morning which means its morning where you are
ME: gtg bye
ALEX: that wasn't a no!
I logged off and stared at the food in front of me. cassy made really good food and when she mixed other foods in together it comes out delicious but when I do it its nasty as f**k! I looked at scrambled eggs with little sausages mixed together and my mouth started to water. "this looks so good cassy." "well then eat it don't just stare at it." she laughed. I dug in my food and stuffed my mouth. "ima go get your laptop." I nodded my head and cassy wen and grabbed my computer. she came back sitting down next to me at the counter. we looked at a pgae called teen fashion on facebook and I loved the clothes and styles on there. it was so pretty. I saw this picture with two best friends laying on a bed with their feet up in the air and it was a cute pose.
"hey blondie wanna take a pic like that?" "sure brownie." since I had brown hair my nick name is brownie and since cassy is blonde she is blondie. we both had natural hair color and our hair was pretty long. I finished my food and then I wanted to do some thing today. "hey what do you want to do today?" "umm starbucks?" "yes!" I jumped and down. "hold up." cassy took out her phone that rang as she spoke. "hello?" "yeah im fine." " we are going to starbucks I will be home tonight." "kay bye." cassy hing up the phone and waved her hand to follow her up stairs,
I looked at the calendar to check off the date when It said june 26th. my eyes widened and I started to freak out. "omg omg omg!" "what?" "its alex's birthday today and I haven't said happy birthday to him yet and I talked to him earlier!" "calm down day isn't over yet." "but I don't know if it is for him though!" "then text him or give him a fb status." "k. pick out n outfit for me will ya." "sure." I ran down stairs to my computer and went on facebook. I logged in and typed as fast as I could.
i sent the message and a minute later he saw it.
ALEX: so you love me and thank you
ME: yes i love every one
ALEX: even the people you don't like?
ME: yeah i may not like them but that doesn't mean i don't love them
ALEX: ok but thanks love
ME: your British??
ALEX: i am not i am Australian but i don't live in Australia or anything i moved
ME: when did you move?
ALEX: just a day or two ago
ME: why didn't you tell me?
ALEX: because we will be moving in a couple months so i mean i cant really say i live here
ME: oh ok but anyways i gtg im going to starbucks with my friend
ALEX: bring me back some will ya
ME: sure ;)
ALEX: thank you :)
ME: bye
ALEX: by :)
i logged off and then went back up stairs. on the bed was a black half shirt with yellow and pink flower print and a bright yellow skirt and a thin black belt. " it is summer so you can wear it." "i know finally." "i know right its been so cold lately so lets enjoy the heat while it lasts" "agreed." i took off my morning clothes and got into my new outfit and then put on some white vans. and i teased my hair and put it in a side braid cassy put on a tan burgundy button up top with a grey tank top underneath and black leggings with brown boots her blonde hair was down and her blue eyes stood out.
we grabbed our phones chargers money then went out. mom was at work again so we were free to go. we walked to starbucks and sat down at a table out side. cassy ordered our drinks and then came and sat down. the guy brought us our drinks and we talked while drinking. "so why are you smiling so much?" i asked cassy. "nothing." "tell me." "well there was a guy that was standing next to me in line and we were talking and he asked for my number so i gave it to him." "what?" "you heard me." "i know but you don't even know him." "yes i do." "who is he?" "its evan from school." "no way he is so cute." "i know right." we squealed.
we were there at starbucks for a wile just talking and it felt nice to be out side with the sun on my skin giving it warmth.
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