chapter 12
i woke up to some one jumping on my bed. to my non-surprise it was Kelly trying to wake me up. "finally i have been jumping for like 10 minutes." i smiled weakly at her. "come on get up mommy said you have to cook today cause she is out at work." i groaned and covered my face with my pillow and pushed Kelly off the bed lightly. "ow!" "are you ok?" "no my bed hurts meanie!" "im not making you food then." "sorry but come on im hungry!" she whined. i got up and walked down the steps with her pulling on my index finger.
so lets me tell you a little about my self. so my name is alex goodman i live in Australia but no im not Australian im American but i moved here when i was 1 so my accent says im Australian but im not my sister is though because after my dad divorced my mom after she gave birth to me we moved her and not long after my mom dated this guy from here and couple years later they married and had Kelly. but anyways im 16 years old my hair is jet black emo style but im a scene kid i don't cut or any shit like that i mean i don't have any reason to and i don't want to influence Kelly and im 5'9 my eyes are a piercing light blue that all the girl fall over in love for my skin looks like i never had a tan but im always out in the son so i don't get it. i play soccer and baseball and i write music my mom works as an animal helper person Kelly's father left us for some job when Kelly was 4 and i haven't forgiven him or my dad for leaving us so young. i have trouble loving any one besides my mom or sister. i have lots of friends but no best friends.
as i came down the stairs i went into the kitchen and pulled out some pans and eggs and bacon and toaster and bread. i made Kelly eggs bacon and toast and she ate that with me at the table while i went on my galaxy s4 phone looking through my feed on facebook. it was about 10:56 when i saw Jessie come on and i felt happiness build up inside me.
i quickly texted her but kept typing but deleting it. so i just settled with a simple hey i know right.
ME: hey
ME: what cha doin
JESSIE: eating
ME: what cha eating?
JESSIE: cereal
ME: nice.
JESSIE: yep.
JESSIE: so r u gunna ever tell me bout ur self??
ME: maybe
ME: tell me about ur self
JESSIE: nope
ME: D:
JESSIE: you don't tell me i wont tell u
ME: fine >:(
JESSIE: don't be mad that im just doing what your doing to me
ME: meanie
JESSIE: haha
ME: its not funny but i gtg ttyl ;)
i didn't really have to go but i was mad that she wouldn't tell me about her self. i now know how other people feel when i don't tell them things and they decide the do it back it really sucked so i made my self do some thing to get my mind off of Jessie so i called my friend tom
"hey dude whats up"
"hey nothing much do you want to do some thing today?"
"sure like what?"
" i don't know uh go to the baseball field and play some ball?"
"sure that's great can Kelly come though my mom's at work."
"yeah dude of course you know she is like a sister to me."
"cool see you in a little."
i hung up the phone and turned to Kelly. "come on go get dressed we are going to the baseball field." "but alex i don't wanna go." she whined=. i then smiled evilly to my self. "hey maybe tom will bring t.j" with that she got up with excitement in her step and got down and ran up stairs. i laughed and ran up after her and went to my room to get dressed in my gear. t.j is tom's little brother that Kelly has a crush on and they look cute together and t.j likes her to but i haven't told each other one another likes the other. im not letting my little sister go down the road of heart break yet.
after i got dressed in my blue sleeved white baseball t-shirt and white baseball pants and cleats with high socks and my baseball hat i grabbed my bat and glove and base balls and my phone and went down stairs waiting for Kelly. i decided that i would text Jessie again.
ME" hi there :)
but she didn't reply. she was probably busy. i stuck my phone in my back pocket as Kelly came down stairs in a dark blue dress with her white flats and holding her teddy bear i got her from her birthday last month and a bag full of coloring books and crayons. she sat in between my legs and handed me a brush. i brushed her hair and put it in a braided bun with a pink flower clip she wanted in her hair with her bangs down to the side like mine.
"here go take the brush and put it in the down stairs bathroom and meet me in the car." "ok" she ran to the bathroom and walked out the door with me. i helped her in my truck in the back seat and buckled her in the booster seat i had in my car. since my mom always works i learned to do Kelly's hair and i can thank youtube videos for teaching me and i kept a booster seat in my car and mom has one in her's.
after i buckled her in i handed her the juice box she was drinking at breakfast and closed the door. i got in putting my stuff in the seat next to me and started the car. i got my phone out and called tom. "hey dude your bringing you know who right?" "yeah dude she doesn't know he is coming right?" "well she has hopes but she doesn't know for sure." "ok good cause he thinks that too." "ok good and we are our way." "cool us to." "ok." i hung up the phone and plugged my phone into my radio. "hey Kelly you wanna listen to escape the fate with Ronnie radke?" "yes!" Kelly liked listening to my music with me most kids would be like wtf and scream but not her she was like a mini me. i raised her like my own daughter even though she is my sister but she liked what i liked which put a smile on my face.
we rocked out to escape the fate black veil brides sleeping with sirens and falling in reverse the way there and we finally got there i could see tom and t.j on the field in the distance.
i got out with my stuff on my shoulder and then leaned it against my door and opened Kelly's door. i helped her out and she walked with me holding my hand to the field. her hand was so tiny in mine. we walked to the field and when she saw t.j her eyes lite up with joy and she ran to him yelling his name and he ran to her and they hugged each other like they haven't seen each other in like 2 months. it was cute though. they sat in the dug out coloring and talking and tom and i played baseball/
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