I didn't sleep at all last night. No matter how hard I tried. I couldn't fall asleep, so I gave up. I have been sitting at my small wooden desk finishing my sketch all morning. My dad built me this desk when he got tired of seeing me draw on the floor. As I rub my fingers over the smooth wood surface, I am hit with a wave of sadness because this will be the last time I will ever be sitting at this desk. I finished school last week and after the placing today, everything will change. I will leave Rivermouth and never return home just like my two brothers did before me. I was 14 when my first brother, Kane, left me and 15 when my second brother, Finn, left. My parents will be alone. After today they will live the rest of their life in this small house and never see me again. I can't even imagine myself years from now in their place. I don't want to. I wish I could stay here forever. Live out my days taking care of my parents. Instead of giving my life to the Royals. Who decided they could control us? I almost wish I would be placed as a Dreg. I'd be normal.
I shut my notebook and place it in the drawer of my desk, where is will collect dust for the rest of my life. I get up and slip on my plain grey dress. Every Elite girl in Rivermouth wears this dress, so we all look the same. Personally, I hate it. It's boring and I feel unimportant when I wear it. I stare into the mirror at my reflection and push my loose hair behind my ears. Sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror, I see a ghost. My hair blends in so much with my complexion; white and pale. I take a deep breath and comb my hair down. Today will be fine. Not great, but fine.
When I get downstairs, my mom is cooking breakfast and my father is pouring me a glass of juice. This is the last time I will eat breakfast with them. My parents don't say a word when I sit down. Mom hands me a plate of food and dad sets the glass of juice in front of me. I should feel sad. It's normal to feel sad. I knew this day was coming and now it's here. I slowly eat my breakfast as my parents take their seats at the table. The silence is killing me. I wish they would say something. They know this is harder for me than it is for them, right? Finally, my dad sets down his fork and looks up at me.
"Octavia, we want you to know that it doesn't matter what you get. We will be happy for you either way." I nod quickly. Red for fire, blue for water, yellow for light. My mom was a blue and my father was a red. My oldest brother, Kane, is a red and Finn is a blue. No doubt I will be one of those two and not a yellow. However, there are ones who are placed and end up not being an Elite. They don't enjoy the luxury of being gifted with powers. Instead they are a Dreg. Absolutely normal and human. All Dregs are sent to Westfall where they live separately from us. Sometimes I try to imagine what it would be like being one of them. There is also Black which means you have all three powers and a fourth. It is a forbidden power and everyone who has ever been one is dead. No one ever talks about the power that a Blacks hold. My parents never talk about their experiences when they were in training. I wonder if they ever encountered a black or what they were forced to do in training. That's what happens when you get married. You must go through a procedure to remove your powers so you can focus on raising children. Every parent goes to live in Rivermouth where the kids go to school for 18 years. I am grateful that I won't have to go back to school, but I am scared for what is to come. I'm scared my life won't be meaningful. I want it to be. I don't want to spend the rest of my life training and learning. I just wish there was more.
"I know you aren't very keen on this life, Octavia, but this is the path you must take. Just like your brothers," my mom says. I bite my lip and stare at my food.
"You're mother's right. Everyone goes through this," dad says backing my mom up.
"Except Dregs," I murmur. I hear my dad take a deep breath.
"Octavia we are Elite and it's time you start remembering that. We live a better privileged life." I meet my moms' eyes.
"We get to learn about how special we are," my dad adds.
"What if I'm a Dreg?" My mom shakes her head.
"You're not!" My dad barks out. He stands up and goes back into the kitchen.
"It's not fair," I whisper. Mom gives me a sad look and then looks down at her food.
When I am finished eating it is time for me to leave. My parents stand up and walk me to the door. Mom gives me a long hug and I hold in my tears. My dad takes out a chain with a gold ring on it. His wedding band. A faded line now brands his right finger from where it sat.
"Here, wear this. Whenever you need us, we are there." He points to the ring and puts the chain around my neck. I smile and engulf him in a big hug.
"Keep your head down, okay?" I nod into his shoulder. I want to ask him why, but he releases me from the hug and opens the door for me.
"I love you guys so much," I say. Mom sniffles and rubs my shoulder.
"Find your brothers and say hi to them for us." I laugh and wipe my tears. I turn away from them before I can cry anymore and walk out the door. It takes every ounce of strength I have to not turn around. I see Lori waiting for me on the lawn. I put on the necklace and tuck it under the front of my dress and walk towards her.
"Hey," she greets me. Lori and I have been best friends ever since our first year of school started. Today is the last day we will ever see each other ever again unless we get placed the same.
"Did your parents cry?" I ask as we walk. She laughs and shakes her head. Her shiny brunette hair sways with her head.
"They practically shoved me out the door." I grin. Lori is the oldest sibling out of four. Her parents are definitely ready for her to leave. They have enough to deal with. "Are you nervous?" I nod.
"I hope I'm a Dreg," I admit. Lori shoves me and I break into a smile.
"Shut up! We're Elite and you know it," using her matter-of-fact voice. I roll my eyes and change the subject.
"Do you remember when we used to pretend, we had powers?" Lori sighs.
"We were eight and we played in your backyard." I grin at the memory.
"I remember we tried to get the other kids at school to play with us, but they thought we were too childish," I say shaking my head.
"Look at us now, can you believe it? We're adults and we are getting our powers today," Lori beams. I stay quiet as we keep walking. "Do you think we'll meet new people? Friends? Boys?" She quirks her eyebrow up.
"Yes. I don't want to," I tell her while stopping. She turns to me.
"I wish things could be different." I grab her hand and squeeze it.
"So do I." She holds onto my hand.
"I'm going to miss you," she chokes. Tears brim her eyes.
"Don't make me cry again," I warn her. Shiny white teeth break through her lips and we continue walking to the Placement Building. It seems weird. We used to walk by this building every day to school and dream about when we would go inside.
When we arrive, every 18-year-old in Rivermouth is lined up inside the building. There are guards wearing yellow patches everywhere. Everyone knows that yellows end up guards. Blues help with nature and farming and Reds protect and fight. My palms start to sweat and every minute I am wiping them on my itchy dress. We wait in the line for what seems like forever. Lori and I try to distract each other by talking about random things, but we are both too nervous. I try and memorize the faces of my classmates that walk through the doors. The kids I was in school with for eighteen years. Who knows what their fate will hold.
When Lori and I get to the front of the line we are given a manila folder labelled with our names and escorted into the testing area. Once the doors shut behind me there is no turning back. This is it. There are several metal doors in the area and benches outside each one. Lori is placed on one bench in the front and I am placed a few feet away from her. The bench is hard and cold, and it jolts me awake. I flinch when the door across from me swings open and two guards come out dragging a screaming boy.
"This isn't fair! My parents are Elite! You can't do this!" The guards drag him away. He's a Dreg. He will be sent to Westfall to live out the remainder of his life. Different scenarios run through my brain as to what will happen when I go inside the placement room. Is it possible? Could I be a Dreg? Another door opens and it's Lori's. She gets up and the guard escorts her inside. I wipe my palms again and clench my fist on the cold metal. I let out a shaky breath when suddenly my door opens. A guard with dark hair opens the door and I hand him my file.
"Octavia?" I nod. He looks at my face and then my hair. It's always the first thing people notice. He leads me inside and shuts the door behind us. The room is lit in an orange hue light. For some reason it makes me relax a little. Only a little. "Take a seat," he says. I hesitantly walk up to the large metal chair looming in the center of the room and sit down. He stands beside me at the monitor and types into the computer. I notice his name tag reads the name Dale. I wonder if he was as nervous as me when he was placed. What he felt. Did he have a family? Is he allowed to visit them here? It feels like minutes have passed since he has said a word to me. I mess with my nails and lay my head back. I watch the ceiling and hold my breath.
"This will only hurt for a second but it's the worst part." I turn my head up and watch as he pulls out a syringe filled with clear liquid. The liquid that stimulates the ability. I recall my teacher explaining over and over what happens in the procedure room. He moves my hair away from my neck and presses the needle into my neck. I feel a pinch and slowly my neck starts to feel heavy. I feel drowsy.
"Place your hands here." I set my hands down on the handprints on the arms of the chair. Here we go. The chair makes a buzzing noise as it scans me. I feel like I'm going to faint. The buzzing stops and I look at Dale for answers. His eyes are fixed on the screen. He doesn't say anything. What is he waiting for? I stare at him harder, thinking my intimidation will make him speak to me.
"Sit up," he firmly says. The sound of the machine turning off echoes in the room. I sit on the edge of the chair and watch him type away on the computer.
"What was my result?" I ask. He turns and grabs a red wristband.
"Red," he says, placing it around my wrist. I stare at it. "And yellow and blue." He meets my eyes. No.
"No, that's impossible," I say. "My older brother is Red, and my other brother is Blue. The results are wrong." He shakes his head.
"It's not impossible, it's just rare." My hands start to shake. Should I run? What do I do?
"Please don't kill me," I blurt out. I quickly swallow the bile in my throat.
"I'm not going to kill you," he says. I stop shaking and meet his eyes. "Why do you think I gave you a red bracelet?" I look down at it clasped around my wrist.
"Why are you helping me?"
"Because everything they do here is wrong. I'm not going to kill an innocent girl just because you're different." Or dangerous. I see anger in his eyes. Almost hatred. "No one can know." I can barely concentrate on what he's saying. I'm a Black. I have all three powers and a fourth one. If anyone finds out I'm dead.
"Octavia, are you listening to me? You have to protect yourself. No one can know." I quickly nod. Pull yourself together, Octavia. He's saving you. "When you go outside two guards will escort you." He pushes me towards the door.
"Wait. Thank you," I whisper. He gives me a curt nod and opens the door. The two guards take my arms and escort me down the hallway. My mind races and my hands tremble.
I am taken outside the building towards the train that awaits on the tracks. I've never been on a train before. We only have two tracks. This one that leads to the cities and the one to Westfall. I wish I was going to Westfall. Each train track goes over the rapid Bullmar River that surrounds the cities. I see a line of each color lined up in front of a different cart. The guards leave me, and I fall into line behind another red. I scan each line for Lori until I see her wearing a blue wristband and smiling at me. I barely smile back but at least I know she's going to be okay. My heart plummets when I am completely on my own now. Tomorrow my parents will receive a letter of my placement as a Red and they will feel relief. So will Lori's parents. But mine will be a lie. Terrible lie.
The guards load us into the train and the train takes off. I grasp my father's ring around my neck. For once in my life I have no idea what I'm doing, and I am terrified for what is to come.
We finally arrive at the City of Fire where I will be living. The train stops and everyone gets out. The tall shiny red palace stands in front of me. The City of Fire is where the reds stay, and it is also the palace for the royal family. The City of Water and Light surround this city. I have never been inside the city before. I've heard so many things about it, but I have never been this close to it. I was born and raised in Rivermouth just like everyone around me. This is my new home. I follow the line of people into the castle. Stone walls engulf me, and everything starts to echo from the tall ceilings. Guards lead us into the throne room where the King and Queen await. Everyone takes a seat in the benches provided. I sit down next to a short girl with a black pixie cut. I notice the guards surrounding us and their black rifles by their sides.
"Welcome." I turn my attention to the queen standing at the podium in a red shimmering dress. "I am Queen Joanna. This is my husband King Cyrus." The tall king with grey hair stands up in his blue uniform. "These are my sons. Max and Cedric." The two sons in red take a stand next to their mother. They both look identical.
"Fraternal twins," the girl with the pixie cut beside me whispers. I look back at them and realize they are the exact same except their faces. Max's face is more relaxed, but he has darker eyes like chocolate. Cedric's face is stern and professional, though his eyes are lighter. I turn to the girl and open my mouth.
"They're two years older than us." I nod thanking her for the information. "I'm Kim." She holds out her hand. I shake it.
"I'm Octavia," I say watching the King and Queen as they speak.
"This is a joke," Kim scoffs.
"Why do you say that?"
"Come on, look at her," she gestures to the Queen. "Smiling? Ugh, she's the worst!" She whispers to me.
"She looks nice from here," I say. Kim shakes her head.
"Just watch her. The last thing she wants to do is be here." I watch the Queen closely as she speaks to us. Her eyebrows are lifted which makes her face look livelier. I bet if she dropped them Kim would be right. She doesn't want to be here. Her features are very dark, and she has eyes like Max.
"Haven't you ever heard the stories of what she has done to the Blacks?" Dread takes over my body as I start to realize what I have gotten myself into. Dale should have just killed me. I'm as good as dead here. "She's an evil witch. Don't let her fool you."
"Training will start straight away tomorrow, and my two sons will be teaching the reds. Now, the Blue's and Yellow's will be escorted to their cities." Queen Joanna nods to the guards and they open the doors for the other colors. I try to find Lori but there are too many of them. Before I know it, the doors shut with a bang. I watch the Queen drop her eyebrows.
"I think now is the time to go over some rules." She takes a step forward. "All of you are forbidden to leave. This castle is your home now and there is no reason to leave. The year after your training you will be permitted to live in the city like the others. We can't leave? How am I going to get to my brothers if they live in the city? I'm stuck here in this prison. "Other parts of the castle that you do not have access to are off limits. Your rooms will be in the West wing. The East wing is out of bound. You will do as you are told, and you will show up to breakfast and dinner, every morning and night in the grand hall. Fail to follow these rules, there will be punishment." The room is dead silent when she is finished speaking. I see Kim smirking out of the corner of my eye.
"Now, you all need your rest before tomorrow. Please follow the guards to the West wing." With that she drops her smile and strides away from the podium. The King follows after her, and his two sons flank him.
Everyone files out of the room and as we leave the room a guard gives us each a number. I get 64. Kim follows behind me as we climb the staircase. The West wing is pretty dull. Grey walls, no decoration, and black doors. Reminds me of the dress I'm wearing. Unimportant and worthless. Kim nudges me and shows me her number. 65.
"Well, would you look at that," she says grinning. We both wander the halls to try to find our rooms amongst the rest of the new trainees. Guards line the halls and suddenly I feel suffocated. Like one of them might see that I'm an imposter and grab me. Up ahead I see a guard with dark hair. Dale. I tighten my grip on my number. Kim and I see our rooms ahead as we start to pass Dale. I feel a strong arm grab my arm and I hold my breath.
"Be careful," he whispers in my ear. I lock eyes with him and give him a slight nod. He releases me and I grip the doorknob of my room and push myself inside. I slide down to the floor, but not before flipping the lock on the door. I have to get out of here.
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