The next few days seem endless, but each day gets easier. The day after Dale's execution all of our rooms were searched, and training was cancelled. Luckily Max told someone to come replace my mirror before the guards came in. It's like it never happened. They won't find anything, and Max assured me of that. I have barely talked to Kim since the execution. She seems like she doesn't want to talk about it. I get it. No one wants to see someone killed right before their eyes which is why it's wrong. Most people don't see that. I guess I wouldn't really want to talk about it either if she brought it up. I still haven't told her anything about Max and the engagement. I just don't know how to tell her. No one knows and it is starting to bother me that soon everyone will know. We are friends, right? Friends tell each other everything and things that no one else knows.
The last two days have been nonstop training and we have barely gotten a break. Continuous drills and duels. It's exhausting. I think its punishment since no one has come forward. I feel bad, but I know that all this will be over soon. Ava has been back in training, but she hasn't tortured me too much. Everyone seems pretty scared and quiet after Dale. Knowing the Queen could do anything to anyone is scary. It scares me especially when she is about to find out Max and I are engaged. Her eyes will be on me.Only me. Sage hasn't said anything to Max yet, but today Max is telling Joanna about our engagement. No doubt she will want to meet me soon.
Breakfast is dull this morning. Everyone is tired and wants to go back to sleep. I am way more anxious and energetic today than anyone else. I can't wait to see Max later for him tell me what his mother said about me.
"How are you not tired?" Kim groans in front of me. I give her a light smile.
"Guess I'm just used to the pain now," I lie. I am most definitely not used to the pain. My legs feel like I've been running for ages and my insides feel like jello. I look down at my scared wrist. I took the bandage off this morning because it no longer burns. Kim sees me looking at it.
"I can't believe you're going to have that burn scar for the rest of your life because of her," she says. I glance at Ava across the Hall who is in a deep conversation with Jeremy and a few others.
"It doesn't even hurt anymore," I admit. Kim shakes her black hair.
"It's not right. She should have at least apologized."
"Come on, this is Ava we are talking about," I scoff. She smiles and laughs at how silly it sounded.
"I guess she was born a bitch," she says. I laugh and continue eating my food.
Training goes by fast. Today Cedric teaches us, and we go through the tennis ball exercise again today. I'm so close to be getting all five balls. No one has successfully burned all five yet. I'm still determined to be the first. We did more drills and partner work. I've noticed since the past few days of drills I'm a bit faster than I was before. My reflexes are better, and I feel stronger. I tell myself every day to do it for Dale because he would be proud of me right now. So, I push through the pain and keep getting better for him.
Once we are dismissed, I stay behind to help Cedric put up the matts. Mainly to wait for Max, but whatever. I stack a set of matts against the wall and Cedric hands me another.
"You're getting better. I didn't know it was possible," he says. I laugh.
"I still need improvement," I say.
"Octavia, you're top of the class," he gives me a straight face. I didn't know it was possible for Cedric to be nice to me. Not for much longer though. He's going to think I'm literally insane for agreeing to marry Max. If only he knew. It isn't real...right?
"Octavia," Max voice echoes behind me. I turn and see Max in his dark blue uniform waiting for me. I give him a small smile. He gives me a nod towards the door, and I walk towards him.
"You too, brother," he says. I meet his eyes as we exit the room.
"So?" I question him. He smiles.
"I told her and now she wants to meet you," he says. I stop in my tracks and drop my jaw.
"Right now? Max, I'm not ready," I say. He stops with me and laughs.
"You're fine," he smiles. Cedric falls in line behind us.
"What's this about?" There is a strange edge to his voice. I look at him and then Max.
"Come with us," Max simply states. We head down the hallway and I quickly re-braid my hair into a fresh long braid. I can only imagine what I look like. I need a shower.
We slow down to double doors with a guard on each side. I look at Max and he winks at me. I hold in my smile as the guards move to open the doors.
The doors open and reveal Joanna's back. She is wearing a long silver shimmery gown. Her blond hair is neatly piled on top of her head along with her gold crown. She turns towards us and brightens into a smile.
"My boys," she says sweetly. Cedric and Max step towards their mother and give her a kiss on each cheek. Her eyes move from her sons to me. They focus and take in my figure.
"This must be Octavia," she says. I nod and bow my head.
"Your Majesty," I curtsey.
"I apologize for my husband's absence. He wishes he could be here to meet you." I see Cedric shifting on his feet uncomfortably. "Would you like to tell your brother the news?" Joanna turns to Max who has his eyes on Cedric. I clench my fist. He is going to find out sooner or later.
"Octavia is to be my bride," Max tells him. I look at Cedric who has no emotion on his face. He is silent for a beat.
"Congratulations, brother," he forces out. His eyes slide over mine, but I look at the queen instead of him.
"Yes, Max is to be marrying Octavia, who I hear is top of the trainees? Is that correct?" Max grins.
"She is," Max says watching me. The Queen looks me up and down.
"Turn around," she says. I hesitate before spinning in a slow circle.
"Hmm," she says putting a hand under her chin.
"Mother," Max groans. She laughs outload but it seems so forced. I wince and hold myself together.
"She is very beautiful. I do worry about the hair clashing with the wedding dress," she says acting like I'm not listening to her.
"Mother there is plenty of time to plan all that," Max says lightly. She smiles.
"You're quite right. We need to plan the engagement party." Max nods and I start to feel a sliver of hope flutter in my heart. Yes.
"Good. Well, we will leave you to it," he says taking my hand. I smile at the Queen.
"It was nice meeting you, your Majesty," I say bowing my head again. She nods as Max pulls me towards the door. The doors shut behind us and I let out a sigh of relief.
"She hates me," I say. He chuckles and shakes her head.
"No, she doesn't, that's the most she's ever said when meeting one of my future brides," he says. I run my palm over my head. He pulls me away from the door and we start walking down the hall.
"The plan is set. I'll have to get word to Sage so she can prepare her men." I nod and grin. We did it.All we have to do is wait for the party and then we can escape. Max grins and opens his bedroom door.
"All we have to do is wait for when my mother sets a date, which will be soon," he says shutting the door. I could kiss him right now, I'm so happy. He takes my hands and pulls me close.
"We're so close, Octavia," he whispers. He presses his nose against mine.
"Is this real?" I ask talking about the engagement.
"I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think it was real," he replies. My insides heat up. He feels the same and that's all that matters to me right now. He presses his lips to mine, and I pull him towards me while arching my back. Is this what love feels like? Even though we are pressed against each other I feel like we aren't close enough. His arms wrap around my waist and I run my fingers through his hair. He smiles under my kiss and we slowly sink deeper and deeper.
The next day the Queen announces the ball for the engagement. At breakfast everyone is buzzing about it. Queen Joanna has arranged for every boy and girl to get fitted for a dress or suit. It seems exciting watching everyone talk about it. The only reason I'm excited is because it's my way out. I can't believe it's so soon. I will soon see freedom and search for my brothers. A part of me yearns to help everyone escape with me, but Sage says there will be a time for that. We can't do everything at once. I guess Max and I are the most important assets right now.
"Can you believe it?" Kim asks me as I sit down next to her.
"I can," Ava says behind me. I mentally groan as she takes a seat across from me. "This was bound to happen sooner or later," she says.
"It's just so exciting. I've never been to a ball." Kim smiles. I grin at her. "What do you think, O," she asks me.
"It's very exciting," I nod. Ava gives me a look.
"I wonder who the little skank is. I bet it's someone in this room," Ava says eyeing the girls around us. I drop my eyes to my food. I should just say it. They might hate me either way. Ava definitely will.
"You going to eat that?" She asks looking at my untouched piece of bread. I shake my head and hand it to her. I can't do it. They will find out tomorrow at the ball.
Throughout training today each girl is summoned by the Queen to be fitted for their dress by some maid. I doubt I will be called today. Max said the Queen will want a say in what I'm wearing. I can barely focus during drills today. I keep thinking about the ball and the escape plan. I hope Max has heard from Sage. He told me to meet him in his room after dinner and it is all I can think about.
"Octavia, pay attention," Kim says as I dodge the third fireball, she has thrown towards me. I'm supposed to be rebounding them.
"Don't worry Octavia. We're all thinking about the ball and what kind of dress we will be wearing," Ava sneers at me. I clench my fists. My head hurts from thinking so much.
"Ladies, less talking and more practicing," Cedric says passing by our matt. He barely looks at me. I shake off Ava's commentary and focus on the drills Kim and I are doing.
After training I'm exhausted from trying to focus on my drills while thinking about tomorrow. At dinner I try to contribute myself into the conversation with Ava and Kim. They can't stop bickering about which color dress they would look better in. I can barely think about what color dress I will be wearing.
"You're a lunatic. You can't wear green," Ava seethes. Kim recoils and draws in her eyebrows.
"Well, no one is going to want to wear Orange!" Ava smirks.
"That's the point." I have finally had enough. I need to see Max. I press my hands on the table and stand up. They both immediately stop arguing.
"Octavia, where are you going?"
"I'm going to turn in for the night. I'm really tired," I say trying to be as convincing as possible. Kim's face lightens up, but Ava glares at me.
"Okay, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow for the big day," she says with a brightening smile. My heart breaks for her. I guess I feel torn between leaving here and leaving Kim behind. I manage a smile and then walk away from the table. I know I'm helping the Resistance and they can only do so much right now. I wish I could do more. I make my way down the South hall towards Max's room with my head buzzing. As I grow closer to his room, I hear loud and angry voices. I turn the corner and see Cedric and Max arguing loudly in the middle of the hallway. They stop when they see me.
"What's going on?" My arms twitch at my sides. Cedric gives his brother an angry look.
"Nothing," Max says lightly. Cedric turns to walk into his bedroom. He slams the door and I slowly walk towards Max. He takes my hand and takes me inside his bedroom. I shut the door and look at him. I've never seen him this angry before. He finally looks up at me. His face falters when he sees my face.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, Octavia," he says.
"What were you fighting about?" He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.
"He doesn't want me to marry you," he says. This shocks me. Is Cedric jealous? "At least not right now." My eyebrows draw in.
"You mean because of your father?" He slowly nods.
"My brother doesn't want to accept the fact that he is going to die soon." I intake a sharp breath. I feel bad. He must think I'm a terrible person.
"I wish I could do something to help," I say walking over to his huge canopy bed. He smiles.
"You've done enough," he says walking towards me. I sit on the end of the soft bed. "I talked to Sage. She and her men are ready." I nod and look down at my hands. Good. "What's wrong? You seem tired."
"I'm just nervous for tomorrow. In fact, I haven't been able to concentrate all day," I say fiddling with my hands. He sits beside me.
"Hey, everything is going to be fine," he reassures me. Somehow it doesn't make me feel better. I lay back on the bed and Max watches me carefully.
"I just wish I could do more. I feel I'm running," I say staring up at the canopy.
"Octavia, we can't do anything from inside these walls. Once we're out... we can save as many people as we want." He's right, I know it.
"Why did you decide to join the Resistance," I ask him. He lays down beside me and holds my hand.
"My mother used to hate me. I never knew why. Maybe I just wasn't good enough, but she despised me. She used to beat me and tear my skin open to teach me lesson that were pointless." I squeeze his hand.
"What about Cedric?" He looks down at our hands.
"She never touched him, but one day she stopped beating me. She started being nice to me and then she started to ignore my brother. I always hated the fact he would never understand what it felt like. My mother hurts people and the only person she cares about is herself." He meets my eyes and strokes my cheek.
"Can I see them?" I whisper. He pauses and then slowly sits up. He pulls his shirt off over his head. I don't miss the pink scars on his back before he lays back down beside me. His muscles seem more defined with his shirt off. I lay on my side and examine his chest. Jagged cuts scatter his chest and torso. I trace every single one with my finger until there are no more. When I look back up at him his eyes are glossy, and he is looking at me. I scoot closer to him and run my hand through the side of his hair. His arms wrap around me and then we are kissing. It's passionate and hot. My fingers run down the side of his torso and up to his bicep. His kisses feed into me like energy. It forms under my skin and makes me feel good. Suddenly all my worries are gone. Right now, it is just the two of us, alone in his room. No Ava, no Kim, no Cedric, and no Joanna. I feel alive. Like I can do anything. He kisses my chin and down my neck to my collarbone. I close my eyes as he flips me over. I feel like I might cry because of how good his skin feels on mine. His hot kisses stop, and he looks at me.
"Octavia... I-," he starts. I quickly press my finger to his swollen lips. I know what he is going to say.
"Not yet," I breathe out. His expression softens and he kisses my forehead.
We lay on his bed for a while just holding each other. We don't go any further than kissing, but I'm okay with it. It's too soon. When Max has drifted to sleep, I realize I need to go back to my room. It must be at least midnight. I quietly untangle myself from Max and move towards the door careful not to wake. I shut the door quietly behind me, but then I hear another door open. I look up and see Cedric coming out of his room. I freeze when I see him. He freezes too. He looks both ways down the hallway and then grabs my hand and pins me to the wall. What is with him and pinning me to the wall? Is it like a form of dominative power?
"Why are you marrying him?" He hisses. I don't answer. "I thought you were going to keep your head down."
"I know what I'm doing," I grind out. He shakes his head.
"You're going to get yourself killed just like that guard." I clench my fists and try and break away from his grip, but he holds me there.
"Don't talk about him!" I seethe. Realization forms on his face.
"He's the one who got you in, isn't he?" I stare back at him and don't say a word. I don't have to tell him anything.
"Do you love him?" I flash my eyes at him. He watches me very closely and I make sure not to give him any indication I do.
"I don't know," I whisper. Maybe it's a lie, maybe it's not. He scoffs and shakes his head at me.
"You're playing with fire Octavia, and sooner or later you're going to get burned." I yank my hand free and move away from him. He turns away from me and walks back to his room. I do the same, but I feel angry. He doesn't know our plan. He doesn't know me. He can't judge me.
I head back to my room and when I get back, I practically stumble into my bed and try to imagine what my freedom will look like after tomorrow.
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