6. Selene
A month later...
"Sooo... which method do you want to try today?", I asked, looking up at Joshua.
"I don't know... we tried like 5 methods already... so...".
Joshua came up with the idea of trying different methods of cooking to see which kills most bacteria. We settled on 10 methods of making chicken. We would make it one day and he would go and test it for bacteria the next day in the science lab.
Here's the list of 10 methods to make chicken:
1) Frying
2) Boiling
3) Poaching
4) Roasting
5) Grilling
6) Baking
7) Steaming
8) Stewing
9) Barbequing
10) Broiling
We'd finished the first 5 methods already so today we were gonna be baking chicken. Yeah... people bake chicken... We had a full recipe planned and everything. #prepared.
Over the course of a month of cooking, I would say we've gotten pretty close. Turns out, I was right, he was a softie under all that popular pretense. He's funny under his uptight façade. He laughs... a lot, which is surprising cause I hardly ever used to see him smile in school.
We bonded over our liking for cooking. We would make different types of chicken and then share it when it was done. It was fun. Today we were gonna bake chicken... didn't turn out the way I planned.
Baking chicken was surprisingly not that difficult. We followed a 5-step recipe which included brining, brushing, rubbing, roasting, and resting the chicken.
Brining is basically boiling the chicken in salt water.
Then you brush the chicken with melted butter.
Give the chicken flavor by rubbing seasoning on it.
Roast the chicken in an oven on high heat.
Rest the chicken for a while.
Seems simple... right? Man was I wrong.
"Uh hey Selene... where's the salt again?".
"Left cupboard top shelf", I replied instinctively.
15 minutes later, after boiling the chicken in brine, I decided to taste test it.
"Eww Joshua! What did you do to this?", I exclaimed.
"What? What do you mean what did I do?", he replies, panicked and rushes to taste it.
After having the exact reaction as I did, it finally clicked in my mind.
"Joshua... what did you put in the water?", I asked in a questioning tone.
"What do you mean what did I put in the water? I put salt. You saw me. Oh wait never mind you couldn't have seen me", his voice trailed off.
"Take a pinch of that salt you used and put it in your mouth".
"Uh- Okay?".
He did as I asked and took a pinch and tasted it.
"Um... Selene... this wasn't salt".
"Oh come on Selene it's not my fault. You told me it was in the left cupboard top shelf".
I glared in his direction.
"Okay, maybe it's my fault... BUT I DIDN'T MEAN TO PUT SUGAR!"
I chuckled even though I was annoyed. He started walking towards me, whining all the way. I think he was flaying his arms around because I heard something drop on the floor. I walked towards the sound and suddenly stepped on something and slipped.
"JOSHUA!!", I yelled as I fell... into his arms.
"Woah easy there girl", he said before helping me gain balance again.
"Sorry, sorry", I apologized frantically, shaking myself off.
"It's okay, it's okay".
"What did I slip on?".
"Umm... the butter".
"I may have accidentally knocked it off the counter when I was coming towards you".
For a while, an awkward silence reigned.
"Man, you're gonna be the death of me", I muttered.
"I'm sorry, what was that?", he asked, pretending like he didn't hear.
"I said you're going to be the death of me", I said loudly.
"You just wasted a good amount of butter and a perfectly good piece of chicken".
"And I apologized Selene. It's not like I meant to waste it. I swear I'm not always-".
I interrupted him angrily. I don't know what took over me, but I started yelling at him. Yelling at him for everything. Even things that were not his fault. Obviously, he started yelling back. It would have broken out into a full-fledged war if my Mom hadn't walked in on us screaming insults at each other.
"Uh... guys? What's going on here?", my Mom asked, shocked out of her mind.
We immediately came to a halt. "I think it's time you left Joshua", I said, still angry.
"Wasn't planning on staying Jones", he mumbled, only so that I could hear it. He walked past my Mom and within a minute he was gone.
"Honey what-", started Mom.
"Not now Mom", I brushed her aside and went up to my room. A minute later I was crying...
Dang I messed up...
A/N HEY so that was CHAPTER 6 of Eyes of My Heart! Hope it was fun... this was like the first ever quote-unquote fight between them... I think it helps in character development so yeah... let's see how that goes
Let me know in the comments if there's anything to change or improve
Until the next chapter... :)
<3 -H
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