2. Selene
I started the school year around 9 months ago... so I have 4 more to go. Because I gave up my eyesight halfway into the year, I didn't feel like changing schools. I wanted to just go to my regular school, learn something, and make it back home. Alive. That's why I'm still a Senior at a regular high school.
I'm not a big fan of high school... although I do love the teachers at my school, which is part of the reason I stayed. I was often bullied through my Freshman and Sophomore years. Thankfully, I was left alone for a bit in Junior year.
I found refuge in books throughout my bullying phase. I never really snitched on them or anything, frankly because I was pretty scared to do so at the time.
Girls picked on me for being a nerd, not going to parties, not dressing the way they think I should be dressed. Honestly, if I had to choose between a dress or t-shirt and sweatpants... it would be a t-shirt and sweatpants all the way. Are you kidding? Who in their right mind would want to wear a tight dress on a hot day and feel extremely uncomfortable ON PURPOSE? I found the girls at my school weird.
Guys, on the other hand, used me for school projects. And I say this with no contempt because I knew they were using me but helped them anyway. Because that's just the person I am. I have written countless essays and made a million projects for practically all the guys in my grade. They literally call me 'Egghead'. Like if a guy forgot to do his homework, he's told to go to Egghead for help.
If that's not enough, my nickname changes every now and then... depending on their moods. Once upon a time, it used to be Da Vinci. I would be hailed across the school corridor-like, "HEY DA VINCI! I NEED HELP WITH MY MATH PROJECT".
I knew that the logical thing to do is just refuse... but I don't have that in me. I never have the heart to refuse someone who asks for my help. Therefore, I just help them out. It's not like I find intense pleasure in doing their projects, it's just that I would do anything for anybody willingly.
There's a good chance that this might become a problem...
If I had to pick the worst of the guys who made me do their projects, it would be Joshua Anderson. He's the one who came up with Egghead and Da Vinci. Dang, that guy is rude. He's the popular guy in our school. There's always one of those typical guys in every school. Although I do have a hunch that he may be a softie under all this popular pretense. It's like he's keeping up a poker face in school, just because he may be defensive in real life. For all I know, he may be pretty nice. Why judge him already am I right?
Nowadays, because of my minor issue... stressing the word 'minor', people stopped coming to me for projects. I mean, that's pretty obvious. Thus, I have a lot of time on my hands.
I've always loved music and dance, ever since I was a little girl. Music calmed me down and dancing made me happy. I did take up dance as an extra-curricular activity in school but had to drop it after a while because of my busy schedule. I play the piano pretty well too.
My days used to be full of school work and projects that I barely had time for music. I guess the upside of not being able to see is being able to hear and feel. Hearing the music and feeling the rhythm and moving to the beat always makes me relaxed and calm.
I think the best feeling in the world is getting goosebumps when you're listening to a particular song. "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston gives me goosebumps. Every. Single. Time.
I work better when I'm listening to music. "Music is the language of the Soul". Truer words have never been spoken. Quoting Hans Christian Anderson who once said, "When words fail, music speaks".
We've all had times in our lives when we feel like we can't express ourselves. Like no one can understand what we are going through. That's when music does its thing. It allows you to express yourself. So does dance.
I guess the reason I'm so emotionally attached to music now than ever before is the fact that music connects me to the world. If I can't see the world, at least I can listen to it.
And I'm gonna listen to it as much as I ever can...
A/N Hope this was a good chapter! I just talked a little bit more about Selene in this one... don't worry interesting parts will come soon :)
Also, the chapter names are the point of view of that person... so for example, if it's Selene, it means that the chapter is from her point of view, like this one.
Let me know how to improve in any way in the comments... also if I should increase the length of the chapter... (cause I usually write more but yeah)
Anyways, until the next chapter... :)
<3 -H
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