When Hope Gives You Hell
When the sun was starting to come up the next day Ezra was woken up by her mother. They continued on their journey through the thick deep woods. They couldn't sleep another night in the woods as it was known to be dangerous.
The world was a divided nation. Separating people based on ability and skill. Ezra had always wondered what her skill would be. Her mother was an Aquakinesis, so she had high hopes of being the same.
The air this morning was quite cold as Ezra pulled her scarf tighter around her body. It was a good thing she had went to the market to buy some goods. They would have starved on their long journey.
Ezra has gave things some thought pertaining to her father. She believed now was the right time and he had already missed so much. She wanted to get to know him and she only hoped he wanted the same.
Taking a deep breath, Ezra cleared her throat before speaking. "Mama... I want to see my father" she said slowly. Her mother stopped walking her eyes staring ahead. Ezra feared of her reaction.
"Okay. It will take another day to get there" her mother informed. They comtined walking as Ezra grabbed her mother's hand in hers. Her mother shocked look down to see her daughter holding her hand tightly.
Sending a gentle smile Nora wrapped an arm around Ezra. They had each other their bond was something had could not be broken. Even if it pained her to see her once upon time lover she knew this was best for her daughter.
He had been watching her every step. She knew he was furious at her because she had kept his child from him. But his world was different from the one they lived. He lived on the other side of the border.
It was going to be tough for her daughter. That was why she had forbid him from seeing her. When she had reached out so many times through letter he never made the effort to answer back. He only found out that he had a child because he had sent his men years later in search for her.
He demanded for her to hand over his child. But Nora knew his world was filled with judgment. People weren't always kind and found ways to bring you down. That was why she vowed to protect her daughter with her life.
Another tiring day had passed. They finally reached the border. As they walked closer Nora abruptly stopped as she counted how many guards there were. She turned to face Ezra "I need you to keep quiet. I will do all the talking". She pulled the scarf off her daughters head revealing her dark hair and pale skin.
"Hold my hand and do not let go. Stick by me" Nora warned. She was like a mama bear protecting her cub. The other world didn't operate like theirs did so they needed to be careful. One wrong move and they could be thrown in jail never to get out.
They walked hand in hand closer towards the large wall. A guard with a Pyrokinesis symbol on his uniform stood waiting. "Name" he asked with a bored voice.
"My name is Nora... this is my daughter Ezra". With curious eyes the guard observed the women. His eyes widened when he realized she was the culprit they were trying to catch!!
"You've got some nerve coming here" he sneered. He forcefully grabbed Nora by her hair. She let out a painful cry as she tried to hold her daughters hand tightly.
"Stop! Please don't hurt my mama! She didn't do anything wrong please"! Ezra begged desperately. Before she knew it she had been ripped out of her mother's grasp. Another guard now got hold of her frail arm.
"Let me go! Mama help mama please don't let them take me! Please mama"! Ezra tried to clawing the huge guards trying to reach her mother whose hand also tried to reach hers. She kicked and clawed as her vision became blurred by her tears.
Everything had happened so fast. This was exactly what Nora had feared would happen. She knew that he had done everything in his power to make her seem like some criminal. But she was just a mother, a mother who wanted the best for her child.
She watched as her daughter went limp in the guards arms. A white cloth had been placed with some chloroform to knock her out. In that moment Nora prayed that her daughter would be okay.
"You are under arrest for the kidnapping of a potential heir"! The guard yelled out.
"Throw her straight into the dungeon! Mr. Grinverdales will want to deal with her accordingly". Nora felt her heart stop at the mention of his name. She sobbed loudly as she was dragged to the left.
Her daughter dragged to the right.
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