Locked Up
Life had a funny way of showing you people's true colors. In general it was hard to trust people because you never really know their true intentions. But what if the entire world watched and critiqued your every move. Life sure had a way of making you feel like utter shit.
Currently that was how Ezra felt in this very moment. Locked away in her room for several days. Her meals were brought to her by her regular maids. Her father refused to allow her to go out for fear that she would make things worse.
She had missed important meetings and such. She just wanted her own life back. She peered out her window as the heavy rain poured down. It had been raining for days causing floods. Ezra hadn't seen her father since he locked her in her room and threw away the key.
She still remembered the utter look of disappointment. As if she were the dirt underneath his shoes. This was not the loving man she had grown up with. She understood why he was angry but did he really blame her?
She was not in control of anything. She had no idea why her powers refused to make an appearance. And with all the doctors that had come to examine her they were still trying to figure out why. Never in a million years had this happened.
This made Ezra feel even worse about herself. All she ever wanted was to make her father proud and show him she could be a great leader. She was still young but was still able. And she still had no clue what was going on as her father still refused to see her.
She requested his presence many times and each time it was denied. Did he really expect her to stay locked away in her room all day? Everyday was the same routine, she'd be woken up by her maids who would help her get dressed. Then she would have her breakfast and after that all she could do was read a book or knit.
That was it. And the thought of spending another day in her room infuriated her. She refused to spend another minute in her room alone to face her own demons. So when one of her maids had come to bring her fresh towels she quietly snuck out of the room.
She quickly made her way down the hallway towards the stairs. She remained barefoot as she didn't want to make too much noise. Finally making it to the bottom level of the mansion a smile crept on her face. The first room she wanted to go to was the music room. Her fingers were itching to play the piano and several days of not playing annoyed her.
Standing outside the music room she heard the beautiful sound of the piano. Someone was already inside! Opening the door a crack she peeked inside to see a man with dark hair. He played skillfully and almost as good as her!
She sneakily crept inside not making a sound. He played beautifully and it reminded her of why she adored the piano so much. It was like telling a romantic love story, the piano would forever be her favorite instrument.
"Are you some creep or something" the man said his voice deep and mellow. The music from the piano suddenly stopped and she felt her heart drop.
"Excuse me"? She asked with a brow raised.
"You came in here like some creep. So I'm asking are you some thief or something" he asked finally facing her. Her golden eyes let her know that he was a Pyrokinesis. His dark hair complimented his tan skin and he was wearing the nations uniform.
"Um I don't who you are. But this is my house so now I am asking you. Who are you"? She crossed her arms giving him a serious look.
"Mr. Grinverdale invited me". He got up from the piano seat now taking a closer look at her. She was the future queen of the nation. He cursed himself for not noticing it right away.
"Well I am Ezra Mae Grinverdale. Future queen of the Pyrokinesis nation" she said confidently. He tried his best to hold back a laugh. Her dark hair looked wild as it sat messily in a bun.
"How long did it take you to rehearse that". He asked with a smirk. She furrowed her eyebrows instantly disliking this man.
Rolling her eyes she stepped closer to him. "I'd watch your back, you don't know what I'm capable of" she snapped. To him she reminded him of a small kitten. She was trying to be threatening but it was a failed attempt.
"I don't think I need to worry too much" he said with a grin. No longer paying him any mind she took a seat at the piano. She played a few notes with her good hand.
"You play the piano"? He asked standing on one side of the piano. She simply nodded her head. She continued playing a few notes not paying him any attention. She could feel his eyes on her as if he was trying to figure her out.
And he was. He was intrigued by her yet she had barely spoken to him. He had seen what had happened at her ceremony. She was a strange girl but there was need within him to figure her out.
"Ezra why are out of your room"! Her father suddenly stormed in. She stood up quickly her head bowed.
"Papa... I just needed some fresh air. How long are you going to lock me away"? Her voice cracked as she tried to hold back her tears.
"I see you have met your future fiancee" he spoke. She looked up at him in surprise. Immediately a frown appeared on her face.
"Why wasn't I informed. This is my future we are talking about" she clenched her teeth hard.
"I was about to call you in for a meeting later today. But it seems you have found out this way. You will marry him but for now you will get to know him. You need to marry someone who carries the Pyrokinesis gene. This is the only way to protect our reputation. In a few days we will announce to the world of your engagement".
She stood shocked at her father's words. "If I am to marry shouldn't I at least have a say. I don't want to marry him"! She felt bad for saying this in front of her "fiancee" but it was the truth!
"End of discussion Ezra". Her father led the strange man out of the room. She knew an arranged marriage was something her father had been planning for a very long time. But she didn't think things would turn out like this.
She didn't even know the guy's name!
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