Heading For A Disaster
Two days had passed and it was finally the day they were heading out to the Grinverdale manor. It would take at least a day to get there which was why they were heading out early. Ezra's bags were currently being packed into the carriage.
She sat at the table beside Emily who was eating quietly. "Are you excited to go away for awhile" ? Ezra asked gently pushing her hair back.
"I guess so" the young girl said. She continued eating her fruit bowl. Moments like these scared Ezra, the light in her sister's eyes was no longer there. She feared that her sisters mental health would only get worse.
"Well I spoke to papa and he said we can bring Axel with us" Ezra said with a gentle smile. Emily nodded her head a small smile forming on her face. She knew how much Emily loved Axel and bringing him along would for sure cheer her up.
When breakfasts was finished Jerome's carriage finally appeared outside the mansion. Ezra went out front to greet him when she saw Shogun appear with a red headed girl on his arm. The sight infuriated her but she remain poised.
"Good morning, we should be leaving shortly we are just waiting for one more person" she said with a forced smile. They all went inside towards the breakfast room where they were still serving food.
"Wow who would have thought I'd ever see our future queen in person. Today must be my lucky day" the red headed girl chirped picking up a piece of toast. Shogun sat beside her grabbing some fruit.
"I'm sorry and you are" ? Ezra raised a brow peering at the girl. She was quite average looking and the only exotic thing about her was her fire red hair.
"Oh my apologies, I'm Elizabeth Peterson, Shoguns fiancee" she stuck out her hand to Ezra. Shogun cleared his throat when the atmosphere became tense.
"It's nice to meet you Elizabeth. I didn't know Shogun had a thing for... redheads" she said sarcastically. Ezra went back to sipping her tea.
"Umm well I'm excited for this trip. Maybe finally we can work on us" Jerome teased giving her a pointed look.
"Yeah well don't get too excited. I think you should remember what this marriage is about" Ezra said with a roll of her eyes. She was confused on why he was so eager to get to know her. It's not like she wanted to get know him. She could care less.
A few minutes passed when Callie finally showed up. They immediately got on the rode. They took two carriages as there were too many bags for one to hold. Ezra and Callie sat next to each other while Emily sat across from them.
"So who's the girl" Callie asked confused on who the redhead was.
"She's Shoguns fiancee, interesting choice might I add" Ezra said annoyed.
"You aren't upset? Why'd you allow her to come on the trip"? Callie asked giving her a confused look.
"My father did say they could bring whomever they wanted. Plus I have you and Emily and that's really all I'll ever need" she patted Callies knee before opening the book she taken with her. The rest of the ride remained quiet and as they rode along they told stories and tried there best to cheer Emily up.
"Where is Axel" ? Emily asked clutching her favorite dolly in her hand. It was the doll there mother have gifted her on her birthday. She carried it more often as it seemed to give her comfort.
"He will arrive tomorrow. Don't worry he'll be here first thing tomorrow morning" Ezra assured her. The little girl nodded turning to look out the window.
They traveled for a whole day and only stopped to get some fresh air. As they approached the manor Ezra gazed out at the large field of grass. The weather was perfect and the sun shined so bright she could feel the heat against her skin. She remembered coming here as a child herself. Emily had still been in the womb and she had her mother all to herself. They'd spend hours out in the fields running around and catching butterflies.
It was a moment she never wanted to forget. It almost pained her to think about it and she took a deep breath. "Are you alright"? Callie asked seeing the anxious look on her face.
"Yeah... I'm okay" Ezra replied giving her a gentle smile. The carriage suddenly stopped and they all got out. Jerome's carriage stopped right behind there's. Ezra grabbed Emily's hand pulling her inside the manor.
Everything still looked the same. It was just as big as there mansion with large windows and high ceilings. There were maids scurrying about trying to get them all settled in.
"Go in and get freshened up" she pushed Emily towards the stairs. The rest of them came in and headed upstairs. Ezra and Callie would be sharing a room.
They chatted on the bed when Elizabeth came in hesitantly. "Uhh I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I... I wanted to ask if I could room with you girl's. It's just Shogun will be rooming with his brother and I... I don't want to intrude" she said her body fidgeting.
"There is quite enough room for everyone. In fact Emily has a spare bed, you may room with her" Ezra said waving her off. The red haired girl shot her a forced smile before leaving the room.
"That was... weird. Why didn't you want to share a room with her" ? Callie asked getting up to unpack her case of clothes.
Ezra took a breath before speaking. "I don't feel comfortable being around someone who is taken by the man I once had feelings for" she said honestly. Ezra had always been finicky about meeting new people because she never knew there true intentions.
"At some point you need to have a talk with Shogun. I think you both were confused and you need to let him know how you feel. Be honest with yourself" Callie advised putting her clothes and such away.
Ezra contemplated Callies words the rest of the day. If she was going to move on she needed to be honest with herself. That meant telling Shogun how she felt even if it did end up being a lost cause.
At least she knew she was heading for a disaster.
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