A Chaotic Mess
The next morning a guard had brought Axel from home. Emily was happy to see him it took Ezra more than once to tell her to finish her breakfast. Today they were going to have a nice picnic out in the fields at the back of the manor.
The sun was shining brightly it was a beautiful day. Ezra and Callie went underneath a tree to chat as Emily played fetch with Axel. "Soooo have you decided when you're going to speak to Shogun" ? Callie asked closing her eyes.
"No I have not. I will pull him aside later today. I just don't want to cause more problems besides I think Elizabeth is suspicious of me". Ezra had seen the way Elizabeth looked at her at breakfast this morning. She have her a tight smile and didn't even say goodmorning!
Ezra thought the girl was poor mannered. She had been nothing but kind to the girl so she didn't understand what the issue was. "I don't know I heard her crying yesterday to Shogun. He didn't look very happy" Callie admitted with a shrug.
"What was she upset about" Ezra asked intrigued. She hadn't heard anything or seen anything out of the ordinary yesterday.
"It was after you went to bed. I went to grab a glass of water when I passed by Shoguns room. He was holding her why she cried hysterically. Of course I didn't say anything but the look on Shoguns face was not pleasant" Callie said recalling what took place yesterday.
Ezra stayed quiet. But this morning he seemed fine. He said good morning to her and he didn't look as if he was upset with her. Maybe she was looking to deep into it. She made a mental note to speak with him later.
As the day progressed they stayed outside all day. Playing various games even a game of hide and seek. "Ready or not here I come"! Emily screamed searching for her sister first.
She ran frantically around the field. Ezra decided to hide up in a tree, it took her some time as her long dress would get caught on the branches. But she eventually made it up. She sat quietly as she could hear Emily's small feet running around.
She looked down and she felt her heart drop. There below her stood Shogun and Elizabeth shoving their tongues down each other's throats. The sight infuriated her as she balled her fists. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.
After an hour of playing hide and seek evening soon came. They put down a blanket for all of them to sit on. They ate sandwiches and crackers with cheese. Callie noticed how quiet Ezra was being so she lightly nudged her shoulder.
"Hey something wrong, your being awfully quiet" Callie said which caught Shoguns attention. He lips sill red from the intimate moment he shared with Elizabeth.
"Yeah I'm fine. I... I'm just going to go for a walk. I need a moment alone". Ezra stood up walking away from the rest of them. Jerome quietly went after her after shooting Shogun a warning look.
Ezra didn't get far when she heard footsteps coming behind her. The hope in her eyes soon dissapeared when Jerome stepped up next to her. "Hey I'd thought I'd join you, I could use a bit of fresh air myself".
"You do know we are already outside right"? Ezra said with a smirk. They walked slowly side by side.
"I know you are upset. Your face says it all" he admitted as they walked along the small path. It was an open field with a large space to walk around.
"Yeah well it's nothing. You didn't have to walk with me I'm alright" she said waving her hand. They continued to walk in silence when Jerome put his hand out to stop her.
"His engagement was my mother's doing. I... I told her that Shogun might have... feelings for you and she freaked out. She thought that he might jeopardize the marriage arrangement". Ezra couldn't believe what she was hearing.
" I don't understand why you even care. It's not like things would have worked out between us anyway. Plus you are my fiancee sooo"....
She continued to walk along leaving Jerome to catch up to her again. "Look we are doing this for the both of us. I'm doing it to save your reputation and your doing it so that I can become king. It's a win win in my book" he gloated leaving her gobsmacked.
"So that's what this is about. Your doing this so you can become king! If you are wondering why I'm refusing to get to know you this is the reason"! She sneered before stomping away. If he thought that him getting to become king was an easy way to call the shots he needed to think again.
She walked further down the path when she saw a hysterical barking Axel near the well. There was a well just further down away from the manor. Confused she tried calming Axel down to see what had caused him to get riled up.
Taking a look near the well her heart sank when she saw Emily's pink sweater hanging outside the well. "EMILY.... EMILY... ARE YOU DOWN THERE"?!
Her screams went unanswered and her vision became cloudy. Her hands began to shake and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She couldn't scream for help as she was very far from the manor and no one would hear her. Tears continued to come down as fear struck her heart.
She began to hyperventilate. Trying to calm herself down she fell to the ground. Losing Emily would be it for her, was there any point in living? Emily was under her care and if something had happened to her she would never forgive herself.
Axel rested his head against her lap. She took deep breaths trying to asses the situation. She stood up again counting her breath. Stepping closer to the well once again she peered down into it. It was dark and she could see water at the bottom of it.
If Emily had fallen into it, there was no way she would survive. Cold air slapped against her face from the well. The faint smell of dirty water hit her nostrils making her want to vomit. She rested a hand on the well when suddenly the water at the bottom of the well had risen.
Confused it began to bubble as if it was boiling. Steam started to come out leaving her shocked. Just as she was about the move her hand the water shot out of the well. It stood frozen in the air as Ezra covered a hand over her mouth.
"Your a Aquakinesis"?! A voice behind her said. She turned to face a confused Shogun. This day had turned out to be one chaotic mess.
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