Now, I don't know if you guys want me continue this imagine further. If you would like another chapter with something a little saucy with Bonaparte, or if you would like the character to go on and meet the boys. If so, let me know. If not, this will be the final part of this story. I hope you enjoy.
"Well, that was different." Bonaparte commented, as he was pulled to the back of the bar. The sniper stopping as they got to a small door, pushing it open to reveal a firing range set out into the desert beyond. Bright lights resembling those from football stadiums, but smaller, shining down over the scene and illuminating it against the now dark sky.
"Don't take it personally. Franky is just a little protective. We served together and I saved his life. Took out some asshole that he hadn't seen coming for him. Pretty good shot too, even if I do say so myself. Tony is ok. I swear that he looks like he needs a bath most of the time, but other than that, he's the kind of guy you'd want to have by your side in a firefight. That's why the Major gave him a job when he left the service." (Y/n) explained, as she made her way over to a table that had been set up with a number of guns on it. The sniper picking up one of the magazines and making sure that it was fully loaded.
Bonaparte watched on as she expertly checked gun after gun, clip after clip. Watching as she finally took the rifle bag from her shoulders and placed it on the table. Unzipping it slowly to reveal a simple looking M40 rifle. (Y/n) carefully taking it from the bag.
With everything she said, everything she did, Bonaparte was seeing that this woman truly was a little something special. That she was a bit of a puzzle. From her current appearance, she looked as though she fit in with the bar. With all the other patrons that were drinking inside. But then, she also gave off an air that suggested that once she had known a better life. Her accent and tone making Bonaparte think that she had been raised much differently to many that found themselves serving. And all he wanted to do, was find out more.
"So, are they all ex-service.........?" Bonaparte enquired, as (Y/n) turned to look at him, leaning against the table.
"Most. A couple of old Texas Rangers that are the Major's friends, call the place home too. But most are ex- Marines. Couple of crazies that liked throwing themselves from perfectly good air force planes, and even one or two ex- Navy Seals that I can think of. This place is the biggest dive bar you could hope to find. But it suits us. The image keeps the riff raff out. The Major likes it that way. He wanted to give all those that served under him somewhere to belong. Most of the guys and girls in there have lost a lot over the years. Broken marriages, dead friends. Families that for one reason of another don't want to know them anymore. So, this is our family. Our home. And as dingy and dark as it looks, there's no place like home." The sniper told him. Her eyes looking between Bonaparte and the back of the bar. A soft smile gracing her lips as she spoke about the people that sat inside.
"Anyway........less about this place. You came here to see what I can do. So, why don't we start with the handguns, and I'll work my way up." (Y/n) continued. Throwing Bonaparte a pair of ear protectors, before pushing the clip into the first pistol.
The recruiter had watched, as (Y/n) used gun after gun. Each bullet she fired effortlessly hitting its target. Not one lethal projectile straying from where it should have been. But now the preshow was over and he was finally going to see if she was as good with her rifle as he believed she was.
"Here, you are gonna need these." (Y/n) said, as she threw Bonaparte a pair of field glasses, before grabbing for the M40 and making her way over to him.
"In the far distance, right in the middle of the range, you will see a playing card. Keep your eye on it." (Y/n) continued, as she got down onto the floor and got herself comfortable. Bonaparte smiling as he watched her move. The grace with which she even placed the bullet into the chamber and pushed it into place with the bolt, quite the most erotic thing that he had ever seen. The ex-mercenary shaking the thoughts from his mind, as he finally put the field glasses to his eyes. Locating a single playing card, an ace of spades at the very furthest point of the range.
"Do you know anything about the Deadman's Hand, Mister Bonaparte?" The sniper asked, as she steadier her breathing.
"Black aces over black eights. The last legendary hand supposedly held by the great Wild Bill Hickok when playing five-card draw in Nuttal and Mann's saloon in Deadwood. Just before he was shot in the back of the head by Jack McCall. And just like old Bill, I like to play with aces." (Y/n) continued, before the sound of a shot split the air. Bonaparte smiling, as the round hit the dead centre of the playing card. The black ace now nothing more than a tattered and torn hole.
"Well.......what do you think? Am I what you are looking for?" (Y/n) asked, as she held out her hand for Bonaparte to take. The sniper smiling as he helped her to her feet, and she fell into him. Bonaparte instinctively wrapping his arms around her to prevent her from falling. Or at least that was what he was going to claim anyway.
"I think that you are amazing, Captain (Y/l/n). And something special that I have been looking for, for quite some time." Bonaparte replied smoothly, as he looked into her eyes.
"Well, thank you. And aren't I a lucky girl. But I think that to cement this little business dealing of ours, we should go back inside, and you can buy me a drink and we can discuss things a little further. And after that, who knows where the night could take us." (Y/n) told him with a wink, as she pulled herself away and offered Bonaparte her arm. Bonaparte taking it happily and allowing her to lead him back inside. Hoping that the little something special he had found, could turn out to be a lot more special.
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