THE EXCORS 007--A series of gay and unrevealed plot twists . . . kArEn
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"Izuku, when planning something make sure your plans are always unforeseeable to your opponents. Like this quote from an old-age Earth Relic, "'Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.'"
He never understood what his father's words truly meant back then, for he always brushed off those silly and imprudent remarks as the talk of an aging man. Now, he truly understood the depth behind them for Izuku Midoriya had been hiding something—something he had not even considered until he had begun his journey back home.
Izuku was hiding something that could never be known by another living soul . . . or it just might literally kill him.
The ground shifted and grunted beneath the wavering grip of his footsteps as he walked alongside Katsuki and Shoto; the volunteers; the guards; and three women who were being transported in a small cart; were all following close behind them. Naturally, Izuku had been positioned in the head of the group for he was the only one who knew the location of the bunker—a few guards took to the trees to scout ahead for any sign of potential danger.
Shoto and Katsuki barely uttered a word to him since their departure, which in hindsight was a good thing for the younger. For he was now left to thoroughly consider the weight of his problems which had just recently made themselves discoverable: what the hell was he going to do when they arrived?
It would be a careless thing to even think that the people he had come to surround himself with were anything but smart, especially Shoto and Katsuki. If the other's didn't figure him out then it would most certainly be those two. Of course, when thinking back on the lie he told it was not that big of a deal, in a sense, an honest mistake made by a boy who had witnessed mass genocide merely a day ago. Right?
Then again he still knew nothing of who these people truly were or how they handled these particular situations. The wise yet spontaneous course of action would be to observe them all closely while they were there all as he tried his best to keep his slip-up buried deep. Keep your friends close but enemies closer. And right now the young male was having a difficult time finding the exact discrepancy between the two.
"How much longer?" Kaminari whined kicking a stick to the side as he rolled out his arm. "These girls are heavy as hell,"
"Shove it up your ass, Kami," Shinsou scoffed, his eyes continuously flickering behind him to gaze at the pink-haired woman. "It's not their fault you're weak as hell."
"Is that your way of flirting with me? Cause if so I'm intrigued," he shot back with a wink, earning a few chuckled and whistles from the volunteers and guards around him.
Shoto spun on his heel, an amused yet annoyed expression had arranged his features. "Kaminari, spell 'intrigued'." he snickered, watching as the yellow-haired male opened and closed his mouth a few times before giving up.
Izuku's eyes widened and snapped up when the faint rustle of leaves touched his ears, only to sigh with relief when the guards from earlier had dropped down. The younger jolted once more as Katsuki's warm hand radiated against his shoulder blade—pulling him down from his anxious and fear-induced high.
"You okay there? Seem a little tense," the elder observed in a hushed murmur. "Is it because we're going back . . . to your home, I mean."
While Katsuki did not know the entire ordeal the freckled male had to endure the previous morning, he understood what it was like to witness your loved ones dying before you. He understood what it felt like to be completely powerless to stop it . . . he knew that more than anyone there.
"I'm fine," Izuku replied curtly, shrugging his hand off as he jutted his chin in the air. "We're getting close, I remember I took this path up ahead." he said waving at the broken pile of leaves and branches a few meters in front of them, dried blood had stained them.
His parents' blood which had once painted his hands.
With each footstep the group had taken meant they were one second closer to Izuku's pending demise; the minute they reached their destination was the minute Izuku had to be on guard. If they found out there was no telling if they would kill him or not—no matter how minuscule his lie was.
"We're here," Izuku heaved a sigh, stopping right by the edge of a flowing stream. Not a metal structure in sight.
Shinsou pointedly slapped his hands against the sides of his legs. ". . . I don't see shit," he pursed his lips as he and the others took in their surroundings.
The group had found themselves surrounded by a curtain of branches and leaves, each wooden twig cowering over the group. Spindly spines of nature clawed at their hair and shoulders, knotting into Izuku's curls. With those branches and leaves came a blanket of the fallen dead covering the grass; each fluttering tree petal a light yellow, orange, or brown. And as the others inhale their confusion Izuku exhales his grief—kneeling down as he caresses the leaves away in a gentle sweep only to reveal a metal door.
A metal door that had been left open.
Shoto was the first of the group to notice, watching intently as the younger's eyes swelled with unknown terror. He sighed as those same eyes leaked with undrawn tears, pooling into the dark depths of the bunker—a bunker which once held and cherished the lives of many.
"C'mon, it's just down here," Izuku cleared his throat as his finger gripped the metal bars. "I don't know how you'll get the cart in!" he called back up.
With hushed mutters the others followed quickly behind him, opting for carrying the women down along with most of the supplies they brought.
Izuku landed on the floor with a thud, ignoring the dead bodies of guards that were scattered on the outskirts of the small hallway. His heart cried for them for he recognized the men and women, most of which probably tried to escape long after he had. But he pushed forward, leading the group through mounds of bodies; past open doors to hovel's; and over blood-shrouded floors.
"Before . . . this happened—" Izuku gestured towards a few scattered bodies in the corner. "—they had built a new medical wing on the other side of the building. It hadn't been used yet, but it's stocked with new supplies. Since the official opening date was set to next week it was still passcode protected,"
"So, does that mean we can't get in?" Katsuki questioned with a tilt of his head.
Izuku rounded the corner, his eyes trained ahead. "No, we can get in. Like I said yesterday my parents had a lot of jobs here, I know the password for this specific building since they were lead engineers on its construction."
They stopped in front of the elevator at the end of the hall, much to their confusion as Izuku pressed the small button mounted against the wall. As the metal doors opened with a gentle whirr the foreigners all took a collective gasp.
"What the hell is that?" a volunteer huffed, a hand clasped against his chest as he peered into the small space.
"Holy shit," Shoto breathed. "What does it do?"
"Is it going to kill us?"
"What do these buttons do—?"
Izuku rubbed his temples as he led them all in. "It's called an elevator. It'll take up to the other part of the bunker quicker than the stairs," he explained, exasperation leaking within his tone.
"Fascinating," Katsuki breathed out, his hand reaching for the row of metal buttons beneath the speaker. However, before the blond ever had a chance to touch one Izuku was swifter; locking his fingers around the elder's wrist as he shook his head.
"One of these will stop the elevator and we'll be stuck with nobody there to get us out, and the other's will send us on some wild-ass adventure of ups and downs around the bunker." he sneered. "So nobody touch anything!"
Kaminari heaved a sigh as he pouted. "I never get to do any of the fun stuff," he grumbled beneath his breath.
"Shove. It. Up. Your. Ass." Shinsou pointedly growled, his irritation for the boy spiking.
"Well, I can think of a few things that can be shoved up my—"
"—And we're here," Izuku drawled, as he briskly walked out the small space of the elevator with Shoto and Katsuki close behind him.
Unlike the other hallways they had the 'pleasure' of walking down, this particular one was rather barren. The walls painted a bleak shade of gray, no stains of any sort adorning them. And as the newly-placed lights blinded the group below there was one thing they all could not help but see:
At the end of the hall was the new medical wing . . . with the door open.
"I thought you said it was passcode protected?" Natsuo asked with a hum rumbling at the base of his throat.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Sorry, about disappearing XD
THEORIES??? (About Katsuki too . . . *cough*)
Until we meet again!!!
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