! myg reviews
,, judged by 2LAiNA ;
- "I M possible love" by ViniShah2
Cover (0/5) : 3/5
- Good, because it portrays your main characters, I adore the fact that the title is presented and the kind of word play it actually is, the font is also suiting both for the vibe and for the arrangements on your cover
- Bad, because, even though many have the wrong perception that, if a badly edited cover is thrown under the B&W filter, you can't notice the difference in color tones in terms of intensity, lighting and such. It's very obvious, unfortunately, that the characters come from different lightning, thus I would recommend getting a more experienced editor to manipulate that part of the cover better. Also, those stickers, personally, denigrate the Professional character of the cover, along with making it appear very busy.
Title (0/5) : 3/5
- Good because of the world play, I like what you attempted to do with it, perhaps intended to give it a double meaning.
- Bad, because the only thing that keeps it from being "Impossibile Love", which is a generic and cliché title, is the stylistic choice of separating the letters. Even more, I feel like it isn't as stylistic, personally I would have gone for something more like "I'm possible love", or, at least, keep all the letters capitalized as in "I M POSSIBLE LOVE".
Blurb/Story description (0/5) : 2/5
- Good, because your Blurb really frames what your story is about. Honestly, if it wasn't for the downturns I'm about to talk about, it would've gotten me HOOKED!
- Bad, because you really started off with a wrong choice of words. "...was left alone by her beautiful husband on their wedding day.." is an error. What you were looking for in order to explain what happened to Bora was either "...was abandoned on their wedding day" or "was left at the altar" to announce to your readers that, in fact, Jimin had a change of mind in the middle of their wedding. Also, a really good piece of advice I want to pass to you as it has been passed to me by my teacher - in compositions/ novel writing or things as such, where you narrate something, NEVER use digits instead of words. Even more, when your sentence starts with it. It's not only a stylistic choice but also impractical. "5 years later,..." doesn't look like the start of a sentence. "Five years later.." insead, it looks better and is correct.
Plot (0/10) : 7/10
- Good, because it personally got me hooked. The fact that Yoongi, her new love interest, is the brother of her ex's new lover is really tangled, and this scandalous aspect of it makes it a good romance, even more that it matches the "Impossibile love" we've been warned about by the title.
- Bad, because there are some unbelievable reasons thus I would consider him plot holes. I assume, regardless of how bad his mother would be, I can't find how Jimin can be forced to leave on the wedding day. He knew his mother would disapprove of their marriage - then why schedule it to begin with, just to run away on that same exact day? Even more the fact that he confessed he still loves her, how can he not search for her this entire time? Then the fact that they end up on good terms, and the families as well. I don't think you can comprehend how much of an embarrassment it would be for someone to be left at the altar. I have acquaintances that have been in that posture and needed emotional support to get over it. It isn't something that can simply be forgiven, even more for the mere fact that he didn't properly communicate with his mother. It's not the fact that I'm not personally satisfied with the course of things, it's more that it doesn't follow a logical connection and course of things. Another fact is that his mother was not introduced earlier. She only makes an appearance when it's time to blame someone for Jimin's actions. For a character that plays such a big role as in being the reason why the conflict happens to begin with, she's barely present in the narration.
Character Build Up (0/10) : 6/10
They're somewhat stereotypical, however I think there are some unique characters in the story. The only change we get to see is somewhat in Bora, who accepts Jimin in the end and forgives him, though I think it's not a good development. Other than that, Jimin did not seem to change throughout the years, even between him post-marriage and the old him there's no certain evidence his morals changed, neither for his mother.
Content (0/10) : 6/10
There are few cliché aspects that really threw me off, one I can remember thinking on my feet is the "messy bun" But I believe there were more. Overall, it's not that bad.
Writing Style (0/10) : 5/10
Not very pleasing. Your vocabulary is well expanded, your words are not limited but you can't seem to gather them in a way to get any emotion from your readers. It feels empty, with the exception of some scenes. One way to your writers' hearts is through activating their other senses, and you can do that through descriptions. Sadly, you lack those. I don't think I've been given a detailed description of anything - be it places or feelings. I know you imagine your scenes entirely, and that's probably why you enjoy it so much that you felt the need to pass the story to your potential readers, but unlike you, they don't know as much as you. Thus, you should not be shy about throwing in descriptions so that they can experience the story the same way you do.
Grammar (0/10) : 7/10
- It's not bad, your spelling is good but also sometimes you use wrong tenses and don't always entirely understand how to use phrasal verbs or other constructions, as in :
- Jungkook knew about Jia since the time Jimin met her.
- Jungkook knew about Jia FROM the time Jimin met her.
- Though she didn't question him anything then...
- Though she didn't question him ABOUT anything then...
- You also seem to have a hard time adding commas and semicolons. And you use the shorter version of words, such as "till". "Till"'s correct form is "until", if you want to use it shortened however, you have to add the apostrophe before it.
Worth reading (0/10) : 6/10
A fairly interesting plot, if people can deal with lack of description and only want something close to a script of a movie but without the description of the scene, they will most likely enjoy it.
Overall Enjoyment (0/10) : 3/10
Total (0/85) : 48/85
, "his first and only love" PriskeBTuniverSe
Cover (2/5) :
The only fitting thing about the cover is that it shows our main character and the B&W effect somewhat embraces the long-lasting bond. Other than that, the fond is ugly, the color of it is also "unmatching". The image itself is not very suggestive, I think you should ask for help from a more experienced editor to solve this issue. Many preach that the cover does not matter but, honestly, we ALL look at the cover when scrolling through wattpad, and not only wattpad, but EVERYWHERE. Imagine someone wants a good story of Min Yoongi and scrolls through the hashtags, it's more likely they'll first notice the cover rather than the title! So a good cover DOES matter, a lot.
Title (2/5) :
It does not strike my interest. I consider it basic, generic even. It's not that bad since I haven't seen it that much before but it simply tells me nothing. I acknowledge that it matches the book because that is the trope you're going for, but you could've definitely chosen a better one that succeeds at putting your story under the spotlight.
Blurb (3/5) :
Good! Kind of short but straight to the point. It definitely strikes interest, at least in me. However, I would've liked more detail, but that might be just me.
Plot (5/10) :
Good plot, interesting for a romantic story as it aims to be. However, so far I was left disappointed because of the way you decided to interpret it - from Y/N falling off a cliff in the first chapters and more. Then, the plot hole - his parents left him and they had no other family? That is quite hard to believe. Even more, their encounters are not realistic. You failed to portray how a son would act if he ever got to see his father again, after SO MANY years.
Character build up (4/10) :
Nothing noticeable about your characters. They're really stereotypical and far from realistic. They don't change throughout the story much.
Content (1/10) :
I'm enormously disappointed at the content. I had high expectations from the blurb and prologue.
Writing style (2/10) :
Your writing style changed DRASTICALLY from the blurb and prologue to the first chapter. They seem like pieces of writing written by two entirely different people. I can't seem to comprehend why you would change your writing style.
It is faulty, not because of mistakes but simply because of the outlay of the text. You cannot put the name of who's speaking behind two dots and then simply state their words. It is supposed to be a book, not a movie script. You hardly give any indications about how they feel and act after speaking, and when you do, it's poor and written in between "**". You lack description, you have not given any direction about where the action takes place not even once, which is what makes the book less attractive. I'm afraid I have to say it again, but here you go : you know everything about what happened, but you fail to realize that your readers do not know. They can't read your mind and see what you wanted the action to look like, you HAVE TO describe it to them. You have to tell them how and where. Use adjectives, use adverbs. Your vocabulary is not restricted, I just can't understand why you won't showcase your full potential.
Grammar (7/10) :
Your grammar is hard to critique since, after the prologue, you hold yourself back and refrain yourself from using many words. Truth is, I've noticed some grammar errors, but not at a rate at which to categorize your book as "hard to read" due to them.
Worth reading (2/10)
It's really hard to read due to your writing style. I would not recommend it to anybody.
Overall enjoyment (1/10) :
As mentioned earlier, it's hard to read due to your style. I, however, enjoyed the prologue very much.
Total (29/85)
I really believe you're a good writer! You just need to stick to your former writing style! Believe me, it's incredible.
,, "what about revenge" by Istaneveryone_
Cover (3/5) :
I love that it shows us the scar. However the title is hard to see. With such a beautiful word play in the title, you could have done more. I honestly didn't see the title until I looked up close. It's not that attractive without it. I advise you to seek help from a more experienced editor!
Title (4/5) :
It matches well, it's not generic + it's a word play! I absolutely love it.
Blurb (3/5) :
Gives a good insight of the two main characters. However, it barely strikes interest. You could have given a little more detail about what "the big turn" is, in order to reveal something and leave it unfinished, so that I'm hungry for knowledge!
Plot (8/10) :
I love how you incorporated the Agust D scar into the plot!! It really surprised me but it's very interesting! However it bothers me - and I consider it a plot hole - how can someone so young be sent to prison? You cannot go to prison being underage, no matter the crime or the country. At least, not with people highly older than you.
Character build up (7/10) :
I love that they have ambitions, goals and overall are well built! They should - and do follow their path to revenge.
Content (7/10) :
I'm not really satisfied with the content. I don't like the prompts or the way the characters speak.
Writing style (6/10) :
You have a way with words, however you also lack using descriptions. Your adjectives and adverbs are limited.
The blurb was much better written, that's why I'm disappointed and consider the jump from the blurb to the prologue to be a downfall.
Grammar (6/10) :
Not bad, no significant errors but lack knowledge of how to use commas and other punctuation marks, which makes it hard to understand the tone of the said dialogue.
Worth reading (6/10) :
I would probably recommend it to some people based on preference and knowledge of English!
Overall enjoyment (6/10) :
Did enjoy the beginning! However, as chapters went by, I noticed a downgrade, perhaps you got bored of correctly interpreting it.
Total (56/85)
,, "august D" by _phoenix77_
Cover (1/5) :
Point given only because the photo is chosen to suit how August D looks like in the story, along with the scar and all. Everything else is a mess, the filter doesn't suit and the title is so transparent that I didn't see it at a first glance.
Title (1/5) :
It's the name of the character, not so bad but at the same time, it's not an original character, it's a fanfiction, thus it's very common for it to be used.
Blurb (3/5) :
I feel like the first paragraph with the quote doesn't suit the blurb. The whole point, I believe, of this plot, is to embrace us and perhaps welcome us with an eerily and frightening feeling, but the first thing you've chosen to portray is a romantic make-out which doesn't really contribute to the essence of the story.
Plot (6/10) :
It's an interesting plot, however there are some plot holes I didn't seem to figure out, as in why would the king force them to marry all of the sudden? Many speculated that it was so that the royal family wouldn't fall in love with their workers as they would already be married, which is not plausible. However there are some good aspects as well. I personally found it entertaining.
Character build up (7/10) :
The characters are already set, we're introduced to them by direct actions, also they're well built. However they don't change much throughout the story and some of them are clichés.
Content (8/10) :
I liked it a lot, personally! You fairly added apparently insignificant scenes that do help us get to know the characters.
Writing style (7/10) :
I like your writing style. I think you know how to make use of your words and your vocabulary is not limited, thus your paragraphs always seem fresh and new. However, I am not fond of how you chose to edit your paragraphs and dialogue. I find it hard to read due to its structure.
Grammar (5/10) :
You do have some grammar mistakes. Moreover, I'm not a fan, and I find it incorrect, how you chose to portray cut words through a hyphen, and by that I mean
"Help! He's out of control- - - Prince Jiun..!"
The hyphen's sole purpose is joint words or syllables. It is not to be used in this context, thus my dislike for it.
You also don't use commas when needed, and exclamation marks.
Worth reading (7/10) :
Depends on your standards and level of English!
Overall enjoyment (7/10)
Total (52/85)
,, "opposite attractions" by Anu7790
Cover (4/5) :
Amazing cover! I don't like the font used for the title, however!
Title (3/5) :
Generic, but it really portrays the theme.
Blurb (1/5) :
I think it's a good scene that shows us the relationship between the two without giving away much.
Points taken away for what I'll say regarding the grammar and writing style below!
Plot (2/10) :
To be fair, I barely understood what the book is about due to your messy writing style.
Character build up (1/10) :
Generic characters, cliché. Nothing much to add.
Content (2/10) :
I guess the idea behind the scenes was decent. Poor execution.
Writing style (1/10) :
Your writing style is horribly underdeveloped, your vocabulary is limited and you use words in an indistinct manner. You don't know how to overlay a chapter. You mix capital letters with lowercase letters to imitate a drunk and incoherent talking, which is throwing me off. Also, the symbol "~" is not to be used as an indicator of the end of the dialogue. Your dialogue style makes it terribly hard to understand what's happening. I can barely tell who's talking. You change points of view every two sentences. I recommend you narrate from a third point of view if you really want to show us what each character is thinking instead of switching so often, it makes it hard to read. You also use EMOJIs in writing, which is really...inappropriate? Writing is really the art of words. Using shortcuts such as emojis or photos is unprofessional and it makes it look silly.
Grammar (1/10) :
I can't even begin to enumerate.
Worth reading (0/10) :
I'm so sorry but I can't possibly think of your book as something that can be read. It's mostly emojis and photos. You didn't make a use of description, or any form of writing other than dialogue, which itself is badly used.
Overall enjoyment (0/10)
Total (15/85)
,, "still with you" by bangtanrewinds
Cover (4/5) :
Amazing, from the portrayal of memories in broken glass pieces, to Yoongi looking through them. Not a fan of the font of the title, tho!
Title (3/5) :
It's a song title, often used within the fandom, however I like how you incorporated it in the blurb!
Blurb (3.5/5) :
I'm really conflicted because I really like how you did it, it sounds professional but at the same time I feel like it doesn't say much? It somewhat feels like it's a huge "nothing" said in many words. I preferred you added some detail of what the story is about. Past and future connections already exist within us, also hardships so it doesn't make me particularly interested in the plot, but more in your writing style.
Plot (8/10) :
I particularly liked their first interaction! It was wholesome! And it has a well tangled family issue!
Character build up (9/10) :
Really distinct characters that I adored!
Content (8/10) :
I think it's greatly planned. I enjoyed the scenes and you didn't have filler chapters!
Writing style (8.5/10) :
I really like your writing style! However, you could work on editing your book, for example separating dialogue in different paragraphs! And try to ditch switching points of view! It's really confusing for the readers! Instead, I recommend you use a third P.O.V. and simply switch scenes to show us different characters. It's really sad that your stylistic choice can throw off readers simply because it's a bit messy!
Grammar (7/10) :
Hyphens are not to be used to show shutters! They're simply used to join words. Also, capital words don't show screaming! And try to be more careful with using commas, there are a lot you missed!
Worth reading (8/10) :
A great book! I would definitely recommend it!
Overall enjoyment (9/10)
Total (68/85)
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