so, no, makenzie it's not my fault i ship jeresquip-
this is me talking about something no one asked about.
I realized, while I was outside singing Recipe for Me, that a lot of my ships I only ship because of a completely different ship.
I read this one Lams fanfiction. It was really good and all but there was like this one slightly gay Jamilton moment and BOOM i ship it.
But shipping Hamilton's weird on so many levels cuz they're like actual dead people who signed the Declaration of Independence but ok.
I'm gonna [go to heaven/hell][Be reincarnated][Become a ghost] when I die and Alexander Hamilton's gonna be like "hm Laurens is this the girl you said shipped me with Jefferson?"
and it's gonna be awkward.
But I'm getting off track..
Fun fact
I used to ship Treebros.
The whole reason Makenzie decided to get me into deh is because, and i quote, "You'll make it gay."
then she went on about how Connor was gay and stuff so like
It's so cringy to me to look back at the messages I sent when I shipped treebros. Idk why.
Probably because I'm actually cringy no matter what a ship and i can't realize it until i don't ship it.
Anyway I was reading this one treebros fic like 1 week after getting into deh, and Jared and Connor got into baTtLe fOr tHe bOy
and i was like. routing for. jared.
Which i was like "that's bad i should be routing for connor this is treebros."
and boom
I ship Kleinsen.
Jeresquip was sorta different but still feel like I gotta put it in this chapter cuz of the title.
Upgrade was my favorite song for the longest time.
I think that's all I have to say.
I watched a lot of upgrade animatics
Then i was like "is this a thing?"
and BOOM jeresquip.
I did almost read a boyf riends fic like before i even got into bmc.
the cover just looked that interesting.
ok there's my ship stuff no one asked for but i felt like talking about.
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